
时间:2022-08-04 13:24:58 | 来源:语文通



This summer, we have entered a bread machine at home. I am very happy and more curious.


The bread machine looks like a rice cooker that usually cooks. The color of the bread machine is red 3D color steel.Although it is like a rice cooker, the structure inside is very large. There is a mixing film, a large iron barrel, as long as the material is put in, you can make fragrant bread!


In order to make a decent bread, I spent a lot of thoughts. I was studying the little manual for a night. It was this instructions that made me sleep. I thought the next day.You can make bread.


The next morning, I got up early and turned over in the cabinet. After more than ten minutes, I finally found the materials.I hurriedly poured the materials I found into the iron bucket, covered the lid, chose the bread I made, and pressed the start button, which seemed to be a sacred moment.The bread machine was stirred automatically. I looked at the time next to it. It took more than three hours. I was sitting on the sofa and waited. It was not comfortable to sit.Finally, after the ticking sound, I rushed to the kitchen quickly, opened the lid and looked at it. It was actually all the materials that had just been laid. Nothing changed, I was disappointed.


I studied the manual again and found that I was wrong. The water was not 85 grams, but 5/8 cups. The oil was not 3/4 spoons, but 3-4 spoons.


After a few days, I tried again and put down the materials carefully. This time, I was finally surprised to me. It was not disappointment. Open the lid. A fragrant smell came from. The iron barrel was a good bread.


Now, after many attempts, I have been able to make bread skillfully. After continuing research, the cake has also been made, and the breakfast will be resolved in the future.Essence



1、大师:大师读音为dà shī,是指学业或技艺上造诣极高的人:国画大师|语言大师。大师 dà shī词语解释:学业或技艺上造诣极高的人:国画大师|语言大师。分词解释:学业:1.学问。 2.指学术。 3.学习的课业。语言:人类特有的表达意思、交流思想的工具,由语音、词汇、语法构成一定的体系。语言有口语和书面形式。国画:我国传统的绘画(区别于‘西洋画’)。上造:爵位名。秦制定爵位二十级,第二级为“上造”。后世亦有承袭秦制者。...大师怎么造句,用大师造句»

2、面包:面包读音为miàn bāo,是指一种经酵母发酵后制成的组织松软的焙烤食品。一般表面呈黄褐色。有圆形、长方形、梭形、卷筒形等形状;品种有咸、甜、夹心、油炸等不同口味。松软可口、风味多样,既可作为主食,又可用作点心。 用谷物的细粉或粗粉加上液体、油料和发酵剂和成生面,经过揉捏、定形、发酵并加以烘烤而制成的食品面包 miàn bāo词语意思:一种经酵母发酵后制成的组织松软的焙烤食品。一般表面呈黄褐色。有圆形、长方形、梭形、卷筒形等形状;品种有咸、甜、夹心、油炸等不同口味。松软可口、风味多样,既可作为主食,又可用作点心。[bread] 用谷物的细粉或粗粉加上液体、油料和发酵剂和成生面,经过揉捏、定形、发酵并加以烘烤而制成的食品分词解释:长方形:平面上每个内角都是直角而长宽不相等的四边形。它的面积是相邻两边长的乘积。又称矩形。形状:①物体通过面或线条组合而呈现的外表:葫芦峪因两山中间像葫芦而得名。②行为;样子:寄言纨裤与膏粱:莫效此儿形状!食品:可直接经口摄食的食物。包括可生食的和经加工后方可食用的食物。有时也泛指食物。...面包怎么造句,用面包造句»