爱护大自然作文 篇1爱护大自然作文 篇2保护大自然作文 篇3爱护大自然作文 篇1
Nowadays, there are fewer beneficial insects and birds to protect crops for us. The reason is that many people catch them. Some people turn them into pot food, while others feed them as pets.
I remember once I went to the countryside to play. Inadvertently, I saw a little brother catching Qingwa. The green baby is very difficult to catch. The little brother took out the net, threw hard and caught the baby. When I saw this, I went up and said, "Little brother, why do you want to catch the green baby?" The little brother said, "I want to play with it as a pet." I was shocked when I heard that, and thought: The green baby is a beneficial insect, and he actually acts as a pet. If everyone does this, who will catch the pests in the crops? So I said to my little brother, "Little brother, do you know that green babies are beneficial insects? If you catch them, they will harm crops and nature". I then said: "The green baby and we are friends, and we should let it go to nature." The little brother bowed his head, blushed, went to the field without saying a word, and then released the green baby he just caught back to nature. Qingwa looked back at me as if she was thanking me.
The little brother came to me and said shamefully, "I will never hurt beneficial insects again. I will protect them and love nature.".
爱护大自然作文 篇2
如果有人问我:“你的梦想是什么?”我会斩钉截铁地回答:“我想做一个爱护动物的使者。” 从小到大,我就特别喜欢小动物。
If someone asks me, "What is your dream?" I will definitely answer, "I want to be an ambassador who loves animals." From small to large, I have always liked small animals.
My family has a dog with snow-white hair. It wags its tail when it sees me. I name it Huanhuan. Every day, when Huanhuan came home from school, he would rub against me as soon as he saw me. I always squatted down and touched his back.
Huanhuan then lay down on the ground and enjoyed the caress of the little master.
Huanhuan likes gnawing bones. Next door to my home, I opened a roast duck restaurant. The first thing I do every day is to go to the aunt of the roast duck shop and get some fresh duck bones for Huanhuan to eat.
The hot and fragrant bones were stacked in front of Huanhuan, who always wagged her tail.
Winter is coming, and the northwest wind is whistling. Mother was afraid that I would catch cold, so she added a warm down jacket to me. I was afraid Huanhuan might catch a cold, so I spread several thick layers of hay in its small nest and covered it with an old cotton padded jacket.
欢欢躺进新窝,眼眶里都湿湿的。 夏天到了,骄阳似火,欢欢一个劲儿地伸舌头,它一定是热坏了。
Huanhuan lies in her new nest, her eyes are wet. Summer is coming, the sun is burning like fire, and the tongue sticks out happily. It must be hot.
怎么办呢?我灵机一动,找来一把剪刀,吩咐欢欢趴着别动,我小心翼翼地帮 欢欢理毛,从头到脚都剪短了。当看到欢欢“光溜溜”的样子,我的心里轻松了许多。
What shall I do? I had an idea. I found a pair of scissors and told Huanhuan to lie down. I carefully trimmed Huanhuan's hair and cut it short from head to foot. When I saw Huanhuan's "light" appearance, my heart relaxed a lot.
除了我的好朋友姚玲玲、耿晨月,我最亲最亲的朋友就是我家的欢欢了,我和它是一对形影不离的好朋友。 狗是人类忠实的朋友,鸟也是大自然的歌唱家。
In addition to my good friends Yao Lingling and Geng Chenyue, my dearest and dearest friend is Huanhuan in my family. We are inseparable friends. Dogs are faithful friends of human beings, and birds are also singers of nature.
Whenever there is a clear sound of birds singing outside the window, my mood becomes particularly comfortable. One day, a careful classmate in the class found a bird's nest on the air conditioner hanging outside the window. I rushed to see what was going on.
I saw the humble bird's nest on an iron pole, swaying in the breeze, and pitied the three eggs in the nest.
I reported to my head teacher, Mr. Chen, in a flash. With the help and guidance of Mr. Chen, the egg protection action began. We set up a new home for these three little creatures in the woods not far from the teaching building.
几天过后,窗外传来了一声声稚嫩的鸟叫声,我猜想这一定是小鸟们在向我们问好呢。 我喜欢“上有黄鹂深树鸣”的鸟儿,我也喜欢“为谁辛苦为谁甜”的蜜蜂。
A few days later, there was a sound of young birds outside the window. I guess it must be the birds saying hello to us. I like birds that "have orioles singing in deep trees", and I also like bees that "work hard for who is sweet".
The botanical garden in spring is full of vitality. When the golden rape flowers appeared, the industrious little bees were busy in the flowers. But there are always some children who use their naughty little hands to catch bees.
At this time, I always try to persuade them as soon as possible, telling them who "makes honey all day long and works hard to make people happy" and who "flies among thousands of flowers without half a day's leisure".
These children are also very sensible, and soon joined the ranks of my bees.
In fact, my dream is very simple. It is to make animals and humans become good friends and make nature more beautiful. My dream is at my feet, and I will chase it all the way. My dream is also the Chinese dream.
保护大自然作文 篇3
The environmental protection of nature is something that everyone on earth should do, but now the living standard of citizens has improved, so we don't pay much attention to our earth health.
When we passed by the small canal and saw the garbage beside the canal, we guessed that if we were green trees, grass, flowers, flowers, people, grass, people, trees and people, if they buried us under the garbage, what would we feel? We could change our thinking. If plants could talk, they would certainly advise people not to damage the environment. In fact, we are also one of them. We should love each other, To help each other and care for plants is the same as caring for human beings themselves. Therefore, from now on, we should protect the environment and be environmentalists.
Respect some people who look down on garbage collectors and say they don't pay attention to hygiene. In fact, I think garbage collectors have an inherent quality, because they know that the garbage they collect is beneficial to them in two ways: one is to sell some garbage to make money, and the other is to protect environmental health. In fact, the cleaners also want to let people breathe fresh air every day, so that people can have a good health. Therefore, we should thank the garbage collectors, who not only bring us good health, but also let us breathe the breath of nature.
Environmental protection exists in every bit of environmental life. We should start from the little things around us to protect the earth!
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