
时间:2022-09-30 13:13:24 | 来源:语文通


上学的路上作文 篇1上学路上优秀作文 篇2上学路上优秀作文 篇3上学路上优秀作文 篇4上学的路上作文 篇5上学路上作文 篇6上学路上作文 篇7上学路上优秀作文 篇8

上学的路上作文 篇1


In the early morning, the air is particularly fresh, and my mood is very good.As usual, after having breakfast, my mother sent me to school.


On the way, my mother and I told stories happily.Suddenly, I saw a cup and plastic bag on the ground on the ground.So I ran forward without thinking to pick up the paper cups and plastic bags, and quickly put it in the trash can not far away.At this time, a sanitation worker came over and said kindly: "Children, you are really a good student. Thank you! You help your grandma pick up garbage." I replied, "Grandma, welcome! This is what I should do to doGrandma, goodbye! "At this moment, Teacher Ren educated us in my ear again:" The garbage does not land, civilization is in my hand, starting from me.A piece of garbage. "My mother also said with a smile:" Hongbo is really a good child who talks about hygiene and civilization. "My mother and I continued to school happily ...


Yes, if everyone starts from me and loves the environment, our environment will become cleaner, the sky will become bluer, the earth will become greener, and life will become better!

上学路上优秀作文 篇2


On the way to school every day, I will see a lot of things: the uncle and aunt who have worked hard to send the children to school; the long congested team; the pedestrian does not take the zebra crossing ... but one thing makes me unforgettable.


Last Saturday, the weather was fine, and my mother took me to learn and took the Olympic class.When we came to the agricultural road, we saw that there were stagnant water everywhere on the road, and the water was deep."Where is so much water without raining?" I got a big question mark in my heart.It turned out that a tube not far away has been running up.Mom said that the road was building, and it might be pumping underground water.I saw the clear water flowing directly to the ground and flowing into the sewer."Although such a clear water cannot be drunk, it can beautify the environment or purify it after being discharged into the Jinshui River. How can it be discharged directly into the sewer. Isn't this a waste of water? Unfortunately!" I think.Usually, teachers, parents educate us to save water.After washing your hands, turn off the faucet at hand; after washing the water, you can leave the toilet and so on.If there is no water crops, people will not grow, people will have no food; they cannot grow without water trees, and people cannot absorb fresh air; without water drinking, people will be thirsty for three days.


I remember there was a public welfare advertisement: there was a faucet on the TV screen, which was dripping water, the dripping speed was getting slower and slower, and finally dried, not dripping.Then there was a pair of eyes on the picture, and a drop of tears flowing from the eyes.Then there is a sentence on the picture: "If humans do not cherish water, the last drop of water we can see will be our own tears."


Water is the source of human life.Without water, people cannot survive, everything cannot grow, and the world will not be so colorful.Therefore, saving water must start with me, don't let our tears become the last drop of water.Please save water!

上学路上优秀作文 篇3


Everything is a new day.


Walking on the slate between Qingshi Lane, looking forward, it is still a fog, unclear, but still unable to stop.


The flowing water dripped along the eaves full of moss, and fell into the puddle, stirring ripples, making a crisp sound, repeated and not monotonous, echoing the quiet lane road in this years.


After lightering, I was afraid that it would be a pleasant beauty.Fog, moist fog, wrapped me, and infiltrated this small world.In this fog, explore, search, and move forward.


Suddenly standing, looking up, the twilight found a few clear sunlight in the sky, containing birds and flowers, projected on the bluestone slab.It is difficult to describe the moment when the century -old stone steps are in contact with the new sunshine, how beautiful and sacred it is., Suddenly illuminate the mountains and rivers.


The schoolbag on the tight body moves forward again.Here, the 'just nostalgia, but I still couldn't stop.


On the ground, the bird's sound penetrated the mist and echoed in the ear, like a bunch of beads flying, and fell into the water. The echo was raised.It spins up and down, and the tone is high and low, like a naughty child, singing casually, although it is meaningless but interesting.The treble is sharp but not harsh, the bass is thick but not hoarse. It is so natural and so comfortable.


On the way to school, I was moving.


In front of me, it is still Qingshi Lane. I am full of strength and hope, embark on this ancient and long road.


On the way to school, yes, I am moving forward.The result is not important. The important thing is that the beautiful scenery I saw along the way is enough.

上学路上优秀作文 篇4


In the morning, I got up and walked to the balcony.I haven't stepped into the balcony door yet, and the bad fresh air comes on the face, and it seems that everything has changed.The mist is like a thin layer of veil, covering the earth, and the houses, flowers and trees in the distance are immersed in it, and only see a green grass nearby.


I jumped off the stairs, walked in a thin mist, and breathed greedily.At this time, there were not many people on the street, so there were fewer vehicles, and there were no cars at night.There is a crystal dew on the grass next to it, really like a "crystal ball".After a while, I have reached Chunhua Plaza.There are many early exercises there.On the open space, a group of grandmother and grandpa danced with the rhythm of music, holding a fan with one hand.Everyone says "life lies in exercise"!Look, these grandparents seem to be a group of healthy and active teenagers!Because they have a young heart.


Unconsciously, I went to the small market outside the school.People often choose foods to sell here.How smart these people!—— Some parents send their children to school just to buy food. Come and see.Listening, the little girl next to her sat on the ground and shouted, "Come on, come on! I just picked this dish. Very fresh. Come buy ..." Before the little girl finished speaking, a big aunt next to shouted:"Come and buy, not expensive, good and cheap!" The constant shouting, coupled with the sound of siren, the roar of the car, the bargaining sound, constituted a "highway symphonic".


Um?Why are there so few students here?Oh no!I should go to school.


Good morning, goodbye!

上学的路上作文 篇5


One night of autumn wind, overnight autumn rain.我背着书包去上学时,天开始放晴了。

When I was carrying a schoolbag to school, the sky began to clean up.啊,多么明媚的天空。

Ah, what a bright sky.可是,地面还是潮湿的,。.

Introduction: One night of autumn wind, overnight autumn rain.When I was carrying a schoolbag to school, the sky began to clean up.Ah, what a bright sky.However, the ground is still humid.Then, then, then


One night of autumn wind, overnight autumn rain.


When I was carrying a schoolbag to school, the sky began to clean up.


Ah, what a bright sky.


However, the ground is still humid, and from time to time, you can also see a bright puddle, reflecting a small blue sky.


The winter green trees on both sides of the road are like the little boy who just washed his head.


A pomegranate tree and persimmon tree are covered with red fruits, just like a red lantern hanging on the tree, which is particularly dazzling.


The maple tree beside the road fell into a piece of dark red leaves. The leaves of the raindrops flashed, and as soon as it fell, it tightly stuck to the wet asphalt road.


I walked on the bricks made of bricks outside the school wall, and saw the edge of the edge of the golden bell climbing out of the wall, as if welcoming us and accompanied all the way.


One night → www..cn ← autumn wind, overnight autumn rain.


When I was carrying a schoolbag to school, the first time I thought it was so beautiful!

上学路上作文 篇6


Every day, the sky is hazy, and my mother rides a bicycle to take me to school.


Whenever I pass the Golden Bridge Elementary School, I can see an angry thing.On the west of the group, a merchant was holding the banner of selling stationery to place a game console next to the door. A group of children holding their mothers to buy stationery for them are excited to play games. They do n’t know.They will be stained with the bad habit of Internet addiction and spending money.On the east side of the road, there were four or five vendors who sipped hard. The oil in the pot was smoke, and the tomato sauce and salad sauce made with pigmentation were placed next to them.Connected, some children can't help the temptation of these junk foods and eat it as breakfast.For a long time, such a bad and unhygienic thing will affect the growth and development of children. It is not beautiful and not smart, and has laid the seeds that hurt our health.


I call on those illegal merchants to stop doing what hurts our children.You all say, "We are the flowers of the motherland and the future of the motherland."But you hurt your children for your own interests. Can you make the money you make at ease?I also call on children to listen to the teachers and listen to the words of my father and mother.Don't eat junk food anymore and play games.

上学路上作文 篇7


Every morning, I go to school through a wide road.


Walking on the road, the red big sun looked at me with a smile, a white cloud floating in the air, and a group of birds flying freely in the sky.The small flowers on the roadside are open, green grass and tall trees are also serving us.I took my mother's car to school and watched a car outside the window running.


At the school, I saw a beautiful teaching building. The two security guards protected us at the campus at the door. When I walked to the classroom, I went to class.


I love my school!

上学路上优秀作文 篇8


Today, the sun is bright and cloudless.The long -lost sun shines on my red face.Ah, so comfortable!I sang Xiaoquer on the way to school happily.The birds are glowing, as if I wish you all the best, my mood is even more pleasant.


I walked on the road, and suddenly I was slipped by a banana skin.I picked up the banana peel and yelled: "Who is so lacking in virtue and I fell a dog and mud, seeing let me know that I had to flatten you!" After that, I threw the banana peel higher.


I continued to walk forward, and I didn't walk a long time of wolf.He patted the soil on his body and left.At this time, a grandfather walked behind him and shook his head and whispered, "The young people are really no quality now." He said that he picked up the banana peel silently and threw it into the trash can.


Seeing that he was no longer straight, and looking at his slow steps, I was ashamed of what I just did.We always say that there is only one earth, and everyone is responsible for protecting it.But we did not really do well.I have always recalled the words of the master, and the young people now have no quality.My mood does not have the joy of just now.I walked down silently to school.