
时间:2022-10-17 13:29:51 | 来源:语文通


月到中秋分外明作文 篇1月到中秋分外明作文 篇2月到中秋分外明 篇3月到中秋分外明作文 篇4月到中秋分外明 篇5

月到中秋分外明作文 篇1


When the calendar opens on the 15th day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar, we usher in a grand traditional festival - the Mid Autumn Festival.


Strange to say, among so many traditional festivals in China, the most popular one is the Mid Autumn Festival. The autumn sky is bright, the fruits are plentiful, and the bright moon is in the sky. The Mid Autumn Festival is neither as extravagant as the Spring Festival nor as hot as the Lantern Festival. It is neither as solemn as the Dragon Boat Festival nor as dull as the Qingming Festival. It is set off by the bright moon, and the silver color is the keynote. It contains family affection in simplicity, and creates happiness in plainness.


A full moon crept over the treetops quietly, like a millstone, more like a jade carving. It looked so elegant and dignified in the blue sky. She seemed to tell people that everything in the world was beautiful. You see, in the courtyard and on the terrace of thousands of households, young and old people have no unhappiness in life, put aside their troubles in work, and sit around in the moonlight, enjoying her beauty while pulling the strings at the same time. Suddenly, a strange question seemed to knock her down. Why did the distant moon attract Chang'e and Wu Gang? So she cheerfully shouted to them: Because I have mountains, trees, family and sunshine here.


A plate of moon cakes quietly tells the truth. Although it is simple in texture, it is not as good as jade juice. Although it is not beautiful and has no gorgeous appearance, it is similar to the shape of the moon. It is a reflection of family reunion and has been passed down from generation to generation. Although the change is not small, what changes is the shape, and what remains unchanged is the connotation. For thousands of years, from the top officials to the common people, they all miss her without exception and will never give up her. Under her original figurines, many broken mirrors have been reunited, many wanderers have returned, family ties have become stronger, and friendship has become deeper. She sincerely hopes to stay with us forever, watching our smiling faces and listening to our laughter, until thousands of Yanhuang's descendants are like her, forming a circle and embracing a group.


However, what happens around us still needs the whole society to taste slowly. The Mid Autumn Festival is especially bright, and people miss their relatives every holiday. In the days of family reunion, we must not forget our responsibilities. Look, Li's grandpa has just lost his family. Liu's grandma is still alone. Zhang's uncle has gone to Beijing on a business trip. Wang's brothers are on duty now. They and their families are in urgent need of family affection, and they hope to get friendship from everyone. With a friendly heart and sincere feelings, let's extend our loving hands to send holiday blessings and the warmth of our extended family, so that all people can share the joy brought by the moonlight and the true feelings of the full moon on the earth.

月到中秋分外明作文 篇2


The weather is getting better and better day by day. The Mid Autumn Festival is coming soon. Think about the clear sky and a bright full moon hanging in the sky, which can arouse people's romantic feelings. It is particularly clear from the moon to the Mid Autumn Festival.


I'm looking forward to the Mid Autumn Festival. These days, I'm thinking about what to buy for my parents. I work in the city. It's not far from my hometown, but I don't go home many times. When I get busy with my work, it takes me a week. On Sundays, I clean up my home, buy things I need for the next week, and deal with trivial matters. A weekend is over. The Mid Autumn Festival must be a holiday. My parents thought I would go back. Now a large number of fresh fruits are on the market, and the Mid Autumn Festival is really coming. This reminds me of my childhood memories of the Mid Autumn Festival.


At that time, the family was in a bad situation, and only the problem of food and clothing could be solved. The most prominent features of the Mid Autumn Festival are moon cakes, apples and other fruits. Few people in the village can afford moon cakes. Occasionally, half a kilo or one kilo of moon cakes are used to honor the elderly. The old man was reluctant to eat, so he let the children taste it. In the hard years, food and clothing have not been solved yet. One quarter of a moon cake is enough to warm the whole autumn. In order to give children a happy Mid Autumn Festival, mothers often make mooncakes. Use the sugar on the bread, put it in the moon cake mold, make the moon cake look, and steam it in the pot to make the moon cake for the Mid Autumn Festival. Such mooncakes can be eaten at will every night of the Mid Autumn Festival. This homemade moon cake can bring memories that can resist childhood hunger and become the sweetest memories of childhood. If the conditions in that year are good, you can also taste fruits such as apples or pears.


The conditions at home have gradually improved over time. Every time the Mid Autumn Festival comes, it is inevitable to celebrate. I also went from being a young boy to having my own home. No matter how busy I am, I have to go home on the Mid Autumn Festival. My childhood memories of moon cakes are engraved in my mind. I go home on the Mid Autumn Festival every year. Take some mooncakes back.


When I was a child, I looked forward to the arrival of the Mid Autumn Festival. It is still desirable to improve my life in the busy and joyful atmosphere of autumn harvest. Now, I look forward to the arrival of the Mid Autumn Festival.


A few days ago, it rained for three consecutive days, which had a great impact on my hometown. My mother told me on the phone that the house in my hometown had a rain leak. In order to avoid the rain, she spread a layer of plastic cloth on it. The water in the peanut field was drained, but the water in the corn field has not been drained. Her father fell asleep. She hasn't taken any medicine recently and she doesn't feel well. In fact, nothing happened at home. Everything was OK. I told her I would go home on Mid Autumn Festival.


The moon rises outside the window, and the crescent moon is hanging in the western sky. The moonlight is very bright. Under the moonlight, my mother may still have a few days for the Mid Autumn Festival.


It is especially bright from the month to the Mid Autumn Festival.

月到中秋分外明 篇3


When Yue'er and his country are drinking together, when three plus seven equals eight, the blue sky and the red fluttering in the wind, the deep night and a clear yellow. The Double Festivals come together, and the family and the country celebrate together.


On the National Day and the Mid Autumn Festival, the fresh taste of fish and shrimp and the smell of baked wax are mixed with human feelings. Affected by the epidemic, epidemic prevention measures have been strengthened in various places, but the haze of the epidemic still cannot stop people from reuniting. The old neighborhood put on a mask and still smiled to greet the familiar traders. As he walked around in his pocket, he carried a large bag and a small bag, which contained a happy meal. My family is no exception. I bought meat and vegetables and sweet, greasy and fragrant mooncakes in the crowded shops, and prepared for the evening gathering in advance.


The flag raised all over the street reminds us that today is also the 71st anniversary of our motherland. "Walk in unison -" The loud password attracted everyone, and the video of the flag raising ceremony in Beijing Tiananmen Square was playing back on the supermarket TV. The National Flag Guard marched out of the Tiananmen Gate Tower with sonorous steps. Their sonorous and forceful footsteps, orderly steps, strict observance of discipline, and resolute eyes all reflect the heroic spirit of Chinese soldiers. In the anti epidemic and anti flood campaign a while ago, they all appeared. It was they who let me know the faith and power of Chinese people. Watching the bright five-star red flag rising along with the magnificent music of the March of the Volunteers on the screen, I was excited for a long time.


It's the mid-autumn moon again. After having dinner with my parents at night, I stared at the night sky and looked for the full moon in my memory. But the clouds in the sky covered her beautiful face, and I couldn't see the bright moon to express my love. I felt sorry. After that, I had a video call with my grandparents. When they saw me, they smiled amiably. After a greeting, Grandma turned the camera to the courtyard full of osmanthus and said that they were enjoying the moon. The wooden table in the courtyard was full of various fruits and moon cakes. Sure enough, I saw the moon in the night sky as bright as a jade plate. The soft light of the full moon brushed the grass and trees on the earth and sprinkled silver on the ground. I watched the video with my grandparents. Staring at the lights, touching the autumn wind, the rich fragrance of osmanthus is refreshing. It is really "the dew is white tonight, and the moon is bright in my hometown"!


"A round of autumn shadows turn into golden waves, and the flying mirror is sharpened again. It's easy to go with the wind, Chang'an is thousands of miles away, and you can see the mountains and rivers straight down." In that month, cherry blossoms blossomed, the river city was blocked, and the Chinese land united to fight against the epidemic; This month, sweet scented osmanthus, the festival is double, hundreds of millions of people celebrate with the country, I wish the motherland a long life!

月到中秋分外明作文 篇4


In the colorful world, many people are busy in order to be busy. When I am happy, I often neglect my pursuit in my heart. Therefore, when you don't feel that you have to do something, why don't you stop like water and let time stagnate? Leave a little blank for busy life, and let the real soul scribble here?


Mr. Qiu Yu once said that magnificence withers in a flash, and noise is the nickname of short life. In the bright days, life is cast with the mark of enchantment. At this moment, the so-called blank of life may be a kind of indifferent mood of "letting the flowers bloom and fall". There are philosophers who say that saints and ordinary people are willing to be at ease. Sometimes, life needs to hide, and the soul needs to sting. In the sting house, we are preparing for the future. We are storing energy so that we can open the sluice to release water, and then we can irrigate the land.


Leave a little blank for life, I think quietly. Eternity is a calm state of mind. Say goodbye to the busy life, and stay light. The taste of life is nothing more than poetry, wine, philosophy and love. In the gap of blank space, recite useless poetry, drink useless wine, read useless books, and love useless, and finally become a useless person. Therefore, life has added some color. Like a hermit, after drinking wine in the evening, you can see the sun from east to west, watch the wind rise and clouds rise, and live poetically. In my heart, I can only live freely if I live simply, just like a blank seal, which sears a sense of leisure for life. Only when I have leisure, can I feel that I am the master of life.


I remember Heidegger once said that life is full of achievements, but still lives poetically on this land. I would like to thank Heidegger, the spiritual explorer, for leaving a blank in my heart. When I am upset, I can think calmly and recite a sentence, "In the world of life, if it is a fleeting moment, it is suddenly"; In my busy life, I can steal a half day's leisure and enjoy the revived love of "he was a Toad Palace guest at the end of his life, not at the plum border but at the willow border". For example, Mr. Wuliu said, "When a good time comes, you can go alone, or plant a cane to sow seeds."; For example, Mr. Dongpo, "Songs of the bright moon and the graceful chapter"; Like Thoreau guarding Walden Lake, like Hemingway looking at the snow of Kilimanjaro. They are all poets, living poetically in their own blank world.


Leave a little blank for life, and a little blank for this arrogant and restless world. Even a little blank can save countless drowning people who are mentally disabled.


On a calm day and in the calm sunshine, I only wish to go quietly to the shore of Nawalden Lake, and sing softly across Thoreau from afar. The full moon is a picture, and the lack of it is a poem. In the life blank left for myself, paint colorful colors.

月到中秋分外明 篇5


With the fragrance of moon cakes, the annual Mid Autumn Festival is coming.


On this day, our family came to a small shop selling mooncakes, which was full of all kinds of mooncakes. Some are a rabbit jumping on the moon cake; Some wore golden clothes as big as their palms; Some of them have the words "Mid Autumn Festival" written on their faces. They are very cute! I was dazzled by the sight.


"I want a white moon cake." My sister heard this and said, "I want a pink moon cake, too." After I bought it, I found that mine was made of five kernels, while my sister's was made of flowers. My sister shouted again and again: "I don't want the smell of flowers. The flowers are dirty and there are many insects on them." My mother and I laughed. There could be no bugs on the moon cake.


When night fell, clouds and birds could hardly be seen in the dark night. Only a lonely "white jade plate" was hung high in the moon sky. At this time, twinkling stars also came to accompany the moon. Everyone also ate moon cakes while enjoying the moon. The moonlight is spreading all over the earth, which is so intoxicating.