
时间:2022-08-01 14:02:45 | 来源:语文通



Nowadays, I am already the sixth grade of elementary school. I think of the campus and teachers on campus. The students' communication time is only a short month of time.


Six years ago, I took the expectations of learning training and entered the classroom to the teacher's scenery. The spacious and bright, beautiful and clean classroom was very beautiful.


The daily early course is the sixth grade "compulsory courses" students' reading sounds lingering on the campus; the broadcast exercises of the classroom activities, the students do neatly, the posture is timely ...


Thinking of the annual exercise, then the classmates' cheer, I am a player of all sessions, I always think of the laughter of my classmates when I win.In the case of an outing, we visited the inspection together and played together, as if it was so interesting that it was not small.


When everyone grows up, go to my alma mater to gather and inform my alma mater, everyone has not missed you!



1、明日:明日读音为míng rì,是指1.明天;今天的下一天。 2.不远的将来。 明天明日复明日明日去。——清. 袁枚《黄生借书说》明日徐公来。——《战国策.齐策》明日造朝。——唐. 柳宗元《柳河东集》明日 míng rì词语意思:1.明天;今天的下一天。 2.不远的将来。[tomorrow] 明天明日复明日明日去。——清. 袁枚《黄生借书说》明日徐公来。——《战国策.齐策》明日造朝。——唐. 柳宗元《柳河东集》分词解释:将来:时间词,现在以后的时间(区别于‘过去、现在’):这些资料要妥为保存,以供将来参考。今天:①说话时的这一天:今天的事不要放到明天做。②现在;目前:今天的中国已经不是解放前的中国了。明天:1.指月光满天。 2.今天的下一天。 3.不远的将来;未来。...明日怎么造句,用明日造句»