
时间:2022-11-19 13:03:11 | 来源:语文通



母亲节的礼物(400字 篇1母亲节的作文400字 篇2母亲节作文400字 篇3母亲节作文300字 篇4

母亲节的礼物(400字 篇1


Chen Xiaoming felt very tired after a day of school today, so his mother gave Chen Xiaoming five yuan of pocket money before school. He was just about to buy snacks when he saw a sign at the door of the fresh flower shop. The sign said: "In order to celebrate Mother's Day, flowers in our shop are on sale at five yuan a bunch." Chen Xiaoming saw the sign and knew that today was Mother's Day. He took out five yuan from his pocket and prepared to buy a bunch of flowers for his mother. Chen Xiaoming selects flowers inside. He selects several "roses" and three "carnations" and gives five yuan to the uncle who sells flowers.


Chen Xiaoming walked on his way home, thinking: Mom must be very excited to see this bunch of flowers! He smiled as he walked, and soon came home. Chen Xiaoming took the flowers out of his back. His mother looked at them, and sure enough, her eyes narrowed into a line and said, "Boy, why do you buy flowers today?" Chen Xiaoming smiled and said, "Mom, today is Mother's Day. Have you forgotten?" In fact, my mother already knew that today was Mother's Day and wanted to test my son's memory. My mother hurriedly said, "I will cook something delicious for you right away." With that, my mother immediately turned and went to the kitchen to get busy.


Chen Xiaoming felt that just a bunch of flowers was not enough, so he immediately went to the bathroom to sweep the floor with a broom. Although he was out of breath, he kept on.


This is Chen Xiaoming's gift to his mother. It should be very good!

母亲节的作文400字 篇2


In a few days, it will be Mother's Day, which I have been looking forward to for a long time. Because I have a small wish, I want to give my mother a special gift on Mother's Day to express my hard work and deep love for my mother to take care of me on weekdays.


What can I give you as a gift? It's meaningless to send pens; I don't have that much money for cosmetics; It's too childish to send me an eggshell doll! After thinking about it, I think it is most meaningful to make a greeting card by hand.


When I think of this, I can't wait to find out the drawing paper and colored pens. First, I cut the drawing paper into a rectangle the size of a diary, and then I drew a little girl in a beautiful dress on the left side of the paper. That's me, holding a bunch of carnations. At last, I drew a light red heart on the right and wrote a toast:


My most beautiful mother, with you loving me, I am richer than anyone else. I want to tell you that you are my favorite person in the world, and my daughter will always love you deeply! I wish you a happy holiday!


Mother's Day is coming. I specially set an alarm clock to get up early and put this special gift on my mother's pillow. But I accidentally woke my mother up. When my mother woke up and saw the gift, I saw her eyes wet


Seeing my mother's tears, I found that a small greeting card could make my mother so moved. It seems that in the future, I should listen to my mother, not let her worry, and let her live on Mother's Day every day.

母亲节作文400字 篇3


Today is Mother's Day. I want to give my mother a gift. What can I give you as a gift? I think a lot... I want to draw a picture, the most beautiful picture, with blue sky, white clouds, and a wide prairie where there are many lambs nestling beside their mothers.

真想这幅画成真啊!我也能和妈妈在那里跑步玩耍……我还想亲手制作一张贺卡送给妈妈,贺卡正中画一颗红心,代表我对妈妈养育 我的感激之情。我更想让妈妈永远年轻漂亮啊,可惜我现在没有这个能力实现这个愿望……妈妈看到我在沉思遐想就问我:“宝贝你在想啥呢?”“我在想啊,妈妈,母亲节送你什么礼物好呢?”“我什么礼物都不需要哇。

I really want this painting to come true! I can also run and play with my mother there... I also want to make a greeting card for my mother, and draw a red heart in the middle of the card, representing my gratitude to my mother for raising me. I want my mother to be young and beautiful forever, but I don't have the ability to realize this wish now... When my mother saw that I was meditating, she asked me, "What are you thinking, baby?" "I was wondering, Mom, what would you like to give me on Mother's Day?" "I don't need any gifts.


As long as you study hard, master more knowledge, and become a useful talent for the country and society in the future, your mother will be satisfied! " Yes, I suddenly understand that my mother doesn't need my gift, she just wants me to grow up healthily. I must study harder and master more modern science and technology knowledge. At that time, I can realize my wish: let my mother become young and beautiful forever! Dear students, isn't this the best gift for Mother's Day? (Father's note: The theme is profound and novel. It seems empty, but it is actually full.


Fool thought it was far more meaningful than the theme of helping my mother do a housework and so on.

母亲节作文300字 篇4


Today is Mother's Day again. It is a day for all mothers in the world.


Looking back on the past, I was childish, naive and ignorant. I only saw someone buy carnations for my mother. I also learned to do them, but I didn't understand the meaning of Mother's Day. Now I have grown up, and I'm no longer as childish and ignorant as I was when I was a child. I know that Mother's Day is a festival to thank our mothers for their contributions to us. We are children who want to repay them for our upbringing, But thanking mother and repaying mother are not only done on Mother's Day. We should always keep these moments in mind, so this time I will celebrate a special holiday for mother.


Before I got up in the morning, I said to my mother, "Mom, I wish you a happy holiday!" At first, I wanted to buy my mother a bunch of carnations, but I sent carnations every year. It's so innovative! I'd better give my mother a housework scroll! In fact, the so-called housework scroll is to help mother do housework without asking for it.


Yeah! Mother has done a lot for us, and we can never repay her. We should try our best to be the best ourselves, and give a sensible and good self to our mother, which is the best gift! Because it will make my mother happy all her life.