
时间:2022-11-08 13:01:00 | 来源:语文通



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短篇作文600字 篇1


Shakespeare once said: "Books are human nutrition." I want to learn more from it, enrich myself, and make myself a knowledgeable person.


In the heart of my memory, books are my friends. He has accompanied me since childhood and can be regarded as my childhood sweetheart! When I was in kindergarten, I began to read the thick Journey to the West comic book. Not only did I look at the pictures, but also read the explanations of the words in them word by word. At that time, I didn't know much. I asked my parents about words I didn't know at all, and took it for granted when I met some familiar words. For example, when I read "Monkey King has to dress up" as "Monkey King has to score", my parents still teased me. After I went to primary school, I learned Chinese Pinyin, learned to look up dictionaries, learned more words and read more and more books. Not only fairy tales and cartoons, but also science fiction books and novels have become new friends in my bookcase. I also subscribed to newspapers and magazines such as Mangrove Forest and Storytelling Meeting. Every time I read it carefully, and I really want to finish it at one go. I was very devoted to reading. Sometimes I didn't even hear my mother call me, so my mother inevitably blamed me. I also love reading composition books. Another time, my mother gave me money to eat at McDonald's, but I took a bus to the book store. I bought several composition books with the money from McDonald's, and when I looked at them in the book store, I saw them for hours. It was not until three o'clock in the afternoon when I left the book store that I found I had no money to eat. At this time, my stomach began to growl, and I had to take a bus home. From then on, my mother called me a "bookworm", and my father gave me the nickname of "bookworm", but I didn't care, because I learned a lot about life, learned a lot of knowledge, and added a lot of fun to life.


The ancients said, "Read ten thousand books and travel ten thousand miles." Reading is always my favorite. Books are always my mentor and my closest friend. They give me knowledge. Today, I travel in the sea of books. Tomorrow, I will use knowledge to create the future. Good books will always accompany my healthy growth!

短篇作文600字 篇2


After innumerable trials, failures and successes, human beings have seen one modernization product after another, especially mobile phones. There are 1.3 billion people in China, and the number of people with mobile phones is almost 80%. What is unique about mobile phones to attract people's attention? Mobile phone is a necessary communication tool for modern people. After the transformation from generation to generation, it finally appears in the world in the form of smart phone, attracting the attention of countless people.


I am a real mobile phone controller. No matter what I do, I like to hold a mobile phone in my hand. I like to take it out to look at everything. Everyone in our family has a smart phone. At home, the voice of daily conversation is less, while the voice of mobile phone chat alerts is increasingly frequent. A busy family is quiet a lot, which is good for others, but I don't think so. We are all infatuated with the virtual Internet, which is not only a pity for our bodies, but also a disturbance to our minds.


Calligraphy is a traditional culture in China, and some people only send messages on the Internet. If they really want to let them write by hand, they really can't. In the long run, generations of people have become dependent on mobile phones, so how can Chinese traditional culture be inherited.


No matter where you go, on the road, in the supermarket, on the bus... All have mobile phones. If we don't correct this mistake in time, the ancient Chinese culture will disappear and be destroyed in our own hands!


What is the strong attraction of mobile phones?


Some people use mobile phones purely to pass idle time and waste time; There are also some people who use mobile phones to read e-books. Of course, this is what we advocate.


Everything has both advantages and disadvantages, so we should learn to look at it dialectically, but we must not indulge in it.


Mobile phones are used for instant messaging, but we misinterpret them, so we need to correct them in time. You can save the future of mankind!

短篇作文600字 篇3

理解是什么? 理解是风,吹散战争前那一曾硝烟弥漫的纱幕; 理解是雨,点滴在手蒙蔽的心灵上,涤去尘埃。 理解是风也罢,雨亦罢,亦或许是??然而它是亘古不变的,是必不可少的,是修身养心的?? 现实生活中,我们时常抱怨,抱怨命运的不公,抱怨人生的无奈,抱怨生活的艰辛,但事实并非如此。“。采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”的淘渊明,在世俗的黑暗,官场的迂腐下,照样活出了自己想要的空间。“羁鸟恋旧林,池鱼思故渊,”他选择了一片世外桃源,有着一段绚丽的闲情逸趣。李白亦如此。

What is understanding? Understanding is the wind, blowing away the veil filled with gunpowder before the war; Understanding is rain, which drips on the mind and dust. Understand whether it is wind, rain or maybe?? However, it is immutable and indispensable, and it is a way of cultivating one's moral character and mind?? In real life, we often complain about the unfairness of fate, the helplessness of life, and the hardships of life, but this is not the case. Tao Yuanming, who "picks chrysanthemums under the east fence, and sees the Nanshan Mountain leisurely", still lives in the dark of the secular world and the pedantry of the officialdom. "The caged bird loves the old forest, and the fish in the pond thinks about the old abyss." He chose an idyllic land, with a gorgeous leisure. So did Li Bai.

“安能摧眉折腰事权贵,使我不得开心颜”,他,放荡不羁,他豪迈,但他明白,他理解生活的真谛。 理解是沟通心灵的桥梁,人与生活需要理解,人与人之间更需要理解。 妈妈的辛苦操劳你理解了吗?曾经,你是否因为母亲的一句严厉批评而摔门而出?然而你又是否注意母亲双鬓那日渐增多的白发,额头上日益 m..cn 突显的皱纹?“慈母手中线,游子身上衣”,又有哪个母亲是不疼爱自己的子女的呢!

"Anneng broke his brows and stooped to power, which made me unhappy." He was dissolute and bold, but he understood that he understood the true meaning of life. Understanding is the bridge to connect the soul. People and life need to understand, and people need to understand more. Do you understand Mom's hard work? Have you ever slammed the door because of a severe criticism from your mother? However, do you pay attention to the increasing white hair on mother's temples and the increasingly prominent wrinkles of M. CN on her forehead? "The line in the hands of a loving mother, the coat of a wandering son", which mother does not love her children!

见微知著,母亲的一言一行,一举一动,都渗透着丝丝爱意,然而我们总是看不见,看不见那颗关爱的。心,看不见那辛酸的泪,看不见??母亲理解你,那你是否又理解她呢? 朋友之间亦需要理解。我们往往拥有很大的朋友圈,但患难与共的又有几个呢?“同是天涯沦落人,相逢何必曾相识”。若是真心,若是理解,又何须在乎时间的长短呢?理解是维持友谊的基础,只有互相理解,才能共同前进,让友谊天长地久。当你的朋友因为一句无心的话而伤了你,你会翻脸不认人吗?当你与朋友因为一个误会而不合时,你会理解她吗?或许是,或许不是吧?? 看庭前花开花落,望天上云卷云舒,开起理解之花,多一份关爱;展开理解之云,多一份温暖。

Seeing little, my mother's words and deeds, every move, are permeated with a trace of love, but we always can't see, can't see the love. Heart, can't see the bitter tears, can't see?? Mother understands you. Do you understand her? Friends also need to understand. We often have a large circle of friends, but how many of us share weal and woe? "We are the same people in the end of the world. Why should we have known each other when we met?". If it is true, if it is understanding, why care about the length of time? Understanding is the basis for maintaining friendship. Only through mutual understanding can we move forward together and make friendship last forever. When your friend hurts you because of an unintentional remark, will you turn your back on others? When you and your friend don't fit because of a misunderstanding, will you understand her? Maybe, maybe not?? Look at the flowers blooming and falling in front of the court, look at the clouds rolling in the sky, open the flowers of understanding, and care more; Expand the cloud of understanding, and add more warmth.

短篇作文500字 篇4


It was another summer's day. I went to the snack bar and ordered an ice, mango flavor. Eh? How can it be this taste?! Suddenly, I thought a lot, as if I saw you coming to me slowly.


Your beautiful image is graceful and graceful. "Classmate, you dropped your book." You go back to the League and smile. The flowers in my heart are blooming. "What class are you from?" "I'm from Class Two." "I'm from Class Two, too. What a coincidence!" "Looking at your left hand, I felt warm.


I planted a seed in the bottom of my heart. I worked hard to turn the soil and water it so that it could germinate one day.


In the campus, the two shadows gradually merge. In the hot sun, we went to the snack bar and ordered two portions of ice, an apple and a mango. We sat together and fed each other delicious food. The classmate came up and said, "You see, they are like young couples." We smiled at each other.


The seed I planted has sprouted now.


In the art class, I looked at the teacher coming to check. I was very nervous. I turned to you and asked if I had any extra watercolor pens. You were stunned for a moment, and immediately handed them to me. I thanked him for checking. When the teacher found out the person who didn't bring it, I found you in it. When the teacher punished you to run in the playground, I looked at you worried, and you gave me a smile, "Don't worry!" Even when you are about to lose your support in the hot sun, you just smile at me.


At that moment, I found that the seed I sowed had blossomed.


But I didn't expect that my seed, even if it bloomed, would be a flash in the pan.


Before long, the news came that you were going to transfer to another school. On that day, you packed your bags and hoped that I would take you to the station, but I refused because I could not face the back you left me to leave. I had to take one step ahead of you - turn around and leave. But now, tears are all over my face.


Friends, can we not say goodbye, let that memory forever