
时间:2022-06-28 13:18:24 | 来源:语文通



I wander in your knowledge ocean and find the direction forward.




Li, Light, Heat, Electric, I have been pursuing.never change.You used to be my belief, but now it makes me nostalgic, not like before.In the most beautiful stage of life, I encounter the most beautiful you, but now it makes people feel unpredictable.I was nostalgic for you yesterday, I was capturing you today, and tomorrow I will long for you, you -physics.


Your arrival makes me extremely happy, wonderful experiments, and the interesting theorem has made me confident in you, and I am ready to sprint forward.The first test when I met you was extremely difficult, but the vision of you never changed. You gave me the first calculation formula for the second exam. The rugged journey just sailed.


Your first door has been opened, and the journey of mechanics is waiting for me to move forward. I also fight all the arms to face you. The foundation of the mechanical foundation is simple.Maybe it was the reason why I was too proud, and you gave me a powerful background: the stress king, the devil calculated, the messy formula, the unpredictable.Let the stars above my head turn around, and spit out a "old blood", which makes me great injuries. When you are preparing to close the customs, you will not give me a chance to breathe.Coupled with a set of atmospheric pressure martial arts, I almost died on the spot.


There is also your second way, the third, the fourth door in the challenge.Optics, thermal science and electrical science have to wait for me to continue to eliminate, and for a moment, I woke up again, picked up the sharp sword in my hand, and desperately attacked you.


Your shield will eventually be cracked by me, your armor will be crushed by me, and your secret will eventually be revealed by me, and I will be accompanied by you, facing the ocean of knowledge in the light.


How can I lose my direction in your knowledge of knowledge.



1、奇妙:奇妙读音为qí miào,是指希奇神妙;美妙。 稀奇神妙;美妙奇妙的故事奇妙的童话奇妙 qí miào词语解释:希奇神妙;美妙。[marvellous;wonderful] 稀奇神妙;美妙奇妙的故事奇妙的童话分词解释:美妙:美好;美好奇妙:美妙的青春|领略艺术的美妙。希奇:罕见而奇特:希奇古怪的事。神妙:1.亦作“神眇”。 2.神奇巧妙。● 奇 qí ㄑㄧˊ◎ 特殊的,稀罕,不常见的:奇闻。奇迹。奇志。奇观。奇妙。奇巧。奇耻大辱。◎ 出人意料的,令人不测的:奇兵。奇计。奇袭。出奇制胜。◎ 惊异,引以为奇:奇怪。惊奇。不足为奇。● 奇 jī ㄐㄧˉ◎ 数目不成双的,与“偶”相对:奇数(不能被二整除的数,如一、三、五、七、九等,正的奇数亦称“单数”)。◎ 零数:奇零(不满整数的数)。奇羡(赢余,积存的财物)。有奇(如“八分奇奇”即八分多一点)。● 妙 miào ㄇㄧㄠˋ◎ 美,好:妙语。妙不可言。美妙。妙境。妙处(chù)(a.好的地点;b.美妙的方面)。绝妙。妙趣横生。◎ 奇巧,神奇:巧妙。妙计。妙用。奥妙。妙笔生花。灵丹妙药。◎ 青春年少:妙年。妙龄。...奇妙怎么造句,用奇妙造句»

2、渴望:渴望读音为kě wàng,是指迫切地希望:渴望和平ㄧ同学们都渴望着和这位作家见面。渴望 kě wàng词语解释:迫切地希望:渴望和平ㄧ同学们都渴望着和这位作家见面。分词解释:见面:彼此对面相见:跟这位老战友多年没见面了◇思想见面。希望:①心里想着实现某种情况:希望能考上大学。②心愿;理想:绝境中还抱着希望|所有的希望全成了泡影|对未来充满希望。和平:①指没有战争的状态:和平环境丨保卫世界和平。②温和;不猛烈:药性和平。③平静;宁静:听了这番话,他心里和平了一些。迫切:紧急得不能等待:迫切的心情|迫切需要。作家:1.治家,理家。 2.节俭。犹言做人家。 3.从事文学创作有成就的人。 4.佛教禅宗对善用机锋者之称。 5.行家;高手。...渴望怎么造句,用渴望造句»