
时间:2022-10-21 13:05:10 | 来源:语文通



开学第一课2022观后感 篇1开学第一课观后感 篇2《开学第一课》的观后感 篇32022年开学第一课观后感作文最新 篇4《开学第一课》的观后感 篇5《开学第一课》的观后感 篇6开学第一课2022观后感 篇72022年开学第一课观后感作文最新 篇8《开学第一课》观后感 篇9

开学第一课2022观后感 篇1


Before the school starts, we will be arranged to have a meaningful lesson, that is, the first lesson of the school starts. Why is it a meaningful lesson? Because the large-scale public benefit program, the first lesson of the school starts, is adapted according to the most meaningful things that have happened in previous years. It is just another way to supply the students, so that they can understand the true face and heroic deeds of the motherland in a more comprehensive way. They should be educated from an early age, It instills patriotism and makes them understand that young people are the hope and strong backing of the future of the motherland. Today, as students, we mainly focus on our studies. Only by constantly nurturing our growth through the knowledge in textbooks can we stand at the top and make contributions to the motherland in the future. This is the reason why the First Lesson should be open! As the people of the motherland, they are also the most representative group of hope in the future, so we should not think about our future career at ordinary times, but also be ready to sacrifice for the motherland at all times. Behind the strong is often a united and patriotic heart. Just because of this, this public welfare program is worth watching by our students and parents!


The theme of this year is about epidemic prevention knowledge and the promotion of anti epidemic spirit. 2020 is doomed to be an unusual year, and the impact of the epidemic has led to global fear and calm. But in the face of the epidemic, the heroes of the motherland stood out to the medical staff who fought on the front line. This meticulous anti epidemic spirit is deeply embedded in our hearts. To carry forward the great anti epidemic spirit, we need to firmly believe in victory and dare to confront difficulties, The more difficult and dangerous it is, the more forward it is. This has enabled us to fight for the motherland this year,


Now we just need to make progress every day, that is, to put into action. If we only have the idea of making progress, but do not put it into action, then this idea is just a fantasy, and there will never be progress. The road is built by people, and progress is also won by people through action. But we, as contemporary students, should not have the words on our lips. We should use actual actions to prove that we should not be a villain, but a giant in action! The first lesson is a goal worth learning and striving for!

开学第一课观后感 篇2


This morning, I got up early and sat in front of the computer. I couldn't wait to turn on the computer to watch the first lesson of school.


This year's theme is "Strong Youth, Strong China". Different from the past, this is an extraordinary period. Our motherland and people are undergoing a severe test - novel coronavirus pneumonia. In the face of this major epidemic, the whole country will unite as one, and the virus will be defeated as soon as possible!


Through the study of the course, I deeply understand that as a pupil, I am not strong enough, but the way is to keep a good rest, exercise more, keep an optimistic and positive attitude, and face the difficulties ahead bravely. At the same time, we must always encourage ourselves to actively study scientific and cultural knowledge and make more contributions to our country in the future! At the same time, this lesson also made me understand that we should establish correct values since childhood. We must fear nature, fear life, and do not exceed the moral bottom line. In this way, people can live in harmony with nature, people and society, people and people!

《开学第一课》的观后感 篇3


Today is the first day of school. In the evening, I watched the First Lesson of School on CCTV. Because of the limited time, I only saw the themes of "filial piety" and "love", but I was very moved. The people who love us most in the world must be our father and mother, but when we grow up slowly, our father and mother are also getting old slowly, until one day they will leave us. Therefore, we must pay tribute to our parents earlier, do some small things around us, and also love them. Of course, I want my parents never to grow old and stay with me forever.


After I read the First Lesson of School, there are many people and things that can recognize that I am moved! The first is the original lead singer of the Panther band, "Qin Yong", who gave up music for the "big pearl"! At the age of four, Big Pearl was found to be suffering from severe affective disorder. Uncle Qin spent a lot of time and effort for the great pearl! Now the big pearl has grown up and understood love!! This is love! The love between Qin Yong and Big Pearl!


After reading the first lesson of school today, I understand that filial piety is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. The elderly love their children all their lives, and they also need to rely on their children to support them. We need to accompany them more. Just like Zheng Yuanjie, he bought a big TV and showed it to his parents first.

2022年开学第一课观后感作文最新 篇4


Today is the time for the annual TV program "The First Lesson of School" to start. I watch this TV program on time as before. Each time I watched it, I was moved, but this time I was more moved.


Wearing protective clothing, masks and goggles, he led tens of thousands of troops to charge in front. He is the great Zhong Nanshan! This time, he was honored to be invited to the first lesson of the school and told many stories about him before. It is said that his father is also a doctor. He thought: "Otherwise, I will be a doctor too. Finally, he became the director of the Clinical Medical Research Center for Respiratory Diseases.". After reading this part, I can't help sighing: Zhong Nanshan is really great!


Fu Qiao, a graduate of Wuhan No. 39 Middle School. It is said that she also won COVID-19 before. In the shelter where the First Lesson of School was broadcast live, her dream was to be a teacher, and the medical staff set up a table with a lamp, a headset, a computer, and some books on it. He sat there learning there, which seemed to be her classroom. Once, a medical worker named Liu Jin told Qiao, "Let's draw." Fu Qiao thought of what she was learning in the classroom, so she drew her own classroom. Liu Jin looked at it and said, "It's a good picture, but it's a name." So I wrote six words on it.


Xie Jun, the deputy chief designer of the Beidou-3 project, and the chief chief designer of the Beidou-3 navigation satellite. In telling him a story, I seemed to see the shocking space and interesting Big Dipper. He has won the first prize and the third prize of the ministerial scientific and technological achievements once and twice, and won the aerospace award in 2009. Similarly, he is also a great person.


After reading the First Lesson of School, it seems that I want to say a thousand words to Zhong Nanshan, Liu Jin, Fu Qiao and Xie Jun

《开学第一课》的观后感 篇5


Yesterday I watched the first lesson of the school on CCTV 1.


Because I wrote my homework slowly, I only finished the "strong" part. The theme of the first lesson of this section is "filial piety", "courtesy", "love" and "strength". Although I only saw the "strong" part, I benefited a lot from it.


The "strong" part mainly talks about a group of left behind children in the mountains, who are introverted, withdrawn and cold. However, under the guidance of a volunteer, "Abba Zhang", he walked into Beijing. When they first came to Beijing, they were sallow and could only buy instant noodles with their money. After arriving in Beijing, "Abba Zhang" led them to the martial arts classroom. After buying new clothes for him, he began to teach them martial arts. Over the years, they have learned from the teaching of "Abba Zhang": self-improvement!


Yes, keep improving, be strong! You can be strong only if you keep striving. It doesn't matter if you fail, it doesn't matter if you lose, and it doesn't matter if you are disappointed. People should strive for self-improvement! Take me for example. When I ran for the brigade committee, I thought I was on the verge of winning, but I only got more than 100 votes. I thought I was on the verge of winning. The total number of votes of the whole school was nearly seventeen, and I only accounted for one seventeen percent! Later, I was very depressed. My mother taught me that people should strive for self-improvement! Self-improvement, self-improvement! Only by working hard can we achieve our dream! Keep striving in the face of difficulties and setbacks! Keep striving in the face of challenges and tests! People should strive for self-improvement! To overcome all challenges!


Each session of "The First Lesson of School" contains a great truth. Every time I see it, I feel a lot, so I will keep reading it!

《开学第一课》的观后感 篇6


After reading the First Lesson of School, I understand a lot about dreams.


"Where there is a dream, there is power". Dreams are like stars in the universe. They seem unreachable, but you can touch them as long as you work hard. Any dream will always pay a lot of hardships before it is realized. Astronaut Wang Yaping paid centrifugal training that ordinary people could not afford before realizing his dream. Dream is like a small paper airplane that needs power to fly.


"If you have a dream, you must persist". In the process of realizing our dreams, we will encounter many difficulties, suffer many hardships, shed many tears, and even suffer many injuries. Liao Zhi, the "most beautiful dancer", dreams of living a tough life in order to dance again. International movie star Zhang Ziyi insists on learning English stories. They all encourage us to never give up for our dreams.


"You can be brilliant if you have dreams". Pianist Lang Lang and "Come on Mom"


It tells about the hardships behind the persistence of dreams, but finally a wonderful dream blooms. Let's ride the wings of dreams and work hard!

开学第一课2022观后感 篇7


September 2020 is doomed to be different from the past. Although the strong emotions given by the disaster are fading, and even people will use "history" to summarize it many years later, it is undeniable that we need this lesson in the epidemic environment. It is a big lesson that can help us record the disaster, remember the lesson, and think about life - The First Lesson at the Beginning of School.


Have you heard or read the First Lesson of School? It is an educational public welfare program launched by CCTV, which has been broadcast for 12 years. In the past 12 years, the first lesson of school has never been absent at the beginning of each year, and the program will set a profound and thoughtful theme to meet with primary and secondary students across the country. The first lesson of 12 years, the theme of 12 years, has 12 years of life thinking. I think this is the most fundamental educational purpose and significance of the program.


The theme of the program "The First Lesson of School" in 2020 is "Youth is strong, China is strong". After reading it, I have a lot of feelings.


Although the First Lesson is a public welfare program, it can be seen from the previous hosts and guests of the program that the Ministry of Education attaches great importance to it. The program will invite well-known educators, students and parents, as well as some guests, to take an interactive approach to interpret this "first lesson", which is lively and interesting, so that children can remember this classroom with profound educational significance.


In the fruitful September, let's harvest this "first lesson" together!

2022年开学第一课观后感作文最新 篇8


Our summer vacation will end with the arrival of the new semester in September 2022. Every school season, we will focus on the "first lesson". For this reason, primary and secondary schools across the country have carried out the activity of watching the "first lesson". We are also looking forward to the first lesson and can learn a lot from it.


I have different ideas about the understanding of the first lesson of the school. Looking at the previous topics of the school, the purpose is to let students receive different education. This year's theme is "". When we watch the first lesson of the school, we can always learn some new knowledge, and also better see the achievements of the motherland this year and the deeds of heroes. As primary school students, we, We should deeply understand the important meaning of the program, and then become our driving force for progress more effectively.


The first class is a plan before the beginning of the new semester. I believe that everyone has more or less forgotten some knowledge about learning. If there is no two-week buffer period, it is basically difficult to enter the learning state on the first day of school! For this reason, having this program before the beginning of school every year can better help find the state of learning. The "first lesson" is a course worthy of our attention. It is different from the traditional teaching form. Learning through TV media can catch everyone's heart. It can also be learned through traditional teaching methods.


The special program "The First Lesson" is not only important for our students, but also important for teachers' educational content. As the first class of the new semester, we must communicate with teachers. "The first lesson" is not only an open project, but also a guarantee for us to put our learning into the new semester. Here, teachers can better understand each of us. Through the first lesson, we can not only learn more, but also better understand the spirit of some great deeds and heroic deeds of the motherland.


In addition to the effect of reassuring us, the "first lesson" can also stimulate students' enthusiasm for learning, which is the most important emotion in learning. Because it is very difficult for us to return to the state of study at the first time after our summer vacation. At this time, we need the guidance of "the first lesson at the beginning of school" to let our attention return to the textbook, which is also the most important significance of the first lesson.


The good times always pass quickly. After reading, everyone has many ideas and has a deeper understanding of the motherland. Therefore, I will devote all my energy to the study of the future development of the motherland. As we grow up, we hope to contribute our share to our dear motherland. With the glorious witness of years, we must study hard and be able to undertake our own mission when our motherland needs us in the future.


Therefore, regardless of the theme of the first lesson, watching it always brings us a lot of feelings and reflection, and presents us with the real meaning and connotation of the program. So this is a special program worth watching carefully. I wonder how you feel after watching it? May as well write your own feelings and experiences!

《开学第一课》观后感 篇9


Campus safety is always in mind, and the communication of fire protection has never been lax. The campus has always been the focus of safety for countless firefighters. After many days, the students who haven't seen each other for a long time returned to the campus where they had been absent for a long time. The Shanhaitian Fire Rescue Brigade took "the first lesson of fire fighting at the beginning of school" to the students in a special way, and let them remember the fire fighting knowledge of the campus with the voice of the familiar students.


On the eve of the resumption of school, Shanhaitian Fire Rescue Brigade organized fire volunteers to record the audio frequency of campus fire safety tips to prepare for the students' "first lesson". At the beginning of the resumption of school, the awareness of fire prevention is very important. Shanhaitian Fire Rescue Brigade negotiated with the schools under its jurisdiction, and used the campus radio to explain the campus fire safety knowledge to students in their spare time, so that the fire knowledge can "live" on the campus.


The simple and easy to operate online publicity method made this campus fire safety publicity campaign deeply supported by the school. Schools in the area widely used their spare time for knowledge publicity, which not only did not occupy students' learning time, but also brought some color to the tense learning life. Fire safety knowledge, such as how to deal with early fire, what are common campus fire hazards, and how to self rescue in the event of campus fire, has attracted students' strong interest. Many students will also discuss with other students from time to time while listening, and share their own fire learning experience.


This month's fire knowledge broadcast aims to improve students' fire awareness and self rescue ability through practical and operable self rescue measures; At the same time, we will inspire students' volunteerism with the voice of familiar students, guide students to join the ranks of volunteer service, and spread the spirit of volunteer service.


Fire and water are fiercer than tigers, and safety is extremely important. Campus safety is related to the healthy growth of countless students. The Shanhaitian Fire Rescue Brigade always sticks to the front line of the lasting fight for campus fire safety, and creates a safe and reassuring education environment for students.