
时间:2022-10-22 12:53:20 | 来源:语文通



随笔高中作文 篇1随笔作文 篇2随笔高中作文 篇3随笔高中作文 篇4随笔高中作文 篇5随笔作文 篇6母亲节随笔作文 篇7

随笔高中作文 篇1


As time goes by, many past events fade away. The only thing that I still remember is this one. Every time I think of it, I can't help laughing secretly.


Grandpa is a "flower fan". Whenever there is any strange flower seed, he always wants to get it carefully cultivated. One Sunday, Grandpa got a flower seedling from nowhere and planted it in a pot like a baby. Every morning, you should go to the flower seedlings with a water bottle and say "Good morning", and put the flower seedlings in a sunny place. In the evening, when the sun went down, he would go to greet them again, hoe and water the flowers, and bring them back to the house. A week has passed since I went back and forth in this way. The flowers haven't come out yet. I went to see them several times and found that the seedlings sprouted and grew much taller. The purple stems are dark green with small leaves, like dark emeralds. I silently thought: Ah, this little flower seedling is really magical. Watering, it has grown so high. If I grow so fast, how wonderful!


I think that in school, because I am short, my classmates look down on me and call me "short". Hey, if I can grow tall, who dares to call me "short". Well, the reason why the small flower seedlings grow fast is that Grandpa watered them every morning and evening. If I watered myself, I would grow fast too.


Do what you think. Since then, I have never slept late any more. I got up at dawn. Before my grandfather, I poured some water on my head with a water bottle and shook my hair. I feel much more comfortable. Hum, I want to show some color to the students who look down on me, and dare to call me "short". After watering, I "moved" myself to the balcony to bask in the sun and enjoy the same treatment as the flower seedlings. In the evening, I watered my hair as usual.


At the beginning, my mother didn't find anything unusual about me. She was very pleased to see me reading in the sun every morning. She also praised me that "this child has grown up and is sensible". But gradually my mother found something strange in my behavior and asked, "Chi Miao, how come your hair is wet in the morning and at night?"


"I want to grow up quickly..." I proudly told my mother my idea, hoping to get her praise. Who knows, my mother almost laughed and said: "Silly girl, people grow up with food. You can only grow fast if you eat more and exercise more."


Ah! I was stunned.


Six or seven years have passed, and I have grown up day by day with many dreams, but I will never take it for granted to do some "stupid things".

随笔作文 篇2


"After a leaf of twists and turns, there are several rough roads, which can not be walked out or broken"


I have seen mountains, rivers, deep mountains, vast seas, blue sky and white clouds. All scenes in the world are selfless gifts from the creator.


I thought that there would be no new scenery for me, but I didn't know that it was just like there was a mountain beyond the mountain. When I was a child, I lived behind the mountain and often heard the calls of various birds and smelled the smell of leaves. However, I still remembered the scenery of another small village, even missed it.


The summer vacation will be over, so on a sunny day, I will go shopping with my friends. I was so tired that I went to my friend's house to stay at nearly five o'clock in the afternoon.


I thought that her family lived in the county town (there was a mountain behind my home, so I was from the countryside), but I was exhausted and had a bumpy journey. It took me nearly 30 minutes to get to my friend's house.


On the way, the cement road was fine, and the dust was flying on the path. It was really sour and refreshing. Turn one corner after another, pass one mountain after another, and come to a strange quiet village that can give people visual pleasure and spiritual comfort as if isolated from the world.


Above the sky, the blue sky and white clouds complement each other, and are as blue as wash clouds; At the top of the distant mountain, the mountain scenery and the sun light are indistinct and dreamy. This is a quiet place, which makes me yearn for it.


After a short rest, my friend went to the vegetable garden to pick vegetables as a side dish in the evening. When he came to the vegetable garden, his face was green and he felt a strange sense of happiness. After helping my friend pick vegetables, I said hello to her and decided to go for a walk alone. (The visitors are guests, so of course, I don't need to cook.)


On the way, I saw many people coming home after finishing farm work


The residents of, they all have a strange look on their faces, perhaps because they have not seen my strange face, feel strange! Passing a brook, the spring water was ding dong. I hurried down and scooped up a handful of water with my hands to feel the coolness from the ground. Later, I saw a bamboo forest and a path to nowhere. However, as it was getting late, I was a road nut. I didn't dare to go far from a place where I was unfamiliar. Out of caution, I returned home in the dusk.


Perhaps, after the mountains and rivers are no longer in doubt, it is really another village. It feels great to give people unlimited imagination and vision.


Although I will leave my friend's home and go back to school tomorrow, this experience is still memorable.


After dawn, "the mists in the valley smell the haze, and there are many love stories hidden under the dead leaves".

随笔高中作文 篇3


When I woke up, my life remained the same. The boring life day after day made my life pass away without my knowing it. The end of the challenge is another beginning.


Walking in the vast crowd, I suddenly felt really lost. I have lived for so many years, lost? Is it worth the sweat and pain? Hope fails again and again, but failure comes one after another,


I can't help being disappointed in life. Man lives, he dies; When a man dies, he is still alive - I am alive, but it seems as if I am dead.


I feel like an ant, wandering in the stream of people in a hurry, helpless, oppressed by life, full of prejudice and selfishness in my life. I silently and hard to climb forward, the ground is wet, my heart is wet, oh! That's tears, that's blood, hanging in a line in my new school, long, long


When it rained, people scrambled for shelter. I smiled, maybe now I can enjoy a short period of quiet. The rain is falling more and more heavily, and the raindrops on the ground turn into water spray. They keep spinning, which makes me confused. I support a leaf to support a green world. The rain is still falling, and the wind roars past, taking away my only leaves. Maybe the leaves will follow the wind to find their dreams. I shook my head helplessly and was about to leave when a drop of rain fell and trapped me. I struggled desperately. Is my life over? no


Suddenly, I thought, calm down. I have been looking for a world that only belongs to me. Is it the paradise that I belong to now? Why should I be prepared for danger in times of peace?


The rain slowly subsided, the wind stopped, the shelter crowd gradually dispersed, and the light clouds raised a bright rainbow. I once heard that the sun has countless hands, each of which has left strange fingerprints, and each hand supports life. The hand of the sun was raised to me, and the water drops gradually became smaller. I stared at the sun angrily, regardless of the dazzling sun - it even took away my only paradise.


It's getting dark again. Maybe it's my complaint. My eyes suddenly darkened, and a chill surrounded me. I know that my life should come to an end. But I am a little sorry, on the contrary, I am very comfortable. Finally, I sink into the cold.


"Look at how stupid the ant is. He would rather drown alive than escape."


"Ha ha..."


This is the last sentence left in my ear.


I am stupid, I am small, can't the big world accommodate me?


All of a sudden, I realized that my life world is just like dust.


Worry or rise, life and death, I.


The end of life is just the beginning of another life.


Goodbye, my world, waiting for my return

随笔高中作文 篇4


We can ask too many questions about life, but no matter the heaven or the living beings, they are always silent and will not give us answers.


When I recall, it is like reading a book, or looking at a horse lantern. Those pictures flash by, and people coming and going appear and disappear from my eyes. I met many people around me, but I often felt that I was out of tune with the world. Every opportunity and coincidence in this world seems to have been arranged in the dark. Even though we can't predict, the Creator is laughing behind the scenes. A fleeting spark may have lit up a night. But I can't stay where I am.


Sometimes when I see some people and things around me, I always feel that only I am left where I am. When they go forward, I can only stay in the territory of the past, and the future is obscured by darkness. We can easily throw cans into garbage cans on the roadside, but what about the past? We can heat the cold coffee, but the cold heart can no longer recover its temperature.


Many stories that began to be grand and ended hastily became the reincarnation of desolation. We have asked many times about the meaning of life, but the final answer may be that life is meaningless. There are many things I want to get answers to, but what are they really seeking? Just like I passed all kinds of tests and wanted to know whether I was an autistic. But no test can really give me an answer in my heart, let me know why there are so many loneliness and hesitation in life, and let me know how to deal with the lonely time.


The sun in midsummer is divided by the scattered tall buildings, and the so-called light pollution is finally formed when the light directly jumps back and forth on the glass curtain walls. Just like the things we are chasing, they are just illusory and fragile illusions.


The answers we want to find in our life come from others on the surface, but they are given by ourselves in the end. If no meaning is found, it is like falling from a high place without a support point. Those we think we are deliberate, after all, are determined to go our own way. If the end is downfall and desolation, it is only like a dead leaf falling on the water. Thousands of yellow leaves falling on the sea in autumn will also form a sea of gold.


We rush to the everlasting fire of life with the attitude of moths. Because we have to go farther. The answer already exists, but the answer is unknown. Everyone has his own script. So instead of asking hard, we should move forward. I believe that time will answer all our questions and that there will always be some unknown beauty waiting for us.

随笔高中作文 篇5


Recently, the children in the class have been impetuous. Some children who usually perform well begin to follow the example of naughty children. Although the teacher reminds children to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong, this stereotype has become "immune" to children. One day, at the end of the game, the little guys were very slow in sorting out their toys, especially in the construction area. Yuanyuan and Coke seemed to be playing without hearing the sound of picking up toys. They were in the science area and took off their shoes when they saw them. After playing the piano for three times, the teacher went to the construction area to remind them seriously, and the three of them came out of the construction area.


I asked Cheng Cheng in a low voice, "Why did you go to the construction area to play? Didn't you hear the sound of the piano collecting toys?" Cheng Cheng replied, "They are playing too! So I'll go and have a look." Me: "Do you think they did the right thing?" Cheng Cheng shook his head. Me: "Now please sit down." When the children sat down, I was going to talk about the problem of "being able to distinguish between good and bad, right and wrong" again, but on second thought, there was nothing new in this way, and the children were not interested in listening. Therefore, I think of the "rocket" that children like. I said, "Now each of you is a rocket. Where is the rocket going?" The children answered, "Heaven!" "The universe!" I continued to say, "Yes! You should fly up to the sky and the universe. A rocket needs fuel to fly fast and high. If you do something right, you need more fuel and learn how to use more fuel. But if you do something wrong, the fuel will be less and the rocket will fall! Do you want to go up! Or fall down!" The children answered loudly: "Go up!" Me: "Let me see if the rockets are ready. If you can't even sit down, don't say anything about going up!" I have just said that all the children have done it properly. Then we gave many examples together, and discussed with the children what things their rockets can go up and what things can make them fall down.


Through that talk about "Rockets", I was surprised to find that the children in the class began to introspect themselves and restrain themselves. After having lunch, Ma Minghao would come to me and say, "Teacher, I wanted to stop eating carrots, but I want to go up! So I have eaten all the carrots!" I immediately gave him a thumbs up. This event made me realize that for children in the middle class, some general principles can not be really remembered or recognized by children if they are told directly and flatly. If they use a story or a plot in another form, children can easily accept it.

随笔作文 篇6


It is often said that contentment is always happiness. However, it is very difficult to reach this state, almost impossible to reach the sky. I often feel that I am living a life that is more than enough, reveling in contentment, enjoying the fruits of reform and opening up happily every day, and living happily and contentedly every day.


The wish of the Year of Horse is to become a grandpa at once and retire smoothly in the year of birth. It will be more than 8 months before he can become a grandpa. His son can't wait on his daughter-in-law, so he moves home. The couple is not used to suddenly coming home to live for a long time. It is true that the son's home eating and living is more lively, and the family atmosphere is also strong. Taking care of them is to take care of the grandson, which is natural, understandable, willing and happy. However, they are not used to it, especially when it is difficult to arrange three meals every day. Although it is convenient for them to eat outside, they are not flattered by the food problems everywhere. They are really worried that cooking by themselves will overturn the traditional cooking habits. They cannot put MSG, cooking wine, oil consumption, large ingredients and other ingredients. Three meals a day should be light and can not be repeated. The couple also need to bring the next day's Chinese food. I am also embarrassed and exhausted by my knowledge of cooking. Of course, for the sake of the continuation of our lives, and for the sake of my grandson, I am willing to overcome any difficulties with determination, neglect, and ease.


Just have to say goodbye to the familiar leisure life. We are used to the world of two people. We usually eat simple but not simple. Our life is comfortable and regular. Breakfast is self prepared. My boss usually cooks at home. I eat rice noodles on my way to work. I eat one meat and one vegetable for lunch. On Sundays, children come back with rich food. On holidays, they basically eat food at home. Life is stable and cold, monotonous and regular, and we look forward to leisure. Seeing others retire and become grandfathers, I envy them. Now I have more than two months to retire, and more than eight months to be my grandfather. God is fair, and we are brilliant in the Year of the Horse. However, although my son grew up at home and rarely left home, he was used to eating and living. After many years of independence after marriage, he suddenly went home to eat and live. He became strange and unaccustomed. He found many generation gaps: he liked to eat big fish and big meat, and he ate less vegetables and fruits, while I ate more vegetables and fruits and less meat; It takes about 25 minutes to take a bath, and I can handle it in 3 minutes at most; The son stayed up late and got up late. After going to bed at least 12 o'clock, he got up at 7:30 a.m. and hurried to work to have breakfast; I go to bed early and get up early, go to bed at 10 o'clock, and get up at 6:30 in the morning. Two meat dishes, two vegetable dishes and one soup are required for cooking. The daughter-in-law's reaction to early pregnancy is picky and strange, and she is at a loss. It's hard to imagine how her wife got pregnant in the past? I don't have so many scruples about food. I don't have anything to eat. My son still grows up smoothly and healthily. Now, we need to spend tens of times of energy and material resources to wait carefully, observe nervously, look for the scriptures and reference materials, and take every care to welcome our fourth generation.


For the family happiness of four generations together, any price we pay is worthwhile, and all our painstaking efforts are necessary. The Year of the Horse will succeed immediately, retire immediately, and become a grandpa immediately. In the Year of the Horse, my family dream and Chinese dream will soon come true. I would like to share with you.

母亲节随笔作文 篇7


In May, in a new green, wisps of flowers come, and Mother's Day also makes it particularly fragrant and bright, colorful.


My mother is an ordinary rural woman. She has given me enough confidence and strength in my life. If not for my mother's insistence, I don't know how my life would be written.


When I was a child, I always followed my mother. Everyone called me "follower star". Wherever my mother went, I followed her. Occasionally, my mother stole away once or twice, and I cried after finding out that my elder brothers and sisters could not only take me to look for her. So my mother, in order to avoid making trouble for them, simply took me with her wherever she went. So I followed my mother to kindergarten.


After school, teachers like me because I am smart. I remember when I was in the third grade, I had a close relationship with two students in the village who were not interested in learning. We were together at school. One day, we were on the way to school again. One of them had a sudden idea. She said that my poker level was too poor, and no one wanted to join me. She suggested that the three of us go to the mountain to play poker. At her instigation, we went to a nearby ravine. After finding a safe haven, we began to play. Maybe we were interested in it, so time passed quickly. We felt that it was time to finish school without playing a few games. We dared not make an appointment to come here tomorrow and go home separately. In this way, I played truant for three days, went to school and returned from school without my mother's awareness. On the fourth day, because one of the students forgot to bring her food, her mother asked other students to send her food but could not find her.


I didn't want to go to school when I learned that the teacher would punish me severely. Later, my mother saw that she could not persuade me, so she went to the outer room to sharpen the kitchen knife. She said while grinding, "What's the use of keeping you? You can't learn, and you can't do anything. Just kill it.". At first, I was not afraid. Later, I felt that my mother became more and more angry when she said it, and the momentum of sharpening the knife became more and more fierce, so I could not sit still. When I saw my mother throwing at me with a kitchen knife, I picked up my bag and jumped out of the window. Running and bumping to the school.


Maybe it was my mother's behavior that made me afraid. I didn't play truant again in primary school, and my mother was always satisfied with my grades.


At the age of 13, I was admitted to a key middle school and needed to go to other places to study. My father bought me a particularly beautiful schoolbag and made me beautiful clothes. I was also very excited at that time, but when I got there, I knew that I had never left my mother, and I could not sleep at night.


After two days of persistence, I really couldn't continue. I went back home with a classmate who felt the same as me, carrying luggage and parcels. We went through a lot of hardships and finally returned home. When my mother was not at home, I chased her to the ground and told her that I would no longer go there to study. I couldn't adapt to the food and living there. My mother didn't say anything when I didn't exist.


In the evening, my mother still ignored me, and the rest of the family ignored me. After two days of neglect, I couldn't bear their indifference, so I said to my mother: I will go back to school tomorrow, and never go home without holidays. My mother smiled when she heard what I said. She cooked a lot of delicious food for me at night and told me a lot. At that time, I slightly understood my mother's good intentions.


From the age of 13, I left my mother to study outside. Although the days around my mother are less and less, my heart is getting closer to my mother.


Mother's Day reminds me of my mother in my life on the fork in the road, the kind of warm as the fragrance of May. I am grateful to my mother, I bless her, and I also wish that all of us in the world should treat our mothers well, and remember that they are the root and source of our life!