
时间:2022-08-15 13:08:55 | 来源:语文通



My hometown is an ordinary small village. However, the flowers and trees in my hometown have left me a deep impression, especially the small ponds at the bottom of the village.


Now it is the early spring season, the spring breeze blows gently, the sun is softly shining on the sparkling water surface, the pond shines with golden light, and a few ducks swim on the water leisurely.As if you have to enjoy the beautiful scenery here, some are tired, and you go to the shore, or shrink your head to close your eyes, stand on the ground with one foot, and lift your feet as if you keep your eyes closed, or turn your head to the past.With a flat mouth, sorting out their hair. Two ducks were unwilling to go ashore and still swim in the water. Sometimes they put their heads into the water. After a while, they pecked a small fish and ate it with interest.This cute duck added unlimited vitality to the small ponds. Occasionally, there were a few naughty small fish jumping out of the water, as if I couldn't help the temptation of the beautiful scenery in spring, and then drilled into the water happily, leaving a few of them to leave a few of them.The circle spreads to the four weeks.


There is a small island in the middle of the small pond. There is a small and chic house on the island. The owner of a small pond in it. If there is a drought season, when the small ponds are small, the owner of the pond willUsing water pumps to pump into small ponds from underground water to fill the water ponds.Looking at it from a distance, the small house is like a small villa, surrounded by blue fences around, and there are many willow trees planting next to them.Against the pond, the small house looks so beautiful.


Around the small pond, a graceful willow tree has grown tender green leaves, and the branches hang down in the pond.The small grass on the shore is green.There are also a few charming flowers in the grass. Against the grass, the small ponds become more vibrant and poetic.


what!The small pond by the village, I love you.



1、水塘:水塘读音为shuǐ táng,是指池塘。水塘 shuǐ táng词语解释:池塘。分词解释:池塘:1.蓄水的坑,一般不太大,也不太深。 2.浴池的俗称。● 塘 táng ㄊㄤˊ◎ 堤岸,堤防:塘坝。塘堰。河塘。海塘。◎ 水池:池塘。荷塘。鱼塘。苇塘。◎ 某些地区在室内挖小坑用来生火:火塘。● 水 shuǐ ㄕㄨㄟˇ◎ 一种无色、无臭、透明的液体:水稻。水滴石穿。水泄不通。◎ 河流:汉水。湘水。◎ 江河湖海的通称。水库。水利。水到渠成(喻条件成熟,事情就会顺利完成)。水可载舟。跋山涉水。依山傍水。◎ 液汁:水笔。墨水。◎ 指附加的费用或额外的收入:贴水。外水。肥水。◎ 指洗的次数:这衣服洗过两水了。◎ 姓。...