
时间:2022-10-19 13:20:11 | 来源:语文通



我的美好生活征文 篇1我的美好生活作文 篇2我的美好生活作文 篇3我的美好生活作文 篇4我的美好生活征文 篇5我的美好生活作文 篇6我的美好生活作文 篇7我的美好生活征文 篇8我们美好的生活作文 篇9

我的美好生活征文 篇1


Delicacies - stomach enjoyment


I can't live a better life without food. Everywhere I go, there are food on the streets and lanes. Whether it's Tujia food, Shaxian food, or the recently popular online food, it can't escape the sight of the diners.


There are delicious food all year round, such as eating fried bamboo shoots in spring, ice cream in summer, hairy crabs in autumn, and lotus root soup in winter. This habit seems to be a cycle in our family. My breakfast is not better than bread, steamed bread, dumplings, wonton, noodles, or even steak. A variety of patterns, let the stomach enjoy.


Whenever I hear relatives tell me stories about their childhood, they once starved and could only eat coarse food. Although I have not experienced it personally, I can feel the pain of life at that time from the stories they tell, and I can deeply feel the hard won good life now.


Books - Spiritual Enjoyment


For me, reading is a kind of entertainment. It's a great thing to read after school. It can not only get rid of the pressure of learning for one day, but also increase knowledge. It's really killing two birds with one stone. Besides, books can also be carried with you. If you go to the seaside for a trip one day, you can set up a shed on the beach, listen to the sea breeze, have a glass of frozen juice, and read a book. What a pleasant thing!


In my opinion, if you can enjoy food, travel in the sea of books, and enjoy your body and spirit, isn't life already beautiful?

我的美好生活作文 篇2


I went shopping with my aunt and sister this afternoon. First, I went to the Sports Center, then to Huamai Underground Square, and then to Liu Nanzhai Commercial Street. The most interesting thing is Liu Nanzhai Commercial Street. My aunt and I bought milk tea and drank milk shakes. I drank milk shakes and my sister drank milk tea.


When my milk shake was just made, my uncle called my aunt. Later, he would go to an old grandpa's house to have dinner. My uncle had already driven to pick us up, so we hurried to my uncle's car. My milk shake almost spilled.


My uncle drove for a while, and saw my father and mother's car waiting for us at the roadside. My grandpa's home was in the suburbs, and we drove for another part of the way to my grandpa's home. We parked the car on the small square outside the yard. When we got off the car, Grandpa had two big dogs. Seeing us barking, I was so scared that I quickly grabbed my aunt's hand and walked into the yard. Only then did I find it was a big osmanthus garden.


At the beginning, I didn't smell the sweet scented osmanthus. First, I smelled a strange smell. I covered my nose and ran to the yard. It turned out that the strange smell was the bean cake vomited by the master, and a donkey's hoof was added to it. After fermentation, it was used as fertilizer for osmanthus trees. It was like this.


I saw a lot of osmanthus trees in the yard, emitting bouts of fragrance. There were cassia and osmanthus. The leaves of osmanthus were green, like drops of water. Some were planted in pots and some were planted in the ground.


Grandfather said: Now the osmanthus is about to lose its blossom. It's better to spend it around the Mid Autumn Festival. That's good. You can smell the fragrance of osmanthus from a long distance. There are many other flowers in the yard that I don't know, but my mother took pictures.


I also saw a bunch of large dark green loofah. My mother said: The loofah is old now, so we can only use its pulp to wash bowls or keep seeds. I also saw many long and green wax gourds hanging on the shed, like big pillows. My mother took pictures of me.


After playing for a while, we began to have supper. The dinner was very rich. I only remember Yimeng Braised Rabbit Head, Spicy Chicken, Hairy Crab, Fried Pork with Green Peppers, Stewed Pork with Spinach, Braised Fish in Soy Sauce, Dry Fried Shrimp and so on. I can't remember anything else. Except for fried river shrimp, hairy crab and spinach, other dishes are spicy, so I can only eat these. After dinner, we said goodbye to our grandparents and went home.


I had a very happy day!

我的美好生活作文 篇3


I love flowers, so I also love flowers. I haven't become a flower expert yet, because I don't have time to do research and experiment. I only regard raising flowers as a pleasure in my life. I don't care whether the flowers are good or bad. As long as they bloom, I am happy. In my yard, in summer, it is full of flowers and plants. The cats have to go to the room to play. There is no playground for them on the ground.


Although there are many flowers, there are no strange flowers and grasses. Precious flowers and plants are not easy to feed. It's sad to see a good peanut dying of disease. I don't want to cry all the time. The climate of Beijing is not very good for flower cultivation. Winter is cold, spring is windy, summer is either dry or downpour; Autumn is the best, but suddenly there will be frost. In this climate, I don't have the ability to feed the good flowers in the south. Therefore, I only raise some flowers and plants that are easy to live and can fight for themselves.


However, although the flowers and plants will struggle themselves, if I ignore them and let them live and die, most of them will still die. I have to look after them every day and care about them like a good friend. After coming and going, I felt some ways: some people like overcast, so don't put them in the sun; some people like dry, so don't water more. This is a pleasure. How interesting it is to touch the door, feed the flowers and plants, and live and bloom for three or five years! This is knowledge, not nonsense! It must not be a bad thing to have more knowledge.


I have leg disease, which is not only bad for walking, but also bad for sitting for a long time. I didn't know that the flowers and plants were taken care of by me. Thank me for not thanking them; I have to thank them. When I was working, I always wrote dozens of words. I went to the hospital to have a look. I watered this tree, moved the basin, and then went back to the house to write a little more. Then I went out again. This cycle combines mental and physical work, which is better than taking medicine. If we want to catch the storm or sudden changes in the weather, we have to mobilize the whole family to save flowers and plants. It is very nervous. Hundreds of potted flowers must be quickly snatched into the house, making people feel sore and sweaty. The next day, when the weather improved and we had to move all the flowers out, we had another sore leg and hot sweat. But how interesting it is! Isn't it true that even a flower can't live without labor?


Comrades who deliver milk will praise "how fragrant" when they come in! This makes our family proud. When I arrived at the opening of Epiphyllum, I asked some friends to come and have a look. It was more like a night tour. Epiphyllum always put its stamens at night. When the flowers are divided into several branches, give some to friends; Seeing friends take away the fruits of their own labor, I naturally like it very much.


Of course, there are times when I feel sad, just like this one this summer. Three hundred chrysanthemum seedlings were still on the ground (it was not time to move into the basin), and it was raining heavily. The wall of the neighbor fell down, and more than 30 kinds of chrysanthemum seedlings were smashed and killed, more than 100! The whole family hasn't smiled for days!


There are joys and sorrows, laughter and tears, flowers and fruits, fragrance and color. It requires both labor and insight. This is the fun of growing flowers


Autumn is so beautiful. The autumn wind gently blows the Buddha, making a small sound, like a little girl playing the piano for us to play beautiful music.

秋天到了,许多树上的叶子都黄了,就像给大地重新穿上金黄色的新装。 可是松柏就不一样了,它还是那样的苍翠、挺拔,披着绿绿的纱衣,像给人们站岗放哨。而有一些不是松柏,但是叶子也是青青的,给人们一种幻觉,好象仍处在朦朦胧胧的春天的景物之中。

When autumn comes, the leaves on many trees are yellow, just like putting on a new golden dress for the earth. But the pine and cypress are different. They are still green, tall and straight, dressed in green gauze clothes, like watching people. Some are not pine and cypress, but their leaves are also green, giving people an illusion that they are still in the hazy spring scenery.


Ah! How beautiful autumn is. Autumn is not only a beautiful garden, but also a harvest season.


In autumn, we enjoyed the charming scenery. Golden Lake Park looks like a shining pearl after being decorated by autumn girls!


When you come to the park, you find that the artificial lake is more clear, and the colorful stones at the bottom of the lake are clearly visible. Small fish and shrimp are more lively and lovely. The golden leaves on the shore fell one after another and danced in the air. And the holly trees on the side are still so tall and straight.


The flower bed in the east is more white. Snow white chrysanthemums are everywhere, and pink wild flowers are very beautiful. Look again, there is a vast grassland outside the flower bed. Every grass is still green, and every one is a perfect work of art.


What a beautiful park in autumn! The autumn wind is like a magic paintbrush. One night, it can dye the rippling forest belt into gold. In the orchard, the bright red persimmons are like small lanterns hanging high on the branches. The branches look like they are about to be broken, so they drool when they look at them.


I was infected by the golden autumn and intoxicated, ah! I love the harvest, the joy and the happy autumn.

我的美好生活作文 篇4


Little Eagle yearns for blue sky and white clouds, seagulls yearn for the vast sea, camels yearn for the vast desert, earthworms yearn for the earth world, and I yearn for a better life.


Mom and Dad go to work every day and work late at night. All day without anyone to accompany, all day very lonely. Mom and Dad, do you know the wonderful life I am looking forward to?


How I wish you could take the time to take me to the seaside to see the magnificent sea, golden beach, surging waves, blue sky, flawless white clouds, fiery red sun and brilliant sunset. Pick up beautiful shells, catch lively fish, catch naughty crabs, catch lovely starfish


How I wish you could accompany me all the time, cook with me, sit at the table, enjoy the food in life, and talk about the happy things, new things and troubles in recent life. I can watch me "fight" with my opponent on the court, playing ferociously, showing my skillful skills; You can accompany me to play in the square, play basketball and football together, fly colorful kites, and the laughter and laughter of the family fly high into the blue sky with the kites


How I wish you could leave work early, go home, put down your mobile phone, take a leisurely walk, sit on the sofa and watch wonderful TV programs, read books and listen to stories under the soft light, fall asleep together, and immerse yourself in the warm and happy ocean.


I want to say: Mom and Dad, if you don't accompany me, I will grow up! Can you fulfill my little wish for a better life?

我的美好生活征文 篇5


How time flies! The good times always come to my mind.


I remember that milk was on the evening of the Mid Autumn Festival. I jumped into the training class like a rabbit to participate in the "Mid Autumn Festival Moon Appreciation Party". Once entering the meeting place, the first thing I saw was the elaborately decorated "rostrum", with a banner hanging high above. The beautiful characters of "celebrate the spring and autumn and enjoy the bright moon" were particularly striking. Under the banner are apples, pears, grapes and bananas. How beautiful! The young friends gathered around the "rostrum" and looked at the flowers on the platform, filled with joy.


When night fell, the colored lights on the trees at the door flashed like bright big eyes. The teacher said in a passionate tone: "The party begins! Students. Let's sing and dance heartily!" All of a sudden, bursts of applause sounded, almost overturned the roof. The wonderful comic sketches made everyone laugh! Suddenly, there appeared on the stage such agricultural functions as "raw Chinese cabbage", "purple eggplant", "cucumber with top flowers", "round tomatoes". They were singing and dancing around the rostrum to celebrate the harvest.


I don't know who shouted: "The moon is rising!" We all went out to the field to watch the moon. "What a beautiful full moon!"! It slowly, slowly rose into the night sky, so bright, so round, like a big jade plate. It sprinkles the silver light on the earth and reflects it on the students' faces, adding to the happy atmosphere.


What a wonderful time! He will accompany me forever.

我的美好生活作文 篇6


We rowed a boat and came to the center of the West Lake. The green mountains and clear water were sparkling. The clouds are white and flawless, like crystal clear gems, embedded in crystal clear blue silk. The breeze pulled my sleeve and the boat to the other side of the mountain. Wow, before the boat docked, a refreshing fragrance of flowers came to my nostrils. The flowers on the bank were like sunset clouds playing in the flowers. The sun hides behind the mountain and the setting sun spreads on the lake like a colorful red carpet. It's really "a setting sun spreads in the water, half the river is rustling and half the river is red"!


When night falls, colorful neon lights illuminate the streets and reflect in the water, making the whole city colorful. In the bright moonlight, tall buildings stand by the lake, and the noise gradually fades away. The silent West Lake is waving goodbye to me. It's time to go home.


After getting on the subway, there was no traffic lights or congestion, and soon we arrived at the gate of the community, the security uncle greeted us with a smile. Brush your face and the door will open automatically. The community is very lively. The children have already started to play. Some people are playing on the seesaw. The heavy one is sitting steadily on the seat, while the light one is trying to press down the seesaw, but the seesaw does not move; Some of them are playing with rocking cars. They shake before and after, giggling. Several children also shook others. They were so tired that they were sweating and others were dizzy. On the slide, the children went up and down the slide one by one. The children enjoyed themselves and the adults smiled happily. I also involuntarily joined the children's team, playing and playing in the children's park, and the laughter echoed in the community.


The lawn under the night is surrounded by a fountain, and the green trees are surrounded by flowers. Everything is so beautiful! This is our happy life. In the future, our city will become more prosperous and our life will become more beautiful!

我的美好生活作文 篇7


As we all know, our life is very happy now, so I believe everyone has said that we should cherish the good life, but do you say it casually, don't understand it, and don't take action?


In our age, some omniscient people said, "We are living a good life now, so long as we cherish it, we can." But they don't know that in this world, even in our country, there are many people - not to mention what toys they have, they may not have enough to eat, they can't buy clothes, and some can't go to school. They can't eat enough, dress warmly, go to school, or even buy many things they want.


When it comes to going to school, some children don't like going to school. I believe you will often hear your grandparents say, "Alas, in our time, we can't go to school like you, because we are too poor to go to school." Now? Don't think that every child can go to school, but there are. Some of them are not willing to give up. They study hard and practice hard so as to gain some knowledge and let themselves learn more.


Now, many children say, "I'm full, I won't eat any more when I'm halfway through the meal." In this way, many parents have dumped all these meals. But can you understand the hardships of farmers? How many times will they go to the fields when the seedlings grow up? How much sweat do you want to shed? After maturity, some of them also have to carry the fruit to the market. Even if you don't know how to farm, we should also understand their hard work, which cannot be wasted.


In our wonderful life, will you remember how you got these happiness? In those years, the Red Army soldiers fought with the enemy with the will not afraid of sacrifice. So many soldiers died! They were not afraid of difficulties and defeated the enemy who wanted to occupy our country. We must remember that it is the Red Army soldiers who give blood to our motherland in this beautiful life!


Therefore, we should cherish and contribute to our life!

我的美好生活征文 篇8


Eagles long for blue sky and white clouds, seagulls long for the vast sea, camels long for the vast desert, earthworms long for the earth world, and I long for a better life.


Mom and Dad go to work every day. They left work late. They have no one to accompany me all day. They are lonely all day. Do you know the good life I want?


How I wish you could take time to take me to the seaside to see the magnificent sea, golden beaches, surging waves, blue sky, spotless clouds, red sun and brilliant sunset. Pick up the beautiful shell, catch the lively fish, catch the naughty crab, catch the lovely starfish


How I wish you could accompany me and cook with me. The whole family will sit around the table, enjoying the delicious food in life and talking about the happiness, freshness and troubles in recent life. I can watch myself "fighting" fiercely with my opponent on the field, and enjoy the sweat of struggle and show my skills. You can accompany me to play in the square, play basketball and football together, fly colorful kites, and the laughter of the whole family flies into the blue sky with the kites


How I wish you could leave work early, go home, put down your beloved mobile phone, take a leisurely walk together, sit on the sofa together and watch wonderful TV programs, read books together under soft lights, listen to stories and sleep together, and immerse yourself in the warm and happy ocean together


I want to say: Mom and Dad, if you don't accompany me, I will grow up! Can you fulfill my little wish for a better life?

我们美好的生活作文 篇9


"For a time, I have repeatedly recalled the fruits and vegetables I ate in my hometown as a child: water chestnut, momordica bean, water bamboo, and sweet melon. All these are extremely delicious; they used to be the fascination that made me homesick. Later, I tasted them after a long absence, but that's all. Only in memory, there is a sense of the past. They may try to trick me into thinking back all my life." I have only read this paragraph once. It comes from Mr. Lu Xun's Morning Flowers and Evening Gathering, and it is a paragraph in the preface.


At my age, I can't talk about being cheated all my life; With my experience, I can't realize the homesickness of "always looking back". But some memories, revisited after a long absence, have changed their taste and made people miss the beauty of the past. This is probably a melancholy that everyone can't avoid.


Just a few days ago, I passed Xidan by car. Mom drove her car into the familiar lane, and the bustling pedestrian street gradually approached. Among various colorful and huge signs, her eyes finally stopped at the memory. A more and more simple and inconspicuous door face, and the plaque with the word "fried cake" changed its appearance.



In the hot sun, my hands took the plastic bag handed by my boss, but I especially missed the touch of the rough dark yellow dessert paper when I was a child. The oil is soaked in the paper, the hands are very hot, and the head is lowered. The hot bean paste is extremely sweet, and it first touches the taste buds. I can't wait to chew. The outer skin is crisp and sticky. It is mixed with fine bean paste. It is hot and hums, but chews persistently. His eyes were still staring at the torn and deformed fried cake, watching the spilled bean paste flowing along the black scorched skin, and he was busy sticking out his tongue to lick it


Back in the car, the comfortable air conditioner and the closed doors put aside the noise on both sides and took out the fried cake wrapped in white and thin pastry paper. With less eagerness in childhood, it was still hard to resist the smell of frying. Take a careful bite, the familiar taste is still delicious, but it is not a child. Turn your head and look out of the window. It used to be the only way every day, but it's not what you remember.


Home is nearby before primary school.


On the way home from the kindergarten every day, my mother will hold her hand tightly in the palm of her hand. When she is getting closer to the fried cake shop, she will seize her mother's finger, look up anxiously at the most beautiful face in memory, and say: "Mom! Hurry up!"


On the morning of a cold and windy winter day, I went to the training room to learn how to play. Through the car window, I watched my mother's footsteps coming in a hurry with fried cakes, and couldn't help swallowing saliva. When the door opened, my mother came in with cold air and handed me the hot fried cake. When my mouth was sweet, my body was warm, and my heart was full of joy, I vaguely saw that my mother's ears were still red with cold when she was driving the car.




This scene, like every word in the book, did not have a deep feeling at that time, but unconsciously kept it in my heart.


Perhaps, the practice necessary for growth, while enriching the experience of life, should also cover a lot of feelings once, so that you can not stop looking for, but also let you never find. And the memory is sublimated into the beauty of "coaxing my life and making me look back at it from time to time".