"I am coming."
Thousands of miles heard the sound of my mother, and I quickly learned to put down my pen and welcome it."Mom, what good products I bought for me today!" I couldn't wait to open the bag. My mother saw it, and made my hand that I was looking at the bag, and walked into my grandma's room with the bag."Oh." I was so hot that I opened my mother's room with my mother.
"Mom, I bought it for you." Mom said to take clothes from the bag."How can I wear so many clothes, I don't have to consume money next time." Although the grandma's pacifier said, she stared at the bag firmly with her eyes, and her eyes were full of hope."It's not suitable for trying it." "This is too delicious." Grandma hesitated to see the red clothes in her mother's hand."It's okay, try it." My mother put on her clothes and put on her grandma, and she carefully played the neckline.
"Wow ..." I couldn't help but be surprised.The beautiful clothes are shiny, making grandma who has always wearing dark brown clothes looks different from the young charm.The flowers on the shoulders show a lively and lovely vitality. The refreshing floral makes the red feel and dazzle, but it feels elegant atmosphere. Grandma shyly pulls the clothes, and some anxiety understands: "How will it be too red, will it be too red?"" No, no, it looks good. "I said there was no doubt.Mom looked at it from beginning to end, and the mother nodded with satisfactory location. "It is very suitable and the size is almost the same." Grandma smiled after listening to her face, and the happy mood revealed in her eyes was self -evident, like a simple nature, like a simple natureChildren get sweet sugar, and they all achieve and happiness.I saw my grandma happy, and the previous loss was swept away.
"Mom, remember to wear clothes when you buy it. Many clothes have not passed. You don't have to keep in these clothes." Mom carefully instructed, "Um." Grandma listened carefully as a child.I quietly withdrew from the house.I was surprised to find out at this time, Xia is also charming in front of the window, which is obsessed. Like grandma's red clothes, it quietly stained the whole sky and warmed everyone's heart.
Hundreds of filial piety first.Like the big water lights on the large water, the direction of guiding the family to wandering a foreign country; like the winter sun, warms the heart of people; like a little glory in the dark, let the children entering the wrong way immediately correct.
I think my mother's filial piety, I can remember, grandma's laugh will remember, and the red Xia Xia will remember.
1、红色:红色读音为hóng sè,是指①红的颜色。②象征革命或政治觉悟高:红色政权丨红色根据地。红色 hóng sè词语解释:①红的颜色。②象征革命或政治觉悟高:红色政权丨红色根据地。分词解释:根据地:据以长期进行武装斗争的地方,特指我国在第二次国内革命战争、抗日战争和解放战争时期的革命根据地。颜色:①即“色①”。②脸上的表情;气色:颜色憔悴|微察公子,公子颜色愈和|惨白的脸上,现出些羞愧的颜色。③容貌:暮去朝来颜色故。④指显示给人看的利害的脸色或行动:给他点颜色看看。⑤(-shai)颜料;染料:买一盒颜色来。革命:①被压迫阶级用暴力夺取政权,摧毁旧的腐朽的社会制度,建立新的进步的社会制度。革命破坏旧的生产关系,建立新的生产关系,解放生产力,推动社会的发展。②具有革命意识的:工人阶级是最革命的阶级。③根本改革:思想革命ㄧ技术革命ㄧ产业革命。象征:①以具体的事物体现某种特殊意义:红色象征革命。②用以体现某种特殊意义的事物:鸽子是和平的象征。...红色怎么造句,用红色造句»
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