A short black hair, a white and beautiful face with a pair of black-frame glasses, which looks very knowledgeable. This is our class teacher-Teacher Sun.
Teacher Sun's classroom is interesting! Every time she teach students, she can always come up with various methods to convert boring characters into fun images, stories, tips, etc. to help us remember quickly.I remember once, we had to learn a "full" word. This stroke was more strokes, and it was a bit strenuous to learn, and some students would be confused with the side of "falling", and the teacher thought of a "split memory method".She said, "Children, do you see this" 氵 "like a small river?" I saw it, isn't it? Three points of water and water are really like a small river.Teacher Sun also said, "'艹' and the word" two ', we can say that it is "two grass", then we can compose a formula for the whole word to remember it, and the "two grass grows on the river"EssenceHey! In this way, I really remembered this word. Teacher Sun was so talented!
Teacher Sun also often says: "If you want to learn well in Chinese, you must read feelings." When learning the text of "Shenzhou Ballad", the teacher taught us to read the "Yellow River Ben, the Yangtze River."In this sentence, let's imagine the picture to read. She said," "Ben" You can imagine it as a thousand miles of the Yellow River '', "I imagine the rolling Yangtze River"'Winding long', 'towering' imagine Mount Everest '' towering the clouds. "With this feeling, I tried to read it. It really was imposing! It turns out that there is a way to read the study.
I especially like Chinese lessons, and I prefer Teacher Sun.
1、有才:有才读音为yǒu cái,是指有才能,有本领。 ...有才的近义词,有才的同义词是什么»
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