
时间:2022-10-27 13:02:22 | 来源:语文通



关于中秋节作文 篇1过中秋节作文 篇2中秋节的作文 篇3中秋节作文 篇4中秋节的资料你知道有哪些 篇5中秋节作文 篇6中秋节的作文 篇7中秋节的作文 篇8过中秋节作文 篇9

关于中秋节作文 篇1


A pale yellow full moon is rising from the horizon. Through the gauze like light clouds, the whole body radiates soft light. The water like moonlight, like the yearning eyes of relatives, looks forward to your return in the fading clouds


The "Mid Autumn Festival Gala" on TV is being staged brilliantly, and the host has repeatedly mentioned "why should we go to different times?". On the table was a sumptuous dish, which was the achievement of Grandma and Mother after a long day's busy work. Sweet and sour fish, chicken with chestnuts, braised pork in brown sauce... moon cakes with different tastes were cut into triangles, and pomegranate seeds were peeled and crystal clear. My mother, who loves life, folded several osmanthus flowers and raised them in clear water at some time. The room was full of osmanthus fragrans. Grandma put vegetables in my bowl, and I poured wine into Grandpa's cup. However, this Mid Autumn Festival is more cold than before because of the lack of one person.


Yeah! The bright moon is in the sky, but the full moon makes people feel sad. In order to solve the case as soon as possible, my father, as a policeman, has not returned home for nearly a month. In this month, every day that I studied late at night, I couldn't see the warm lamp he kept for me; Every weekend of leisure and relaxation, there is no one to do experiments with him; Every time I want to recommend happiness to share my troubles, I can only talk with him on the phone... In those ordinary days, ordinary little things, at this moment, make me feel moved. At this moment, I miss my loved ones so much.


Thinking of this, I suddenly thought of my grandparents. In the third day of the junior year, I haven't been able to go back to my hometown for more than half a year to prepare for the battle. At this time, they may be enjoying the bright moon with me in the small courtyard in the countryside. I couldn't help pressing the familiar and unfamiliar numbers.


"Dudu..." The phone is answered. Grandma's voice sounded slightly vicissitudes of life, "Hey, my granddaughter!" "Well, I'm in good health..." "It's OK, I'm choking, cough... Come back when I have time! New peanuts and chestnuts have come down, and they are for you!" The ear is full of care and expectation. Move by the window and look up at the moon. People thousands of miles away, I look forward to your return; The people hundreds of miles away are also looking forward to my return. It is really "this matter is difficult to complete"!


The more I miss you, the more I feel sad. I can't get rid of my worries, so I have to push the door and go out for a walk.


The moon probes between tall buildings and shuttles through the clouds. The bright lights in the city do not take away its splendor. Although the streets under the moonlight are not as noisy as before, the shadow at the intersection is still as tall and straight as before. Yes, they are also needed to ensure the safety of the wanderers on their way home. The policemen on duty on the street, the city beauticians cleaning up, the angels in white who stick to the operating table... It has been said since the Mid Autumn Festival that we should be reunited. But tonight, I want to thank those who gave up the reunion for each family. Because of them, the moon is bright tonight. "I wish you a long life and a thousand miles of happiness".


The thick night is like an inextricably thick yearning, with the moonlight gently splashing on the time. In the video, the father's face seems to have several more wrinkles, and the familiar voice is slightly hoarse, as if at the ear.


Tonight, the moon is full and people are missing each other! Mid Autumn Festival, I am looking forward to your return in the fireworks

过中秋节作文 篇2


In the evening, my father took me to Heshan Hotel. When I walked in, there were so many people crowded that I finally bought lots of bags to kill them from the crowd. Walking out of the hotel, the moon looks very round and bright in the evening. Every family sits together, enjoying the moonlight and eating various kinds of moon cakes. It is said that there is a "Bo Cake Campaign" in Xiamen. Now let's listen to me carefully!


Today, my blog is not about "cakes", but about toys and school supplies. The whole family started to blog about cakes at the uncle's command. I picked up the dice and threw them into an octagonal bowl. "Ah, four entries", a set of "Adventures of Ding Ding", was already in my bag. Next came my sister. She put her hands together and seemed to be begging for help from the dice. My sister thought that she could win the champion in this way, but she was so clever that she was mistaken. She not only didn't win the champion, but also got the dice out of the bowl. Unexpectedly, Dad was learning from his sister. He held dice in both hands, closed his eyes, and threw in the bowl, "Ah, three reds!" "Xuejin" beer has been taken away by my father. The younger sister was unwilling to be weak, so she vomited "immortal qi" to the dice and made a desperate attempt. "Ah!" The whole family cried, "No. 1 Scholar." Dad said, "Just wait until Uncle finishes the last beer." I was so angry that I stamped my feet and thought, "Why do everyone get what they like? I don't have it?" After thinking about it, I put the dice into a fight. Unexpectedly, at the time of a thousand even shots, I managed to get the champion to insert gold flowers. I jumped three feet high with joy.


My family continued to eat moon cakes and enjoy the beautiful moonlight. I had an unforgettable Mid Autumn Festival.


Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. I got up early. My family is going to my uncle's for the Mid Autumn Festival dinner. Hehe, a big dinner is a big dinner. It must be delicious. My people are still at home, but my heart has already grown wings to fly to my uncle's house.


Under my repeated urging, my slow mother finally cleaned up. At this time, the motor sound of the car has become the most beautiful music in my ears! Finally, I arrived at Uncle's. oh dear! When I arrived at Uncle's house, the smell of food came to my nostrils. I rushed into the restaurant, ah! Braised pork, big chicken legs, big crabs, these delicious foods are emitting light. It seems that they invite me to eat them quickly. My eyes were fixed on the food, and my saliva had already become rampant. Uncle saw me like a bear, smiled and said, "Don't let Jia Yuhan be hungry, why don't we have dinner?"


Finally, I started to eat. I said I would eat as soon as I could. I picked up a crab and did nothing soft. Braised pork is eaten piece by piece. Although my mother has been winking at me, she means I am so fat and eat less meat. It's a rare opportunity. My mother usually takes care of me. I'll eat a lot today. My mother thought that my wolfing down was really unsightly. She said to me secretly, "Pay attention to your image and eat less!" I used my "cute skills" to act coquetry and said to my mother, "Just once, let me eat enough." Everyone laughed at my appearance. I don't care. In front of delicious food, I have already forgotten about any broken image.

中秋节的作文 篇3


The 15th day of August is one of the most important festivals of the Chinese nation - the Mid Autumn Festival. On that day, people will eat moon cakes and watch the moon to celebrate the festival. In some places, there are lanterns, which are very lively. I like the bright moon hanging in the sky at night, which shines all over the world.


The reason why this day is called the Mid Autumn Festival is that August is the second month of autumn, which was called the Mid Autumn Festival in ancient times. Because it is in the middle of autumn and August, it is called the Mid Autumn Festival in the folk.


On the eve of the Mid Autumn Festival, relatives and friends give each other moon cakes as gifts, because they symbolize reunion. The styles of moon cakes are also dazzling: pineapple flavor, red dates, oranges, and unique ice skin moon cakes.


On the Mid Autumn Day, people bought all kinds of things except moon cakes, most of which were food. In the evening, the family had a reunion dinner. Looking at the sky that was going to be dark, they all hoped that the moon would come out earlier.


At night, the moon came out, like a big jade plate. At this time, the family moved tables, chairs and tea sets to the balcony, and all kinds of moon cakes were taken out together. Looking at the bright moon, everyone remembered the relatives who could not go home in other places; Some people raise their glasses to celebrate in the moonlight and express their good wishes; Fireworks are rising slowly and blooming beautifully in the night sky!


The Mid Autumn Festival is a happy day for our family, a day for reunion, and a day for us to miss our loved ones.

中秋节作文 篇4


Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. We are all very happy. Every family is making sweet and delicious baked cakes, and people are rushing to buy all kinds of moon cakes and millet. I live with my mother every day, so I am looking forward to my father coming back and reuniting with us. Sure enough, my father came back by car and appeared in front of us. I was ecstatic and my mother smiled. Mom brought out some hot dishes that had been prepared, and we enjoyed the happy atmosphere of reunion.


After dinner, we began to worship the moon. We put a small table in the yard, on which chopsticks and bowls were placed. In the bowl were apples, persimmons, bananas, moon cakes, etc., and we lit a stick of incense, waiting for the appearance of the moon father. The moon is very big and round, and the bright moonlight spreads all over the earth. People set off firecrackers and beat gongs and drums to play a triumphant song for the moon.

中秋节的资料你知道有哪些 篇5


An inventory of customs and habits of Mid Autumn Festival across the country


China has a vast geographical area, a large population, and different customs. The Mid Autumn Festival is also celebrated in a variety of ways, with strong local characteristics.


In Pucheng, Fujian, women will cross Nanpu Bridge during the Mid Autumn Festival to live longer. In Jianning, hanging lanterns on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival is a good omen to pray for children in the Moon Palace. People in Shanghang County celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival, and most of their children pay their respects to the Moon. When Longyan people eat moon cakes, their parents will dig out a round cake with a diameter of two or three inches in the center for the elders to eat, which means that the younger generation cannot know the secret things. This custom originates from the legend that the moon cake contains the message of anti yuan killing the enemy. Jinmen Mid Autumn Festival should pay homage to the Heavenly Father before paying homage to the moon.


In Chaoshan, Guangdong, there is a custom of worshipping the moon during the Mid Autumn Festival, mainly for women and children. There is a saying that "men do not keep the moon, women do not worship the kitchen". In the evening, at the beginning of the bright moon, the women set up tables in the courtyard and on the balcony to pray in the sky. Silver candles were burning, cigarettes were curling around, and the table was also filled with fruits and cakes as a sacrifice. The local people also have the habit of eating taro in the Mid Autumn Festival. There is a saying in Chaoshan: "The rivers and streams are opposite to the mouths, and the taro is eaten". In August, it is the harvest time of taro. Farmers are used to worship their ancestors with taro. Although this is related to farming, there is also a popular legend: in 1279, Mongolian nobles destroyed the Southern Song Dynasty, established the Yuan Dynasty, and ruled the Han people cruelly. Mafa held Chaozhou against the Yuan Dynasty. After the city was broken, the people were massacred. In order not to forget the sufferings of the rule of the Hu people, later generations took taro to be homophonic with "Hu head", which is similar to a human head, to pay homage to their ancestors. It has been passed down from generation to generation and still exists today.


The burning of pagodas on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival is also very popular in some places. The height of the tower varies from 1 to 3 meters. It is usually made of broken tiles. Large towers are also made of bricks, accounting for about 1/4 of the tower height. Then they are stacked with tiles. A tower opening is left at the top for fuel injection. In the evening of the Mid Autumn Festival, the fire was ignited. The fuel included wood, bamboo, and rice husk. When the fire was flourishing, pine powder was sprinkled to ignite the flames. It was very spectacular. There are also regulations on Saishao Pagoda among the people. Whoever burns the pagoda red through will win, and those who can't or collapse in the burning process will lose. The host will give colored flags, bonuses or prizes to those who win. It is said that burning pagodas was also the origin of the Han people who raised fire during the Mid Autumn Uprising against the cruel rulers in the late Yuan Dynasty.


There are also various folk customs in the south of the Yangtze River on the Mid Autumn Festival. Nanjing people like to eat moon cakes in the Mid Autumn Festival. They must eat Jinling's famous dish, osmanthus duck. "Osmanthus Duck" should be sold when the osmanthus is fragrant. It is fat but not greasy, and tastes delicious. After drinking, you will eat a small sweet taro and pour it with cinnamon syrup. "Gui Jiang" is named after Qu Yuan's "Songs of Chu · Shao Siming", "Drinking Gui Jiang when assisting the northern region to close down". Cinnamon syrup, a sweet osmanthus, is picked around the Mid Autumn Festival and pickled with sugar and sour plum. Jiangnan women are skillful in turning the chanting objects in their poems into delicacies on the table. Nanjing people who enjoy the moon together are called "celebrating reunion", sitting together and drinking together are called "full moon", and going out of the street is called "walking the moon".


In the early Ming Dynasty, there were Moon Watching Tower and Moon Bridge in Nanjing. In the Qing Dynasty, the Moon Facing Tower was built at the foot of Lion Mountain for people to watch the moon. When the moon is high, people climb the Moon Watching Tower and visit the Moon Bridge together to enjoy seeing the Jade Rabbit. The "Moon Playing Bridge" is located in the Confucius Temple in the south of Qinhuai River. Beside the bridge is the house of Ma Xianglan, a famous prostitute. On this night, scholars gathered at the bridge head to play and sing, recall Niuzhu's moon playing, and compose poems about the moon. Therefore, this bridge is called the Moon Playing Bridge. After the death of the Ming Dynasty, it gradually declined. Later generations had a poem: "The romantic southern music has been sold out, leaving a long slab bridge with a westerly wind, but I remember sitting on the Jade Man Bridge and teaching flute in the moonlight.". Changban Bridge, the original moon playing bridge. In recent years, the Confucius Temple in Nanjing has been renovated. Some pavilions in the Ming and Qing Dynasties have been restored, and the river channel has been dredged. When the Mid Autumn Festival comes, you can enjoy the fun of playing the moon here together.


In Wuxi County, Jiangsu Province, it is necessary to burn Douxiang on the mid-autumn night. There are gauze around the incense bucket and the scenery in the Moon Palace is painted. There are also incense buckets woven with incense sticks, on which there are paper wrapped kuixing stars and colored banners. The Mid Autumn Festival Banquet in Shanghai is served with sweet osmanthus wine.


In the evening of the Mid Autumn Festival in Ji'an County, Jiangxi Province, every village burns clay pots with straw. After the pot is red, add vinegar. At this time, there will be fragrance floating all over the village. During the Mid Autumn Festival in Xincheng County, grass lanterns will be hung from August 11 to August 17.


Children build a hollow pagoda with bricks and tiles during the Mid Autumn Festival in Wuyuan, Anhui Province. The tower is decorated with curtains, plaques and other decorations, and a table is placed in front of the tower to display all kinds of instruments for worshiping the "tower god". At night, lamps and candles are lit inside and outside. Jixi Mid Autumn Festival children play the Mid Autumn Festival cannon. The Mid Autumn Cannon is made of straw in a braided shape, soaked and then picked up to hit the stone, making it loud and has the custom of swimming fire dragons. A fire dragon is a dragon made of weighed grass with incense sticks stuck in it. When you travel to Huolong, you will be accompanied by a gongs and drums team. After you travel all over the villages, you will be sent to the river.


In addition to eating moon cakes, people in Sichuan Province also eat cake, duck killing, sesame cakes, honey cakes, etc. In some places, orange lanterns are also lit and hung at the door to celebrate. There are also children who put incense on pomelos and dance along the street, called "dancing meteor fragrant ball". The Mid Autumn Festival in Jiading County is called "Watching the Festival" for offering sacrifices to the God of Land and playing the role of Zaju, vocal music and cultural relics.

中秋节作文 篇6


Another year is coming, and the Mid Autumn Festival is coming. Last year's Mid Autumn Festival night was still vivid in my mind, and my father's words were still ringing in my ears.


Last year, the Mid Autumn Festival, a traditional Chinese festival, was also called the Reunion Festival. At night, the lights are bright, the fire trees and silver flowers are burning, fireworks are in full bloom in the sky, and the sound of firecrackers is endless. The laughter of reunion rises one after another. The night of the Mid Autumn Festival is beautiful, and everyone is happy and happy.


Everyone was no exception. They gathered with their aunt and family at Grandma's for a reunion dinner. After dinner, they sat in the yard chatting and ate moon cakes. It's fun.


In everyone's "endless calls" and endless expectations, Sister Moon finally unveiled the mysterious veil and revealed her quiet face. She stood quietly in the sky, looking down at the earth, so quiet and serene. She was like a flawless white jade and a mirror with clouds rising in the fairy palace. The color was so soft and the moonlight was so bright.


Grandma, who had never read a book, suddenly became interested and talked about the stories of Chang'e flying to the moon, Wu Gang attacking Gui and the old man under the moon. Everyone was fascinated. I didn't expect that Grandma could hold so many moving stories in her belly. Influenced by this part of the story, everyone took out fruits and moon cakes to worship the moon. They were very busy. I couldn't help looking up at the moon. Sister Moon covered her face shyly. I seemed to see the charming Chang'e and the white Jade Rabbit in the moon palace, and beside them was Wu Gang, who kept cutting osmanthus trees but never cut them.


The teacher's father took up his old profession and said: "China has a history and culture of thousands of years, and many writers and writers left famous poems for later generations on this day, such as Li Bai's Silent Night Thoughts." I interrupted: "And Su Shi's' I hope people will live a long time and share the beauty of the moon '." The younger brother in the kindergarten couldn't hold back any longer, and said, "There is also a poem about the moon taught by the teacher today: 'When I was young, I didn't know the moon, so I called it a white jade plate. I also suspected that the Yaotai mirror flew in the clouds!'"


Everyone was talking and laughing. It was eight o'clock sharp. Everyone sat around the TV and watched the Mid Autumn Festival party. As we all know from the party, everyone in the earthquake stricken area is celebrating the Mid Autumn Festival just like everyone else. "Shenzhou VII" will soon be launched and astronauts will walk in space.


Looking at it, my father said meaningfully: "Although scientists have already unveiled the mysterious veil of the moon, the mid-autumn night with stories is colorful, and the cultural mid-autumn night is magical. Year after year, generation after generation of mid-autumn night will interpret more touching poems." I nodded vaguely. My understanding of this sentence is that life is full of stories.


Last Mid Autumn Festival, the whole family was immersed in the sea of joy, and the meaning was still unfinished. After the Mid Autumn Festival, in everyone's expectation, the "Shenqi" was launched successfully, and the mysterious space also left footprints of Chinese people. "People are refreshed when they are happy, and they are especially bright when the moon comes to the Mid Autumn Festival.".

中秋节的作文 篇7


The annual Mid Autumn Festival is coming, and the fragrance of moon cakes is wafting everywhere, brimming with the joy of reunion.


On this day, people will eat moon cakes, watch the moon and watch the Mid Autumn Festival party. Our family is no exception. After having a reunion dinner and sharing sweet moon cakes, I can't wait to go to the balcony to see the moon.


Today's moon is very clear and bright. Even clouds are very discerning. They stay quietly to set off the moon like a beautiful girl. Look! The beautiful girl is enjoying our harmonious world with her big eyes open! When I was fascinated, my brother grabbed my coat corner and shouted, "Sister, why is the moon rounder than my face today? It's like a big disc."


I couldn't help laughing, touching my brother's face and saying, "Little fool, today is the Mid Autumn Festival, and of course the moon is full, so it looks like reunion!"


The younger brother blinked and said, "Reunion is a moon cake, a father, a mother, a sister, and a big round moon!"


At this time, my father and mother also came over and said, "I hope we can live a long time together."


In short, the Mid Autumn Festival is a happy day for reunion, just like our family.

中秋节的作文 篇8


The annual Mid Autumn Festival is coming, and there is already a lively festival atmosphere in the street. A variety of moon cakes have begun to appear. The fruits on the fruit stalls are round and full, and the snack street is becoming more and more lively... The fragrance of the street is intoxicating.


I enjoy the atmosphere of the festival because my father who works in other places will come home to accompany us during the festival. I remember last year's Mid Autumn Festival, my father took me to buy hairy crabs, and my mouth was full of fat crab meat and crab roe... I think this year my father will also make us a big table of good dishes, as in previous years. After dinner, the family will light candles on the balcony, eat moon cakes and drink fragrant tea, and listen to my father and mother talk about the Mid Autumn Festival.


The Mid Autumn Festival is the season for pomegranates to mature. My father has sent us pomegranates by mail. They are all beautiful, full of mature red, and can't put them down. They are crystal clear when opened, and they taste delicious, juicy, sweet and sour. With the expectation of family reunion during the festival, we are fully expecting the beautiful Mid Autumn Festival to come soon.

过中秋节作文 篇9


The autumn is bright and cool. We are celebrating the annual Mid Autumn Festival on August 15. My family has enjoyed the Mid Autumn Festival. My father, my mother, my brother, my sister, my brother and my sister also enjoyed the Mid Autumn Festival. Because on the Mid Autumn Festival, our family can eat moon cakes together happily.


This Mid Autumn Festival coincides with the 15th day of August in the lunar calendar. At dusk, the Jade Rabbit rises to the east and the bright moon is shining a full moon. There are several white clouds floating in the sky. The breeze is whispering and blowing gently. There are several heavy grapes hanging on the grape trellis under the moonlight. A few fireflies fly around and around, which is so emotional and charming.


My brother and I, my brother and I, stood in the middle of the yard, raised our heads, looked up at the moon in the sky, and I said, "Look, the moon is rising here!" The younger brother said, "Look, the moon over there is also rising!" At this time, the whole family in the yard, including father, mother, brother, sister, brother and sister, almost all shouted with one voice: "Look, the moon in the east is really rising!"


What a big and round moon! It is like a bright moon and a full moon, rising!


We were so happy in the yard that no one could say that it was not happy. Our whole family loved the beautiful and beautiful Mid Autumn Festival, especially on August 15, when it happened to be the Mid Autumn Festival again. It was a double blessing!


The moon has its ups and downs, and people have their ups and downs. At this moment, it is a good day for families of all ethnic groups across the country to get together. Let's hold the moon cake high and drink this cup of happy moon cake together!


The night was already very deep, and the night was also gradually thick. The bright moon was in the sky, reflecting the bright moonlight. Our whole family were reluctant to leave. With great joy, we were still looking at the bright moon in the yard!


This year's Mid Autumn Festival is really unforgettable. I hope we can catch it on August 15 next year!