
时间:2022-11-16 12:50:25 | 来源:语文通



春节放鞭炮作文 篇1春节放鞭炮作文 篇2春节放鞭炮作文 篇3

春节放鞭炮作文 篇1


The Spring Festival quietly followed the footsteps of winter and happily came to get together with us. Firecrackers, couplets... The Spring Festival in Zhanjiang is lively and busy.


The twenty seventh and twenty eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, everyone should have his hair cut, not too much, but one. Hair cutting also means to cut off the bad things of the year. When it comes to hair cutting, my sister is always the most excited: "I cut it! I cut it!"


In the morning of New Year's Eve, every household is cleaned up. The implication of the cleaning is to sweep away bad luck and bad luck. Of course, couplets will be posted on this day. The old couplets are torn off and replaced with new ones to welcome the new year. Every household has its own unique couplets. The red paper and glittering words are especially festive at night against the night lights!


On New Year's Eve, we put on new clothes, new pants and new shoes, and had a reunion dinner around the big round table. For the New Year's Eve dinner in Zhanjiang, chicken is indispensable, such as white cut chicken, ginger and onion chicken, and soy sauce chicken... Because chicken symbolizes "good luck", my mother will make my favorite white cut chicken and onion chicken for the New Year's Eve dinner every year. At dinner, my mother put a piece of chicken on each of us and said happily, "Eat chicken and eat chicken, good luck!" Steamed fish was placed in the middle of the dinner table. Before eating, my mother had told me again that you should not turn your face over when eating fish. You should eat the meat on the back and belly of the fish, leaving the head and tail of the fish, which means "more than enough every year". The table is full of ten dishes, each of which has its own origin, implying the New Year cake of "rising step by step". "Getting rich and getting ready" means stewing pig hands with vegetables, and the red braised shrimp naturally means "red hot"... Each dish is a blessing of the New Year, and the sound of firecrackers outside the window is lively and warm.


The New Year's Day is called "New Year's Day" in Zhanjiang, and it is also our busiest day. We will get up at more than four o'clock in the morning. The elders will get up earlier than us to cook vegetarian food. At five o'clock, everyone will gather around the big table to eat vegetarian food on time. One of the dishes is lobster sauce, which means "Doufa" in our hometown dialect means promotion and wealth.


After dinner, everyone in the village will go to the temple to pray. We lined up like a long dragon. People of the older generation will go in first, and then it's our turn to go in together with Mom and Dad holding our hand. We worship God for three times, thinking of the New Year's wishes, and children can't talk freely in the temple. Every time I worship God, I will silently say: I hope everyone will be happy in the new year and my academic performance will improve greatly.


From the fourth day to the tenth day, these six days are the favorite days for children, because adults have to take their children and wear new clothes to visit relatives. The children were certainly happy when their relatives gave them red envelopes. People in Zhanjiang will not give an integer of 100 yuan to the red envelope, but 110 yuan, which means that everything you do is the first.


The Spring Festival in Zhanjiang is joyous.

春节放鞭炮作文 篇2


It's New Year's Day. Our family has built a new house this year, so this year's New Year is very lively.


On the evening of the New Year's Eve, Grandma cooked a table of rich food. Then Grandpa set the table and put incense candles on it. He began a worship ceremony that is indispensable every year. In fact, it means worshipping ancestors. Grandpa told the names of everyone in our family once, and prayed for our ancestors to bless our family with smooth sailing, safety and health, learning progress and career success next year. After that, we will officially eat. We watched TV while eating. It was very enjoyable.

大年三十过后是正月初一,那天我起很早,一大早就看见了爷爷奶奶和爸爸妈妈,我都给他们说了声新年快乐。吃完早饭后,我们看见了一队整齐的队伍迎面走来,仔细看才知道原来他们是打花鼓的,爷爷连忙放鞭炮迎接他们,他们进来之后,爷爷叫他们唱了一个三星,只见他们站成两排,有 www.d8qu.com 敲锣打鼓的,有拉二胡吹唢呐的,中间二人穿着花花绿绿的裙子,脸上化着精致的妆容,他们边扭边唱,并且还不时的向我们做着拜年的手势,不停的唱着恭喜老板发大财的吉祥的话,好不热闹。

After the New Year's Eve, it was the first day of the first month. I got up very early that day and saw my grandparents and parents early in the morning. I said Happy New Year to them. After breakfast, we saw a neat team coming towards us. After a careful look, we knew that they were playing Huagu. Grandpa quickly set off firecrackers to meet them. After they came in, Grandpa asked them to sing a three-star song. They stood in two rows, with WWW.D8QU COM people play gongs and drums, and some play erhu and suona. The two people in the middle are wearing colorful skirts, and their faces are wearing delicate makeup. They twist and sing, and from time to time they make New Year's greetings to us, and keep singing the auspicious words of congratulating the boss on making a fortune.


After they finished their performance, Grandpa gave them some red envelopes, and they went to other homes happily, beating gongs and drums. Boys and girls, have you come to the class of Huagu Opera?


Finally, I would like to wish students a happy New Year, all the best and academic success!

春节放鞭炮作文 篇3


In the twinkling of an eye, it is the end of the year, and the bustling New Year is coming. The Spring Festival is the most traditional festival in China. How can we do without firecrackers to celebrate it? So my mother and I went to buy firecrackers to play with.


I bought firecrackers and went home happily. I couldn't wait to open the package, take out a box of small firecrackers, and take out two small boxes of them. I called my good friends to play together. It's so crowded! I gave him a box. We put an empty bottle of mineral water on the ground, put the firecracker in the bottle, and then ran away. The firecracker stayed in the bottle for a long time, but it didn't sound. It was a squib.


So we ran to the lawn again, we lit the firecrackers, and then threw them into the air. The firecrackers said they sounded in the air. This time, we decided to throw the firecrackers into the tree. I threw them hard, and the firecrackers got stuck in the tree. After a few seconds, the tree made a loud noise. We thought it was very fun and exciting. Happy time is always so short, it's late, and we go home with more than enough.


The beauty of the new year may be the picture of rushing into supermarkets to buy the annual loan, or the bright red festivities, or just a firecracker.