
时间:2022-09-26 13:31:29 | 来源:语文通



端午节的作文 篇1端午节作文 篇2端午节的作文 篇3端午节的作文 篇4

端午节的作文 篇1


The annual Dragon Boat Festival is coming. This is my country's traditional festival.On this day, people have to pack dumplings, make five -color rope, make incense bags, dragon boats, and wormwood.I plan to have a meaningful Dragon Boat Festival this year.


First of all, I have to learn Baozi.My mother knew that my thoughts were very happy, and she brought the leaves.Let me put rice and jujube on the leaves and hold it up.Tied up with a rope.Although I have never succeeded, I have eaten several, which is also very satisfying.


I followed my uncle to learn the five -color rope.First, the ropes of five different colors are made into twist braids, and then tied tightly.I put it on my hand and said: This can prevent the poisonous insects from biting.Although I don't believe it, I am still very happy.I also taught me to make a fragrant bag: I put wormwood in the small cloth pockets prepared in advance, and then sutured. A fragrant bag full of wormwood fragrance was ready.I read it again and again, and I am really a clever person.


After doing all of this, I am very satisfied. I can do things that can be done in such traditional festivals. I can not only feel the atmosphere of the festival, but also let me deepen my understanding of traditional festivals.Even because I can spend with my family, I am very happy!

端午节作文 篇2


The continuous mountains, the green trees, the loud campus of the book, and the antique farmhouse, you guess where is this?This is Songjiagou, the beautiful countryside of our Lan Lan.


In the early morning, we arrived in Songjiagou early.I walked into a small farmhouse, with a floral fragrance in the courtyard, listening to the sound of chickens barking and murmurs, a pleasant symphony!There is a piece of land in the courtyard, planting trees, planting vegetables, and planting flowers. Although it is not a strange flower, it is a good time.The so -called "peach blossoms in the courtyard began to bloom, and the blue sky is in the sky. The green trees and green eaves are reflected, like a fairyland." How can such a life make people not yearn for?


At the time of intoxication, the "Lanyi Book Club's Dragon Boat Festival Poetry Reading" began, and the members were surging and shared their works vividly.The "Growing up together" by Mr. Zhao Yang and Xiaobai made me feel the meticulous love between father and daughter; Ren Yuyang's "Protecting the Mother of the Earth" let me know to protect the earth, and the world will be better;"Juvenile China" made me appreciate the ambition of Chinese teenagers: Aunt Li Zi's original work "Water and Water Pictures" made me feel the deep love of this hot land.


However, what impressed me the most was the unknown teachers and innocent and cute students of Songjiagou Primary School. These teachers devoted their efforts and selfless love to their children and burned their youth and blood to great education. I remember a female teacher saying that she lived in school and rarely went home. Every time her son called him, he would ask "Mom, when will you go home?", Whenever he is ready to put the bag with a bag When you go home, the children will ask "Teacher, where are you going? When will you come back?" I think the teacher's heart is uncertain because these are her children. In this small school, there are many such teachers. Although they are small, their love can influence the children here and change the children here. They hope that the children will get better and better. When they grow up, they will become a pillar. These innocent and lovely children leave their parents' lives and stand on their own. In their small world, the teacher is the parents. They listen to the teacher's words and work hard to learn. Use this teacher's favorite way to thank the teacher. They don't want the teacher to disappoint. It is full of positive energy in their small bodies.


The continuous mountains, the green trees, and the loud campus ... everything was printed in my memory.At the quiet noon, people are lunch breaks, and chickens, dogs, and worms are no longer singing. Only the leaves are rang. Maybe it is welcome to come again next time!

端午节的作文 篇3


"Liu Yeqing, Meizi Huang, every family has passed Duanyang." June 12 this year is the Dragon Boat Festival.By the Dragon Boat Festival, I would not remember the rice dumplings made by almost every family in my hometown.

说起端午食粽这一习俗,已有两千多年的历史。至于粽子的缘起,大多数人认为那只不过是纪念屈原这一榆木疙瘩而已。此说的依据是南朝梁吴均在《续齐谐记》中有这样的记载:“屈原五月五日投汨罗水,楚人哀之。至此日,以竹筒子贮米投水以祭之。汉建武中,长沙区回忽见一士人自云三闾大夫。谓回日:闻君当见祭,甚善。常年为蛟龙所窃,今若有惠,当以楝叶塞其上,以绿丝缠之。此二物蛟龙所惮。回依其言。今五月五日作粽并带楝叶、五花丝,遗风也。” 宋代孟元老的《东京梦华录》也记载“今世人五月五日作粽,汩罗之遗风也”。 屈原死于公元前278年的农历五月初五,这一点争议倒不大。但是,关于“蛟龙所惮”的说法是值得怀疑的。闻一多生前就坚持认为,包括粽子和龙舟在内的种种端午礼俗,实际上与“持龙图腾崇拜民族的祭祖日”有关。也就是说,沉入江中的粽子很可能只是单纯地为了拜祭蛟龙,而不是作为深水炸弹去“恐吓”那些对屈原不利的蛟龙或者转移它们的注意力。所谓端午食粽是祭祀屈原,纯粹是后人穿凿附会而成的。另外,粽子作为民间比较普通的一种食品,也不一定非要到端午才吃。实际上,为了纪念春秋时晋国的介子推而形成民间节俗的"寒食节"(清明前一天)吃粽子,起源要比端午食粽早。至今,还有许多地方仍通行清明前一天与清明食粽的民间风俗呢。 不仅如此,古代还有夏至食粽的风尚。《荆楚岁时记》里面就说:“夏至节日食粽。”

Speaking of the custom of Dragon Boat Festival, it has a history of more than 2,000 years. As for the origin of the rice dumplings, most people think that it is just to commemorate Qu Yuan. The basis for this is that Liang and Wu Jun of the Southern Dynasties have such a record in "Continuous Qi Harmony": "Qu Yuan casts Luo Shui on May 5th, and Chu people are sorrowful. At this point, the bamboo tube is stored in the water. . In Hanjianwu, a person in Changsha saw a person from the three doctors of the cloud. It is said that Wen Jun saw the sacrifice and it was very good. On the top, the green silk is entangled. These two things are documd by the dragons. Return to the words. On May 5th, it is made with 粽 leaf and five flowers, and the legacy is also. " Records, "This world is made on May 5th, and the legacy of Milo is also." Qu Yuan died in the fifth day of the lunar calendar in 278 BC, and this controversy was not great. However, it is doubtful about the "Dragon". Wen Yiduo insisted that the various Dragon Boat Festival, including the dumplings and dragon boats, was actually related to "the ancestor worship day of worshiping the nation with the dragon totem worshiping the nation". In other words, the rice dumplings in the river are likely to simply worship the dragons instead of "intimidation" of the dragons or transfer their attention to Qu Yuan as a deep water bomb. The so -called Dragon Boat Festival is a sacrifice of Qu Yuan, which is purely concluded by later generations. In addition, Zongzi, as a relatively ordinary food, does not necessarily have to eat until the Dragon Boat Festival. In fact, the "Cold Food Festival" (the day before the Qingming) to commemorate the push of the Jinduzon push in the spring and autumn to eat dumplings, the origin was earlier than the Dragon Boat Festival. So far, there are still many places that still have the folk customs with Qingming food a day before Qingming. Not only that, but also the style of summer solstice in ancient times. "Jing Chu Shi Ji Ji" said: "Summer solstice festivals."

当然粽子的起源不止这一种说法,只不过这种说法的影响面比较广而已。关于五月五日食粽这一习俗,就不得不说一说端午的来历。端午的来历,最早起缘于上古三代的“兰浴”。 按照《大戴礼记·夏小正》的解释,“五月五日蓄兰为沐浴”,目的是“此日蓄采众药,以触除毒气”。古人相信,五月五日这一天阳气至极,万物茂盛,正是“毒气”最旺的日子,故端午之为节尚得服药,多少有些“排毒养颜”的概念。《荆楚岁时记》里面也说:“民斩新竹为筒粽。练叶插头,五彩缕之,投之以为辟水厄。”由此可看出,角黍和角粽的本来作用是投在江河湖泊之中以镇压禳解水患,是一种原始巫术。然而,这种朴素的“天人感应”后来还是被复杂的“人人感应”所取代,以至以讹传讹。

Of course, the origin of Zongzi is more than this statement, but the impact of this statement is relatively wide.Regarding the custom of eating dumplings on May 5, I have to talk about the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival.The origin of the Dragon Boat Festival was the earliest from the "orchid bath" of the third generation of ancient times.According to the "Book of Dai Dai Rites · Xia Xiaoyang", "May 5th is a bath", the purpose is to "collect the medicines on this day to touched the poisonous gas."The ancients believed that on the 5th day of May 5th, the yang was extremely strong, and everything was lush. It was the most prosperous day of "poisonous gas"."Jing Chu Shi Ji Ji" also said: "The people cut Hsinchu as a tube. Practicing the leaf plugs, colorful, and voted for the water." From this we can see that the original role of the corner and the horns isIt is a primitive witchcraft in the rivers and lakes to suppress and dissolve water.However, this simple "natural human sense" was later replaced by complicated "people's induction" and even passed on to the rumors.


The dumplings have passed through three stages of tube, corner, and stuffing in the past two thousand years of delivery. According to records, the rice dumplings during the Spring and Autumn Period were sealed with bamboo tube rice and are called "tube dumplings". Therefore, "Said the Word" interpreted "粽" as "reeds wrapped rice". Later, it was made of cricket leaf (叶 后 后) wrapped rice, which was horny, called "horns". During the Eastern Han Dynasty, first soaked with grass and gray water, and then wrapped into a four -corner shaped with a ravioli leaf. Because of the alkali in the water, it was cooked and became alkaline water dumplings. In the Jin Dynasty, the rice dumplings were officially designated as Dragon Boat Festival food. The "Turkish Ji" at the Zhou Dynasty contains: "Midsummer Dragon Boat Festival, cooking corners." At this time, not only the skills of making rice dumplings have greatly improved, but also the raw materials of the rice dumplings, in addition to the rice, but also add Chinese medicine material to the puzzle. The rice dumplings are called "puzzle". In the Northern and Southern Dynasties, there were increased varieties of rice dumplings, and rice, chestnuts, red dates, red beans and other things were mixed in rice. Tang Dynasty rice dumplings have been "white Ying Ruyu" with rice: "Colorful Bishu, incense japonica white jade group" (Yuan Zhe); the shape of the 粽 has also appeared in the shape of cone, diamond -shaped: "Yao Huan Xiang" (Yao He). The Song Dynasty had "Ai Xiangzhuang" with "Modeling with Ai Leaf" and "Honey": "See bayberry in the dumplings" (Su Shi); and eating rice dumplings has become a fashion: , Tuanzhuanzhong New Earth "(Lu You). The wrapping of the Yuanzi dumplings has changed from the leaf leaf to the leaves, which broke through the seasonal limitations of the leaf. In the Ming Dynasty, reed leaves were used to wrap dumplings. Bean paste, pork, pine nuts, jujube, and walnuts had appeared in additional ingredients. The "ham dumplings" appeared in the Qing Dynasty: "Yangzhou Hongfu system, take the top high glutinous rice, pick it up to improve the long white, go to half of the scattered crushed, to be familiar with the big ravioli leaves, put it in the middle, put it in the middle, and put it in the middle. A large piece of ham, sealing the pot, one day and one night, the firewood is constant. The food is smooth and gentle, meat and rice. "


As far as regions are concerned, there are somewhat differences in North and South.The north uses reeds as a funnel.Because the reeds are slender and narrow, two or three pieces of phase are often needed to bind.Generally, there are only sweet vegetarian stuffing. Most of them are used for stuffing with red bean paste or jujube, and most of them are made of righteous tainet.Most of the south are wrapped in bamboo leaves and cricket leaves, and brown leaves are bonded with brown leaf, and the shape is close to the triangle cone.The filling only uses glutinous rice, but it has various flavors and colors of salty and sweet vegetarian.Today's rice dumplings are already a hundred products, and they are brilliant.The rice dumplings in various places generally use the shell to wrap the glutinous rice, but the connotation color is based on special products and customs of various places.Dumplings, ham dumplings, salted eggs, etc.


I remember that the elders bought the leaves home, wrapped white glutinous rice, and the stuffing of bean paste and red dates became a string of rice dumplings.In the process of Baozi, the last rope is extremely critical, not only tightness, but also clever.Once it is loose, the rice dumplings will spread.When a pillow, a small feet, a small foot, and a cone -shaped fragrance floating out of the pan, he was so anxious that he swallowed it in his stomach.It is convenient now. If you want to eat it, you can go to the supermarket and the vegetable market to buy ready -made, time -saving and effort, but it also has the fun of doing it.


The dumplings of the Dragon Boat Festival, maybe the full, greasy dumplings, have made me never forget the Dragon Boat Festival in my hometown.

端午节的作文 篇4


From small to large, there are countless fragrant bags I bring, but the most meaningful to me is the buns I make.


On Saturday, I came to the place where I studied composition. First, I saw the Dragon Boat Festival Bag made by the elder brother and sister.I think: "Will we also make incense bags during class?" The teacher sent us to worries, Liusu, Peach Ball ... Materials for making incense bags, and began to make incense bags.The order of the order tells us that we have made a beautiful "small incense bag" according to the steps that the teacher said.


After an hour, our own fragrant bag was finally done. I was very happy to think that I could bring my own fragrant bag this year. My parents did it for me every year. It turned out to be so difficult!