
时间:2022-10-14 13:26:34 | 来源:语文通



小学生暑假优秀作文 篇1小学生暑假优秀作文 篇2小学生暑假日记 篇3小学生暑假日记大全 篇4

小学生暑假优秀作文 篇1


In the summer vacation, I did a very meaningful thing, that is, to help my mother wash the dishes.


One day at noon, after eating, my mother asked me to wash the dishes, which was my first time. First, I took the rag and trash can to the table and wiped the lost rice and vegetables into the trash can. Then, I took half a pot of water in the pot and put it on the stove to heat up. Then I put the bowl to be washed in the pot and put the pot on the sink. Finally, fill the other pool with water, drop a drop of detergent, and you can start washing dishes!


I hold the bowl in one hand and the dishcloth in the other. The dishcloth should hold the bowl and turn right twice. In this way, you can wash every side! Washing dishes is the same as washing dishes. To wash chopsticks, you should align them first, and then rub them together. The cleaned things should be put in a pool full of water to soak.

洗到最后一个碗了,我想到了一首歌:“洗刷刷,洗刷刷……”于是,我一边洗,一边唱,突然,我不小心把碗掉在了地上,“啪!”的一声,碗摔碎了。妈妈听见了,立刻来到厨房,看见我在捡碎片,我脸涨的通红。结果,我的手被划破了,流血了,妈妈连忙去给我拿创口贴给我包好。妈妈说:“剩下的事情我来做。”而我却坚决要洗。妈妈同意了,我把浸着的碗筷都放到了柜子和筷篓里 了,再用洗干净了的抹布把灶台和餐桌擦干净。洗碗结束了。

When I got to the last bowl, I thought of a song: "Wash, wash..." So I sang while washing. Suddenly, I accidentally dropped the bowl on the ground, and it broke with a sound of "pop!". My mother heard this and immediately came to the kitchen. She saw that I was picking up pieces. My face turned red. As a result, my hand was cut and bleeding. My mother hurriedly went to get me a bandage and wrapped it for me. Mother said, "I'll do the rest." But I insisted on washing. Mom agreed. I put all the soaked dishes and chopsticks in the cabinet and the chopsticks basket, and then wiped the stove and table with a clean rag. The washing up is over.


Hey! It's not easy to wash dishes!

小学生暑假优秀作文 篇2


July 14th


I really enjoyed shopping tonight


I went shopping with my mother this evening. (Not far away)


There are so many people in the street, even in the places where they pass by! Mom was picking out clothes from a small stall. She looked around again and whispered to me, "Someone tried to rob my wallet just now!" I'm afraid. Hold on to my mother's bag. Be careful!


Mom bought a big bag of jelly at Li Jiacheng and a bag of pomegranates outside.


We came to Huiwan's house and found a "ice porridge" shop. We ordered a bowl of "ice porridge" here. My mother said she would buy a flashlight and let me wait for her while eating here. I only had a little ice water left, so my mother came out and we went home happily!






Come to a restaurant called Bashi Sunshine. It's finally time! I took a big plate to get something to eat. I took pancakes, pancakes, French fries and sushi, and returned to my place to eat happily!


Later, I also took a glass of fresh milk and five pieces of dragon fruit!


Soon, we all went home happily!


My dream.

小学生暑假日记 篇3


Today is the first day of summer vacation. I think it is the happiest day for students. I am also happy. However, I still have important things to do! Speaking of this, it's really difficult. This time I'm going to prepare for the summer camp! Take clothes, underpants, pants, socks, shoes and other daily necessities. I think students must want to ask where we live? Is it safe there? Who will take care of us? What can we learn? Don't worry! I explained one by one. First of all, we camped in a school. This is not an ordinary school. This school contains primary and secondary schools, but also an aristocratic school; Secondly, we are very safe there, because there are cameras, teachers can see our every move. Besides, this school is closed, and without TAXIANDBUS, we cannot go out; Third, it's needless to say who will take care of us. Of course, it's our life teachers; Finally, it is obvious what we can learn! We can learn how to live independently, listen to lectures and compositions of celebrities, and the difference between articles written by journalists and compositions. (Because I studied the small reporter class, not the English class.)


Well, I have solved all the questions you asked. I guess you are excited! It's a pity that the registration is over now. You can wait for the next time!

小学生暑假日记大全 篇4


My grandparents live in Zhuji countryside. I will visit them during the summer vacation. There, I really realized what rural life is. It's really a memorable experience!


In the morning, I always wake up naturally. After having breakfast cooked by my grandmother, I will run to the chicken pen to play. I often whistle and command the chickens: "Walk together! Turn back!" ha-ha! They really listen to me!


I sometimes follow my grandpa to grow vegetables in the fields. The air in the countryside is particularly fresh and pure, the sky is so blue, and there are several white "flowers" dotted on it. Under the largest "flower", there is a green grass, where a cow is leisurely chewing grass, and occasionally raises its head to send out a "moo... moo..." sound to the horizon. Climbing up the mountain, I saw dozens of houses built against the mountain, looming in the green trees. That scenery is really charming!


On the way home after planting vegetables, I like to walk slowly along the ridge barefoot with shoes, picking wild flowers while walking. It's very interesting. In order to amuse me, Grandpa would suddenly shout out, which made all the birds in the mountains fly up. That scene can't be seen in the city.


At night, the sun reluctantly left the sky, and the gentle moonlight sprinkled on the brook, making it more beautiful. The blue sky was inlaid with countless bright stars, twinkling and twinkling, very lovely. The chickens and ducks have gone to sleep, the flowers and birds have gone to sleep, and people have fallen asleep.


Rural life makes me linger and forget to return. I love the colorful rural life!