
时间:2022-10-14 13:26:34 | 来源:语文通



中秋节快乐作文 篇1中秋节快乐作文 篇2中秋节快乐的作文 篇3中秋节的快乐作文 篇4中秋节快乐的作文 篇5中秋节的快乐作文 篇6中秋节的快乐作文 篇7中秋节快乐的作文 篇8中秋节快乐作文 篇9

中秋节快乐作文 篇1


"Look up at the bright moon and bow your head to think about your hometown." Everyone has heard of this poem. The Mid Autumn Festival is on August 15 every year. It is said that in order to prevent Chang'e and Hou Yi from meeting, Hou Yi knew that the Queen Mother rushed to the moon regardless of everything. Chang'e was raised to the moon by the Queen Mother on August 15. In the evening, I, Mom, Dad, and my sister play together. Let's play riddles Everyone agreed: "OK." I took out the microphone, money and riddles I had prepared. I said cheerfully, "Everybody sit down and I'm going to set the question." The first riddle: "What is the difference between Confucius and Mencius?" Dad said quickly, "They look different." Wrong Dad lowered his head in frustration, like a deflated ball. My sister said slowly, "Confucius' son is on the left, and Mencius' son is on the top. "I said," Yes. " My sister is as lively as a rabbit. "Ten yuan." I said. Suddenly, everyone was confused. I said, "I forgot to tell you that if you hit the right number, you will get a reward of 10 yuan."


The second riddle: "The smallest elephant in the world." My sister said proudly, "Heavenly." "No." Mother said, "Is it in the book?" "Yes, ten yuan." Mom is happy to run all over the room This is a happy Mid Autumn Festival, which makes me energetic. I love you on Mid Autumn Festival.

中秋节快乐作文 篇2


My family took advantage of the Mid Autumn Festival (that is, the reunion festival) to play at Grandma's house. It was raining all the way. Although the rain was small, it was very dense, which made me feel very depressed. The weather has gradually changed from overcast to clear while driving, and my mood is much better. When we arrived, Grandma had prepared a reunion dinner. I saw my uncle put the tables and chairs in place. We sat around and looked at the delicious food. I couldn't help swallowing because Grandma hadn't said we could eat! "Dinner is ready!" With Grandma's "command", our family began to eat happily. After I finished eating, I made a mischievous face for my mother, and then played with my childhood friends... In the evening, I unconsciously looked into the sky to find this fascinating star, the moon. At this time, the moon was shyly covered with layers of veils. After a long time, it gently lifted its veil and gradually revealed its luminous face. I looked up at the moon carefully, and my heart was full of infinite reverie about the distant moon sky... At this time, I looked at it blankly, as if it was a mirror, and you and I were watching each other. Look at the clear light all over the sky and the mercury all over the earth. I am really intoxicated. "The moon shines silver and jade, and the Mid Autumn Festival is full of joy and joy." I'm probably writing about the situation at this time! At this time, the elder sister and the younger sister brought the moon cake. Finally, I saw the moon cake that made me drool. I ran over and tasted every flavor of moon cake, and took a bite. It was sweet and delicious After I finished eating, I drank green tea while listening to their cheerful conversation and feeling the continuous love and care. It was really different. At this time, I sang a song "A Thousand Miles Together" and got warm applause. Everyone wished each other well. It can be said that "songs spread far and wide, and blessings spread to each other frequently!"


A thousand miles to ask if it's safe? And send my missing far away. Continuous love and care, deep affection and blessing.

中秋节快乐的作文 篇3


The first thing I thought of was you. What is fate? What is love at first sight? Know each other? Just plain? Love will come in time.


I think that only those who really work hard can meet a good fate. Here I want to say three thanks to you. First, thank you for letting me into your life. As your friend, I may not be your most wonderful, but I always try my best to do the best; The second thank you for coming into my life and playing the role of friend. Maybe you are not the only best, but you are the most wonderful in my life; Third, thank you for your tolerance along the way. Comfort. Understand and care. Encouragement... All the profundity is in the memory you gave me


What are you thinking about in this beautiful Mid Autumn Festival? Of course, I will think of you, my dear friend. It is very rare to be friends. As long as we pay sincerely, nothing is impossible, but don't force it.


When I look at the moon, I often think of you. When I look at you, I often think of the moon. The most beautiful thing in the world is the moon, and more beautiful than the moon is you. On days without you, I often look at the moon. The bright moonlight is just like your face. The moon is in the sky, and I am underground, just like you are at the cape. I am at the end of the world. No matter how far you go, the moon can't go beyond the sky, There is a strong feeling in the moonlight. When the moon turns, yearning also turns. Whether the moon turns or the moon is full, yearning is a beautiful poem. Missing is a kind of purity, a kind of waiting. The moon is born on the sea, and the ends of the world are at this time. I hope people will live long and share the beauty of the moon for thousands of miles


The Mid Autumn Festival is a festival of yearning. I will condense sincerity and blessings into my heart's voice and send them to you through the Internet with care and yearning: I wish you more harmony in your family, wish you a warm life, and hope that your career will always be the best. Good people will always be healthy, and their lives can be several Mid Autumn Festival. I will miss my best friends in the Mid Autumn Festival, and I will be free and easy, safe and lucky, and happy.


I wish you a full moon, a full love, a full circle of people, a full circle of everything.

中秋节的快乐作文 篇4


Today, my mother and I went home to see the moon. When we got to the top of the building, my mother and I looked at the moon. I said, "Today's moon is really round!"! Mom said, "Yes, but it's a little cold. Let's go down.". I said, "Play a little more.".


I ran around on the top of the building. My mother said, "Go down"? I said, "OK," and we went down. Soon, my friend came. We played on the roof of the building for a long time, and it was ten o'clock before we knew it. Then my mother let us go down. This is really a happy Mid Autumn Festival.

中秋节快乐的作文 篇5


The Mid Autumn Festival is coming, and the bright moon is hanging in the night sky, scattering light, giving people who go home a direction. On this day of reunion, our relatives also came from different places by high-speed rail and plane to celebrate this happy Mid Autumn Festival with us.

中秋之夜,月亮高高的挂在天空,又圆又亮,象征着美好和团圆,家家户户灯火通明,不时传来欢声笑语。我家更是热闹,一共来了十多人,带来了各地的美食,大家围着桌子坐下来,桌上摆着传统月饼、现代的冰淇淋月饼、阳澄湖大闸蟹、本地的冬枣和石榴。.。.。.大家互赠礼品,相互祝福,聊着最近祖国的变化,生活越来越方便了,孩子们也长大上学了。.。.。。大人们举杯相互敬酒,我们孩子们也拿着水杯碰来碰去,好一幅热闹的画面!这时妹妹提出要来个赛诗会,要说出带月亮的诗句。妹妹刚说完,就先抢了先机,脱口而出“小时不识月,呼作白玉盘。”然后依次按照座位次序,平时给我们辅导语文的妈妈也不假思索的说:“海上生明月,天涯共此时。”爸爸说:“举头望明月,低头思故乡。”很快就进入了PK抢答赛阶段了,规则是“不许看书不许查手机,不能重复刚才说过的”。这下大人们就立刻大眼瞪小眼了。为了激励大家开动脑筋,我和妹妹商量了一下,说“谁能答出三个以上就可以 www.1mi.net 吃一个冰淇淋月饼,可不是人人都能吃到哟!”大家立刻摩拳擦掌,跃跃欲试。“江天一线无纤尘,皎皎空中孤月轮”,“露从今夜白,月是故乡明”。.。.。.最后还是我和妹妹成功吃到了月饼,大人们离开了手机真是个麻烦事,看来真是长江后浪推前浪啊!

On the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, the moon is high in the sky, round and bright, symbolizing beauty and reunion. Every household is brightly lit, and from time to time there is laughter and laughter. My family was even more lively. More than ten people came and brought food from all over the country. Everyone sat down around the table with traditional moon cakes, modern ice cream moon cakes, Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs, local winter dates and pomegranates Everyone gave gifts to each other, wished each other well, talked about the recent changes in the motherland, and life became more and more convenient. The children also grew up and went to school.. The adults toasted each other, and our children also touched each other with water glasses. What a lively picture! At this time, my sister proposed to come to a poetry contest to say a poem with the moon. As soon as my sister finished, she grabbed the opportunity and blurted out, "I don't know the moon when I was young. It's called a white jade plate." Then, according to the seating order, the mother who usually tutored us in Chinese also said without thinking: "The moon is born on the sea, and the horizon is at this time." My father said, "Look up at the bright moon and look down at my hometown." It soon entered the stage of PK contest. The rule is "no reading, no checking your mobile phone, and you can't repeat what you just said". The adults immediately stared. In order to encourage everyone to use their brains, I discussed with my sister and said, "Anyone who can answer more than three questions can eat an ice cream moon cake in WWW.1MI.NET, but not everyone can eat it!" Everyone immediately rubbed their hands and felt eager to try. "There is no fine dust along the river and sky, and the moon is a solitary moon wheel in the sky", "The dew is white tonight, and the moon is bright in my hometown" In the end, my sister and I succeeded in eating moon cakes. It's really troublesome for adults to leave their mobile phones. It seems that the waves of the Yangtze River push the waves of the past!


What a happy Mid Autumn Festival! I think the moon girl must be happy too. She has become rounder and brighter!

中秋节的快乐作文 篇6


Today is the 15th day of the eighth lunar month and the annual Mid Autumn Festival.


In the evening, our whole family is watching the moon in the yard. Look, the moon with a golden ring finally rises. First, he is golden and yellow. He slowly passes through the puffy white clouds and rises. In a moment, the moon becomes pale and white. It rises in a funny way.


Today's moonlight is particularly bright. The dark blue sky sets off the white full moon, which emits soft white light to illuminate the dark sky. The full moon is like a jade plate, holding people's yearning and passing it on to their relatives.


"I miss my relatives every festival". Looking at the bright moon, I think of my aunt, uncle and grandchild in the distance. How are they living? I really hope that the bright moon can bring my thoughts and blessings.

中秋节的快乐作文 篇7


Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. I went to the supermarket with my parents early in the morning to buy moon cakes.

到了超市,我看见了好多好吃的月饼。妈妈拿了几种月饼,问我:“喜不喜欢这几种月饼?”“喜欢!”我高兴的说。 “那我们多买几个!”妈妈说完马上买了这几种我最爱吃的月饼。

When I got to the supermarket, I saw many delicious mooncakes. Mother took some mooncakes and asked me, "Do you like these mooncakes?" "Like it!" I said happily. "Let's buy more!" My mother immediately bought some of my favorite mooncakes.


In my hometown, my mother and I went out for a walk.


When walking, my mother asked, "Do you know when the moon is at its full circle today?" I felt my chin for a moment and said, "I haven't thought about this problem yet." Mom said, "Let me tell you, the moon is the roundest at 11 o'clock tonight." I nodded and said, "Mom, let's go home for dinner!" Then my mother took me away.


When I got home, my sister came too. After we finished dinner, I played with her for a long time. When I saw the time, it was almost 11 o'clock! Isn't this the best time to enjoy the moon? I shouted: "Mom! Take the moon cake down quickly."


We ate moon cakes while watching the moon. Happy Mid Autumn Festival this year! what about you?

中秋节快乐的作文 篇8


Look forward, look forward, the golden autumn is coming, and the Mid Autumn Festival is approaching. Today I finally look forward to this festival - "Mid Autumn Festival".


In the evening, our family sat around a round table. The table was full of fruits, big and small. There were red apples, golden oranges, purple grapes, yellow persimmons, and all kinds of delicious moon cakes.


While I was eating sweet moon cakes, I looked at the mysterious and poetic moon. The ancients said that the moon is very bright when it comes to the Mid Autumn Festival. The moon on the fifteenth day of August is as big as a jade plate and as bright as a lamp. It brings a bright light and a blessing to thousands of families. I looked up at the moon sky. A bright full moon was hanging high on the dark blue cloth curtain. A few stars were looming. They did not want to get close or separate. The stars were surrounded by clouds like gauze. This made me have a reverie... In the future, I must go to the moon, say hello to the beautiful and kind sister Chang'e, say hello to the clever and lovely Jade Rabbit, and chop down the cinnamon tree with the burly Wu Gang.


At this moment, I thought of the famous poem "Meditation in the Silence of the Night". The bright moonlight in front of the bed was suspected to be frost on the ground. Raising my head, I see the moon so bright; withdrawing my eyes, my nostalgia comes around. This poem expresses Li Bai's thoughts and feelings of missing his hometown. It also reminds me of the PLA soldiers stationed in the border areas who still stick to their posts and cannot be reunited with their families during the reunion day of the Mid Autumn Festival. I deeply admire their selfless dedication.


When I was daydreaming, my naughty dog, Doudou, probably smelled the sweetness of the moon cake and came running excitedly, jumping on the stool and lying on the table, shouting "wow" and eating the moon cake. I looked at Doudou's greediness and put a piece of moon cake on Doudou's plate. I was amused to laugh when watching Doudou eat with relish.


Today, I had a very happy Mid Autumn Festival. I hope we can have a happy and happy Mid Autumn Festival every year.

中秋节快乐作文 篇9

今天下午,我迅速的写完作业让妈妈来接我。妈妈接上我时天还是亮亮的,但到了高速上时天渐渐的黑了。可是路上有点堵车我和姐姐没觉意思,我对姐姐说:“我们比比看谁先睡着!”姐姐非常赞成我的主意,可我们刚睡着就到达了目地地,我和姐姐心里想才刚睡着就到达了目地地真是讨厌。可是袁家村可真冷啊我和姐姐都快冻死了,我们赶紧穿外套我 我和姐姐说:“现在好多了呀!”我们找到了吃饭的地方,我们吃饱了以后,找到了我们的就店,但是爷爷、奶奶、太姥姥、小狗早就已经到了,我们走到酒店的楼梯口,走上楼梯。等我们上来时爷爷、奶奶、太姥姥、和我家的小狗都在床上躺着,我们和爷爷、奶奶、太姥姥、小狗打了一声招呼,回到我们的房间放行李箱,放完行李箱后我和爷爷爸爸妈妈我姐姐去拿矿泉水和月饼,拿完矿泉水和月饼回到酒店放了矿泉水和月饼洗了手。去吃方便面,吃完方便面去刷牙洗脸,洗漱完后,我们大家都开始睡觉 ,时间过的可真快啊!

This afternoon, I quickly finished my homework and asked my mother to pick me up. It was still bright when my mother picked me up, but it was getting dark on the highway. But there was a traffic jam on the road. My sister and I didn't feel interesting. I said to her, "Let's see who falls asleep first!" My sister agreed with my idea very much, but we arrived at the destination as soon as we fell asleep. My sister and I thought it was really annoying to arrive at the destination as soon as we fell asleep. But it's so cold in Yuanjia Village. My sister and I are freezing to death. Let's put on our coats quickly. My sister and I said, "It's much better now!" We found a place to eat. When we were full, we found our shop. But grandpa, grandma, grandma and puppy had already arrived. We walked to the stairway of the hotel and up the stairs. When we came up, Grandpa, Grandma, Grandma, and my little dog were lying on the bed. We greeted Grandpa, Grandma, Grandma, and my little dog and went back to our room to put our suitcases. After putting our suitcases away, Grandpa, Mom, Dad, and my sister went to get mineral water and moon cakes. After taking mineral water and moon cakes, we went back to the hotel to put mineral water and moon cakes in and washed our hands. Go to eat instant noodles. After eating instant noodles, go to brush your teeth and wash your face. After washing, we all begin to sleep. How time flies!


In a twinkling of an eye, it was light. We got out of bed, put on shoes, washed our faces and brushed our teeth. When we went out, our father, grandmother, grandmother and dog had already sat outside. We borrowed a car, and then we rode to the Huimin Street to have breakfast. We walked. We saw the game of shooting. It was so cool that I played a game. I will play again later. We all had lunch and went home. Today is really happy and fun, Happy Mid Autumn Festival!