
时间:2022-10-28 13:07:31 | 来源:语文通



初中观察山茶花日记400字 篇1初中观察山茶花日记400字 篇2茶花三年级作文 篇3初中观察山茶花日记500字 篇4初中观察山茶花日记500字 篇5

初中观察山茶花日记400字 篇1


On Grandma's balcony, there is a pot of camellia in full bloom. When I approach it, I smell a faint fragrance, refreshing.


This is a camellia named "Red Peony". The gorgeous flowers absorb me very much: some are uneven up and down, some are nestled around, some are in full bloom, and some are looking at each other across the branches. The hexagonal petals are round, just like a small "red sun", with a cluster of yellow stamens embedded in the middle; From the front, it looks like a group of slim and graceful "angels in red" wearing yellow hats, quietly falling on the green oval leaves! The red flowers, yellow stamens and green leaves reflect each other, which is really colorful and charming.


At the branches of leaves and branches, sharp buds still sprouted: some opened two or three petals, some in bud, and some just a bud.


The green leaves with dense size and proper arrangement are scattered on several branches from one main trunk. The roots buried in the soil take the nutrients from the soil, pass through thick trunks and thin branches, and send them to flowers and leaves from time to time to make the flowers bloom more brightly and the leaves grow more green.


I like camellia, not only in winter and spring, when the flowers are in full bloom, evergreen all the year round, and green everywhere for appreciation; I also like that it can be used as food and medicine; I prefer that it is an environment-friendly tree species, which can absorb a lot of sulfur, resist smoke and dust, and purify the air. It is the god of greening, beautifying, and purifying the city.


Ah! I love camellia!

初中观察山茶花日记400字 篇2


In spring, camellia blossoms, many bright red flowers. The trees are full of red flowers, so dazzling, so beloved, just like colorful silks and satins.


Look! The camellia with a smiling face. Dozens of heart-shaped petals are stacked layer by layer, which are fragrant and open happily. Some of them hang on the branches "swinging ", like a girl playing a wonderful dance; some are hanging on the waist of a branch, with their mouths open, singing about the coming of spring in a sweet voice; some are embedded in the fork of a tree, as if they are saving strength to meet the challenge; some are covering half of their faces with green leaves, as if they were playing hide and seek with me... In each camellia flower, there are light yellow stamens hidden in its petals, which looks very elegant.


Look at the small openings that are full and cracked. Camellia camellia just blossomed like bells in the sky. The dewdrop in the morning touches the edge of the smooth petals. Under the sunlight, the flowers look more charming and moving. A gust of wind blew, and the camellia trembled, just like a graceful girl stretching her beautiful figure in the morning sun. But the naughty dewdrops rolled down.


There are also the budding flowers, which are more like a heart. The petals are wrapped layer by layer, so tightly, so firm, so exquisite!


I squatted down to touch and cherish each flower, feeling that the more I looked at it, the more beautiful it was... I was fascinated.


Camellia, you are the first red in spring, so bright and bright. I love you, camellia! Camellia blossoms, and the dying spring is coming.

茶花三年级作文 篇3


This season, whether walking on the way to school or playing in the park, whether walking in the community or playing in the mountains, there is a flower everywhere. The spring of Shanhua Mountain has not returned, and the spring return is in its prime. Yes, it is the city flower of Ningbo - camellia.


Several camellia trees have been planted in our community, and some people enjoy the small camellia trees as bonsai. The camellia has not stopped since October. Breezes blew and spring rains fell, and the camellias grew more and more luxuriant. The green leaves and red flowers seem to report the happiness of spring. Camellia exudes a charming fragrance. They are colorful, charming and moving, making people intoxicated. A closer look shows that each flower is different. Some petals have been fully unfolded, revealing pale yellow stamens, just like the sun at noon; Some just opened two or three petals, as if a shy girl half embraced the lute and covered her face; There are also flower buds in bud, which look like they are about to burst. Some flowers snuggle up and down, and some are scattered up and down; Some single branches are in bloom, while others are separated from each other. The leaves looked at one flower more than another, and they grew more and more green. They compared with each other who was greener. The red flowers match the green leaves, and the green leaves match the red flowers. The stamens adorn them. They are like beautiful girls, each with yellow hair. The scene is picturesque, and people are fascinated by it.


I suddenly felt like a little bee flying into the flowers, shaking hands with this flower and dancing with that flower. I went to smell this one and touch that one again. I couldn't put it down. I hovered in the flowers for a long time and refused to leave. The flowers also danced with me.


"Hum hum hum" little bees also came to join in the fun, one, two, three, suddenly realized that I was not a little bee, I was enjoying camellia!

初中观察山茶花日记500字 篇4


Spring is coming, I come to the yard downstairs, ah! The camellia in the yard have already blossomed a lot. From a distance, the dense leaves are dotted with red and white camellia, red and red like fireballs, white and white like white clouds. These camellia are rushing to bloom, bringing infinite spring to the courtyard.


I can't wait to walk to the most flourishing camellia tree. The tree was trimmed like a ball with a diameter of 1.5 meters by the worker uncle. Its leaves are oval. The front of the leaves is pointed, and the edges are zigzag. They are arranged evenly and neatly. The leaves are green in the sun, as if they were waxed on the dark green leaves. One after another red flowers emerge from the middle of the dense leaves. They are bright and colorful. Some petals are fully opened. Only 5 or 6 heart shaped petals are fully opened, revealing bright yellow stamens. The yellow stamens surround a long tubular stamen. The blooming flowers are like a beautiful smiling face, and like a human trumpet, they seem to tell people that spring is coming. Some of them are still Huaguduo. They are so full that they are about to burst. They look like oval olives. They show half of their pink faces shyly, as if they are listening to the secrets of spring. They are so beautiful. Some people compare camellia to war heroes. Because camellia is open and lively, and its flowering period is long, it is not like peach blossoms. The petals are blown off at random with a gust of wind. It is not as luxurious as peony flowers, nor can it compare with orchids. But it deserves people's love with its heroism. Suddenly, I really want to become one of thousands of camellia. I wear red clothes, stand in the sun, open my smiling face, and selflessly present my beautiful posture and fragrance to people, bringing happiness and spring information to people.


I love camellia, its graceful appearance, and its beautiful colors!

初中观察山茶花日记500字 篇5


I love the colorful orchids, the spotless daffodils, the fragrant osmanthus, and the most interesting camellia. There are many kinds of camellia in our community. They are clustered together every three times, as if in a competition, who will open first.

10月5日 星期四 晴

Thursday, October 5 Sunny


Today, I couldn't wait to run downstairs to see it. I looked carefully and found that the branches of camellia were straight and long, growing from one branch to seven or eight roots, and then from seven or eight roots to more than ten roots. Its branches are very sharp, like a balloon can be punctured, extending in all directions, also like countless small hands.


The most interesting is the leaves of camellia. As the seasons change, spring is bright red, summer is green, and autumn is yellow. It is shaped like a very small football, with a sharp top and a sharp edge. Its "blood vessels" extend towards the direction of the leaf tip until the end of the barb. The veins of its leaves are like water pipes, making a sound of "clattering", as if they are providing nutrients for the leaves. I can't help feeling its leaves, which are piled together in clusters, as soft as a quilt.


The fruit of camellia is also special. The fruit is very small, oval, pink in the center, and gray on the surface. Its "waist" has a circle of concave parts. Interestingly, the rich fruits attract spiders. At this time, a spider, which had never woven a good web, fell down and limped away.


Flowers decorate a colorful world for us. Just as plants can not grow without sunshine, air and water, they can not grow without people's careful care. Let's love it together. When the camellia is in full bloom, I would like to invite you to watch it.