Yesterday, I saw a group of beautiful flower butterflies in the flowers behind the school.I really want to catch one!
Suddenly, there was a wind blowing from where the wind came, and those butterflies didn't know where to be blown by the wind.I thought, "Isn't it blown to the pointed branches and stabbed to death?" The wind passed, the butterfly flew into the flowers again, and suddenly I put down the heart of their throats.
When I saw a butterfly sucking pollen, I quietly approached the butterfly that stayed on the flowers. My hands slowly closed towards the butterfly. I caught the butterfly and brought it home.Along the way, I didn't dare to let go, for fear that it would fly away.After arriving home, I saw the butterfly moved, and my mother said to me seriously, "Don't catch the butterfly again, because the butterfly is also life."
I really regret it and deeply realize that life is limited, we must cherish life.Don't harm other small lives because of the rise.
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