
时间:2022-06-14 14:10:45 | 来源:语文通



Every morning, in our sweet dreams, the diligent sanitation workers have already held a broom to clean the dirty street community.Whether it is the cold wind in the winter or the hot summer, they all adhere to their posts, work hard, and work hard.


I often see reports on television that sanitation workers are not ambiguous and helpful. On the weekend, there was also a thing that made me feel particularly warm on my body. In the afternoon, the clouds in the sky were densely covered, and the wind was heavy. When I saw it, it was going to rain. The street was overwhelming. I took the newly bought book and pen and went back to walk back. Crooked, "Wow!" The pen and book in my hand sprinkled the ground. I quickly squatted down and picked it up, but the wind was too large. Pick up this branch, and the other man was gently blew away by the wind. At a loss, when there was no plan, an old man in this environmental hygiene service hugged his body and helped me pick up the books and pens of the sheds around. The hands are dark and dirty, and they are covered with dead skin. I still don't wait for him to say "thanks", the old man has already taken a special tool for a long time. Looking at him with some figures, my heart is full of infinite gratitude and warmth. Raise. Although he was ordinary in his work and there was no halo, he was willing to help others, which was worthy of my learning from him.


Now, when I walk on a clean and tidy street community, I can always think of a pair of black and dirty -covered hands.Outstanding figure, although you are ordinary, you are like a yang, helping me with warmth and assistance. In my heart, you are the most beautiful sanitation workers!



When people are agile for Sun Yang's skills and pride for the hard work of the Chinese women's volleyball team, I have admired their outstandingness.But what I admire most is the sanitation aunt who insisted on the post silently.


The sanitation aunt in our community is about 50 years old and has a medium figure.Because every day, the sun is sunny, the skin is dark, and it looks very old.Every time I passed by, she stopped the job in her hand and greeted me with a smile. At this time, the wrinkles on her face were so comfortable and full of kindness.


Before daily, I could hear the scanning of the sanitation aunt "sand, sand" in the community.On the way to school every day, I can see her waving the orange back of the broom.Whether it is the summer or cold winter, she insists on hard work.


On one occasion, when I was out of the door, the sky was suddenly dark, the thunder rang rushed, Doudan's raindrops smashed down, making a slap noise.The rain is getting bigger and bigger, and the accumulated water at the door is like a river.The naughty wind doll is not willing to show weakness, blowing up a violent cold wind, and after a while, the air -plastic bottle on the ground rolled around, and then let the wet and dirty leaves dance.I was about to run, but Yu Guang noticed the sanitation aunt.I saw that she sometimes picked up the broom to sweep the leaves on the ground; sometimes squatted down and picked up the bottle on the ground; even put her hands into the canal and cleared the debris inside.At this moment, how tall the aunt's image is!Isn't this worthy of our admiration?Intersection


It is not necessary to be a well -known man who is worthy of admiration. It can also be an ordinary worker who has been greedy for early and who has been greedy for his own post.


Author: Chen Jiaying



Instructor: Zou Liqin

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