Children, have you picked tea?I have the opportunity to come to Chashan today to experience the infinite fun brought to me.As soon as we arrived at the place of tea, we couldn't wait to wear a tea suit.Looking from a distance, the green oil of Chashan could not help but make people refreshing.
At the beginning, we didn't know how to pick tea.Later, I knew how to operate under the guidance of the teacher.Everyone climbed up the mountain, covered trees everywhere, and trees were clustered.Looking horizontally like the ancient Tibetan text.Standing on the top of the mountain, I felt that my heart was open instantly, and it made me feel a feeling of "seeing the mountains".The scenery here is picturesque, and I don't even want to leave.I hope to feel the beauty of nature between this grass and trees every day.
Nature is lofty, excellent and beautiful.It will take care of and create the world.It created the world and arranged a victory. Perhaps it is impossible to comparable to the victory like Huangshan, but it can make you feel refreshed, enough!
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