
时间:2022-09-17 13:22:20 | 来源:语文通



这才是青春初中作文 篇1这才是青春作文 篇2这才是青春作文600字 篇3

这才是青春初中作文 篇1


Youth is the beauty of flowers. While the flowers are blooming, smell it, and wait for the flowers to hang their heads; youth is free of birds like birds.Youth is the endless endlessness of the sea. When the waves are splashing, you can swim, and Mo and other tide will stop.Youth, just so wanton!


The beginning of youth is sweet, and carefree runs just running on the green, just like the butterflies of spring, flying up and down, they respect every minute and every second of the flowers of the flowers.Love every trace of flowers, every slightest aroma.Do we also cherish this great time, study hard, and live up to Shaohua?


On the road of youth, you will always encounter bumps, just like bird migration encounters a thunderbolt storm. They never fall behind.Unsurable the purpose.Can we be so brave to face the difficulties in learning and life, and face difficulties, rather than escape from retreating?


The taste of youth should not be bland, just like swimming in the sea and fighting in the wind and waves. Although exhausted, the inner happiness and enrichment are indifferent.Can we also take long winds and break the waves in the vast sea?


The journey of youth will eventually go to the next node. I will be in the rainy June. In the familiar classroom, I wrote a handle with a pen, covering a pen, and after the soldier victory, I accepted the knife into the sheath.Thinking back to the girl who set up the "bamboo stick and mango shoes lightly, who was afraid of? A cigarette rain and raining Ren Ping Sheng" aspired, leaving a smile on youth.


Youth, it is a page of yellow paper one after another. It is full of our joy and sorrow. In the splendid flower season, we run forward and do not stop for a moment.There was a conspicuous green in the soil.We will eventually thank we who are constantly falling and loved to run.


Wry to bloom, never stop, write this story called youth with sweat and tears.

这才是青春作文 篇2


What is youth?


When the snow is swaying in the breeze, the first warm light of the winter shot into the world, and when the melted snow water nourishes the dark soil, this doubt is like the awakening seedlings, and the branches are germinated in my heart.And under the unknown call, I stepped into the way to find the answer.


On the street, a fluttering girl was particularly eye -catching in the crowd.I stopped her politely and talked about the doubts in my heart."Youth ...." She lazily obeyed her long hair -shaped hair, "Just like me, wearing a pupil, exquisite makeup, beautiful and confident, flying in front of everyone like a graceful butterfly., I am fascinated by people's eyes with face value. "She smiled proudly, and her watery eyes flashed with strange blue blue.My heart trembled and farewell to the "Barbie in fairy tales".Is youth fake like this?


In the alley, a group of teenagers in school uniforms secretly smoked in the corner.I hesitated in front of them and asked the doubts in my heart."Youth?" The teenagers laughed. "Youth is not used to squander? Look at us. When boring, bubbles Internet cafes, smoke smoke, and get a few throats on KTV.Sleeping in the classroom, how happy you are, are just as happy as the emperor! This is the real youth. "Really?Youth is so decadent?


I walked on the way back and sorted out the answer I collected.But intuition tells me that youth should not be like this.I thought of it, wondering, my feet unknowingly led me to a campus.


"As long as youth is still/I won't be sad/even if the night swallows everything/the sun can return again ... "." Lang Lang's reading sound came from a fan window, echoed on campus, shuttled on the grass Between leaves. This pleasant voice led me and walked towards one of the windows. I was carefully leaning against the wall, showing a pair of eyes, for fear of awakening the students who were walking in the sea of ​​books. They looked at the blackboard so focusing, followed the teacher's thinking, and carefully tasted the emotions entrusted by poets in words. The faint scent of books in the air seemed to be a youthful taste. When it came out, the sound slowly dissipated in my mind. "Be careful!" I exclaimed in my ear, I instinctively flashed, a football seemed to fall from the sky, and it fell to my place just now. "I'm sorry, please forgive me." A teenager in sportswear rushed, caught the chaotic football, and apologized to me who was still panicked. I waved my hand and signaled that I was not a big deal. Turning around, a group of young people in sportswear were also holding football games, and the scene was hot. Their slightly tender face was filled with bright smiles, and the flying sweat beads burned under the reflection of the sun. It's like the light of youth, vibrant. I thought about it, and the answer suddenly surfaced.


I understand!Youth is not decadent, not to play, not wearing a headset, a spicy strip, not dyed with yellow hair, wearing a jacket to play handsome, not wearing a pupil, wiping the foundation rouge to think that beauty is like a fairy, let alone, notEscape the class, hit the teacher, abandon his studies.


Youth is unruly, innocent and beautiful, and full of value. She has sunshine everywhere and rainbow everywhere.Only this is the real youth!

这才是青春作文600字 篇3


Young youth teach us a lot. There is a reason for us to learn from youth, which will let us meet the one who is worth learning throughout our lives.


My grades have always been medium, and I can't go up.I don't think I am a good student, and sometimes I even feel that I have gone up.There are many examples worthy of my learning in the class, but at the beginning, I didn't seem to find one, but now I have a role model that I really want to learn.


He was very powerful. He could always do the question. When I was doing the first question, he had finished the half.He listened very seriously in class, and his notes were very detailed. Sometimes I wanted to make notes when they wanted to work hard. He has always ranked among the top, often the top ten in the class in the class.Sometimes I do n’t ask him to ask him. He also has enough patience to explain it for me. Usually, not many people can stand me because my brain is a bit slow and sometimes not worried.Only to understand.


In class, no matter which teacher ordered him to answer questions, he seemed to be all, and his face was always filled with confident smiles.If a teacher asked him to talk about the topic on the stage, he would smile at a loss, as if a little embarrassed, and then he would swaggered to the podium like a panda. It is estimated that it was too nervous to causeThere will be a little bit of stutter and a small mistake. When he knows that he is wrong, he will show an embarrassing and polite smile.


His efforts have been more effort than ordinary people. I feel that he always sitting there as if to go to the toilet, and I sometimes ask: "You often sit here, do you not hurt your buttocks?" He said: He said:"Don't hurt, my roll paper is almost finished again." Then I will release a magical smile, and then start struggling again.


I feel like he is like two words on the Internet: 1. Learning makes him happy; second, obsessed with learning, unable to extricate himself.I feel that I have to study hard. I have to study like him. I have to start to be obsessed with learning and I can't extricate myself.


Only in this way, maybe it may be worthy of good youth.