
时间:2022-10-25 12:59:47 | 来源:语文通



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最新清明节日记 篇1


Today, we went to the cemetery to visit the tomb of my grandmother who died many years ago.


At seven o'clock in the morning, our family had prepared the sacrificial offerings for worship early, and walked to Grandma's cemetery in my uncle's car. About half an hour later, we arrived at Xingning Diaofangyang's lair. When I got off the bus, I went to Grandma's graveyard, climbed over a high mountain, walked through a forest, and finally arrived at Grandma's tomb. I saw tall weeds growing in front of the tomb. Dad picked up a hoe to hoe. Although he was tired, he still insisted. It can be seen that my father is so worried about my grandmother! After weeding, we put candles, set fruit plates, burn paper money, set off firecrackers


When I haven't recovered from the sound of firecrackers, my father put his hand on my shoulder and said; "Yuhao, come and talk to Grandma about your wishes." I went to the tomb, knees down, hands together, eyes flashing tears said; "Grandma, although you have been dead for many years, we still care about you and recall the happy time we spent together. You are as high as the mountains, as high as the water, and as big as the sky. Grandma, your soul in the sky, please bless our family happiness! Rest in peace!" I wiped my tears with a paper towel, then put a bunch of flowers on Grandma's grave, and reluctantly left


Looking at the lush trees, free birds, various white clouds, and colorful wild flowers interspersed in the green grass, I took a gentle breath of fresh air, as if entering another world.


I will always remember this Tomb Sweeping Day!

最新清明节日记 篇2


The annual Tomb Sweeping Day is coming soon. Today, on April 2, our school organized the fifth grade students to visit the martyrs' cemetery. We should remember the revolutionary martyrs who died bravely for the liberation of our motherland and pay tribute to their great contributions.


We entered the Martyrs Cemetery, and rows of small flowers also blossomed, like the martyrs greeting us. The camphor trees beside the stone steps protect us like the broad hands of martyrs. We saw a high stone tablet, which was built in memory of the martyrs. The tomb sweeping ceremony began. When several students laid wreaths, I deeply wished that the martyrs would rest in peace. When the sad music was slowly put up, we all lowered our heads and solemnly observed silence: Thank you, Uncle PLA. If it were not for you, we would not have today's happiness and peace. If you had not defeated the enemy with your own blood, what would happen to the world today? Later, we heard Grandpa Hou's speech, and we learned three things: 1. Do good, not bad; 2. Be a good man, not a bad one; 3. Be good at learning and don't be tired of learning. Finally, we swear: I am a Young Pioneer. I swear under the national flag that we are always ready to study for the rise of China. The oath taker is Yang Jiayi. The tomb sweeping ceremony is over, and we are going to the Martyrs Memorial Hall.


Walking into the memorial hall, I saw the remains of many martyrs. How much work they have done for us. Like Xuan Zhonghua, at that time, he said in a dignified manner: "You killed me, but you only killed one Xuan Zhonghua, but thousands of revolutionaries will rise to kill you." "China died for the revolution, although it died without regret.". How strong they are. After visiting the memorial hall, we began to have free activities. Everyone ate and played. It was a lively scene.


It's getting late. Finally, we bowed to the martyrs in our hearts to express our deep memory of them

最新清明节日记 篇3

“清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂”转 https://www.niubb.net/ 眼间,一年一度的四月五日清明节又到来了。

"During the Tomb Sweeping Day, it rains in succession, and passers-by want to die." Turn to HTTPS://WWW.NIUBB NET/Between eyes, the annual Tomb Sweeping Day on April 5 is coming again.


Today, my parents took me to the mountain to worship my grandfather. Soon we came to my grandfather's tomb. I only saw tall weeds growing in front of the tomb. My mother quickly picked up a hoe to hoe. Seeing my father's earnest efforts, I can see how worried my mother is about my dead grandfather. After weeding, my mother put her hand on my shoulder and said, "Hang, come here to pay homage to my grandfather and tell me your wish." I came to the tomb and knelt down, He put his hands together and said, "Grandpa, although you have died for many years, we still care about you. Grandma is very lonely and bored at home alone. But you can rest assured that we will take good care of her mother-in-law. We will let her eat, dress, sleep well, and even tell stories and jokes to amuse her. We will accompany her in her happy old age. Grandpa, your soul in heaven, please bless our family safe and happy. You can rest in peace." Later, we lit incense and candles, hung up paper money, and then Dad started to set off firecrackers... We left reluctantly.


I will always remember this beautiful Tomb Sweeping Day.

最新清明节日记 篇4


"During the Tomb Sweeping Day, it rained in succession, and passers-by wanted to die." This is a poem my mother just taught me on the way home. Now I have stood on the land of a small town in the south. This is my mother's hometown, but there is no rain like the poetic description here, only bright sunshine. Today, I happened to have an outing to enjoy the plum blossom. I followed my parents to the plum garden cheerfully.


There are so many plum blossoms here! Yellow, white, pink, bright red, and a kind of red in black. Mother said it was a rare variety: dark plum. All over the mountains and plains, the powder is tender and tender, and you can't see the end at a glance. The plum blossoms here are really beautiful! In piles and clusters, you are next to me and I am next to you, just like what is written in the textbook "Spring to Plum Blossom Mountain". Each flower is crystal clear, quivering in the breeze, like dancing. Many people came here to enjoy the plum blossom: some whole families, old and young, joined in the battle - small babies who could not walk, primary school students my size, and grandfathers who sat in wheelchairs. Everyone was pointing, talking and laughing in the flowers, which was a warm scene.


I asked my mother: Why did you choose to enjoy flowers in the Qingming Festival? My mother told me: Qingming is a day to pay homage to the revolutionary martyrs and also a day to go hiking. Plum blossom is not afraid of cold and has a strong character. It is a symbol of our Chinese nation. My hometown has designated this day as the day to enjoy plum blossom, which is to tell everyone not to forget the plum blossom and those brave revolutionary martyrs like plum blossom. So it is. I looked at a bright plum blossom and became serious.

最新清明节日记 篇5


On Sunday, my parents and I went back to our hometown for the Qingming Festival. We first pick up our grandparents, and then go to our hometown along a path.


On the way, there were so many flowers that it was like a sea of flowers. I looked left and right and felt that my eyes were not enough.


The first thing to do in my hometown is to go to Swan Lake. There are some new ancient buildings, including towers, blockhouses, battle platforms, etc. Suddenly, a white swan came to me gracefully. Its snow-white feathers looked soft like cotton candy. Its long neck suddenly went into the water, I thought: it will be soaked! Unexpectedly, the neck is still so dry that even the feathers are not wet! I can't help but wonder. Looking over there, a group of wild ducks and three mandarin ducks were sleeping on a big rock. The color of the duck is only white and gray. Although it is a bit monotonous, its lovely head makes up for this defect. The round head with gray hair makes people want to touch it. At this time, I don't know who scattered a handful of corn grains, woke up the ducks who were sleeping, and scared the mandarin ducks who were performing "Golden Mandarin Independence" there. It opened its white feathers, as if to say: "Don't come here, I'm very strong!" The ducks have no such ability, so they can only wade into the water.


At noon, I want to go home for dinner. The ducks quack as if they are seeing me off. I also wave goodbye to them.


This morning, I was very happy.

清明节日记 篇6


A drizzling rain falls like tears on the Mourning Day; The mourner's heart is going to break on his way.


Excuse me, where is the tavern? The shepherd boy points to the Apricot Blossom Village.


Today is Tomb Sweeping Day, so this poem has always reverberated in my ears. Although I did not go hiking or tomb sweeping, I can also feel people's eagerness.


People drive to the suburbs to burn paper, which is very choking. I have been choked and coughed several times.


During the Qingming Festival, we went to the hot spring. My uncle's hobby is not only to go to the hot spring, but also to go to the hot spring, so he goes to the hot spring almost every holiday. We were driving on the road and saw many people burning paper. They were very sad. Maybe they remembered their dead relatives!


The air seems to have solidified today, but I'm still happy. Because Tomb Sweeping Day is a festival, can't you be happy?


Tomb Sweeping Day is a good holiday.

最新清明节日记 篇7


Today is Tomb Sweeping Day, a festival to mourn and mourn the dead.


Tomb Sweeping Day is a day of remembering the dead and thanking the loved ones.


On this day, people go to visit tombs, hold memorial ceremonies, offer sacrifices, burn incense, and burn paper. In front of the image of the deceased and the tomb, we murmured with our loved ones, talked to ourselves affectionately, and talked about our memories of our loved ones. For many years, it has been like this every year. It has been passed on from generation to generation for a long time.


Every Qingming Festival, I think of my old friends. What I miss most is my father, who has been away from us for nearly eight years. Although he has lived more than 90 years, which is considered a long life in people's eyes, I think he left too early. My father worked hard all his life, and suffered all his life. Until he raised his children, got a job, and became a family, the old man was relieved, and his life improved. However, he did not enjoy many years of happiness. He left in a hurry before his children could repay him enough, making his relatives sad.


I work in other places. I don't live with my father all the year round. I only go home to see my father on his birthday every Spring Festival. My father only comes to my home for a month or so every year. The time I spend with my father every year is so short. Now I think about it and regret that I didn't spend more time with the elderly when my father was still alive. It's no use regretting. Only the lost can know its value.


I envy people whose parents are alive. It is a kind of happiness for them to show filial respect to their parents, and it is a kind of enjoyment for them to be loved by their parents. You can tell your parents what you have in mind, and they will give you advice. Although parents' advice may not all conform to the modern trend, it is undeniable that parents are always good for their children, and no one can replace them.


Those whose parents are alive, please cherish your happiness. I can't enjoy this kind of happiness in this life, and I can only wait until the next life.


Tomb Sweeping Day is a festival to remember the dead, to thank their loved ones, and to celebrate the Chinese people around the world.

清明节日记 篇8


Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. My parents and I go back to our hometown to visit the tomb. On the way to sweep the tomb, we drove along flat and spacious roads. When we arrived at the cemetery, we saw that there were so many people, all of them were carrying forward the fine tradition of our Chinese nation - tomb sweeping. When we got to my ancestral tomb, I thought people were burning paper, but I didn't even smell a cigarette. Again, it turns out that people are planting a beautiful flower on the tomb. After a while, the tomb sweeping was over. After we said goodbye to our grandparents, we returned to Yancheng. The first feeling after returning home is that the changes in the countryside are too great!


In the past, my grandpa's generation walked on muddy roads. When riding a bicycle, they got into trouble in rainy days. They were not people riding bicycles, but people riding bicycles. In addition, the smoke from burning paper when sweeping tombs is billowing. In our present term, it is white pollution. Now, I drive a car, walk on a flat road, and put flowers in the grave. And today, people do not forget our fine traditions, and everyone respects the old and loves the young.


Today, although our standard of living has improved, we should not forget our fine traditions.