
时间:2022-08-05 13:30:02 | 来源:语文通



Taking advantage of the National Day holiday, I went to the Garden Boyuan to play. The scenery there was better than elsewhere. The air was so fresh and the sky was so clear that I always wanted to sing a song, showing that I was happy.


As soon as I arrived at the Yuanbo Garden, the magnificent door stood in front of my eyes. As a magnificent and domineering, I couldn't help but admire it.After entering the gate, the Henan float used during the National Day ceremony was parked there, adding some beautiful scenery to the door.


Go inside, first come to Huashengxuan. This is a large pavilion, very beautiful, and it is also very empty. Because there is a ring today, it is not open to tourists, which also makes me feel regrets.


In the Garden Expo Garden, there are many theme garden scattered. My favorite is the balcony garden and Inner Mongolia and Hohhot Garden.The design of the balcony garden is very interesting. At the beginning, I thought it might be a small garden on the balcony of a small house. As a result, when I saw it, I couldn't help but admire it.There are tables and chairs on the balcony, and there are some plates and cups. It is surrounded by flowers and trees to form a beautiful scenery. How can such a balcony garden not amazing?


Although there is a "garden" in Inner Mongolia and Hohhot Garden, it is not a garden, but a building composed of a huge Matouqin and some colorful ribbons, which is very bright and beautiful.There is a huge horse head standing on the horse head piano, and it looks extraordinarily prestigious in the colorful ribbon. I can't help but think of a story about "Matouqin". There is some sadness in my heart.This garden is really connotative and unforgettable.


I also visited a lot of Chinese and foreign -themed gardens, and went to the Children's Experience Museum. I learned a lot of scientific knowledge and opened up their horizons.It's just that the time is too fast. The batch of the race competition is about to begin, so we ended the garden and started the second half of the garden Boyuan Tournament.



1、北京:北京读音为běi jīng,是指1.指建康。即今南京市。南朝宋都建康,位在当时疆土之北,因谓之北京。 2.指京口。在今江苏镇江市。京口是南朝宋的发祥地,文帝又生于其地,因称之为北京。 3.指平城。在今山西大同市东北。北魏于太和十九年自平城南迁都洛阳,因称旧都平城为北京。 4.指太原府。在今山西太原市西南晋源镇。唐和五代的唐﹑晋﹑汉都发祥于此,因谓之北京。 5.指大名府。今河北大名县。因宋真宗曾经驻跸于此。 6.金天眷元年改辽上京临潢府为北京。故址在今内蒙古巴林左旗波罗城。见《金史.熙宗纪》。 7.金贞元元年迁新都于中都大兴府(今北京市)北京 běi jīng词语解释:1.指建康。即今南京市。南朝宋都建康,位在当时疆土之北,因谓之北京。 2.指京口。在今江苏镇江市。京口是南朝宋的发祥地,文帝又生于其地,因称之为北京。 3.指平城。在今山西大同市东北。北魏于太和十九年自平城南迁都洛阳,因称旧都平城为北京。 4.指太原府。在今山西太原市西南晋源镇。唐和五代的唐﹑晋﹑汉都发祥于此,因谓之北京。 5.指大名府。今河北大名县。因宋真宗曾经驻跸于此。 6.金天眷元年改辽上京临潢府为北京。故址在今内蒙古巴林左旗波罗城。见《金史.熙宗纪》。 7.金贞元元年迁新都于中都大兴府(今北京市),以旧都中京大定府在新都之北,改称北京。故址即今内蒙古宁城县西北大明城。见《金史.海陵纪》。 8.明初指开封府。即今河南开封市。 9.明永乐元年,成祖将他做燕王时的封地北平府改为顺天府,建北京,即今北京市。永乐十九年,自应天(今江苏南京市)迁都顺天,改北京为京师。洪熙元年,拟还都应天,复改京师为北京。正统六年,定北京为国都,又改称京师。历清直至辛亥革命后,相沿不改。但习惯上自明永乐以后都称北京。参见“北京市”。分词解释:当时:1.指过去发生某件事情的时候;昔时。 2.指当时的人们。 3.指在位的皇帝。 4.正当青春之时。 5.官名。黄帝置﹐执掌天时。京市:1.国都,京城。 2.国都的交易市场。南朝:1.我国南北朝时期,据有江南地区的宋﹑齐﹑梁﹑陈四朝的总称。因四朝都建都于建康,即今南京市,故后人或借指南京。 2.泛称位于南方的南宋﹑南明。...北京怎么造句,用北京造句»