
时间:2022-06-30 13:03:02 | 来源:语文通



The so -called "Guangdong cuisine", and the most distinctive thing here is tea.Guangzhou people love to drink tea, and drinking tea is also a habit of daily life of Guangzhou people.Even when you meet in the morning, you ask "drinking tea without". It is a good replacement in the morning. It is not difficult to see that everyone loves tea drinking tea.


Drinking tea that people often say in Guangzhou are actually drinking tea in teahouses. Not only do you have to drink tea, but also need to eat snacks.Therefore, it is regarded as a method of interpersonal communication.The definition of teahouses in Guangzhou and ordinary tea houses is also different.It not only gives tea soup and snacks, but also has a magnificent business scale of engineering buildings, and is graceful and luxurious, but it is not comparable to ordinary teahouses.Drinking tea in such areas is indeed a very leisurely thing.In the case of tea, snacks are also indispensable.There are many types of snacks in Guangzhou, with more than 100 diverse types, such as: shrimp dumplings, dried steamed sale, horseshoe cake, glutinous rice chicken ... and my favorite is shrimp dumplings.There are large and tender shrimp in a thin skin.After bite it down, it is very colorful and full of taste.Because of that, Guangzhou people call tea as "sighing tea"."Sigh" is the saying in Guangzhou, which means enjoyment.This may be a key reason why the teahouse industry in Guangzhou has been in nearly century!


There is no etiquette knowledge in Guangzhou people drinking tea. Only when the owner adds tea to the customer, customers should use the ring finger and the middle thumb to lightly stretch the desktop, and even grateful.I heard that this custom habit comes from historical allusions in the south of the Jiangnan in Qianlong.In the case of inspection from Qianlong to Jiangnan area, Zeng Wei's private visitor once rushed to a tea house.EssenceHowever, in order to better expose the true identity of the emperor, the servant cleverly moved, bent the ring finger and the middle thumb, and made the stance of the knee knee, gently staggering the desktop to kneel down.After that, it slowly evolved into a etiquette knowledge for tea.


This is the most distinctive "tea ceremony culture".This makes our daily life become very diverse.So everyone must pass on it from generation to generation!



1、有意思:有意思读音为yǒu yì sī,是指1.谓意趣思致不同世俗。 2.有意义;耐人寻味。 3.有趣。 4.特指男女间有爱恋的情意。有意思 yǒu yì sī词语解释:1.谓意趣思致不同世俗。 2.有意义;耐人寻味。 3.有趣。 4.特指男女间有爱恋的情意。(1) [interesting;enjoyable]∶有趣,耐人寻味最有意思的蜜蜂(2) [significant;meaningful]∶有意义他讲的话虽不多,但很有意思分词解释:有趣:有兴味;有趣味。情意:1.感情。多指男女相悦之情。 2.指恩情。 3.心情。 4.本意。男女:1.男人和女人。 2.泛指百姓。 3.指两性间性欲。 4.儿女。 5.旧时对地位卑下者的称呼。 6.旧时地位卑下者的自称。 7.詈词。耐人寻味:耐:禁得起;寻味:探索体味。意味深长,值得人仔细体会琢磨。...有意思怎么造句,用有意思造句»