
时间:2022-07-02 13:12:49 | 来源:语文通



It was a Friday morning. When the ringtone of the third class rang, my classmates and I returned to the seat.At this time, the scientific teacher hurried into the classroom with two pots of plants. It seems that today's science courses are related to plants! But why should the scientific teacher bring two pots of plants? I am so curious.


"Good classmates," the scientific teacher smiled and preached loudly, "Today's science class, we will learn the grafting of plants." When I heard the word "grafting", the students were immediately hot.Talking.At this time, the scientific teacher said, "Classmates, please be quiet, who can tell me the word 'grafting', what does it mean?" Suddenly the classroom was silent, and even the sound of a needle fell on the ground could be heard.


After a while, the classmates raised their hands, and the teacher ordered a few students to get up and answered.Plants were transplanted into the woods. "The scientific teacher shook his head and said loudly:" Classmates, the meaning of grafting is to connect the stems of a plant to another plant for reproduction, allowing it to grow into different plants, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, classmates, students, students, students, students, students, students, classmatesDo you understand it? "We said in unison:" I understand! "The scientific teacher said," Since you understand, let's do an experiment? "Everyone answered" OK. "


The experiment started, we were around the podium, but some of my classmates and I moved a little slower, but I didn't even see the shadow of the two pots of plants.At this time, the teacher noticed us and pointed at me and said, "You come to operate and graft these two pots of plants." I happily walked to the teacher and picked up the small blade, and my heart jumped up.As a result, accidentally cut a leaf.At this time, the scientific teacher said, "Don't be nervous, take it slowly, the incision of the plant should be cut into oval."


After listening to the teacher's words, my heart calmed down immediately. According to the teacher's instructions, carefully cut the stems of a pot of plants into oval mouths, and tied it with a tape with another pot of plants.The teacher said, "Very good, the grafting is complete!" In the classroom, the students' applause sounded warmly.


This is my most memorable lesson. What is your most memorable lesson? Looking forward to your sharing.



"Wow ..." "Oh ..." "Hey ..." A burst of shocks, or emotions, mixed with doubts, filled the auditorium.Guess what we are doing?Teachers from Treasure Island Taiwan are giving us a scientific experimental course.


As soon as I class, I was attracted by the teacher's humorous and humorous drama teaching methods.Take us into a dreamy scientific world.


The deepest thing I remember was the experiment of "dry ice and fog". The teacher put the dry ice in two buckets. In this cool fog, the students were already unable to hold back the excitement in their hearts, and they cheered at the scene. Sitting in front of them climbed up to the podium, some tried to catch the fairy, and some simply sat in this comfortable fog. It turns out that dry ice is a solid carbon dioxide. When carbon dioxide changes from solid to gases, a large amount of heat is absorbed, which reduces the temperature of the surrounding air quickly and the air temperature decreases. The heat became a small drop, which is the "fairy mist" we saw. Through interaction with us, teachers teach us how to use eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and hands to observe and explore in the scientific world. At this time, I felt that the esoteric terms such as "Bernoulli Principles", "Boli Er Ding the Law", and "dry ice" were no longer so out of reach. I feel that science is so amazing, so simple, and very fun.


The "immortal" is filled with the crowd, and I am shocked and intoxicated by this dreamy scientific feast in front of me. It is also moved to my classmates' longing for science and the thirst for the principles behind the magic. This is to promote scientific knowledge.The motivation to continuously popularize and develop.


I will always remember this dreamy scientific experiment.



600 words in a lesson: an unforgettable scientific lesson


From kindergarten to elementary school, the teacher gave me a lot of lessons, but what made me most memorable was a scientific lesson in the fourth grade.


That day, the sun was bright and the weather was fine. With the pleasant ringtone, we stood up, walked into the classroom, and started class.


At this time, the teacher was dressed up particularly beautiful, and the voice of speaking was particularly good: "Classmates, we do an experiment today." Then, the teacher wrote a few big characters on the blackboard "hammer hammer egg hammers".Essence


The atmosphere of the classroom suddenly became active. Some classmates said: "The hammer hammer egg, even the 3 -year -old child knows who is better and who is, what is the teacher today? How do you become so stupid?" Some students educatedSaid: "Yes, it's right!" Some classmates said mysteriously: "Maybe, the teacher's knowledge is so profound, how can it be wrong?" Look at the small writers and small in the classScientists are also scratching their ears, and they can't figure out a clue.Don't say, at this time, I am wondering!


The teacher carefully took out the props, an ordinary egg that could no longer be ordinary, and a large bowl of hammer.The teacher waved his hand to us. At this time, the classroom suddenly calmed down, and even the next needle could be heard.Everyone held his breath, opened his eyes, and looked at the red skin egg.I saw the teacher holding the hammer and smashed the eggs hard. As a result, the eggs were broken immediately, and the teacher's hand was covered with eggs and egg yolks.


At this time, I don't know who said: "The teacher lost!" The classmates of our class talked, and some said, "The teacher can lose now!" Some said, "What do you think of the teacher?" And there is any moreHe said, "This time, the teacher can't step down."


After 5 minutes, the discussion stopped.


The teacher smiled and said, "Classmates, you see me right!" "Yes? The eggs are broken, right?" My psychology was full of doubts."You don't break the hammer and egg hammer, and you understand that the eggs are not broken, but I think it is not broken." The students suddenly realized at this time and nodded.


After class, I thought: "Chinese text is really mysterious! It seems that I have to study hard in the future!"


This incident is so interesting that I have made me unforgettable so far.


600 words in a lesson composition 2: an unforgettable class


People have many unforgettable things, but I have an unforgettable class.In retrospect, it is really interesting, you can also share this unforgettable class!


One night, I went to the text class.It happened that day was a holiday class. When I heard that there were fun games, I jumped three feet high.The teacher finally announced in the eyes that the classmates couldn't wait, "We need to use delicious things to make props for this activity lesson!" The teacher's voice did not fall, and a thunderous voice sounded below.I was so lucky that the teacher was invited to the stage in the first round.A word from the teacher broke the lively and cheerful scene: "Our activities start now, and I will send a piece of gram potato chips to the classmates on the stage."The potato chips moved from the eyebrows to the mouth, and bite with their mouths to win.I thought: "Oh, this is a bit difficult, I still go all out and do my best! Next, the game begins.


I raised my head, carefully put the potato chips on the forehead, and blinked and squeezed my eyes vigorously.The audience has always been full of cheers, screams and applause.I glanced at other classmates a little, and their progress was not as fast as me, so I relieved.How can I make potato chips steadily falling into my mouth? I racked my brains and finally thought of a fast way. I first fanned my nose, poured my mouth, and tried it several times.Pass on my cheek.I secretly refueling in my heart and using the "ultimate secret weapon" -the face convulsions, the magical power, the potato chips fell on my tongue enough to get in the place.I gently hooked, and the potato chips fell steadily in my mouth.There was an applause immediately in the audience. I clearly heard: "In this game, Kun Qi won!" I was so happy that the teacher went on to say, "Kun Qi, this potato chip is attributed to you!"On the top, he flew quickly.


After the class, I was thinking: Why did this class make me happy and unforgettable? Ah, it turned out that because I realized a great truth: there was no difficulty in the world, I was afraid of people.



1、科学:科学读音为kē xué,是指①反映自然、社会、思维等的客观规律的分科的知识体系。②合乎科学的:科学种田ㄧ这种说法不科学ㄧ革命精神和科学态度相结合。科学 kē xué词语解释:①反映自然、社会、思维等的客观规律的分科的知识体系。②合乎科学的:科学种田ㄧ这种说法不科学ㄧ革命精神和科学态度相结合。分词解释:体系:若干有关事物或思想意识互相联系而构成的一个整体。合乎:符合;合于:合乎事实丨合乎规律丨合乎要求。相结合:合成始终一致的整体。如:现代战争中人和机器的相结合。说法:1.宣讲宗教教义。 2.引申为讲解道理。 3.说书的方法。 4.措词。 5.意见﹔见解。分科:1.谓在学问业务上有不同的专长。 2.今指不同的学术或业务的类别。...科学怎么造句,用科学造句»

2、难忘:难忘读音为nán wàng,是指1.无法忘记。 2.永远留在脑海里。 3.值得记忆的。难忘 nán wàng词语意思:1.无法忘记。 2.永远留在脑海里。 3.值得记忆的。(1) [unforgettable]∶无法忘记难忘的时刻(2) [ever lasting]∶永远留在脑海里一个具有政治胆识的难忘行动(3) [memorable]∶值得记忆的难忘的岁月分词解释:海里:计量海洋上距离的长度单位,一海里等于1,852米。旧也作浬。记忆:①记住或想起:小时候的事情有些还能记忆起来。②保持在脑子里的过去事物的印象:记忆犹新。忘记:1.不记得。 2.该做的事没有想到去做。 3.没有感觉到。永远:1.长远;永久。 2.一直;从来。 3.晋代隐居于庐山的两个高僧惠永与惠远的并称。...难忘怎么造句,用难忘造句»