I like to eat Sichuan fried eggs the most.Due to the rich nutrition of Chun fried eggs, crispy and delicious, it is still overwhelming.
Today, I asked the Grandpa of Chun Fried Egg -Grandpa to teach me to be a Chun fried egg.
Grandpa said, "To make Chun -fried eggs, you need to wash Chun and chop first, then put it in the pot and fry, then knock the eggshell, pour the eggs into the bowl, add an appropriate amount of condiments, stir -fry the stir -fryChun and eggs are stirred and finally fry in the pot. "
Grandpa was still declining, and I couldn't wait to act.I washed Chun and put it on the cutting board.Looking at my "work", I was very proud of the spring breeze, and hurriedly told Grandpa to "appreciate".
"Your posture is very neat. But the short and short length of your cut of Chun will not only endanger the beauty of the fried egg, but also harm the taste of this cinnamon, which will not be meticulous. If you want to make refreshingTsubaka fried eggs must be processed by reproduction -chopped Chun a little. "Grandpa said.
After listening to Grandpa's words, I cut the Chun to break and evenly, put it in the pot and stir fry.After a while, a refreshing tilt of Tsumania fell, and I couldn't help the spit on the spit.
Tapping of eggs and my specialty, because I often help my grandfather knocking eggs.I knocked on the eggshell, poured the eggs into the bowl, added the stir -fried tstes, and stirred it.
Oh, it's correct, you have to put the flavoring products.I picked up a spoonful of salt and prepared to put the eggs in advance.
"Pengpeng, wait a minute!" Grandpa discouraged me, "You can't put too much salt. If you put more salt, the dishes will be salty and you can't swallow. More importantly, a person takes too much salt, and moreVery easy to cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. "
"How much salt should be?" I asked.
Grandpa said: "Generally, how much salt is the decision to decide on the dishes. If there are more dishes, put a little more salt. According to the amount of vegetables today, you can reduce the small spoon of salt. If you put a small amount of chicken essence, a few drops of rice wine,, The cricket eggs that make it will be more softer and mellow. "
Under the specific guidance of Grandpa, I put salt, chicken essence, rice wine, and stirred it twice.
All is ready except for the opportunity.After I was cleaned the pot, put the vegetable pot hot and poured into the appropriate mountain tea oil.When the oil boiled, I poured the stirred egg into the pan.
Gradually, the eggs slowly expanded, and I was afraid that Chun fried eggs would burn the burn, and hurriedly said, "Grandpa, you have to help me master the cookedness. If you want to reverse, you want me."
"Don't worry, I can guide you in detail. Grandpa must make you a great god of making citrines. However, you have to check the transformation of the egg in the pot with your heart and understand it seriously."
In the back, because I didn't care about the good range, the rounded egg cake turned into two pieces.Although the omelet was broken, I was still very happy, because I knew how to make a stroke of fried eggs.
Today, I realize the happiness and joy of getting work.I firmly believe that in the subsequent daily life, I only need to observe it with my heart and understand it carefully. The technicality of my cooking will continue to improve. Maybe someday I can become a kitchen god "small blessing".
1、学会:学会读音为xué huì,是指由研究某一学科或某个学术领域的人组成的学术团体。如语言学会﹑物理学会等。学会 xué huì分词解释:由研究某一学科或某个学术领域的人组成的学术团体。如语言学会﹑物理学会等。分词解释:组成:谓由部分或个体组合成为整体。领域:①犹领土。国家主权管辖下的区域:国家领域神圣不可侵犯。②意识形态或社会活动的范围:思想领域|学术领域|生活领域|科学领域。语言:人类特有的表达意思、交流思想的工具,由语音、词汇、语法构成一定的体系。语言有口语和书面形式。研究:①钻研;探求事物的性质、规律等:凡事须得研究,才会明白|研究人类学。②考虑;商讨:这个方案领导正在研究|请大家来研究问题。...学会怎么造句,用学会造句»
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