
时间:2022-11-15 12:50:55 | 来源:语文通



爱之歌作文 篇1亲情类作文 篇2爱之歌作文 篇3爱之歌作文 篇4四季之家 篇5爱之歌作文 篇6爱之歌作文 篇7爱之歌作文 篇8

爱之歌作文 篇1


这时,一个小苹果对着风伯伯奶声奶气地嚷道:“风伯伯,您带我荡秋千吧。”望着这可爱的小苹果,风伯伯顿时喜欢上了它。轻轻地推着它在枝头上荡来荡去,小苹果乐得哈哈大笑,高兴地叫着:“好舒服呀!风伯伯,帮我再荡得高一点。”风伯伯也深深地沉浸在这乐融融的气氛中,不知不觉秋千越荡越高了……“啊!”一声惊叫,小苹果从树上掉了下来。真是乐极生悲呀!幸好下面长满密密丛丛的小草,小苹果才没有被摔伤身体。它坐在地上哭喊着:“妈妈,快救救我吧,我要回家,我好害怕啊!”苹果妈妈心里很清楚,孩子一旦离开自己,就等于踏上不归路。自己只能眼睁睁看着孩子痛苦地离开这个世界,却无能为力。这种无奈,这种伤感,令苹果妈妈悲痛欲绝,她撕心裂肺地哭着。风伯伯也为自己的行为追悔莫及,忍不住呜呜地痛哭起来。他们凄凉的哭声传遍了整个森林,许多飞鸟走兽都闻声赶来,大家也想不出什么办法,只能流下同情的眼泪。这时,乌鸦飞到树枝上“哇哇”地叫着:“ www.shubaoc.com 大家都别哭,请安静,请安静,让我想想办法。”大家都欢呼起来:“‘乌鸦智多星’来了,小苹果肯定有救了。”






亲情类作文 篇2


Kinship is a bright light, illuminating my way forward; Kinship is a signboard, which takes me out of the complicated maze of growth; Family is an umbrella, which protects my head from wind and rain. Family love is an indispensable thing in everyone's life, and everyone needs family love. When I was a child, I fell down countless times, but the only time I can't forget is that... "Hurry up, it's getting dark, and adults are waiting for us to have a reunion dinner!" Listen, my second brother is urging me again. "Oh, don't hurry. I can only walk so fast. I will catch up with you by counting three seconds!" "Three, two, one, here I come!" I was sprinting. Suddenly, I tripped over something and fell down. I cried and cried in pain. When my second brother, younger brother, second sister and cousin heard my cry, they all ran to me. "Sister, are you all right? Does it hurt? Stand up and try to see if you can go?" "Oh, it hurts!" I just moved and cried again. The second sister frowned, looked at me, and said softly, "Come on, I, the younger brother and the second brother will carry you on their own for a while. Xiao Yu, first wipe the tears off the third sister's face, and then help me carry my bag." "Well, Third Sister, don't cry. If you cry again, we will suffer when we go home." After that, my cousin made a funny little dog action, which made me laugh through tears. I moved from the second elder sister to the second elder brother. "Second brother, are you tired? If you are tired, let me carry my sister for a while." The younger brother looked at the second brother and blurted out. "I'm not tired. It's OK. I can hold on for a while." I saw the sweat on my second brother's forehead, so I picked up a paper towel to wipe my sweat. My second brother smiled back at me, and walked on with me on his back... The feeling of being loved and cared for by others was like rain, which moistened my heart and spread warm to my whole body. These relatives care about me, love me, take care of me, accompany me, no matter what happens, they will be around me, and I am full of happiness.

爱之歌作文 篇3


You, like an angel, use your pure heart to comfort her injured heart. Her life was awakened by your words. A wordless song at night, against the dim moonlight, is a long song of love and the beauty of the heart.


She was a girl who broke her legs in a flying car accident and washed her face with tears in her hospital bed all day long. On October 5, 2009, accompanied by my parents, I went to Tongxiang People's Hospital to see my sick uncle. His bed was in the southernmost part, next to the window. On the northernmost hospital bed lies a girl whose legs were broken by a car. The girl has lost her confidence in life. She is only 14 years old this year. At 11:00 noon, a nurse in her twenties came in, fed her, told her stories, and encouraged her to be strong and take care of her like a mother. At one o'clock in the afternoon, the nurse came to tell the girl a story,. She told many stories encouraging people to be strong, and the nurse coaxed her to sleep. At 4 o'clock, the girl woke up and saw the nurse beside the bed. She smiled because she felt the happiness of being loved again. In the evening, in the moonlight, beautiful songs sounded, which sounded like a mother's nocturne for her children. She fell asleep and smiled in the dim moonlight, because beside her, in the moonlight, "mother" sang a song of love for her. In the singing of "mother", there is a caring heart for children.


The most beautiful song in the world, the song of love, composes a true maternal love, making love the most beautiful song in the world. The song of love, let love sprinkle to the earth, let the heart closely linked. Song of love, God of love, Lord of harmony, God of creating beauty. The song of love is the most true and warm maternal love in the world. Love, the real mother.

爱之歌作文 篇4


Motherly love is a wordless song! I remember one rainy day last year, I went home from my grandmother with an umbrella. Unexpectedly, the umbrella was blown into the mud by the wind and got very dirty by the mud. When I got home, I was afraid my mother would say I wanted to wash it. But how cold the groundwater should be on such a cold day! So I took advantage of my mother's inattention and quietly put my umbrella in the corner of the door. In the evening, when I was doing my homework in the room, I suddenly heard a rustling sound. The sound was so clear and rhythmic. I followed the sound and saw my mother squatting hard beside the faucet in the bathroom, washing the muddy umbrella. Looking at my mother's up and down movements, I felt very guilty and felt that my mother was not cleaning the stains on the umbrella. It is to wash away the stain of my heart that does not love labor!


Maternal love is a great song! She was a good meal when we were hungry; A warm coat for us in the cold; A little consolation when you are sad

你听,唐代大诗人孟郊正在唱“谁言寸草心,报得三春晖”,一代流行天王周杰伦在唱“听妈妈的话”,就像潺潺流动的小溪,是那么的自然, 那么的久远。母亲用她全部的力量默默的谱写着这首永恒而又伟大的歌,这首母爱的歌。

Listen, Meng Jiao, the great poet of the Tang Dynasty, is singing "Who can say the heart of grass can win the three spring sunshine", and Jay Chou, the king of pop, is singing "Listen to my mother", just like a flowing brook, which is so natural and so distant. Mother silently composed this eternal and great song with all her strength, this song of maternal love.

四季之家 篇5











爱之歌作文 篇6


The sky did not collapse and the earth did not sink. In this special and ordinary "doomsday year", a group of moral models emerged. They were people who moved the whole of China. They walked out from behind the scenes of silent dedication and stood on the stage, telling us that there is truth in the world and love among people with their simple faces.


She is one of them. Maybe many people don't know her name, but it doesn't matter. Each of us has remembered her face: "the most beautiful mother".


When a life is only ten floors away from the hell, when a small life is falling from the world to the hell, she did not hesitate, and even did not have time to think about the results. She dived like an angel, and gently and steadily caught the dying life with her slender arms that can bear a life, like the sun holding up a child and a family.


He fainted immediately, and the broken bone pierced the flesh. She suffered a comminuted fracture of her left arm.


In the hospital, her face was always full of smiles, as if the injured arm was not her own. When the reporter asked why he wanted to save a child he didn't know, he said that he had just become a mother, and that saving the child was based on the mother's instinct. She had no time to think about anything.


This is the greatness of maternal love. She has raised the word "maternal love" to the height of all mankind. She gave us a deeper understanding of the meaning of mothers: giving everything for their children.


Facing the podium, she was indifferent. She said that any mother would save her child in such a situation, and she just did what she should do.


Maybe her appearance is not as good as Madonna, maybe she is as ordinary as a grain of dust, we will also say that she is the most beautiful mother. Because of her kindness, selflessness, and motherhood.


When she did this, she did not think that her one move would move many people. I wonder if the saved child would cherish his life more and help more people after walking back from the death line.


Her unthinking action saved a living little life for only one reason: the mother's instinct. This instinct comes from maternal love.

爱之歌作文 篇7


I always have a song in my heart, called "Love". Every day I will sing and listen quietly.


The always warm breakfast every morning, the clothes I was asked to change after school, and the warm quilt at night. My dear grandparents, in order to make my life more comfortable after school, let my parents work at ease and take care of me regardless of their old bodies. My father was busy all day. I was still sleeping when I went out, and I had already fallen asleep when I came back. But I know he worked so hard for me. But what I want to thank and praise most is my mother.


Before going to middle school, I was brought up by my mother, and I was very close to her. Later, she moved home, and her mother changed her job, often working late to go home. I am especially afraid of the dark. I have to hold my mother to fall asleep at night. My mother was afraid that I could not sleep, so she went to buy a teddy bear and let me hold it to sleep.


As I grow up, my mother's work gets busier and busier. Sometimes I won't come back even overnight. And I gradually got used to the night without my mother. Every time my mother calls back and says that she is too busy to go home, I always respond to her tactfully, "Well, I know, there is a bear with me. Mom, you can go to work with ease."


The sound of the wind blowing the window at night makes it difficult to sleep. I lay on the big double bed with Little Bear in my arms, and only I knew how I spent those nights.


Sometimes students will ask me, why haven't they seen your mother? I always answer with a proud smile. My mother is busy with her work. She is a cadre. When people left, my smile gradually faded. In fact, I still miss my mother. After all, I'm just a child.


The Mid Autumn Festival is coming, and the sky is getting dark. I thought my mother would come back to get together with her family, but my hope was dashed when the phone rang. Shaking my head in frustration, I ran to answer the phone.


"Hey, baby?" The mother's voice on the other side of the phone was panting, as if she was worried, "Mom can't come back today. We need to have an emergency meeting."


As expected, I sighed slightly.


"Hmm. Mom, I know. It's important to work. Don't worry. I'll have a bear with me in the evening. Happy Mid Autumn Festival." Although I have become less afraid of the dark, I am still used to saying that "I will have a bear with me at night". With these words, I hung up the phone with a "snap". I'm afraid I can't help begging her to come back.


In fact, in addition to "Happy Mid Autumn Festival", I also want to say: Mom, thank you for making me more sensible. More importantly, you taught me how to sing that song of love.


That's my love song.

爱之歌作文 篇8


How great and holy love is!


Love is a bunch of flowers in spring, giving people surprise and fragrance; Love is a cool summer wind, giving people cool and comfortable; Love is a handful of spring in the desert, giving life opportunity and vitality; Love is a ray of sunshine in winter, giving people warmth and hope.


Love is... Father love is a continuous green mountain, wordless and thick.


A mother's love is a gurgling stream, soft and long.


The teacher's love is like a beacon, shining on you.


Friendship, like bookmarks, keeps me growing.


Having love will make my life no longer monotonous and lonely. It will extinguish my jealousy caused by loneliness, and it will light up my heart lamp that yearns for light. It is like a piece of medicine to soothe the pain of my soul; Love will make me full of passion and dream! It is like a gust of wind, which makes me sail confidently and sail the ship of life through the rough sea! It will give me encouragement and support. () Let me play a piece of music that belongs to my unique style to my heart's content. It will open the door to happiness in my life, and let me never hesitate again. With a confident smile, I will straighten my spine in the face of difficulties; Like the Ferris wheel, it will keep turning in my heart, letting me give up all the melancholy and melancholy, and never look at the world with a magnifying glass again. I will use a sincere heart to feel and taste life.


Under the comfort of love, I will try my best to wipe away the sad tears. Under the encouragement of love, I will rearrange the wet feathers. Under the care of love, I will be happier and stronger than anyone else.


The person who loses love will be like a puppet, losing the vitality of life; Those who have lost their love will always live in the cold winter without the joy of spring and the enthusiasm of summer; If you lose your love, life will be beautiful and glorious; The beautiful flowers in my dreams will fade gradually... So I am eager for love, for life is no longer dark, for life will become wonderful, and for youth, I will not linger.


Love will completely change our lives and warm our cold hearts, so we should cherish love, experience love, and learn to love at the same time.


Love is silent, leaving people with endless aftertaste and soul stirring. In the mysterious country of love, one day, tears will also smile. If there is no time to perfect it, sing a song of departure to let the sadness drift away with the wind. In the fragrance of love, we will grow up happily and healthily, and become a person who knows how to cherish and pay love.


Ah, dear friends, let's bathe in the sunshine of love together to discover the beauty of life, experience the sweetness of love, spread our wings in our own sky, fly freely, and let the flowers in our dreams bloom more brilliantly.