今天,我看了憨豆先生的视频,我想说他太搞笑了吧 !
Today, I watched the video of Mr. Bean, I want to say that he is so funny!
一天,憨豆先生兴致勃勃地来到游泳馆,在来的路上,他想象自己像小鱼儿一样在游泳池里游泳,但是当他走到水边的时候,却退缩了 。心里似乎在想:要是水太深了怎么办?他越想越怕,全身都在发抖,手心都在流汗。咦?那是什么? 原来有一群小朋友在玩水上滑滑梯,憨豆先生快速地跑过去 ,正准备坐上去的时候,教练在一旁吹响了口哨,对他说:“这不是大人玩的,是小朋友玩的,赶快离开这里。” 这时憨豆先生的脸立马红了起来,便落荒而逃了 。
One day, Mr. Bean came to the swimming pool with great interest. On the way, he imagined that he swims in the swimming pool like a small fish, but when he walked to the water, he retreated.He seemed to be thinking: What if the water is too deep? The more he wants to be afraid, the more he is shaking his body, and his palms are sweating.Hey? What is that? Originally, there was a group of children playing with water slide. Mr. Bean ran quickly and was about to sit up.It was played by a child, and left here quickly. "At this time, Mr. Bean's face blushed, and then fled.
I think Mr. Bean is so interesting.
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