
时间:2022-07-19 13:30:03 | 来源:语文通



When it was sunny, my grandmother went to the roof service platform to dry.


Everyone here is a well -known bamboo township. Every year around the Qingming, the bamboo shoots on the bamboo mountains are as stormy as the bubbles. They are white and tender and delicious, attracting many young people to come to us.At this moment, my grandmother always takes the iron cricket to dig the mountain on the top of the mountain.You can don't think she wants to make money. She is dried up to parents far away!


The new and rigid bamboo shoots are wrapped in layers of plush bamboo shoots. Most of the top sides are tender yellow. Grandma said that the bamboo shoots are fresh and sweet.There are also some green heads, all of which have appeared from the soil, although they can still be eaten, only the taste is worse.However, there is no harm to making bamboo shoots.


According to the practice, you can handle many brothers and sisters in the work of taking off your clothes.With the layer of bamboo shoots, the meat inside was exposed, and the snow was as white as snow.Quickly, a basket of bamboo shoots were taken off by everyone.My sister and I put their coats in the dustpan, and one person carried it in it.Grandma said that they are better as pure natural nutrients.


The next step is to clean up.Under the tap faucet, my grandmother received the bamboo shoots from me, one by one to massage him.I wiped two back and forth, and a bamboo shoot was cleaned up and tidy, and it went to the pot.On the other side of the firewood stove, my sister had already taken the fire, and the two cousins took a small spoon to add water to the pot.Grandma said that water needs to be used without bamboo shoots.Quickly, the little bamboo shoots then jumped into the "bathing center" one after another. Below, they would gradually practice here for one or two minutes.Under the pan, my sister's fire was baked Taobao Wangwang.At this moment, my grandmother and I can rest in rest.


Boiling bamboo shoots is a delicate work. In addition to boiling water, you have to pay attention to the latte shovel and shovel to prevent them from sticking to the pot and burn.After cooking for two hours, the small bamboo shoots finally practiced the unique martial arts of the world -cartilage power.Pick them up from the pot noodles. I and my grandmother and I gradually cut with a fruit knife. A bamboo shoot was cut into two sections, cut one piece, and put it in the basket.Sister sister brought the bamboo shoots on the roof service platform and put them on the wooden row.


Grandma said, catching up with the weather, it can be collected for four or five days.After the sun is ready, take such a small hand, put it in a pressure cooker to cook with the duck, the taste is very good, your dad loves to eat the most.When the grandmother said, the face laughed at all, making everyone itchy.


Therefore, everyone is looking forward to the sunny day!



1、一片:一片读音为yī piàn,是指1.数量词。用于平而薄的东西。 2.数量词。用于地面﹑水面。 3.数量词。用于呈片状或连接成片的景物。 4.数量词。用于弥漫散布的景色﹑气象。 5.数量词。用于集聚在一起的声音。 6.数量词。用于人的心情﹑心地﹑心意。 7.数量词。用于文字﹑语言。 8.整片;整体。一片 yī piàn词典解释:1.数量词。用于平而薄的东西。 2.数量词。用于地面﹑水面。 3.数量词。用于呈片状或连接成片的景物。 4.数量词。用于弥漫散布的景色﹑气象。 5.数量词。用于集聚在一起的声音。 6.数量词。用于人的心情﹑心地﹑心意。 7.数量词。用于文字﹑语言。 8.整片;整体。分词解释:地面:1.地表面。 2.房屋等建筑物内部及周围的地上用某种材料铺筑的表层。 3.地区;地方。 4.当地;本地。整体:指整个集体或整个事物的全部。声音:1.指由物体振动而发生的声波通过听觉所产生的印象。 2.古指音乐﹑诗歌。 3.指说话的声气和口音。 4.比喻意见﹑论调。散布:亦作“散佈”。1.谓分散到各处。2.传布;传播。...一片怎么造句,用一片造句»

2、笋干:笋干读音为sǔn gān,是指将笋煮熟后﹐榨扁﹐晒干而成的食品。 晒干了的竹笋笋干 sǔn gān词语解释:将笋煮熟后﹐榨扁﹐晒干而成的食品。[dried bamboo shoots] 晒干了的竹笋分词解释:食品:可直接经口摄食的食物。包括可生食的和经加工后方可食用的食物。有时也泛指食物。● 笋 sǔn ㄙㄨㄣˇ◎ 竹子初从土里长出的嫩茎、芽,又称“竹笋”,可以做菜吃。可食用者主要有“毛竹笋”、“慈竹笋”、“麻竹笋”等。◎ 竹子的青皮:笋席(用竹青编成的席子)。◎ 古同“榫”。● 干(乾) gān ㄍㄢˉ◎ 触犯,冒犯,冲犯:干扰。干涉。干预(亦作“干与”)。森然干霄。◎ 追求,求取,旧指追求职位俸禄:干禄。干仕。◎ 关连,涉及:干系。互不相干。◎ 盾,古代抵御刀枪的兵器:大动干戈。◎ 古代用以记年、记月、记日、记时(亦作编排次序)的十个字(甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸):天干。干支。◎ 涯岸,水边:“河之干兮”。◎ 个数:若干。◎ 没有水分或水分少:干燥。干旱。干枯。干柴。豆腐干。◎ 枯竭,尽净:干尽。干杯。◎ 徒然,白白地:干着急。◎ 指没有血缘或婚姻关系,拜认的亲属:干亲。◎ 〔干将(jiàng)〕古剑名。◎ 姓。● 干(幹) gàn ㄍㄢˋ◎ 事物的主体或重要部分:树干。躯干。干线。◎ 做:干事。说干就干。◎ 有才能的,善于办事的:干才。干员。干练。◎ 方言,坏、糟:事情要干。...