
时间:2022-11-10 13:20:28 | 来源:语文通



助人为乐的叔叔作文 篇1助人为乐的叔叔作文 篇2我的叔叔的作文 篇3助人为乐的叔叔作文 篇4我的叔叔的作文 篇5助人为乐的叔叔作文 篇6助人为乐的叔叔作文 篇7助人为乐的叔叔作文 篇8

助人为乐的叔叔作文 篇1


My uncle is over thirty. He was a tall man with a pair of glasses on his nose, which seemed gentle and elegant. In my impression, I am very helpful.


One day at noon, I went to visit my uncle. Upon arriving at my uncle's house, my aunt told me that my uncle was not at home and asked me to wait for a while. After a while, my uncle brought back a boy I didn't know. In the quiet and tidy living room, there was such a boy with disheveled hair and smelly body all at once. I really felt bad. My uncle happily led it into the bathroom, made him take a bath happily, and changed my cousin's clothes for him. I was even more angry, but my uncle was very comfortable. Uncle ran to the kitchen, and after a while of busy work, a bowl of egg noodles was prepared. The little boy wolfed up and his uncle looked happy. Later, her uncle gave her two yuan. After the little boy left, I said angrily to my uncle, "You are always meddling." The uncle smiled and said, "Son, haven't you learned to care about others?" My face was hot and I sneaked into the study to read.


After this incident, my uncle seemed to be much better than any of us! My uncle's spirit of helping others may never be learned by some people, but I will try to learn from my uncle.

助人为乐的叔叔作文 篇2


Lei Feng once said a golden saying: "Life is limited, and serving the people is unlimited. I will devote my limited life to serving the people infinitely.". This sentence tells us that helping others is happy. It was that time of helping others that made me have a great feeling, just like the root of a tree deeply rooted in my heart.


It was a cold winter. My father asked me to take out the garbage, and I went out of the house. The cold made me shrink my head in. When I got to the trash can, I saw a man bending down to pick up the garbage. Think about how smelly the peel is. I stood there blankly for a full minute, and the cold also disappeared. I was shocked, because I didn't want to be embarrassed by the elderly, so I threw it into the garbage truck.


Grandpa picked up a bag of garbage and put it in the garbage truck. He saw my behavior and said in a rough and husky voice, "Good boy.". I smiled.


After seeing his face, he was skinny, with countless wrinkles on his face. He wore a pair of round glasses on his thin nose, like a mouse who had been hungry for two or three meals. His clothes were worn out, and he did not wear a cotton coat. His hands were only skin and bones, and his fingers were blistered. It could be seen that he had worked for several years, and he was still sweeping hard under the attack of the cold wind, and he kept warming his hands with his mouth. It could be seen that he was over 70 years old.


I watched as he slowly walked to the trash can, stretched out his scrawny hands to find the garbage. The faster he picked it up, as if he wished he could finish the work earlier and go home to rest earlier. I made up my mind to help grandpa whenever I was free, so I boldly walked up to grandpa and said, "I will help you pick up garbage in the future.". Grandpa smiled at me again. The next day, the sun came out. I kept my promise. I had been picking up garbage in the morning. I finally realized the hard work of picking up garbage.


Tell me from this: I must be as helpful as Uncle Lei Feng. This is the real Young Pioneer.

我的叔叔的作文 篇3


I have admired many people, such as mother, father, sister and brother. But the most admired person is a police uncle.


One day, I went to the bookstore to read. On the way, I saw a thief stealing a woman's purse. A police uncle happened to pass by and saw it. Immediately step forward and catch up. The thief looked back and saw a policeman chasing him. The thief thought to himself: It's over, in case the police catch up with him. I'm going to jail. I knew I wouldn't steal money. It's over. Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! The thief looked back and saw that the police were getting closer and closer to him. I have a terrible idea in my mind. The thief took the police to a desolate place. Suddenly he stopped walking, and a dagger came out of his waist. He stabbed the police and they dodged nimbly. The police uncle and the thief had a life and death fight. The thief stabbed the police uncle with the dagger again. This time, the police uncle was accidentally stabbed by the thief's dagger. But the policeman didn't flinch. Police uncle and thief stab me and I'll punch you.


In the end, evil can not defeat justice, and the thief was finally subdued by the police uncle. With blood, the police uncle put the thief in prison and returned the wallet to the woman. After listening to my story, you must admire this policeman!


The man I admire most is the police uncle. One day, the sun was blazing in the sky. I ran home quickly. On the way, I saw a burly policeman wearing a stiff dark blue police uniform. He wore a walkie talkie on a white belt around his waist. He wore a hat on his head. The national emblem on it glittered in the sunlight, which made him look more dignified and solemn. On the road, bicycles, motorcycles, cars... people came and went. The police uncle kept directing the traffic in the middle of the road. He stood upright, his uniform was soaked with sweat, and his forehead was sweaty. He didn't even bother to wipe it. He kept waving his hands to ensure the smooth road. Seeing this, I felt a kind of admiration.


In particular, on the way to school, the weather suddenly changed, and the strong wind caught the big raindrops of soybeans. I rushed home with an umbrella. At the intersection, I saw a child who had no umbrella and was wet. The police uncle saw that he ran to the school and quickly took off his raincoat to put it on the children. Dou big raindrops fell on the policeman, who kindly asked the child, "What are you standing here for?" The child said, "I dare not cross the street." So the policeman took the child's hand. See the children across the street. Then the police returned to their posts in the rain and continued to direct the traffic. The hard work of the traffic police uncle has brought about traffic safety in the city and a happy life for thousands of families. How worthy of our admiration is his spirit!


There are many people around me who deserve my admiration, but what I admire most is the police uncle who has been working in obscurity.


One day, my parents and I got up late, and my parents' work units were far away from home, so I had no choice but to walk to school by myself. I ran and walked all the way, and I was breathless. When I came to the intersection, I found that there were only three seconds left for the green light. I immediately ran away. Just as I was approaching the intersection, the red light came on, and I had to wait for eighty seconds! I thought: 80 seconds can go a long way. I am as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. So I quickened my pace and tried to rush. Just then, a tall policeman grabbed me, "Little friend, how can you run the red light? It's very dangerous." The policeman said. "I'm going to be late for school." My heart is angry. "You should pay attention to safety when you are late. Life is the most precious." After hearing this, my resentment disappeared and I nodded by default. Thought: The police uncle is exposed to the wind and the sun on the road every day, but he is meticulous in his work. For the safety of other people's lives, I silently contribute. Thinking of this, I can't help but pay homage. Since then, when I cross the street, I always think of my uncle. Then, wait patiently and strictly abide by the traffic rules.


Another time, when I went shopping, I saw a taxi collided with an electric vehicle, and the rider of the electric vehicle had fallen to the ground, seriously injured. After a while, the police came. When I saw that he was still the tall police uncle, he ran to the man riding an electric bicycle to check the injury while talking on the phone. He kept saying, "How are you? Don't be afraid, the ambulance will be here soon." After pacifying the injured, he was busy asking the taxi driver


Enquire and maintain the crowded order of onlookers. Looking at his busy figure, my respect for him arises spontaneously.


There are tens of thousands of policemen like this tall police uncle. They are not afraid of the cold and the heat. They command the traffic day and night. Although they are tired, they are so dutiful in their work. How can such a person not be worthy of our admiration? How can we not learn from this spirit?


No matter how cold or hot it is, the people I admire always stick to their posts and command the vehicles and pedestrians coming and going. He is: traffic policeman.


Once, in summer, the weather was hot, and people were as hot as steamed buns in steamers. It was Sunday. My mother and I were on the street. I saw the traffic police. He was directing the traffic. I thought to myself, "Is the traffic policeman not afraid of the heat in this hot weather?" After a careful look, the sweat on the uncle's forehead fell like a broken pearl. But he did not loosen his tie, nor take off his clothes, nor go to the shade to enjoy the cool, but continued to maintain traffic order. Under the scorching sun, the traffic police uncle's skin was dark.

还有一次,在上学的路上,走到xx门口。当时正下着倾盆大雨,又没有红绿灯,车辆把路口堵了个水泄不通,要迟到了,正当我万分焦急时,交警叔叔出现了。他冒着倾盆大雨疏导车辆。不一会儿,路渐渐的恢复了畅通但他的衣服也已经全部都湿透了。 我很敬佩交警叔叔那一丝不苟地履行自己职责的精神。

Another time, on the way to school, I walked to the gate of XX. It was raining cats and dogs and there were no traffic lights. The intersection was blocked by vehicles and I was going to be late. Just when I was extremely anxious, the traffic police appeared. He braved the downpour to divert the traffic. After a while, the road gradually recovered, but his clothes were all wet. I admire the spirit of the traffic police uncle to perform his duties meticulously.


In life, there are many people who are paying silently for serving the public. You may not be aware of it, but these people who deserve our respect are everywhere. Police uncle is one of them.


One day last summer vacation, my mother and I went shopping in the supermarket. When we came to a crossroads, we saw a big brother riding his bike trying to cross the street from the zebra crossing. Suddenly, the red light came on, and he quickly stopped the car. However, due to the inertia of the bike, he still rushed forward more than one meter.

这时,一个警察叔叔走了过来,对大哥哥说:“孩子,请你跟我过来一下。”大哥哥以为警察要处罚自己,便自然自语地说:“警察只会欺负小孩。”警察听到了,微笑着对大哥哥说:“我不是欺负小孩,你的自行车刹车有点问题,过马路多危险呀!还是让我帮你修修吧!” 只见警察叔叔把自行车推到一边,然后从工具箱里掏出钳子和螺丝刀,蹲在那里帮大哥哥修自行车。不大会工夫,警察叔叔把自行车修好了。大哥哥固执地要给警察叔叔修理费。警察叔叔仍然微笑着对大哥哥说:“我不收你钱,快点回家吧!如果再不走,我真的对你开罚单了。”

At this time, a police uncle came over and said to the elder brother, "Son, please come with me." The elder brother thought that the police would punish him, so he naturally said to himself: "The police only bully children." When the police heard this, they smiled and said to the elder brother, "I'm not bullying children. Your bicycle brake is a bit faulty. It's dangerous to cross the road! Let me repair it for you!" The police uncle pushed the bike aside, took out the pliers and screwdriver from the tool box, and squatted there to help Big Brother repair the bike. It didn't take long. The policeman repaired the bike. Big brother stubbornly wants to pay for the repair of the police uncle. The police uncle still smiled and said to the big brother, "I won't charge you, go home quickly! If you don't leave again, I will really give you a ticket."


The elder brother was so excited that he said, "Thank you! Police uncle, thank you!" The elder brother said as he rode away. The policeman packed his tools and left.


I looked at the back of the policeman. I thought: This police uncle is really worthy of our admiration! His spirit of serving the people wholeheartedly deserves our study!

助人为乐的叔叔作文 篇4


It's getting light. The moon and stars left work early, blinking their bright and white eyes to say goodbye to us. The sun rushed out of the house and put on his red blazer.


I opened my eyes lazily and saw a warm and generous room. "Oh, no, I promised one of my classmates to go to the museum!" So I hurriedly put on my clothes and ran to the bus stop. Finally, I got to the bus stop. The bus driver still stepped on the brake skillfully. I hurried to the bus, but I saw a white haired grandma. I took a step back and said, "Grandma, go on!" The old lady looked at me gratefully, and then said slowly in words that I could vaguely understand: "You are really a good girl!"


I was secretly happy for a while. Before the old lady got on the bus with her crutches, my uncle and aunt behind me said, "Hurry up, hurry up, old man. We are still waiting!" With his words, my anger came up, "Auntie, can you respect the old man?" I was about to say something about that aunt, but I remembered my father's teaching to me, "We must respect others, and others will respect us. If we do not respect others, others will not respect us!" So I ignored her. Instead, I helped her get on the bus and occupied a seat for her. I saw that there was no seat left, so I had to grievance myself.


I was about to arrive at the bus stop. I glanced at her from time to time. I was very surprised to see this. She smiled at me after several stops. I blushed and dared not look at her again. Finally, she broke the silence in the bus: "Little girl, thank you, you are really a" little Lei Feng ". I bit my lower lip and said," Nothing. "


After I got off the station, I often thought about the picture of the old lady smiling at me and her kind face. I always felt warm when I thought about it. Perhaps, this is the so-called "helping others, I will feel extremely happy!"

我的叔叔的作文 篇5


My uncle, as a veteran and a farmer, is hardworking and frugal. He is fair, honest and selfless. He has won the trust and support of villagers and townspeople through his practical actions for more than ten years since he was discharged from the army; As a man, he is filial and loves his relatives. He works outside. Many people are familiar with him. He is an unknown hero; As a veteran and a member of the Communist Youth League, he is willing to assume social responsibility, and has donated money to disaster areas and funded several poor students for many times when he is not rich. The first thing he does in every place is to donate blood for free, and work in every place {work} He demands himself with the quality of a soldier. He does good things everywhere, and nobody knows about injuries. Up to now, he is unknown. He saves people, rescues and provides disaster relief. As long as he knows, he is the first to arrive. He used to interview him, and he always runs and hides! Is this spirit!!!!! In March 20XX, the people's government of Zhenxiong County commended him. He didn't go, but he was one of them. He didn't go until he did his work! His county rewarded him with a 10000 yuan bonus. Instead of using it himself, he used it to help those who needed help. He donated the money to the earthquake stricken area anonymously! He doesn't want to do anything like others!!!!!!! Isn't that the spirit we want?


A simple and kind young man, a fair, honest, selfless and warm-hearted veteran, who has been working in his hometown and abroad for more than ten years, is selfless and dedicated, helping others and never leaving his name. How many people in this society can do it now! No one knew that he was injured. He did a good deed without leaving his name on such a "living Lei Feng", didn't he!!!


He is not the kind of person who wants to be famous after doing one thing. He has done many good deeds, saved many people, and arrested many criminals from joining the army to being demobilized until he was in the county. They are the Pingqian County of the country. Who reports this spirit? It is the development of the Internet in recent years that makes today's announcement! He is an ordinary farmer. He has a wonderful life in the ordinary.


"He is a good man, a real person, and a warm-hearted person..." Everyone who knows He Qinhua knows that he is a self reliant, willing to contribute, willing to help others, and willing to suffer losses,!


He Qinhua, male, 31 years old, is a League member, a villager at No. 129, Ping'an Road, Yuhe Office, Yuhe Town, Zhenxiong County, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province.


In December 1996, He Qinhua, who was under the age of 18, embarked on his dream of becoming a soldier when he was young, and became a soldier of the armed police. He Qinhua knew that he should realize his life value in the army family. From the moment he put on his military uniform, he was always ready to sacrifice his youth and life to be an excellent armed police soldier. He Qinhua has always been practicing the sacred duty of armed police soldiers with a fiery heart, a warm and simple feeling. At every critical moment, he ignored his personal safety, rushed to the front without hesitation, and carried forward his righteous deeds, the true qualities of soldiers, and was praised by all walks of life.


In 20XX, He Qinhua left his hometown to work in Shenzhen, Guangdong. One day in August, he went to a local outpatient clinic for an injection due to illness. When He Qinhua lost half of his salt water, he heard a female voice outside the clinic calling, "Robbed, robbed.". Out of instinct, He Qinhua pulled out the needle and rushed out. He saw two men running in front of him, and then a woman was chasing him and shouting, "Robbery!"! When He Qinhua saw that the woman's face was covered with blood, he turned back and ran after the two men. As a veteran, I have learned a lot in the army. These two men can beat him. He Qinhua chased him for about a kilometer and kicked a man to the ground. Another man saw something was wrong, so he pulled out a fruit knife from his body and rushed at him like a wolf. In the process of fighting, the man stabbed He Qinhua in the abdomen. Although he was in pain, he did not care about anything and wanted to subdue the two men. In this way, with his perseverance and tenacity, as well as his hatred of criminals, he put the two robbers to the ground. Later, the police of Pingshan Town Police Station arrived at the scene, and He Qinhua handed over the two criminals to the police. He Qinhua fainted because of too much blood. Afterwards, he was rated as an advanced security guard by Yebao Company in the industrial park, which made a great contribution to me. At that time, He Qinhua was the leader of the security team of Yebao Company.


One afternoon in the midsummer of 20XX, He Qinhua returned to his hometown Zhenxiong from Guangdong and worked in the county traffic police brigade. At noon that day, after work, he went to my second sister's house for dinner. His second sister lives in Xinjie Market, Zhenxiong County. Just after dinner, when He Qinhua was ready to go to work, he found a room opposite his second sister's house was smoking heavily. He ran to see it: it was because of a short circuit in the wires. Without thinking about anything, he kicked the door and rushed in. Since the owner was not at home, He Qinhua was busy putting out the fire alone. The fire became fiercer and fiery, and the flames licked several people nearby from time to time.) WWW.. CN (The room was in great danger. He shouted the alarm while putting out the fire. After a long time, the fire gradually fell down and firefighters arrived at the scene. He Qinhua saw that the fire was out and the property of the people was saved, but he was exhausted. He left quietly after the firefighters entered the scene.


On October 1, 20XX, He Qinhua went to Muzhuo Township from the county seat. When Muzhuo arrived at about 3:00 p.m., he was walking in the street and saw the people running in one direction, saying: "A child has fallen into the water.". He Qinhua also went with him. He saw a lot of people around. After inquiring, a student fell into the water. Regardless, he rushed through the crowd and jumped into the pond. He touched the bottom three times without seeing anyone, and my physical strength gradually ran out. He Qinhua put his head out of the water and took a breath, and then he entered the bottom again. God help me! I finally saw the drowning student. He swam past and dragged the man towards the water. When they swam out of the water, the crowd of onlookers screamed. Seeing the student's eyes wide open and stomach bulging, they said that the student was dead. He Qinhua was not reconciled. He managed to save him. How could he say he died? He Qinhua was also weak, but in order to save him, he started emergency treatment again. After nearly 40 minutes of temporary rescue, the student suddenly moved. At that time, hundreds of people were watching, but no one came to help. I asked the people present to help send the student to the township hospital. It was not until the student was rescued by the hospital and his parents arrived that he left quietly. In order to thank me, the child's parents searched for He Qinhua's hometown, Yuhe, for more than three months before they found him. Finally, they took the child as a dry son for He Qinhua. Later, he learned: "This student is a native of Muzhuo. He studied in the second grade of Muzhuo Junior High School. His name is Zhang Xinyu. He is 16 years old and his family is very difficult.". Knowing his family's difficulties, He Qinhua received him from Yuhe, lived at He Qinhua's home, and sent him to Class 97 of Yuhe Middle School to study until he graduated from junior high school.


The following is a memoir [diary] from my uncle:


One day in May 20XX, I was working at home when I heard someone calling for fire fighting. When I heard the call, I ran out and said that the house of Zhou Congwu's family in the village was on fire. After listening, I ran to the Zhou family. The Zhou family is half a kilometer away from my home. I ran and watched. The fire was really fierce. After I ran to the scene, I began to organize people to fight the fire, save property and food. A few hours later, the fire was finally controlled. Although some property and food were saved, the Zhou family's cottage was burned down. After the local government knew about the situation, it allocated funds, and we helped the Zhou family build the house before leaving.


On the afternoon of November 4, 20XX, I was having dinner at home when my niece (a student of Yuhe Middle School) ran into the house and said in a hurry: "Yaoda, go and save the students of our middle school!", I asked, "What's wrong?" She said, "Some students have fallen into the Venus Cave.". When I heard the words "Venus Cave", I immediately put down the dishes and chopsticks in my hands and turned to run to the "Venus Cave". When I ran to the Venus Cave, there were already teachers and police on the scene. After I asked the student where the accident happened, I ran to the hole. I saw that the hole was quite wide, passing through a hanging hole along the edge, and slowly climbing out of a narrow and long No. 4 small hole one by one, suddenly the front became spacious, with several deep holes not far away. Grasping the rock wall and going straight down the slope, you can reach the narrow No. 3 portal, and a deep hole is not far away. There is a corner in the middle called No. 2 hole, and the bottom is No. 1 hole, which is 50 or 60 meters deep. There is a Yinhe River lurking in it.


When I got to the hole, I climbed into it. I don't know how long it took me. When I saw these students, I was shocked: I thought it was one student, but how could it be seven! I didn't dare to think too much, so I jumped off the first platform and stood with six other students. When I heard the students calling me, my heart really hurt! After I comforted the six students, I began to think of ways to save the lowest student in the deep hole. I thought of many rescue methods, but none of them could, because I didn't know how deep the hole was!


At that time, I was most worried about the safety of the girl student's life. I knew what my responsibility was, and I tied the safety rope to myself without saying anything. After fixing it, I took out the skills I learned in the army and slowly slid down to the bottom of the cave. I don't know how long it took me to get down to a small platform less than half a square meter, and I thought I couldn't see the bottom of the cave. What should I do? At the moment when I was helpless, it suddenly occurred to me that I had a flashlight? Only when the flashlight is dropped to the bottom of the hole can light be used as a reference. I don't know how long it took me to finally see the helpless girl student. I went down to the bottom of the cave and came to the girl student, Xiao Hui. Seeing Xiaohui's helpless eyes, in order to let her have a good attitude to cooperate with my rescue, I said to her: "Xiaohui, don't worry. I will save you no matter what. Don't be afraid." Through the light, I vaguely saw that Xiaohui's right hand was broken and crying. After comforting and stabilizing the other party's mood, I thought of several rescue plans to avoid the other party's secondary injury as much as possible according to the actual situation on the site, and finally selected a more stable and effective rescue plan. I told the rescue method in advance. Then, under the pull of the six trapped students, I let Xiaohui grab the rope with her left hand and pedal on the rock with her two feet. Then I fixed herself with the rope with my left hand, lifted and pushed Xiaohui up slowly with my right hand... Two hours later, I took Xiaohui from hole 1 to hole 3. Later, I returned to the No. 4 hole and transferred the seven students to the No. 4 hole with the help of ropes. Finally, with the help of Yuhe Police Station and government staff, the seven students and I were completely separated from the deep cave. At this time, it was 9 o'clock that night. Although very tired, seven students were safe, and I felt very comfortable.


Postscript: In February 20XX, He Qinhua helped Yuhe Bai Xiaojun sports car. One night, He Qinhua drove to Kunming. He Qinhua saw a van overturning in the air for more than a circle from a long distance beside a gas station on the expressway in Huize. He Qinhua's first reaction was that he had an accident. He Qinhua consciously turned on the emergency light to slow down. When he got to the van, he stopped to the left. When I got off the bus, I was really shocked. The car was basically scrapped. I was thinking about whether there were casualties. After running to the car in danger, I started to save people. How terrible is it after He Qinhua saved all the people? There are five people in total: three adults, two children, and one child is still a baby. He Qinhua dragged all the injured to the roadside. After checking the injuries one by one, no one died. He immediately took out his mobile phone to call the police. Later, he comforted the wounded, heard the alarm, turned around and got on the bus, and drove slowly towards Kunming. When we arrived in Kunming, at about 5 o'clock at midnight, we received a call from the Huize police saying that the wounded were safe. He Qinhua's heart fell to the ground.


There are many things like this. For more than a decade, He Qinhua has become accustomed to acting bravely and helping others. He Qinhua felt that only by doing this, can we have a solid mind, a full life and be worthy of life. Because He Qinhua is an armed police soldier. Although he also retired, I know that retirement cannot fade. He should use the strict requirements of armed police soldiers to regulate and guide himself, so that he is worthy of being a real armed police soldier.


He often thought: who has no difficulty in life. Being in distress and helping others with difficulties not only helps others resolve their pain and misfortune, but also makes them feel comfortable. For more than ten years, there have been so many similar stories about He Qinhua that he has never publicized what he thinks are ordinary little things and nothing to show off. As a social citizen, especially a veteran, it is both right and responsibility to do so. Maybe he is usually an ordinary person, and he is a selfless hero. Therefore, we should learn his selfless spirit, let him become our example, and strive to be a little hero from childhood.


Up to now, my uncle has always insisted on paying silently for the local social security without reward, and has made contributions to the local harmony and safety. My uncle has a good education order for the local education, and has always insisted on facing social challenges for the safety of students! My uncle is the real hero in my mind? Sun Ran is not as hyped as others, but what my uncle really is.


He Qinhua practiced the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation with his true feelings and interpreted his life without regret with his perseverance.

助人为乐的叔叔作文 篇6


Helping others is a traditional virtue of the Chinese people. Helping people in need makes them happy.


I remember that year, there lived an old woman downstairs. She was old, her face was full of wrinkles, her hair was slightly pale, but she was full of energy and smiled amiably. Oh, yes! There is also an old grandpa. Grandfather is also a kind old man. He often gives me and my little brother on the first floor candy to eat. People often say that when he was young, he read poetry to his heart's content!


That day, the weather was sunny and cloudless. It was a good day for "sightseeing". My mother and I travel together. "Dida Dida", time is passing quickly, "the sunset is infinitely good, but it is nearly dusk", it is already 5:30 pm, my mother and I are carrying large bags and walking back. As soon as I got to the downstairs door, I heard the cry of "Ouch". My mother and I hurried to see what was going on. The old woman fell to the ground, touching her waist with one hand and supporting the ground with the other. Unfortunately, we couldn't support her enough to stand up.


Seeing this, I rushed to the old lady like an arrow, carefully lifted her up, and asked softly, "Grandma, are you okay? Do you need to go to the hospital? I will help you back, since your home is downstairs anyway." As I spoke, I slowly helped the old woman to her house. When the old lady got home, she took some medicine immediately, and her expression was much relieved. Seeing that the old granny had stabilized, I left with peace of mind. When I closed the door, I heard the old granny praising me to the old grandfather. I couldn't help looking into the room and found the old granny smiling, very happily. Somehow, I feel very happy, and my heart is sweeter than honey.


"Give people roses and leave a lingering fragrance in their hands." When we help others, we are actually happy. Think about those who need help when they encounter difficulties. If you help them, they will also help you. So, let's do more good deeds and help those who encounter difficulties. In this way, you will experience different happiness!

助人为乐的叔叔作文 篇7


Helping others is a pleasure. It can be seen that helping others is happy. We should help others in order to be happy.


Around my home, who doesn't know that grandpa is famous for helping others. No matter how he treated grandpa before, grandpa always doesn't remember past grievances, and when they need help, he gives them a helping hand; No matter who he knows or doesn't know, Grandpa is always eager to help them; No matter what kind of predicament you are in, it is also the priority to serve others


I remember once, when I was playing games upstairs, I suddenly heard the sound of "creaking" outside the window. I looked out of the window curiously and saw my grandfather repairing a bicycle for a little boy. I thought to myself: Who is that man? How come I've never seen it? I went downstairs with doubts. Just as he went down, he saw the little boy with a smile and thanked the old man. He looked at the old man in a twinkling of an eye. His hands were black, and a smile appeared on the corners of his mouth. He said, "You're welcome, you're welcome!" I ran to my grandfather and asked, "Do you know that man? Are you helping him repair his car?" The old man smiled and replied, "I don't know. His car is broken. Help repair it. It should be!" Then he turned and left. Looking at his leaving figure, I admire this grandpa from the bottom of my heart.


There are too many things about Grandpa's helping others, but the most unforgettable thing for me is that. That night, it was raining cats and dogs. I remember that my grandpa was having a high fever that day. It happened that his 3-year-old son of his neighbor's aunt suddenly had a high fever. At this critical moment, my aunt did not know where to go? She just asked her 10-year-old daughter to take care of her little son. The little son was suffering from a high fever. He cried "wow wow". The cry startled the old man who lived next door. The old man quickly got up and ran over to have a look. Then he knew why he was crying. So the master picked up his little son, who was suffering from a high fever, and braved the heavy rain to go to the hospital. Through the doctor. After treatment, the little son slowly recovered, but the old man's condition worsened. But Grandpa still smiled!


I know that Grandpa is happy because he helped others. No matter under what circumstances, he still helps others. We should learn from this spirit of helping others and carry forward it.

助人为乐的叔叔作文 篇8


Uncle Hong, he has a long face, some thin hair on his head, bright eyes, a sharp nose and a big mouth. He often helps others!


One morning, I woke up from my dream at 5:00, and I couldn't sleep the rest of the time. Since Grandma Ye lives next door, and she is a little deaf, she speaks louder, and others should speak louder to her, so I can hear what they are saying. Uncle Hong was on duty at 5:00 that day, so he came to Grandma Ye's house at 5:00. "Aunt Ye, what can I do for you?" Grandma Ye answered rudely, "I want to cook some chicken soup. You can buy me the materials you need!" "Oh!" Then nothing happened.


At noon, when Grandma and I went out to buy something, I saw Uncle Hong talking at the gate of the duty room with a lot of things. Grandma asked, "Ah Hong, what did you buy?" Uncle Hong said, "I bought some chicken and Chinese wolfberry to cook chicken soup for Aunt Ye." After we came back from shopping, Uncle Hong was still talking at the gate of the duty room. After I got home, when I was looking for something in my room, I heard their voices again. Uncle Hong called, "Aunt Ye! I bought you the materials for making chicken soup!" Grandma Ye said, "How much is it?" Uncle Hong said, "21.5 yuan!" After half a minute, the house heard voices again... I asked Grandma, "Uncle Hong, do you help Grandma Ye buy things every day?" Grandma said, "Yes! Sometimes she buys it for me!"


Uncle Hong is really a living Lei Feng in our community!