
时间:2022-11-30 12:46:21 | 来源:语文通




  1.(自大) arrogant; conceited; be too big for one's shoes [boots]; be cocky; cock-a-hoop; cock-sure; snooty; stuck up; be uppish; get uppish; be vain of; be [get] too big for one's breeches; have a big head; be uppity




  (1) (形)自以为了不起;看不起别人(基本义)。他很骄傲。(作谓语)

(1) (form) conceited; Look down upon others. He is very proud. (as a predicate)

  (2) (形)自豪。我们都以生活在社会主义的新中国而骄傲。(作谓语)

(2) Proud. We are all proud to live in the new socialist China. (as a predicate)

  (3) (名)值得自豪的人或事物。雷锋是我们青年人的骄傲。(作宾语)

(3) (name) a person or thing worthy of pride. Lei Feng is the pride of our young people. (as an object)




Parallel: Pride+Pride




Humility, modesty and modesty


  亦作“ 骄敖 ”。亦作“ 骄慠 ”。亦作“ 骄驁 ”。1.自负而轻视他人。《管子·禁藏》:“骄傲侈泰,离度絶理,其唯无祸,福亦不至矣。”《楚辞·离骚》:“保厥美以骄傲兮,日康娱以淫游。” 王逸 注:“倨简曰骄,侮慢曰傲。傲,一作敖。”《史记·鲁仲连邹阳列传》:“今人主诚能去骄慠之心,怀可报之意,披心腹,见情素,堕肝胆,施厚德……则 桀 之狗可使吠 尧 ,而 蹠 之客可使刺 由 。”《汉书·王吉传》:“今使俗吏得任子弟,率多骄驁,不通古今。” 颜师古 注:“驁与傲同。”《新唐书·刘汇传》:“又不能训子,皆骄慠不度,素业衰矣。” 明 张居正 《女诫直解·敬慎》:“人能宽裕此心,便崇尚谦下,不肯骄傲。” 曹禺 《日出》第四幕:“你这个人太骄傲,太倔强。”

It is also called "Jiaoao". It is also called "Jiao ao". It is also called "arrogant and unruly". 1. Be conceited and despise others. "Guanzi · Forbidden Tibet": "Pride and extravagance, and separation from justice, can only avoid misfortune and happiness." "Songs of Chu · Lisao": "Protect the beauty of Jue with pride, and entertain yourself with pleasure." Wang Yizhu: "Ju Jian is called arrogance, and insult is called arrogance. Pride is called Ao." The Records of the Historian, Biographies of Lu Zhonglian and Zouyang: "Today's people are sincere enough to get rid of arrogance and arrogance. They are willing to repay. They wear their hearts, see their emotions, lose their courage, and show kindness... Then the dogs of Jie can bark at Yao, and the guests of their feet can stab him." "The Book of Han · Wang Ji Zhuan": "Today, the common officials are allowed to be their children. They are arrogant and unruly, which is different from ancient and modern times." Yan Shigu noted: "Ao and Ao are the same." The New Book of the Tang Dynasty · Biography of Liu Hui: "You can't train your children. They are arrogant and arrogant, and their business is declining." Zhang Juzheng of the Ming Dynasty, in "Women's Commandments: Respect and Caution", said: "If one can be generous with this heart, he will respect modesty and will not be proud." Act 4 of Cao Yu's Sunrise: "You are too proud and stubborn."

  (2).自豪。 魏巍 《谁是最可爱的人》:“我们以我们的祖国有这样的英雄而骄傲。” 艾青 《普希金广场》诗:“青年男女成群地走过,充满新的一代的骄傲。”

(2). proud. Wei Wei's Who is the Most Lovely Man: "We are proud that our motherland has such heroes." Ai Qing's poem Pushkin Square: "Young men and women walk in groups, full of the pride of a new generation."

  (3).值得自豪的人或事物。 吴晗 《天安门赞歌》:“ 天安门 是 中国 人民的骄傲,它和广大人民同呼吸,共命运。” 袁鹰 《英雄之歌·刘文学》:“你是我们的榜样,你是少先队员的骄傲。”

(3). A person or thing worthy of pride. Wu Han's Anthem to Tiananmen: "Tiananmen is the pride of the Chinese people. It shares a common destiny with the vast majority of the people." Yuan Ying's Song of Heroes · Liu Literature: "You are our example, and you are the pride of the Young Pioneers."


  1. 她满有理由为它感到骄傲。

1. She has every reason to be proud of it.

  2. 骄傲的人给自己招来悲哀。

2. A proud man brings sorrow to himself.

  3. 英雄的心里确实感到骄傲。

3. The hero is really proud.

  4. 他太骄傲了,我不喜欢他。

4. He is too proud. I don't like him.

  5. 他们是一伙骄傲自大的人。

5. They are a bunch of arrogant people.

  6. 保持高姿态,是我的骄傲。

6. It is my pride to keep a high profile.

  7. 我真为莉莉的肚量感到骄傲。

7. I'm really proud of Lily's size.

  8. 他很骄傲,不理睬别人。

8. He is very proud and ignores others.

  9. 他也许骄傲自满,不懂礼貌。

9. He may be conceited and impolite.

  10. 詹姆斯骄傲地夸示他的新表。

10. James proudly boasted of his new watch.



Shame, modesty, modesty, modesty, humility, shame