
时间:2022-10-27 13:02:22 | 来源:语文通



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本故事书作文 篇1


It was very late at night, but I was tossing and turning in bed and couldn't sleep. Alas, I was too impulsive yesterday.


Yesterday afternoon, I bought a hardcover storybook, which I particularly valued because it was the storybook I had saved for nearly a month. My deskmate came to borrow my storybook just as I put it in my bag. I gave it to him without hesitation and went out to play. After school, I asked him for it, and he said it was on my desk. But I searched for many times and didn't find it, so I said to him: "Where did you put it?" He said: "I will put it on the table for you." I was angry and shouted: "Don't be unkind. I let you see. You want to leave." He insisted on saying no. I said to myself: "How could such a good student do such a thing? But, if you don't believe it, you can't do it! Is the fact unclear?" After he left, I poured out all the things in the drawer, and suddenly I was stunned. Isn't this the storybook I just bought? Why. In the afternoon, I wanted to apologize to him, but I couldn't show any courage. What should I do? If you don't apologize, the misunderstanding will become deeper and deeper in the future.


The more I thought about it, the worse I felt. So I got up and ran to his bedroom and apologized to him. We were still good friends.

本故事书作文 篇2


Speaking of books, we all know that there are literary, biological and children's books, which I love.


One morning, I climbed on the bed and stared at the new book "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" that my grandpa bought for me. I read it with great interest, as if I had gotten into the book and become Harry. Porter is average. At this time, his father said: "Yue Yue. My father has something to do when he goes out. He will come back soon. There is white rice porridge in the pot. You can go to look at your watch later. When the time is five minutes, you can turn off the fire. Otherwise, there will be no food left". What my father said to me when I was wandering in the book was like a deaf ear. I was immersed in the book and didn't hear what my father said. I just said "OK!" unconsciously Dad is out.


After a while, the porridge in the pot burned and smoke came out. But I was so fascinated by reading that I couldn't smell any smoke. The smoke is getting thicker and thicker. " Ding ding, ding ding ", suddenly the phone rang, I suddenly woke up, and then went to answer the phone. It was Dad who called. Dad said," Is the fire off? " I said, "What fire?" Dad said, "Porridge!" I suddenly realized that I hung up the phone and ran to the kitchen. As expected, the smell of smoke was strong. I quickly turned off the fire. Dad just got home and went to open the window. I can't help going back to my room to read. Dad came to me and asked, "Why don't you turn off the fire?" I imitated the naughty look in the book and pretended to squeeze tears. My father smiled. In fact, I think I did wrong. In the future, we should pay attention to safety!

本故事书作文 篇3


This happened in the fourth grade.


Maybe the person who borrowed that book has long forgotten, but I have a deep memory.


That year, when she was on holiday, she came to my home to find my second sister and happened to see my book. She said to lend it to her. At the beginning, I lent it to her without much thought. It was almost evening when our family came back from grandpa's house.


I asked my second sister and I to ask her for books. When we came to her house, she took mine. When I took out the book, I found that none of it was good. When I opened the book to find my decryption card. I was surprised to find that the decryption card was no longer what I lent her. But now it is too shabby to use. When I asked her why the book became like this, she deliberately avoided my question. What else did I say I didn't know? At that time, I was very angry and didn't listen to her anymore. I took my shabby book and walked home.


I held back my tears on the way home. But I thought that if she apologized to me, maybe we could still be friends.


When I got home, I glued the book with tape and vowed that I would not lend my book to others. Even if it is borrowed, it can only be lent to people I trust. When (WWW.. CN) I was thinking that books are also alive, why not let them live longer? If it is your fault, you should admit it and apologize to the person who destroyed the book or other items. We should not only be an honest person, but also be an object lover, so that we can be respected by others. How would you feel if someone else borrowed something from you and returned it to you but it turned out to be dilapidated. So before doing anything, you must think about others, not just yourself.

本故事书作文 篇4


In the fairy tale world, people can fly to the sky and embrace the blue sky and white clouds without taking a plane; In the fairy tale world, there are fairies who can change into good magic and witches who can change into bad magic; In the fairy tale world, people can talk with animals; In the fairy tale world, you can... and I am the whole fairy tale world, because I am a fairy tale book.


I am a very old fairy tale book. The young master bought me when she was 7 years old. But the young master cherishes me very much and reads me several times every year. I was originally a clean and neat fairy tale book, but time goes by. The young master turned me over a bit, and the writing became dirty. But my corner is still not up.


The little master turns me over every night when she comes back. Although she is growing up, she still likes reading fairy tales. Sometimes, the little master is very cute. She shuts herself in the room and takes me to read. When she reads what the princess says, she speaks in a soft voice. When she reads what the prince says, she speaks in a masculine voice. When she reads what the king says, the little master is most interesting, She sank her voice and spoke in a gruff tone. When she read what the fairy said, the little master raised her voice and spoke in Laurie's voice. The most terrible thing was that when she read what the old witch said, she spoke in a hoarse voice.


Sometimes, when no one is at home, the little master plays the characters in the fairy tale in the living room, let alone, the little master plays like a real character! This is what people often say. Every girl has a princess dream in her heart.


The little master loved reading fairy tales from childhood to most. When she grew up, her dream was to be a famous fairy tale writer, write beautiful stories like those in fairy tales books, and weave the most perfect ending in the stories. I sincerely wish the little master's dream come true!

本故事书 篇5


My father has a favorite storybook, which he told me a few days ago.


On the way home from the bookstore a few days ago, my father came to pick me up and saw a stack of neat new books on the Green Composition Network. He casually asked, "Have you bought new books? What are they?"


"Well, just some books about history, comics and so on." I also answered casually.


"Oh! Have you finished buying so many books? How much did it cost?" My father found the ticket in the book and asked me.


I knew that my frugal father must have felt that he had spent too much money, so he hurriedly took the small bill back from his hand, rolled it into a ball and put it into his pocket, saying, "Just over 200."


"More than 200? Now it will cost more than 200 to buy several books, alas..."


My father's voice made the atmosphere in the car a little dignified. Fortunately, it turned green at this time, so my father quickly grasped the steering wheel and began to tell the story about a storybook when he was a child


It was the midsummer of one year, the midsummer of thirty years ago.


Bark... Several barks of dogs broke the peace in the field. "Rhubarb, rhubarb! Wait for me, run slowly..." A boy aged eight or nine in a white lined coat shouted at the dog running to his garlic field in front.


Several shouts tore the summer fields open, causing farmers on both sides to raise their heads and look at the running dog and the chasing boy.


"Xiaowei, why are you here?" Cried an aunt who recognized the child. "Here comes my mother!" The child ran forward without looking back and answered. "Run slowly. Don't fall into the ditch with rhubarb." Aunt's words made all the farm workers around laugh.


The child ignored the laughter and ran more quickly to his own field to find his mother doing farm work in the field.


"You child, why are you in such a hurry? You are sweating." The boy's mother asked, pretending to be angry, as she wiped the sweat for the child.


"My father said he would go to the county town. I also want to go to the bookstore in the county town. Mom, can you give me some money?" When the child saw his mother, he told her the purpose of his trip.


"Why are you going there?"


"I want to buy a storybook like my teacher's." The boy replied, pretending to be calm. But he was very nervous because he knew that his mother would probably not agree with his "unreasonable" request.


"No, I can't help it!" Mother's answer was as expected. But the boy wanted the storybook too much, so he said in public, "I want it, I want it. There are many classmates to see, and I don't know when it's my turn..." The yellow dog beside him seemed to understand his heart's desire, and barked.


"All right, all right!" The boy's mother saw that the man and the dog made too much noise, and she was busy agreeing. "Buy, buy, buy! All right! But you can only take five yuan." The boy was so happy when he heard his mother's promise. "Rhubarb, go home to the county." The boy ran home excitedly, all the way full of his happy screams and the barking of yellow dogs.


The father who was trying to ring his bicycle saw the child who was shouting when he came back at a gallop: "What's the matter? It's noisy."


"Mom agreed that I would take five yuan to buy books in the city!" Gasping for breath, the boy replied calmly.


"Agreed? That's good." The father said to his son, "Follow me. Be honest and don't run around."


On the way to the county seat by bike, the boy had an unspeakable joy in his heart, which made him want to sing a song, and a warm current from the bottom of his heart spread all over his body. He put his hands around his father's waist, looked at the sweat on his father's back clothes, and smiled crazily


Finally, I came to the largest bookstore in the county. Although I didn't find the teacher's book, I found a story book that was better than the teacher's book. The children in it were accompanied by pictures! Ah! He couldn't help admiring, but when he saw the price tag, he was dumbfounded -- ten yuan!


So expensive? He sighed. But he really wanted to, so he looked at his father


The father saw the child's reluctance, squatted down and looked at the child's face and asked, "Do you really want this one?" "Hmm." The boy snorted a word like a mosquito.


"Good!" Father answered him in an affirmative tone. The boy quickly raised his eyes from the cover of the book, looked at his father and asked, "Yes?". Buy


"The money?"


"Dad, find a way"


Then the father took out the money he was going to buy meat and bought the story book for the boy.


Ah! What a beautiful book! This slippery cover has neat edges and corners. The boy was so happy when he read the book that he didn't care about his father buying a few pounds of meat less. When he went to bed that night, he was reading a new book with joy when his mother came.


The mother sat by the bed, looked at his book, and asked in a warm voice: "Is this book so good? How much did it cost?"


"Five yuan..." He lied.


"Oh, show it to Mom" said the mother took the boy's book and turned it up. It was also accompanied by a picture! His mother was illiterate, so she turned over a few pages of the picture and returned it to him. After his mother left, the boy remembered with trepidation that his father had bought five yuan less meat to help him buy books. No wonder his mother asked him! But my mother didn't look like that... He didn't want to go on. He just threw himself on the book and looked at it. He fell asleep


In the next few days, the boy read the story book every day with great interest. He forgot to help his family or play with his friends.


The book has been hidden in his schoolbag since the beginning of school. I was afraid of losing it at the end of class, so I secretly took a look or reached out to touch the smooth cover. The boy read and turned over the pages of the book. Later, the pages were torn. He asked his mother to sew them up.


In this way, when the boy went to junior high school, the book was broken. After seeing more books at school, the ten yuan story book slowly disappeared from his side.


Back now, the car has arrived in the garage, and the boy has become a father. He is holding the new book bought by his daughter, who loves spending money now, and telling about the difficulty of buying a book when he was a child

本故事书作文 篇6


Speaking of books, we all know that there are literary, biological and children's books, which I love.


One morning, I climbed on the bed and stared at the new book "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" that my grandpa bought for me. I read it with great interest, as if I had gotten into the book and become Harry. Porter is average. At this time, his father said: "Yue Yue. My father has something to do when he goes out. He will come back soon. There is white rice porridge in the pot. You can go to look at your watch later. When the time is five minutes, you can turn off the fire. Otherwise, there will be no food left". What my father said to me when I was wandering in the book was like a deaf ear. I was immersed in the book and didn't hear what my father said. I just said "OK!" unconsciously Dad is out.


After a while, the porridge in the pot burned and smoke came out. But I was so fascinated by reading that I couldn't smell any smoke. The smoke is getting thicker and thicker. " Ding ding, ding ding ", suddenly the phone rang, I suddenly woke up, and then went to answer the phone. It was Dad who called. Dad said," Is the fire off? " I said, "What fire?" Dad said, "Porridge!" I suddenly realized that I hung up the phone and ran to the kitchen. As expected, the smell of smoke was strong. I quickly turned off the fire. Dad just got home and went to open the window. I can't help going back to my room to read. Dad came to me and asked, "Why don't you turn off the fire?" I imitated the naughty look in the book and pretended to squeeze tears. My father smiled. In fact, I think I did wrong. In the future, we should pay attention to safety!