
时间:2022-07-15 13:49:20 | 来源:语文通



On the bottom of the rain, I gathered the umbrella and stepped into the bus.Looking at the sky, the clouds are endless, and the rain hit the ground fiercely, like a magnificent concerto.Suddenly, some people broke into my eyes.It was also a while to accompany me with his cheerful step. "Well ..." I thought of that young and thin figure ...


She is a bus security officer and meets her inadvertently.After studying the piano, I went home, and I had always flashed the teacher's furious face in my mind.Alas, there are many people in the car. This requires me not good in my heart and fiercely.It was not just that I was upset and irritable. A middle -aged man scolded and stepped into the car, sitting on a seat in one hip.Suddenly, he suddenly jumped like when he encountered, and his face turned from white to red to pale, from pale to red-heaven!The window is not closed, if water is water on all tables and chairs.No wonder everyone is sitting!The man stopped his scolding mouth, as if surprised.The car calmed down all of a sudden, only the sound of gurgling beside the ear.


After the old lady was sitting, she ran home quickly, took out the paper for them, and closed the window at a faster rate, and took out the help cloth to wipe the table and chairs.She fell on the window glass in a series of postures, and projected her eyes: I noticed her, so thin, as if running counter to this noisy group."Sorry, sorry!" She apologized.The guy who originally wanted to "get mystery", seeing her behavior, seemed to be blocked, and didn't know what to say.


I put all my concentration on her body.In the car door power switch, the staff poured in and emerged, and it turned into a stay-only her, lean figure and his unchanged smile.It seems that a landscape Chinese painting "Everyone is a mountain, she is a small square mountain spring in the middle", and the dark surroundings seem to be bright!She is so insignificant and so key.


"You please sit up!" I turned God, staring at the thin figure of the "bus security personnel" at the moment, coinciding with the sound, the rhythmic rhythm of the rain, the rhythm of the rain.EssenceWhat kind of person touched me?I think that these faces with sweat on the face, but the face that shows a smile.They are thousands of loyal fields, silently fighting!


The sun pierced Wuyun and brought the rain point.The heart is still shocking: how beautiful the sun!



1、一点:一点读音为yì diǎn,是指1.汉字的一种笔画。常指书画中的点画。 2.表示甚少或不定的数量。 3.一经指点。 4.一方面;一部分。 5.一小时。一天中的第一和第十三时,也称一点。一点 yī diǎn词典解释:1.汉字的一种笔画。常指书画中的点画。 2.表示甚少或不定的数量。 3.一经指点。 4.一方面;一部分。 5.一小时。一天中的第一和第十三时,也称一点。分词解释:不定:1.不安定;不稳定。 2.没有一定。 3.不住;不止。 4.副词,表示数量大,说不清。一方面:1.指有关的几个人或几件事之一。 2.连用。连接并列的两种相互关联的事物,或一个事物的两个方面。指点:1.以手指或其他物点示。 2.评说;指责。 3.指示,点拨。数量:1.事物的多少和长短。 2.指事物的多少。...一点怎么造句,用一点造句»

2、阳光:阳光读音为yáng guāng,是指1.闪电之光。 2.日光。 3.指太阳。 日光阳光充足阳光 yáng guāng词语解释:1.闪电之光。 2.日光。 3.指太阳。[sunshine;sunlight] 日光阳光充足分词解释:闪电:云内、云际或云地间的放电现象。常伴有强烈电光。按形状分,有枝状闪电、叉状闪电、带状闪电、火箭闪电、片状闪电、串珠状闪电和球状闪电等。最常见的是枝状闪电。闪道长度短的2闪电3千米,长的达20千米。直径约几十厘米。日光:1.太阳发出的光。 2.时光。太阳:太阳系的中心天体。银河系的一颗普通恒星。与地球平均距离14960万千米,直径139万千米,平均密度1.409克/立方厘米,质量1.989×10^33克,表面温度5770开,中心温度1500万开。由里向外分别为太阳核反应区、太阳对流层、太阳大气层。其中心区不停地进行热核反应,所产生的能量以辐射方式向宇宙空间发射。其中二十二亿分之一的能量辐射到地球,成为地球上光和热的主要来源。...阳光怎么造句,用阳光造句»