
时间:2022-11-19 13:03:15 | 来源:语文通



我的国庆节作文 篇1我的国庆节作文 篇2我的国庆节作文 篇3我的国庆节作文 篇4我的国庆节作文 篇5我的国庆节作文 篇6我的国庆节作文300字 篇7我的国庆节作文 篇8关于国庆节的小学作文 篇9我的国庆节作文500字放风筝今天是国庆长假的第二天,我心里惦记着一件事:放风筝。因为昨天没有一丝风,我新买的风筝还没放起来呢。我心里边想着,边看向窗外,发现外面刮风了!树叶从树上被吹落下来,小草被吹弯了腰,可以放风筝了!我和爸爸妈妈来到同心广场,看到满天飞舞的风筝,我更加肯定我的风筝能放起来。我拿着风筝的线轴,爸爸拿着风筝,他喊完三、二、一的时候,就松开了手。我拉着风筝飞快地跑了起来,呀!风筝飘飘摇摇,飞起来了!我开始放线,风筝越飞越高,越来越小,高到太阳公公不低头就能看到它, 篇10

我的国庆节作文 篇1


October 1 is the mother's birthday, and the whole country is jubilant. I got up early and watched the parade in front of the TV.


I watched for a while. Although I was excited, my spirit was getting worse and worse. The headache seemed to crack. Mother touched my forehead, which was very hot. Take a thermometer, 39 degrees. Now my mother panicked and hurried to take me to the hospital. The doctor asked me about my condition and thought that I was in good health (I had not been ill for a year and a half), so he gave me several packs of medicine. I took the medicine when I got home, but the fever still didn't go down. My mother was so worried that she kept sticking the ice stick to my forehead. After working hard for most of the night, I fell asleep. My mother took me to the hospital at daybreak. This time, I was unlucky. The doctor said that we should use salt water. First, go for a skin test. The nurse aunt pricked my thin wrist with a slender syringe, and soon a small bag was bulging up there. After waiting for 20 minutes, the nurse aunt checked and said that she could go to hang the salt water. The nurse put a thin, sharp needle into the back of my hand. A piercing pain hit me. I want to cry, but I'm already a third grade pupil, and I can't cry anymore. After a long two-and-a-half hours, two bags of salt water were finally hung up. I thought everything was all right. But my mother said she would hang two more bags tomorrow. Alas, what bad luck! After two days of painful suffering, my fever finally subsided. But the doctor also asked me to take the medicine for another three days.


Alas! This National Day is really unhappy.

我的国庆节作文 篇2


Look forward to the annual National Day! National Day is the birthday of my mother. I went to three places to play on this National Day. Let me show you where I went to play!


The first place is Zhezhong Paradise, which is an amusement park. As soon as I went in, I looked around. I thought that so many interesting projects should be played first? I thought about it and saw a roller coaster across the street. I told my mother; mom! mom! Look at the roller coaster. I want to play the roller coaster. Mom took me there, but the owner of the roller coaster said; Only those above one meter four can play. After listening to this, I was very sad. My mother told me that we should go to the space walk! I said to my mother; good After playing the space walk, it was already noon. My mother took me to a restaurant for lunch. I think this playground is really fun!


The second place is Lanxi Xintiandi, where there are colorful slideways, ferris wheels, go karts, naughty castles


There are many interesting things. First of all, I went to play the colorful slide. I was a little scared when I came down, but I was not afraid when I played. It was just a little fast. Then I took a go kart with my mother. It's so fast! Whoa! I rushed over quickly, ah! This is too much fun!


The third place is Lanxi Ancient Town, where there are all kinds of snacks and people singing! I'm eating delicious meat pie and listening. Don't...... People sing. It's really fun!


The National Day holiday is really wonderful!

我的国庆节作文 篇3


__ On the National Day in, I often felt lonely when I was in a foreign country. In the land where I am not familiar with him and he is also not familiar with me, I have suffered too much. It is not the Eden created by God because it has no joy; It is not a welfare home dedicated to love because it has no warmth; It is not the "Light Summit" where success is made because it has no "day". I am a "blind man" who gropes forward in the "darkness". All I have to do is wrestle again and again.


This is the crystal palace I once dreamed of. It is the ivory tower that I have devoted all my enthusiasm to. I abandoned my motherland for it, but it returned the most tragic smile to me. I'm so stupid.


Recently I often dream about my motherland.


I often meet my motherland in my dreams. I pour out my inner pain to the turbulent Yellow River; I told the majestic mountains about my misfortune; I tell my loneliness to the roaring pines; I sincerely miss the ancient wall road with a long history


The day before yesterday, I mustered the courage to bring my most sincere repentance back to the loess land where I was born, raised and raised. I climbed the mountain and shouted to the world: "I love you, my motherland! I will always love you!"

我的国庆节作文 篇4


Today is the annual National Day and the 68th birthday of my mother. I turned on the TV at 7:00 a.m. to watch CCTV 1's National Day program. This year's program is: Comrade Hu Jintao presents a flower basket on National Day.


Look, the mighty soldiers step by step carried the flower basket to the Chinese People's Monument. People from all corners of the world who came to Beijing and the mainland sang the national anthem with the accompaniment, "Get up, people who do not want to be slaves, and make our new Great Wall of our flesh and blood..." Young pioneers saluted. Comrade Hu Jintao looked seriously at the Chinese People's Monument, and looked at the rising national flag. Accompanied by the national anthem, the program ended.


At noon, we went back to the countryside for dinner. "Wow, the food is so rich! There are chicken, duck, shrimp..." I thought. I finished my meal ★ WWW.BAIHUAWEN CN ★ then went to play the 24 o'clock game with his aunt. The rule of the game was: whoever first counted the four numbers to 24 will win. The four numbers of the first set are 2, 4, 6, 7. I hit the table and said, "Oh, I know, 6+2=8, 7-4=3, 3 × 8=24。” Aunt put the four cards away. In the end, I won.


This year's National Day is really unforgettable!

我的国庆节作文 篇5


Ha ha ha... The long-awaited National Day holiday finally arrived. I couldn't help feeling excited. I even laughed before the teacher announced the end of class, which caused the whole class to burst out laughing. I lost myself! Do you know why I look forward to the National Day so much? Not only because it was my mother's birthday, but also because my father promised me that he would take me fishing in the small holiday. On the National Day, we arrived at the lake early in the morning to prepare for fishing!


What a beautiful view by the river! Look! Big trees stand by the river, as if tall giants are guarding their homes. Some birds are singing happily in the branches, and some birds are chatting with their partners on the wire. How lovely they are! Some birds fly up, cut their tails or their wingtips occasionally touch the water, and the little halo ripples away one circle at a time


After dinner, I couldn't wait to pull my father to the river. We first selected the position, and then Dad took out the fishing rod, and then hooked the earthworm on the hook. Finally, with a strong swing, the fishing line broke the water surface with a sound and sank into the bottom. I stared at the fish float, and my heart was pounding with excitement. After a while, I saw the fish floating. My father said, "It seems there is a fish. Pull it quickly!" I quickly pulled. There was a fish, but it was only as long as chalk. My father jokingly said, "What a big fish!" I said unconvinced, "Hum, I will catch big fish!" I threw the fishing line into the water with confidence again. When I saw that the fish did not stand upright, I wanted to throw it again. I pulled out the fishing line and found that a big fish of more than ten centimeters had hooked. I cried happily, "Dad, come and help me pull it, the fish is hooked!" My father put down his fishing rod and helped me pull the fish up. My father said, "Hey! I can't underestimate you." "Of course!" After that, I went fishing again


How time flies! One afternoon has passed before I knew it. In the evening, my father and I returned with a full load of "booty"! In the next few days, I followed my father to fish every day. I really doubt whether we will catch all the fish. Ha ha ha. This is really an unforgettable and happy National Day.

我的国庆节作文 篇6


On National Day, our family went to a very interesting place: Bifengxia Safari Park. The most interesting things are when we take the food cart and go to the monkey house.


Let's talk about taking the feeding cart first. When we got on the bus, we sat in the first row of the feeding cart. I found that the feeding cart is different from the car we drive at ordinary times. Its seat is facing the window. In order to facilitate our small tourists to feed the lions and tigers outside the window, there is a small window in front of each seat that can put food out.


Well, let's start feeding without saying more! The first one to appear is a lion. Because the lion is shorter than the tiger, my brother fed it. The second appearance was the black bear. The black bear was fed by my brother and me. After eating the apple, the black bear licked our feeding mouth with his tongue! Finally, the tiger came on the scene. As soon as I put the meat out, the tiger bit it off. It still ate on the glass.


Then we went to the Monkey House. Because we are VIP members, we can feed monkeys. Before our food was eaten, I saw a monkey on the branch ready to jump, 1, 2, 3, and finally the monkey jumped outside, which was the place where the tourists watched the animals. I was so scared that I put down the food and said to my mother: "I want to leave here!" Finally, we ran out of the monkey house.


Then it rained and we went back to the hotel.

我的国庆节作文300字 篇7


Night tour of Datang Never Night City


Monday, October 4, cloudy


During the National Day, our family took a night tour of the Datang Night Inn in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province.


I was shocked by the colorful world in front of me when I arrived at the Datang Night Inn. The lights penetrating the sky came from all directions and were colorful. Step forward, there is a monk made of stone. Don't ask, it must be Tang Monk. His hands stood upright on his chest, and he wore a string of Buddhist beads on his neck. Behind him was the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, which was said to be used to store his scriptures from the West. Walking inside, you will see the stone statues of famous poets such as Yang Wanli and Liu Zongyuan.


There is a music fountain in front, which attracts a lot of people. Two rows of people stand together and shout loudly at the mouth of the fountain. The louder the roar, the higher the spout of water.


Go back, it's the end, but it's also interesting here. There are many colored ropes hanging on the wall, like colorful snakes winding around the giant, giving a feeling of traveling in the forest. Curiosity and fear fill my heart.


Ah, I love the National Day, and I also like this trip to the city of Tang Dynasty!

我的国庆节作文 篇8


Wednesday, October 1, sunny


When it comes to National Day, we have to talk about the great man who made us live in peace, the man who founded China, the man who liberated China, the man who gave everything for China, and that day was an exciting day for us.


On October 1, 1949, Chairman Mao Zedong stood on Tiananmen Square in Beijing and announced to the people standing under Tiananmen Square: "My fellow citizens! The Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China has been established today!


National Day, this is a day for the whole country to celebrate together. I seem to be standing among the people at that time. Like others, I stared at the man who announced the liberation of China on Tiananmen Square in Beijing, the man who made our hearts beat fast.

关于国庆节的小学作文 篇9


It is also the annual National Day. We, the People's Republic of China, have a long history. From ancient times to the present, we have gone through one spring and one autumn, experienced many ups and downs, and emerged from many celebrities. It has been 62 years since the feudal society became prosperous. On the 62nd birthday of the motherland, we all Chinese children wish the motherland a happy birthday!


A few days after the National Day holiday, my father promised to take me to Chengdu. The next day, I visited Tianfu Square in Chengdu.


Driving from the main road to Tianfu Square, I saw a white sculpture in the distance. That was Chairman Mao, the first President of the People's Republic of China. He held his head high, smiled, and raised his big hand to greet everyone. We deeply salute this great man.


In Tianfu Square, there are two in the center__ The beautiful posture of the birds, which surround the railings, makes people linger.


There is a music fountain on the edge of Tianfu Square. Clear water spouts from the pipe, closing and separating in different forms.


Tianfu Square is surrounded by some brand stores and art palaces, where you can shop crazily and listen to some stars' patrols.


I firmly believe that China will become more prosperous, prosperous and powerful in the future!

我的国庆节作文500字放风筝今天是国庆长假的第二天,我心里惦记着一件事:放风筝。因为昨天没有一丝风,我新买的风筝还没放起来呢。我心里边想着,边看向窗外,发现外面刮风了!树叶从树上被吹落下来,小草被吹弯了腰,可以放风筝了!我和爸爸妈妈来到同心广场,看到满天飞舞的风筝,我更加肯定我的风筝能放起来。我拿着风筝的线轴,爸爸拿着风筝,他喊完“三、二、一”的时候,就松开了手。我拉着风筝飞快地跑了起来,呀!风筝飘飘摇摇,飞起来了!我开始放线,风筝越飞越高,越来越小,高到太阳公公不低头就能看到它, 篇10


Picking Monkey Peach


On October 2, with the scorching sun and cloudless sky, my family and aunt went to the Mihou Peach Base in Baisang Town. After arriving at the destination, I saw thousands of macaques in different sizes. The boss here told us that there are three kinds of macaques, namely red heart, yellow heart and green heart. I asked, "Grandpa, how can I tell them?" The boss said, "The navel of a red heart is sunken, the navel of a yellow heart and a green heart is prominent, but the green heart is fluffy, while the yellow heart has less hair." After listening to the introduction, we tasted the three kinds of macadamia, red heart and yellow heart taste better.


When I entered the Monkey Forest, I found that the surface of Red Heart Monkey Peach was smooth, like wearing a brown T-shirt, Yellow Heart Monkey Peach was wearing a sweater, and Green Heart Monkey Peach was wearing fur. Because we came late, all the big macaques were picked. I turned around in the forest to look for larger kiwi fruit. My kung fu did not disappoint the people. I picked a basket of relatively large kiwi fruit. The boss kindly reminded: "Put the apples and macaques together, and they will ripen in 3-5 days." My eyes widened and I asked my father curiously: "Why do you put them together, and the macaques are ripe?" My father smiled and said to me patiently: "Because mature apples can release ethylene, which is the growth hormone of plants, it can accelerate the ripening of macaques."


Picking Monkey Peach,我学会了如何辨认弥猴桃,还知道了乙烯是植物生长的激素。


Wang Caixiang