Water is the source of life.Let's learn about water resources with Xiaobian!
Water is an indispensable thing for people, and it is something that cannot be missing throughout the world.Any creature requires water, and no water cannot survive.Don't look at our Hangjia Lake Plain. Some of the water are that everyone will not be rare.Everyone will not feel distressed because of less water.In fact, some places in our country are very short of water. Now, aren't they undergoing the South -to -North Water Diversion? Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and other places are not many places where there are many water.
Water, we all think of it as what is important as our own life to protect.I remember once, I saw a public welfare advertisement on TV, and a story told.In the story, there was only a drop of water at the time, and everyone was scrambling to buy.Therefore, some people propose to hold a auction to sell the last drop of water.At the meeting, people had bid to buy, one higher than one, and some people had a sky -high price. No one could get much more than him.At this time, the audience did not say a word, some were trembling, some were crying, and some were smirking ... Because there was no water, they would die.I am very interested in this charity advertisement.I really admire the person who is doing this advertisement. It is really ingenious. Let us all know that water is a priceless treasure.
From that day, I was saving water every moment without any waste.
So now, I want to tell you through the article, let everyone know the importance of saving water.If everyone saves water, then all creatures can survive healthy and make the whole world so beautiful.
Water is the source of life, and water is the cradle of life.If there is no water on the earth, the mother of the earth will not bred the descendants of our human beings.
Human survival and development are inseparable from water.Because we drink water every day, the growth of food is inseparable from water, and industrial production cannot be separated from water.Water is still the "air -conditioner" of nature. In the hot summer, when people feel the heat and heat, how happy it is to rain! Walking on the sea, the sea breeze, sweeping the hot and irritable emotions; when the cold winter comesAt that time, the sea water continuously gives the storage heat to the land around it ... These are the effects of water.
Ninety -three percent of the world's water is salt water, and fresh water accounts for only 7 %, and the water that can be drunk is only 0.8 %.The 5 billion people around the world rely on drinking this only 0.8 % freshwater. See how precious the water is! Although the water resources in our country are very rich, there are very few freshwater resources that can be used.And with the development of industry, water pollution has become a serious problem. Many industrial wastewater pollution is stinky. What a terrible thing!
March 22 is World Water Day.On this day, countries around the world will publicize: everyone must cherish water resources and protect the water of life.In fact, not only on this day, every day in our lives, we should cherish every drop of water and cherish the water of life with actual actions! Water, the sky, underground, and rivers and lakes.Students always feel that it is not as important as saving other things.Some classmates open water faucet, wash their feet, and wash my hair. Some students do not drink boiling water, but they drink tap water at the faucet.
Although each person can maintain his life three liters of water a day, in fact, the urban residents are cooking, laundering, and washing vegetables every day, and the water consumes a few hundred liters of water.In addition, planting and industrial production cannot be separated from water.Such as: steelmaking and rolling need water cooling; spinning and weaving workshop in order to maintain a certain temperature and humidity need to be adjusted with water; construction construction cannot be separated from water; papermaking, power generation ...You can survive without eating without drinking water for a few days.
Water is the source of life.There are very few water sources in the world today, but some humans do not cherish it and are still destroying it.Scientists have been tested by testing that if humans have been there for one million years, then the earth is a planet without water, and its last drop of water is the tears of human regret.
其实,光我们中国已经有许多缺水的城市了。 看看这一幕幕:一个老农用一根粗粗的绳子把一个七八岁大的孩子滑到深深的井底,为的是一瓢一瓢舀上两半桶略带沙子的饮用水。
In fact, we already have many water shortage cities in China.Take a look at this scene: an old farmer slipped with a thick rope to slide a seven or eight -year -old child to the bottom of the well at the bottom of the well, in order to scoop with a scoop and two -half barrels of drinking water with sand.
在某些乡镇里,水的作用常常被人忽视。有的人经常往小河里倒垃圾,也有的工厂随随便便地往河里排污水,使我们的生存环境遭到了严重污染。 如果我们不能像爱护自己生命一样,爱护维系我们生命的水资源,在不远的将来就会发现,自来水管里,流出的不再是清澈的水。
In some towns, the role of water is often ignored.Some people often pour garbage in the small river, and some factories can discharge sewage into the river casually, which has severely polluted our living environment.If we can't protect our lives like we love ourselves, we will be found in the future that we will not be found in the future that the water pipes will no longer flow out of clear water.
The mother of the earth feels sad and desperate for human forgetfulness; her call for human beings can no longer waste a drop of water, because this drop of water can also pull a thirsty person from the abyss of death.
Water is the source of life and the foundation of human beings.my country is a country that lacks freshwater resources. In more than 660 cities, there are about half of the lack of water. In recent years, it has become more and more intense. The water crisis is approaching us step by step.Cherish water resources, everyone is responsible.We must cherish every drop of water. Starting from me, starting from now, protecting the water environment that humans live in survival; let people understand that water is a kind of wealth given by nature to human beings, and the source of our lives.Can't make human tears the last drop of water on the earth!
A drop of transparent water falls from the blue air, how beautiful.However, due to serious waste and destruction of humans, the current water resources have become very scarce.Water is the source of life, and human beings cannot survive without water. Let us cherish the current water! Otherwise, the last drop of water on the earth is your tears.
When we swim in space and look at our mother's mother, we will find that it is a beautiful planet covered with blue.That blue is the water that gave birth to life.Water creates all life, and it occupies a large part of all life forms.For example, if you have 50 kg weighing, then water occupies 40 kg.Water also created the beauty of all nature.The sea of boundless sea, the stream of streams, are spectacular rainstorms, a silk drizzle, and even small flowers on the roadside. These are water brought by water.The importance of water is naturally self -evident. Because of this, we must cherish it.
However, you will often find these eye -catching phenomena in your life: for example, you roam on the beach in Beidaihe, the fiery sun sprinkle the surplus to the ground, and the water surface is blinking with golden light, but you see the "embellishment" of the sea surface.plastic trash.For example, if you go to the Taklima Gan Desert, the blue waves of the Tang Dynasty are rippling, and the bustling scene of the shops will no longer exist. The rest is only the long yellow sand.If you go to the place where the water resources are rich in southern water, you will find that the clear stream is piled up with many disgusting garbage, and these water is obviously polluted.According to the survey, in 1995, the world's water resources utilization was 3800 billion cubic meters, the consumption was 21,000 cubic meters, and the total loss was 20xx billion cubic meters.Isn't these people caused by human damage to water resources? Now the large -scale damage of water resources has become a fact. Because of this, we must try our best to restore the fault and to cherish water resources.
"Cherish water resources and protect water resources" is not a slogan. He needs each of us to perform seriously.However, how can we realize the real water saving resources? My personal point of view is to use water resources appropriately, cherish every drop of water around me, and do not use it when you can use water without water, let alone play with water.We can do a lot: for example, try to save time every day when taking a bath, such as as little water as possible every day when you wash your hands, such as using the water of rice daily to brush the bowl, brush the ground water to finish, and so on.
To cherish water resources not only to cherish every drop of water around you, but also need to prevent pollution of water resources.
According to a water quality testing data, the daily average daily waste of waste daily waste of 5.5 million tons in the urban area is as high as 2 billion tons a year, which is more than the annual average precipitation.EssenceIn this regard, we can do our best.For example, the waste batteries, domestic waste, etc. will invest in the specified trash bin in accordance with the regulations, and the employees of the factory can also minimize the discharge of sewage.All in all, we must do our best to make up for the dangers that have been caused.
Let's cherish water resources. Don't wait until the last drop of water in the world is to regret it.From now on, start with me, start with the little things around me, cherish every drop of water, and cherish the source of life!
1、作文:作文读音为zuò wén,是指1.撰写文章。 2.指学生的写作练习。作文 zuò wén词语解释:1.撰写文章。 2.指学生的写作练习。(1) [write a composition]∶撰写文章(2) [composition]∶学生的写作练习分词解释:学生:①在学校肄业或在其他教育、研究机构学习的人。②向老师或前辈学习的人。也用于弟子对老师或前辈的自称。写作:1.犹写成。指作诗文﹑绘画等。 2.书法和文章。 3.写文章;创作。文章:①单独成篇的文字作品:写文章。②文辞:文章尔雅,训辞深厚。③礼乐制度:考文章,改正朔。④花纹色彩:五色文章。⑤比喻隐含的意思:话中另有文章。⑥比喻可做的事;可用的办法:还有文章可做|抓住一点大做文章。练习:①反复学习,以求熟练:练习心算 ㄧ练习写文章。②为巩固学习效果而安排的作业等:练习题ㄧ练习本ㄧ做练习ㄧ交练习。...作文的近义词,作文的同义词是什么»
2、水资源:水资源读音为shuǐ zī yuán,是指能得到天然降水补给的地面和地下淡水源。常以年为周期,以水量(米^3)进行计算。中国水资源总量约为2.7万亿米^3,呈现东南沿海丰水,西北高原少水;夏秋季水多,冬春季水少的特点。合理调节开发、综合利用水资源,是国家建设、社会发展的重要措施之一。水资源 shuǐ zī yuán词语解释:能得到天然降水补给的地面和地下淡水源。常以年为周期,以水量(米^3)进行计算。中国水资源总量约为2.7万亿米^3,呈现东南沿海丰水,西北高原少水;夏秋季水多,冬春季水少的特点。合理调节开发、综合利用水资源,是国家建设、社会发展的重要措施之一。分词解释:西北:一般指陕西、甘肃、青海三省和宁夏、新疆两自治区。补给:1.事后交付。 2.军事上指补充﹑供给弹药和粮秣等。地下:1.地面以下;地层内部。 2.谓政党﹑团体等处于非法﹑秘密活动状态。 3.指阴间。 4.地面上。合理:合乎道理或事理:合理使用丨合理密植丨他说的话很合理。水源:1.江河发源的地方。 2.指民用水﹑工业用水或灌溉用水的来源。...水资源怎么造句,用水资源造句»
3、珍惜:珍惜读音为zhēn xī,是指重视爱惜:珍惜荣誉。珍惜 zhēn xī词语意思:重视爱惜:珍惜荣誉。分词解释:重视:认为重要而认真对待。爱惜:①因重视而不糟蹋:爱惜时间 ㄧ爱惜国家财物。②疼爱;爱护:全家对他都百般爱惜。荣誉:1.光荣的名誉。 2.犹赞誉。 3.荣耀,光荣。...珍惜怎么造句,用珍惜造句»
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