
时间:2022-08-13 13:27:24 | 来源:语文通



A tree, he grew up in front of a writer, and the writer often read the newly written articles under the tree.


One day, someone chopped him down and made a wooden stick. I was one of them.


Although I have become a wooden stick, I still miss the time when I am listening to the spiritual elf.I look forward to being a writer's thing and feel the article in the first time.Maybe my expectations were moved to God, and I was sent to the processing plant.The companions were all frightened, and they all begged for help, hoping to make "leakage fish".I learned from the workers' conversation that I would be made into a pencil. At that time, my Xinhuan and surprises could be imagined.


My body was inserted into the pen core, it was very painful, but I didn't squeak, and my body was painted with paint and transparent glass paint. The smell was pungent and unpleasant. I still didn't squeak.The processing process is carried out in the screams of my companion, and it is also carried out in my hope.


I was put on the shelves, and I hope that writer can come to buy me, but he has never come.I have no wish.


One day, I was bought by a little girl.She gently put me a pencil cover.


After a while, she pulled out the pencil cover and wrote it with me. I was very happy.The gentle, beautiful, and beautiful words flowed out of my pen.I work non -stop, writing vivid words, wonderful words, beautiful words seem to have influenced me, making me feel fatigue!I write, I love words more and more, more and more like writing.It feels good to make a pencil for writing.


I have no doubt whether the choice of making a pencil is correct, and the cost of the physical body is worth it -I have been very satisfied.After writing an article, I was still eager to try and excite.I was put on a beautiful pencil cover and put it in a exquisite light peach -colored pen box.


"Hello!" The stationery in the pen box wanted to say hello to me, and I would also pay off.They also like to write good stationery, and they also like words. We communicate with their own origin and process it. However, the most talked about the feelings of writing are so happy and happy.


I am a pencil that loves writing!I am a pencil that loves writing!


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1、一支:一支读音为yī zhī,是指1.犹一条。常指河流或山脉的支派。 2.各种学派﹑流派或宗族的支派,亦名一支。 3.一肢。支,肢。一支 yī zhī词典解释:1.犹一条。常指河流或山脉的支派。 2.各种学派﹑流派或宗族的支派,亦名一支。 3.一肢。支,肢。分词解释:各种:1.指诸多物类。 2.犹言各式各样。一条:1.谓相连相通。 2.表数量。用于分列的项目或计量条状的东西。 3.犹一股。山脉:由若干条线状延伸的相邻山岭组成的山体。如中国的阴山山脉、昆仑山脉等。河流:地球表面较大的天然水流(如江、河等)的统称。流派:指学术思想或文艺创作方面的派别。...一支怎么造句,用一支造句»

2、写作:写作读音为xiě zuò,是指1.犹写成。指作诗文﹑绘画等。 2.书法和文章。 3.写文章;创作。 创作作品写作 xiě zuò词语解释:1.犹写成。指作诗文﹑绘画等。 2.书法和文章。 3.写文章;创作。[write;compose] 创作作品分词解释:绘画:1.作画。用笔等工具,墨、颜料等材料,在纸、纺织物、墙壁等表面上画图或作其他可视的形象。2.绘出的图或画。创作:1.亦作“剏作”。 2.制造,建造。 3.始创。 4.特指文艺创作或文艺作品。诗文:1.指诗歌。 2.指《诗经》的文字。 3.诗和文。...写作怎么造句,用写作造句»

3、铅笔:铅笔读音为qiān bǐ,是指1.指蘸铅粉涂改错字之笔。 2.用石墨或加颜料的黏土做笔芯的笔。 内有涂写物质芯子的木杆,一端露出削尖的芯子,另一端常有橡皮铅笔 qiān bǐ词语解释:1.指蘸铅粉涂改错字之笔。 2.用石墨或加颜料的黏土做笔芯的笔。[pencil] 内有涂写物质芯子的木杆,一端露出削尖的芯子,另一端常有橡皮分词解释:涂改:抹去或用白粉涂在原来的字或画上,重新写或画。黏土:指土壤颗粒多为黏粒的土壤。保水、保肥力强,土温较稳定,养分含量较丰富。但通气性和透水性差,干时硬结,水分多时则泥泞,造成耕作困难。错字:写得不正确的字﹐或刻错﹑排错的字。...铅笔怎么造句,用铅笔造句»