
时间:2022-10-21 13:05:15 | 来源:语文通



我的初中生活初一作文700字 篇1我的初中生活优秀作文 篇2我的初中生活作文600字 篇3我的初中生活作文 篇4我的初中生活作文 篇5

我的初中生活初一作文700字 篇1


Time is like flowing water. The happy scenes of primary school life are constantly reverberating in my mind. Recalling those games of throwing sandbags, and those naughty boys who actually put a piece of paper with the words "big fool" in the schoolbag of girls... However, it was so beautiful in my eyes full of childlike innocence. However, the young innocence has already gone away quietly without knowing it, and now I only have a little silence left.


As the summer vacation slowly passed, I was about to enter my junior high school life. Finally, with the bright sunshine, I entered this new world. I thought that there would be no more joy and freedom here, but since the beginning of the military training, junior high school life has brought me more mature and stable. "Standing at attention, keeping abreast, looking forward, taking a rest..." The whole military training was conducted in a serious atmosphere. In an instant, we seemed to take off a childish coat and put on a strong coat.


After several days of military training, I was sent to this middle school by sweat. After the sweat, I was going to study. The teacher was very strict with us, and we did not dare to be careless. When we entered the middle school, the learning tasks were heavier and the courses were more and more. But slowly I adapted to the life of the first day of junior high school. The first day life is like a jar full of magical colors, filled with ups and downs, emotions and sorrows, which makes people enjoy endless aftertaste. A starting point of transformation, the beautiful butterfly was once an inconspicuous caterpillar. I think I am the caterpillar waiting for transformation, so I will work harder to find my own dream. Recall that when I first entered the gate of junior high school, I felt nervous when I first stepped into the gate; The pride of raising hands for the first time; Happy to find friends for the first time; The excitement of queuing for dinner for the first time; The excitement of having dinner with friends for the first time; The frustration of failing the first exam. Many firsts have been written into my youth album, embellishing my junior high school life more beautiful, full and colorful


In the dreamy September, I will become a junior high student, but I still have to ask myself: Do I deserve myself? Am I tolerant? Am I lazy? I think God is fair, and he will let me witness in practice.


The busy, lonely and happy first day... I remember the sixth grade summer vacation's daydream about the junior high school life that will begin. Everything is still the same as yesterday. I can only say that it comes fast and goes faster!

我的初中生活优秀作文 篇2


What is life? In the eyes of optimists, life is a feast that never ends; In the eyes of pessimists, life is a cup of bitter wine; In the eyes of the poets and poets, life is a flower in the mirror and a moon in the water; In the eyes of philosophers, life is dialectical and unified. Different people have their own unique views on life. I think life is a song.


When I was young, life was a children's song. Children's songs are full of candy, stars, fairy tales and colorful soap bubbles. In the songs full of childlike interest, I often fantasize about flying to the sky to pick stars or becoming good friends with the spirits in the forest. Although this song is childish, it does not lose the innocence of children.


When we were young, life was a rock music. The notes of rock music always made our hearts dance with the melody, and made our emotions rise with the rhythm. We are immature, rebellious. He is unruly, likes to look at the world around him with a critical eye, and is used to commenting on this society with extreme words. But even so, we never stop beating every near perfect note with our drumsticks. No matter whether the notes we play are in line with the trend of the society, we like to turn dreams into reality. Show off your ideals. Although this song is vigorous and vigorous, it does not lose the freedom and boldness of young people.


In middle age, life is a symphony, which is not as full of childlike interest as children's songs, nor as full of passion as rock music. Symphony shows stability, and sometimes there are several climaxes. The reason why middle-aged people play such stable notes is because of the baton in their hands. This baton is a sense of responsibility. When I reach middle age, my responsibilities will gradually increase. If you want to play perfectly, you must take on various responsibilities such as career and family. When the perfect symphony shows its vivid side in the auditorium, it shows that the conductor is doing very well. Although this song is plain and steady, it is still mature and vivid.


In old age, life is an ancient music. At the moment when the old fingers gently touch the ancient zither, all kinds of memories of the past are vivid. The long and continuous melody reminds me of joy and loss. The ancient zither playing with notes is tired, and the players are intoxicated. They are intoxicated with the memories that make people happy and sad. Although this song is full of old sadness, it is not that intoxicating feeling.


I am a performer and conductor in life. I use my passion and my heart to play moving melodies and beautiful music. My life is like a song. When the music score of life is placed in front of me, I will use my heart to water this song, I will use my passion to play this song, and I will use my life to show this song!


My music life is going on

我的初中生活作文600字 篇3


After the summer vacation, I have entered junior high school from primary school and become a middle school student. The life of junior high school has its ups and downs. I have met many classmates. They spent day after day with me


The first people I met were Lu Mu and Ma Baiqi. Lu Mu is a very interesting girl with a ponytail and clear and bright eyes. Ma Baiqi is a lively and cheerful girl with Qi bangs and glasses. They accompanied me through the happy things that happened in junior high school.


In the first physical education class, the teacher asked me to take volleyball. I thought, "Oh, sorry, what I'm not good at is playing ball games. What can I do? Lu Mu was very interested in volleyball. Alas, I have no interest at all. But I can't ignore what the teacher said, so I had to accept my fate obediently.".


The next PE class, as expected, Lu Mu walked up to me happily with volleyball in his arms and said to me, "Come on, go to PE class!" I shook my head helplessly and let him pull me away. When he got to the playground, he put down my hand and pumped up the volleyball. After a while, she stopped and said to me, "Why don't you fight? It's fun. Let's fight together!" I tried to throw the ball into the air and hit it with my arm. One or two of them hit me in the head just as I was about to hit the third one. Lu Mu laughed beside me, while I shouted at her: "Don't laugh! What's funny? Hum, I will ignore you if you laugh again!" She stopped laughing and said to me, "It doesn't matter. It's always like this when you start playing. Practice slowly." I nodded and practiced hard.


However, even if I was serious, I would never pass the test of self cushion. It lasted for a month. I summoned up the courage to go to the teacher again, and the result was... I only played more than 80. Although I didn't, I smiled happily because I made progress!


Time flies. It has been more than two months. In these dozens of days of life, I have made progress in school. My junior high school life is happy!

我的初中生活作文 篇4


Before I chose boarding, my junior high school life was no different from my primary school life. Every day I studied or studied. After I chose boarding, my junior high school life was finally different from my primary school life. The difference was that I had the opportunity to do my own laundry and clean the bedroom.


Before there was no boarding, I was always the little emperor of the family. On the one hand, I was lazy. On the other hand, my parents felt that I didn't need to worry about housework, but only needed to study hard. As I grew older, I felt more and more different from other students. They all had good living ability. However, I was the only "spectator" when I was cleaning up in the school, and was "rejected" by my classmates many times. This kind of rejection promoted me to choose to stay in the school, completely divorced from the "care" of my parents, and learned to be a self-care person.


When I first boarded, I cried because I didn't know how to wash clothes, but I cried secretly and didn't let other students in the dormitory see me. I didn't want to be looked down upon by others, let alone get help from others because I cried. I began to observe how other people wash clothes when I was washing clothes. I also learned to wash our clothes in the same way as other people. One day can't be just two days. Gradually, I learned how to wash clothes.


In the days of boarding, I also mastered the cleaning of the dormitory. I don't know how I used to do cleaning. I have read books for so many years, and I don't want to recall any more. But now I can do cleaning. The dormitory was cleaned by other roommates before, but now I can do it alone without the help of others.


My junior high school life is basically the process of growing from a "fool" who can't take care of himself to an eighth grader who can live independently! Although these can't make people proud, at least they won't feel inferior anymore.

我的初中生活作文 篇5


Tall palm trees, green grass stretching into the sky, banyan spreading its lush branches and leaves, peach blossoms flying in the dream season... This is our poetic campus. The vivid flower of life blooms here, and the rhythm of youth keeps ringing. I walk quietly, not afraid of disturbing the beauty of the campus, and can't help thinking back and missing


The pure heart feels the melody of junior high school life:


With longing and joy, we smiled at the sun and walked arm in arm to Caoyang and the lawn. It was our destiny to get along closely. Entering the new campus and facing the new life, we sing and look forward to it. We in the Grade One classroom feel the melody of junior high school life with pure hearts; The same enthusiasm as fire burns in the flowery years.


Interpret the charm of junior high school life with a confused mind:


With confusion and search, we entered the second day of junior high school. Flowers fall and bloom; Spring goes and spring comes. We stared at the budding new leaves in the classroom window and listened to the lessons that the teacher could never finish. Sometimes we felt sleepy and sometimes we roared with laughter. We always want to wear fashionable clothes. We always want to cut the popular hairstyle that the teacher doesn't like. We are free. It seems that we are not afraid of anything. We don't care about anything and go our own way. We learn to meditate, often leaning against the window, staring at the clouds floating in the blue sky; I will sit on the windowsill and sing some pop songs that I don't understand. In this empty campus, our songs are floating. In these flowery years, with the beauty of confusion, they radiate the charm of life.


Strive on the land of growth with an enterprising heart:


With excitement and dignity, we think about the value of life and the significance of growth. In the season when the first yellow leaves fell, we ushered in the third year. The red maple leaves in the mountains are our vitality. There is a dream in my heart that we are pursuing. No matter what the result is, it is still beautiful. The value of life will be gradually presented when it is dark and bright.


The taste of youth is sour and sweet. With a pure and tender heart, we set sail to the blue sea. The green grass has a piece of laughter we left behind; Small saplings are our hopes; The flying brocade flag is the vortex of laughter that we hang tears. We wait, waiting for the next crimson dawn; We firmly believe that we will laugh to the end.


The flowers are smiling, the rain is singing, and we are running on the road of growth step by step.


Every day, I read in the warm morning light, study happily in the sunny classroom, and play with my friends in the spacious campus. We have become a large collective, just like a primary school, sharing sunshine and wind and rain.


The homework in junior high school is very different from that in primary school - the pressure is much greater. In order not to make my grades plummet, I tirelessly read books and took notes, trying to put just one brain into my head. Although there are times when I fail in the exam, I am never discouraged. Busy every day, I feel very full.


Because of my easy-going personality, I soon made many friends in the new group. We study together, play together, or not joking. We grow together, influence each other, and slowly adapt. I believe that three years later, our friendship will last forever.


Of course, life in junior high school is happy. I spent many years on the campus of the Affiliated High School of Peking University. In a twinkling of an eye, the wheel of time moved forward for three years. We had a sunny day in junior high school again. We said goodbye again, with the laughter and blessings of teachers and students, and embarked on the journey of high school.


However, all this is still imagination, and the real realization depends on my down-to-earth work. Then, let me start from now on!