
时间:2022-07-20 13:48:13 | 来源:语文通



Green, it is like a spring rain, sprinking through the land of Shenzhou, making the land of Shenzhou a vitality.Essence


Green is unknown, but it is also extraordinary.


There are a lot of benefits that green brings to us now! Trees can be optimized to obtain more oxygen for us to survive; you can also block the mudslides or large water on the railing mountain.Maintain ecological balance ...


But now, how many people can be careful and patiently listen to your complaints?


People fell wildly, leading to rising global temperatures, melting icebergs, rising water levels, and detecting ozone in the atmosphere ... Losing green, our lives will fade with greenness and become dull.


Xiao Cao also endured people's insults, fell again and again, climbed up again and again, the earth's environment was also evil, and carbon dioxide increased.


Finally, I want to say: "Green and humans are inseparable, and love green is to love yourself!"



General Secretary Xi Jinping once said: It is necessary to protect the ecological environment like protecting the eyes and treat the ecological environment like life.It can be seen that the construction of ecological civilization is the relationship between the people's well -being, whether the people can coexist in harmony between people and nature, and about the future plan of the nation. It is an important part of realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.Therefore, the green mountains and green mountains are Jinshan Yinshan, and it is better not to want Green Water and Qingshan.


Green water and green mountains are Jinshan Yinshan, which is related to the well -being of the people.Yu Village, Tianhura Town, Anji Town, shut down the contaminated environment, relying on the development of ecological tourism to make farmers get rich, and realize "the rich people of Jingmeihu".The pollution environment has been improved, the sky becomes blue, the water becomes clear, and the mountains become green.


Green water and green mountains are Jinshan Yinshan, which is related to the harmonious coexistence of man and nature.Philosophy tells us that everything is an organic body that is generally connected and there are connections everywhere.Therefore, "the unity of heaven and man" tells us that the survival of human beings cannot be separated from the natural environment, and the natural environment cannot be separated from humans.We can pursue higher goals.


Green water and green mountains are Jinshan Yinshan, which is related to the future plan of the nation.As the saying goes: Ecological prosperity is civilized, and ecological decay is civilized.Ecological environmental protection is the cause of contemporary and benefit in the contemporary and prosperous cause.In the context of the new era, we must not forget environmental governance while developing. It is a home that we live in. It is related to the beautiful life of millions of people.Second, while pursuing the rapid economic growth, we must also take into account ecological environmental protection.



The environment is like water, development is like a boat.Water can carry boats, and can also cover the boat.To improve the ecological environment is far away, we need to firmly establish the idea of "green mountains and green mountains are the golden mountains and silver mountains", step by step, really work hard, benefit for our descendants, contribute to our motherland's prosperity and prosperity,Essence

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1、人人:人人读音为rén rén,是指1.每个人;所有的人。 2.用以称亲昵者。 每人人人自以为必死。——《资治通鉴.唐纪》人人 rén rén词语解释:1.每个人;所有的人。 2.用以称亲昵者。[everybody;everyone] 每人人人自以为必死。——《资治通鉴.唐纪》分词解释:亲昵:十分亲密热爱:两人从小一起长大,青梅竹马的,自是亲昵。● 人 rén ㄖㄣˊ◎ 由类人猿进化而成的能制造和使用工具进行劳动、并能运用语言进行交际的动物:人类。◎ 别人,他人:“人为刀俎,我为鱼肉”。待人热诚。◎ 人的品质、性情、名誉:丢人,文如其人。...人人怎么造句,用人人造句»

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