哇!天空的云好美,一层层,一堆堆,一团团,洁白的后面还有蓝蓝的天空映衬着,就更加显得洁白如玉了。我躺在草地上认真地望着天空中 像红旗一样漂浮着的白云,它变化多端,姿态万千。有的像一大片金灿灿的麦田,好像在说:“您好! ”有的像一只凶狠的小猫,怒气冲冲地看着我,吓得我拔腿就跑;有的像圆圆的大西瓜,看着就想吃一口;有的像郁郁葱葱的大树 ……
Wow! The clouds of the sky are beautiful, a layer of layer, a pile of piles, a ball of white, and the blue sky behind the whiteEssenceI lay on the grass and looked at the white clouds floating like a red flag in the sky. It changed a lot and attitude.Some look like a large piece of golden wheat field, as if saying, "Hello!" Some looked like a fierce kitten, looking at me angrily, scaring me to run away;, I want to take a bite when I look at it; some are like lush trees ...
一阵阵风吹来,变化着的草地、小猫、大西瓜、大树都不见了,只剩下一层层海浪 。
A burst of wind blows, and the change of grass, kittens, big watermelons, and big trees are gone, leaving only a layer of waves.
天空的云可真美呀 !
The clouds in the sky are so beautiful!
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