
时间:2022-09-07 13:20:39 | 来源:语文通





It is you, cultivating me hard and teaching me; it is you, open the big umbrella of love, protect me, and care for me; it is you to open my heart to tolerate me and comfort me.


Because of you, let me learn bravery; because of you, make me more confident; because you have you, let me know what love is; because you have you, there is me now.


Thank you, I have been tolerant of my temper in the past twelve years, and sometimes I will fight with you, but you never hit me, but just say a few words with me when I calm down; thank youYou, every time I feel sad and sad, give me a warm hug; thank you, I have been standing behind me when I encounter frustration; thank you for your selfless dedication mother!


Today is your festival. Here I want to say to you: "Mom, Happy Mother's Day! I love you!"

2、 关于亲爱的妈妈,我爱您作文

2. About dear mother, I love you composition


Every time I mention my mother, I will be proud and happy for me to have a good mother.


My home is doing business, so every New Year, my parents work day after day. After dinner every day, my mother must continue to work and go home until eleven. Sometimes, I saw that my mother dragged her tired body and returned home, and had to do so many housework. I couldn't help feeling sad. I said to my mother, "Mom, go sleep! Answer, "No, I do it myself, you go to sleep! Only will you have spiritual learning tomorrow." When I heard this, my heart was always full of warmth and happiness.
Mom is very concerned about my learning. Every time, when I get a good grade, my mother always tells me an ancient training: "Modest makes people progress, pride makes people back behind." When I do n’t get well, my mother always encourages me to let me stand up again. Climb to the peak of knowledge. I remember once, when I was doing homework, the teacher arranged a composition. I thought about it, but I couldn't think of any good subjects. My mother came over and saw me frowning, and asked me what happened. I told me the truth. My mother immediately put down the job at hand and helped me think of the subject matter. Soon my mother came up with a subject and gave me pointers. After a while, I wrote a good article.
Once, I was practicing the pen, but I was not writing well, and I was trying to give up. My mother saw it, and hurriedly said to me, "Children, you must work hard, you can't give up because you encounter a little difficulty. If so, when can you do big things?" After listening to my mother's words, I re -I re -reinstated again Go to practice a brush. After some efforts, I finally practiced good words.
what! Mom, you make my life happy and worry -free, it is you to stand up again when you encounter difficulties. Dear mother, I love you!





Mom, you are greedy for the early days every day, running for our home.Every time I wash your feet for you, I always see some blisters on your feet.Whenever I see your frowning face, ask, "Mom, are you unhappy?" You always stroke my head with those wrinkled hands and look at me with kind eyes: "StupidChild, how can my mother be unhappy? "At that time, I was still ignorant, I could only look at you with big eyes that had been wet with tears, for a long time, for a long time ...


Mom, I want to say to you: I hope you make a suitable comparison.I am me, please don't compare me with those talents.I can understand your wish of "looking at women into a phoenix", but who doesn't make mistakes? Whenever I make a mistake, you are always chattering, and my heart is crying; whenever you take my advantages with other people's disadvantages to compareMy self -confidence is struggling in pain.Mom, there is still a long way for my life, I need to learn lessons in my stumbling stumbling.Can you give me a little more encouragement, a little less blow? A little more praise, less contempt? I am not a genius, so I often fail, but every failure is the beginning of success; I am not a saint, so I often mistakenly mistakeEvery mistake is a must -have.


Mom, please return me to a sunny world. Tomorrow, I will return your dense green yin!



My name is Pan XX, I believe you are already familiar with me, after all, I have lived around you for nine years.My characteristic is that I like to answer questions, ask questions, and I am very excited about what I encounter. It is like a stimulant, and I am so excited.My hobby is to play basketball, football, painting and writing.Mom, this is your lively and cute son.


You want me to be an excellent student at school, but when I write homework, I do n’t concentrate on my homework, and my mind flutter, so you scold me.You want to make me a well -behaved son, but I am often excited.Once, I turned around around the coffee table. I didn't notice the things on the coffee table. I accidentally touched my brother's cup. The cup fell off the coffee table and broke it. You scolded me.You still want to make me a good brother, but once, I spent a Lego plane. In order to prevent my brother from running out, I put it in your room, but my brother ran to you while I didn't pay attentionRoom.Unexpectedly, his face was swollen, he cried on the ground, and you scolded me again.Mom, I want to be a good student, the grade is among the best; I want to be a good son, and I have to hold back; I want to be a good brother, not careless.


Mom, I want to tell you, I hope you are gentle, let us be happy every day. I hope you do n’t scold me. We can communicate well with problems. I believe I can do it well.



Dear mother, I always want to tell you some words, because you didn't listen carefully that day.You always think that after 85 points is the bad student, you see that my test paper is at the beginning of the word '8', and you are furious and say that I have a bad test this time. You let me reflect on it, 85 points in this mid -term exam, even if you are a good student.


The results of the mid -term exam came out, and I saw the two big characters on my test paper "85 points".When I get home, I will show you the test papers. When you see my test paper, you are furious. "Very, tell me the reason, "I couldn't speak out." Go back to the room to reflect! "My mother said sharply. I had to go back to the room to reflect.


Mom, I want to tell you, in fact, it is not what you think. This time this reading question is difficult for 5th grade students.85 points or above the test are equivalent to 90 points.But I also have inadequate places, like Chen Haosheng, Li Sile can get more than ninety -more than 90, but I ca n’t get it because my reading is not enough, so I ca n’t get 90 points.


Mom, when you are furious, I am sad in my heart. Can you sit down and listen to me? I know that I am wrong, but please understand me.Mom, I want to tell you, please understand me.



Dear mother:

Dear mother:




You have been with me for ten years, and I have a stomach now and want to say to you.


Mom, you are so hard. When you go to school every morning, you have to get up one hour earlier than me. Before you took a taxi to work, but you can sleep more for me, and learn to drive hard. In this case, I can be more.Sleeping for a while, every time I go to bed in the back seat, you are driving with sleepy.


You have to prepare meals for me every day when you go home, and you have to do a lot of housework, busy work and busy at home. It is really hard.When I encounter difficulties in my studies, you will help me answer them one by one. If I learn late, you will accompany me to sleep very late.


Mom, you also told me a lot of life truths. You tell me: Among the many quality of people, the most important thing is integrity and kindness.I did not lose my temper because of my academic performance, but because I was lying, I hit me with a ruler.


You guide me to establish the goal of life, and you guide me to study hard. This is not just to get a high score, but only by mastering a lot of knowledge can you be useful in the future to be useful in society to be usefulPeople.


Mom, I found that you are older than before, because I see your white hair. In the future life, I will work hard to learn to make you less worry about me.


I wish you:


Happy and happy every day.


Love your son: Li XX


November 25, 2020



Mom, I always think you are a cheerful and kind mother.


Let's talk about it last night. The day before yesterday, we took the mid -term exam, but the test paper was issued yesterday. When the test paper was sent to my desk, I was afraid to open my eyes.After a while, I took a deep breath and opened my eyes with courage, and the bright red "82" was printed into my eyes.My heart was instantly "pass through, pumped," like a basketball in a shot, restless.


On the way home, I have been thinking, if you see my grades disappointed with me? When you get home, you can see your kind smile when you open your house.I dare not tell you the results.However, what should be came, I took out my test paper in a fright and gave it to you.


Seeing my grades, your brows are tight, and it seems that I don't understand why I only scored more than 80 points.Just as I was anxious, you said gently to me, "This basic question has improved, and I will continue to work hard! But the reading questions and composition have to continue to refuel."Said: "I didn't take the test this time, it's okay, I must review the questions carefully in the future." At that moment, I felt that my heart seemed to be brushed by a gentle breeze, and slowly settled down.


Mom, thank you, thank you, thank you for your hard work to grow me into a little girl who has grown up.Take me to the hospital when I am sick; try my best to tease me when I am sad.


Mom, if there are still life, I am still willing to continue to be your daughter and return you with everything.



Mom, what a good person!She raised you hard, but did not ask for any return.


I still remember that I had a Mother's Day. At that time, I was six years old and suddenly thought of buying a box of skin care products with pocket money.I ran to the small supermarket downstairs and chose a box of skin cream by myself.After returning home, I wanted to open the box first, and found that there was still a layer of lid inside. I was going to take out the layer of the lid. Who knows that the lid was broken, it turned out to be a layer of wax.I want to take out the fragments, but the more I find it, the more the pieces were made into the skin cream.well!I was panicked in my heart, and quickly covered the lid outside.


After my mother came back, I stuffed her mother's hand, and even "Happy Holiday I wish Mom" ran into my own room without saying that she had a good way.After a while, my mother came to knock on my door, and the voice was very soft: "Baby, open the door, let your mother thank you well." I quickly opened the door, my mother came in to hold me in my arms and said with a smile, "You youThe skin care products given to my mother very much like it, but when I open it to try it, I find that there are many hard small pieces in it. Is it your small peeling? "After that, the mother still patted me gently.The ass.I nodded embarrassedly and said to my mother, "I just want to see what it looks like inside, but I accidentally broke the layer inside, but I wanted to pick it out but got it all inside." Mom heard it listened to it.After crying and laughing.But my mother thanked me well.After that, I found that my mother used the skin care products I gave to her every day.


My mother is very hard every day. I have to cook together in the morning, and then I call me to get up. I will be busy cooking at noon, and then I ’m washing dishes. When I go to bed, there is only 20 minutes left.EssenceAfter getting off work at night, my mother also had to wash clothes and dinner to coach me to do homework. Sometimes I had to mop the ground ... Mom always seemed to have endless things.


Every time I see my mother so busy, I want to say to my mother, "Mom, I love you!"



Thanksgiving Mother's Day Composition 350 Words_Mom, I Love You


Today is Mother's Day.I thought about the gift to my mother last night, and that was carnation.Even if I don't have much pocket money, I will buy a lot.So, I entered the dream Zhang with such a good wish ...


My mother is my mother. I feel like transparent in front of my mother, thinking in my heart that I write everything on my face.In the morning, I went to my schoolbag and was ready to go to school.But my mother told: "Don't buy flowers today. Yesterday, people bought two bouquets of flowers." Although I was unhappy, I was a mother's festival today. I don't want to add trouble to my mother, so I still hang a smileon the face.Mom said again, "Let me buy something for you today." "What do you buy?" "Buy a few pairs of socks." Mom hesitated for a while and said, "Forget it!"Home.


If you can't buy flowers for your mother, just send some actual one!Walking, I have a plan in my heart ...


When I returned home at night, my mother came back as soon as I started my homework.I have a Toto shoes and back.Mom smiled and said, "What's wrong today?" "Mother's Day." With a burst of laughter, the evening of this festival passed like this.


Thanksgiving Mother's Day Composition 350 Words 2


Love is a warm word!Maternal love is the greatest love in the world, because maternal love is the most selfless and most thorough.From this, I thought of my dear mother ...


Every Sunday, many dirty clothes are waiting for my mother to wash.Every Sunday, my mother is busy working in the field, washing clothes, wiping the table, sweeping the floor, mopping the floor ... I want me to help my mother a little clothes, can my mother wash less?So, I prepared the laundry powder and cold water. I first soaked my dirty socks in the water, put it on the washing powder and rub it, rub it out a lot of bubbles, then rub the socks.Rinse it with water, and then look at the socks, hey!The socks I washed are like new.Finally, I stepped on the stool and scared the socks on the drying rack.


After an hour of struggle, I finally cleaned my dad's stinky socks, my socks, and pants.I looked at the little hand of Hongtong, thinking: Mom can finally do less work and take a break for a while.But I looked back, my mother was bent her waist and wiped the floor.well!Mom is really hard!In the future, I would like to help my mother wash clothes and clean it to reduce the burden on my mother.



"Poor parents in the world", when I was sick, who was carrying me to the hospital with me?It was her, my mother; when I took 100 points, who praised me, encouraged me, so that I would not be proud?It was her, my mother; when I was smashing, who was comforting me and teaching me?It was her, my mother.


My mother is a university undergraduate student. He has taught me to recognize the words since he was a child.At the age of going to school, my mother also made a choice that influenced my life for me.


I remember the first grade, I am still a ignorant little girl.At a time, I only tested 80 points. I was very frustrated. At that time, I only knew that 100 points were good classmates and 80 points were poor classmates.I am a little confused, am I really bad classmates?When I got home, I took the test paper to my mother and asked naively, "Am I really stupid? I work hard as other classmates, why can they take 100 points, and I can only take 80 points?" Mom laughedLaughing, stroking my head gently, "Child, you are not stupid. This time it is just a little horsepower, you don't have to worry so much." I glanced at my watery eyes and looked at my mother.Many questions.Mom said in a gentle tone: "Maybe, you don't understand. However, you have to believe that you are not worse than others. As long as you are more diligent, others learn it once, you learn twice, not afraid to catch up with them." I listened to itThe mother's confidence has doubled, more hard work, and the results have improved a lot.


Mom's teachings are deeply imprinted in my heart.Mom, my dear mother, I thank you for your raising, and thank you for your teachings for me.



My mother is very cute, but my mother is very strict to me. Every night when school, my mother always wants me to write homework in the duty room. It is not easy to move.Sometimes, my mother is very good to me, and I want everything for me to buy me.Every year, my mother bought me a beautiful trench coat.But when I was "Women's Day" every year, I did not give my mother a gift.But I want to study hard. Every day, my grades should be fully scored to repay my mother and dad's confidence and confidence in my breeding.


My mother's hair was a little curled, and her temper was a bit irritable, but it was good to me.Once I was injured, I cried in front of my mother.But my mother was holding me to the hospital. Although the mother could not see it, she felt sad inside.My mother has to work during the day, cooking, laundering, etc. at night.My mother is really hard!



Dear mother:

Dear mother:


I have always loved you deeply. In my young heart, you are the greatest and most selfless in the world, but one thing, but the perfect impression you have left in my heart faded.


Mom, you have been working out for many years. Over the years, you have delivered me and my sister to grandma.You know that grandma at home for me and my sister's life and study, and they had to cook a heavy housework every day; for the better life of the whole family, she had to go to the field to do this every day.Grandma is getting older and older. Look, the silver hair on her head has added a lot.


Saturday is here again, I am very happy, not because I can relax myself, but on this day I can talk to you on the phone again.After dinner, just ready to watch TV, a nice telephone ringtone attracted me to the phone.At first glance, I called out excitedly: "It's a mother!" Hurry up and talked to you about happy things after another, as well as missing feelings.But when I want to talk to my grandmother and let you talk to her, you tell me, "No need." Whenever I hear your cold words, I always have an indescribable taste in my heart, and often I often go aloneSimply: Why do you always say to your sister and me on the phone and tell me that there are endless words; why you always ask your grandmother to ask the warmth and warmth on the phone.Do you have nothing to say to your grandma?


Once, twice ... one year, two years ... you have never communicated with your grandma on the phone, and never cared about the cold and cold of the elderly.Mom, mother, busy grandma at home and night has nothing to do with you. If you have something, I think I just want to hear a word or two of concerns.Do you know how much her old people need the comfort of the soul!


Mom, although I can't blame your selfishness and preferences too much, how do I want grandma to be happy.Listen to the advice of your daughter: Use your care of your children and carelessness to care about my grandma — your mother -in -law?



"Singing in the landscape echoed, and the hot thoughts were hot. Last year's family books, two lines, read the eyes again ..." The music ringtone rang, and I knew that my mother called again.


"Hey, mother."


"Ah, my mother just sent you to winter clothes, remember to check the text message from the mobile phone."


"Know Mom, I have enough clothes to wear here, don't send so much."


"Silly child, speak like this again!" Mom said in a slightly "blame" tone, "I used to urge you to wear more clothes at home, you don't wear more clothes. Now you are studying outside, and your mother is not around you.Take care of you, you can't be willful, take good care of yourself! ... "


"Know, you know, mom, you are still so nagging!" I said impatiently.


"You child!" Mom still said in the tone of "complaining" and love.


"Okay, mother, I'll hang it up first."


"Good good, remember to call your mother when you are free ~"


"Um." So I hung up the phone and turned around, and the roommates were watching me.


"Fei, your mother is here to ask you again?"


I glanced at Xiao Yan and said in a tone of inadvertently: "Every time my mother calls this, I say this, sometimes annoying!"


"Fei, can't say that, your mother cares about you too!"


"Yeah!" An An enviously, "I am a left -behind child in my house. My parents went out to work outside the country when I was in elementary school. I lived with my grandparents since I was a child.The month ago, my grandfather died ... "


I faintly saw An An's eyes dripping transparent tears.


"But, I still have the grandma who loves my most, so I must cherish it!" An An barely showed a satisfying and happy smile.


"Yeah, there is a saying good -people always know how to cherish after they lose!" Yinger said affectionately, "So, we must cherish the person in front of you!"




After listening to them, I stunned a little.I asked myself: Is it wrong to do this?Although my mother was nagging, it was just out of care and love for me!


Hmm, at least I have always believed that there are no parents who do not love their children in the world.Mom always repeats those words, always saying "extra" condolences, but every time he is warm, it is not out of date.


I opened the memoirs in my head, and the scenes all appeared in front of my eyes.


I walked out of the house with a schoolbag, my mother rushed over, stuffed a bag of fruits and cakes for me, and instructed: "Hey, these schools, eat more fruits, eat some snacks at night and eat some snacks and fill in the snacks at night.Fill your belly, don't be hungry! ... "


My mother waited at the bus station, regardless of the summer and winter.When I got on the bus, my mother looked at me intently, and waved her right hand to say goodbye to me until Che Yinghui gathered to disappear at her eyes ...


On Saturday evening, I got home. My mother had already prepared a meal, and waited for me to go home and wash the dust for me!Going home every weekend is always the happiest and comfortable moment.Forgot to worry, remove the burden, and become the happiest person in the world.Because, with her.


Yes, because there is her -my mother!The tender words are hard to exhaust my words. Although I was extremely impatient before the phone, she was good, her care for me, and I always felt it.However, I always have no courage to show my heart, or I have already used to "complaints" that have been used to unchanging.


I want to say, Mom, in fact, I love you too, but I don't know how to confess to you -I love you, mother, thank you!You are the best mother!In the future, I will cherish every sentence of you, every time you ask for warmth.



I love you, mother composition 550 words, one _ Mother's Day blessing


"The most beautiful voice in the world is the call of my mother." I think this sentence is right.The mother's love is like moisturizing our children.My mother used me to take care of me in the past. You encouraged me whether it was life or learning, so that I would be strongly overcome.Therefore, mother's love is the greatest.


When so, you are greedy for breakfast for me, and send me to school ... Every night, you are guarding me like a guardian god, care for me to care for me.Therefore, mother's love is the greatest.


At the same time, my study dropped thousands of feet. I was so sad that I fell into the bottomless abyss. Then I thought of your learning with me day and night. How strange I am not fighting!When I got home, I was discouraged, afraid that you hit me and scolded me.However, you didn't do this, but encouraged me to let me work hard and don't be discouraged.It is you, let me solve this terrible knot; it is you, let me challenge myself bravely; it is you, making me stronger.Therefore, mother's love is the greatest.


When did I have a fever and sick, my dad is not at home, you look at the thermometer rising rapidly, and the sweat beads flow from your forehead like the beads that fall into the line.On the back, send me to the First People's Hospital to see a doctor.Looking at the sweat beads on you, I couldn't help but move.After playing, I found that you have three more crow's feet on your brows.Therefore, mother's love is the greatest.


The annual Mother's Day is coming, and the students have to give gifts, cakes, and jewelry to their mother.But I have nothing, so what should I do?Oh!I want to bless my mother in this composition: "Good health! Long life!" And said, "You have worked hard, mother!"


I love you, mother composition 550 words 2_I love mother


Maternal love is selfless and great. The song "Mother's children like a treasure" is still so beautiful. Maternal love is not available for every child. Children who get maternal love are so happy.


Every morning I bed together, my mother is done early.Once I asked my mother: What time do you get up every morning!My mother always tells me at 6:30.I think it must be much earlier than this.When I was very young, my mother taught me literacy. Gradually I knew a lot of words. Although my mother was tired, her expression was so relieved!


My mother taught me to laugh at life.In Shenzhen, my mother and I saw a singing uncle on the street. He only tied a plastic tablet on the right arm, which was so pitiful!Geefra sings with a smile on his face, and the singing is nice, and the Gee it bounces very beautifully. We left after watching it for a while. As soon as I walked out, my mother stopped and gave me a yuan. Let me send him to him.go.Tell me a little thing, don't frown, people have only one left hand and half right residual arms, but they laughed at life without despair.


In order to exercise my intelligence and perseverance, my mother took me to learn Go. Mom picked me up and sent me a storm.When I participated in the competition for the first time, I was curious about everything, and I had some nervousness. I often ran away halfway. This time I did not take the ranking.My mother said with a long time to tell me: The quality of her heart is better during the game.If you are proud, you do n’t lose, everything will pass, only pursuing continues. When you encounter unhappy, frustration, and failure, you must dare to face and be courageous.


My mother's words made me know a lot.I have confidence.The second time I took the ranking, I have won several championships, this is indispensable for my mother's credit!


I love mom, she is my good teacher and friend!



Mom, I want to thank you, you love me like gardener: if I am a small grass, you are the warm sunshine and sweet rain; if I am the white clouds in the sky, you are the blue sky, you are always by my side, use it, use it, useHer efforts to raise me, how much energy do you spend for me!I am really grateful to you. Your love is all the time and everywhere. As long as you think of you, a warm warm current is spread all over my whole body. When I wake up at night, just think about youDream came to me. When I want to give up studying, just think about you, the power of progress is full of my whole body. When I have ashamed you, you have worked hard to raise me.If you are willful, please forgive me.


Mom, I want to say to you, "Mom, I love you! I want to learn to be honored and let you enjoy it!"


Mom, I have heard the song "Only Moms in the World". If you do n’t have you, I wo n’t know the mother ’s love, I do n’t know what mother and child love, and I don’t know the word mother.As the stars in the sky are endless, I want to say to you, "Mom, I love you, never change!"



Dear mother:

Dear mother:




There is a kind of love in the world. The greatest and most selfless thing is -mother love.


Mom, I remember that when I was sick, you always stayed with me and cared about me meticulous. When I didn't do something well, you always comforted me and told me not to give up.In life, you have too much love for me, but sometimes I do n’t understand you.


I remember once, my exam was worse, I dare not show you the paper, so I hid the paper at home. When you asked me, I said, "The paper has not been sent yet." After a week, you asked me how much my grades were, and I said I don't know yet. "That's what this is." Then, you took out my paper. I was at a loss and stood there. You are furious, holding my palms hard, and said, "We have taught you to be honest and seeking truth from facts since childhood, but you have to lie. I let you lie, I let you lie ..." "Woohoo ... ... "I cried so much. Inadvertently I saw you crying when you hit me. I thought at the time: you bad mother, I hate you! I have gradually understood it until now. In fact, this is also a kind of love for me. You want me to be a good child who is honest, practical, but I don’t do it. Although I hit me, although this is also a way to love me, I am not so easy to understand and accept. I hope you can educate me in a way, maybe the effect will be better.


In the usual life, you can see your love for me everywhere. When I go to school, you always say to me, "Did you bring it off? Remember not to run too tired, it is easy to heatstroke! Early after school, early after school!Go home ... "These are actually your concern for me, but I feel annoying as your nagging.I apologize to you here, and I hope you can forgive me.




Good health, everything!


Your daughter: Huang Yulan


November 30, 2012