
时间:2022-09-23 13:19:44 | 来源:语文通



六一儿童节作文好开头 篇1小学六一儿童节作文开头 篇2难忘的六一儿童节作文开头与结尾 篇3六一儿童节作文好开头 篇4难忘的六一儿童节作文开头与结尾 篇5小学六一儿童节作文开头 篇6六一儿童节作文好开头 篇7

六一儿童节作文好开头 篇1


Everyone's long -awaited "June 1" finally arrived. This year's "June 1" is different from usual. Before, we must welcome leaders or something.Let us play well.


When I entered the school in the morning, I saw Zhou Binjin walking slowly in front of me at a glance. It turned out that while he was walking, he was playing with the Rubik's Cube.When I arrived at the classroom, the classmates did not read books.


At about 8:30, we first played our own class?? "Top Kung Fu", rules: Put water in the paper cup, and then put it on the top of the head. Do not pour two points per crossing a stool, maximum.I got a bit of water when I got the paper cup, and then pushed it on my head. As soon as I across a stool, the paper cup fell down.Teacher Mao gave me a chance to re -.For the second time, I carefully put the paper cup on the top of my head. It shakes like a regular time on my head, and it seems that there is a danger of explosion at any time.Every time I take a step, I am very careful, but the paper cup seems to be looking against me intentionally. Before the third stool, it fell down again.Teacher Mao said that I gave me the last chance. At this time, I was meticulous, and every time I passed the stool very slow, one, the other, I finally succeeded.


Then, we went to play other games. The game with the least scored, only two points, was in the fifth -three class, and asked to use a straw to suck the ball to the other side.At the beginning, I tried it, and I felt simple, and I thought it could reach the end.At the beginning, I was inexplicably nervous, and the ball fell before I walked to twenty centimeters.Seeing Tang Ze ran to the end at his fastest speed, I got it very much, and I was very envious.It seems that the pride will be a bit right.


What I am best at is the maggots. In the magazine game in Class May 4th, I learned a lesson, and I got it very easily.


Happy time is always short. At 12 noon, when the garden is over, we will go home and will accompany us for a long time.

小学六一儿童节作文开头 篇2


Children's Day is here, I go to our classmates to play.


There is a chick in her family, which is fun. The chick jumps around in the box. It thinks: I must go out, there is no meaning at all, I must get out of this boxEssence

我看他那么固执,就把他从箱子里放了出来。没想到,它一出来就胡乱跑,我走路都要紧紧盯着地,生怕踩伤了这只小鸡  我来到她家,他就拿了几本书放在我面前:“这些书我都看完了,你看吧”。我也拿出几本书给他让他看。她很大方,有什么好吃的都先让我吃,有什么好看的电影都叫我来看。有这么个好朋友多好啊。中午,我们去外面吃饭,那的饭菜可香了,我们吃饱了,回到了她家,我和她一起看书,可是到了晚上,我爸爸妈妈来接我了,我们还没有读完书,我就提了一个建议,她觉得这个建议很好,说完,他给我了两本书,我又给他了两本书,我拿着那两本崭新的书,高高兴兴地回家读书去了。

I see that he was so stubborn, so he put him out of the box.Unexpectedly, as soon as it came out, I ran wild, and I had to stare at the ground tightly. I'm afraid I will come to her house when I come to her house.It's over, look at it. "I also took out a few books for him to read him.She is very generous, let me eat any delicious one, and everything looks like I want to watch.It's so good to have such a good friend.At noon, we went to eat outside. The meal was fragrant. We were full. When we returned to her house, I read with her, but at night, my parents came to pick me up.I made a suggestion. She felt that this suggestion was good. After speaking, he gave me two books, and I gave him two more books. I took the two new books and went home to study happilywent.

难忘的六一儿童节作文开头与结尾 篇3


After Liuyi, the teacher led us to a special festival to the Children's Village.Early in the morning on Saturday, we came here with blessings and gifts. After getting off the bus, the first two floors of the two -story building that was made into the eyes first was green and flowers on both sides of the building.This full of warmth evokes my curiosity, what are the children living here, and how do they live?


With expectations, we came to the party family -Family 5. This family is composed of seven members of Mother Zhang, Sister Qiran and several younger brothers. They live in a two -story house, where they are here. HereWhat attracts me the most is the happy face in all corners, as if talking about their childhood happiness.


When we entered the house, one of the younger brothers was studying. It seemed that he had encountered any difficulty. I saw him frowning, writing on the paper for a while, and then holding his chin as if he was thinking.What ... Looking at him so persistently, I am a little embarrassed. Think about the questions that I usually have.Sister Qi Ran is the largest of a few children. Of course, her ability is the most. Piano, Qinqin, and cello are her masterpieces. The most surprising thing is her cello.It seems that I was telling something. I was surprised. I didn't expect that she was so strong, brave, and so hard to study. I really admire her!We also performed wonderful shows for them. Everyone was very happy. Our heart was closer. Laughing was echoing, breaking through the roof, and flying on the splendid sky.


In this brief gathering, the kind face of the mother's kindness, the strong eyes of Sister Qiran, and the younger brother's serious attitude towards learning made us unforgettable.We have experienced the kind and brave hearts of children in the children's village. They are tough and never defeated; their hearts are full of sunshine. As long as there is a hint of hope, we must work hard and do not give up easily.At the same time, let us deeply understand how happy the teacher's selfless cultivation and the most sincere friendship between the teachers and the most sincere friendship between the teachers.Let us cherish all the beautiful lives we have.This year we spent a special June 1st, a meaningful June 1, and an unforgettable Liuyi.

六一儿童节作文好开头 篇4


Today is Children's Day. My mother said to give me a holiday. I don't have to do any homework. I want to play happily for a day.


Early in the morning, Brother Zhou Nan came to my house to play a computer.The two of us settled, each played for half an hour.In this way, we took turns to play their favorite games and played well.


At noon, my brother Zhou Nan had two mothers to eat the bridge noodles together. The rice noodles were very long. Every time I bite, my teeth bit my lips and my lips were hot, but I still ate a lot.I also fight for mutton with Brother Zhou Nan. My stomach was filled with drums. My mother could knock the drum sound on my stomach.


After eating the bridge, the two mothers took us to the video game city again. There were many people in the video game city. I saw my favorite "Money House" game console surrounded by people, and quickly ran over.EssenceAfter waiting for a while, an uncle around him emptied his seat.I quickly stuffed the gaming currency, and no game coins fell off.At this time, my mother reminded me: "Don't be so anxious to stuff the game coins. It depends on the opportunity to make the gaming currency overlap." According to my mother’s method, when I pushed the market, I put the game coin.When I went in, I used this method to get a lot of gaming coins, but in the end, the game coins were eaten by the "Money House".After Zhou Nan's gaming currency, we went home with satisfaction.


I was so happy about this Liuyi.

难忘的六一儿童节作文开头与结尾 篇5


June 1 is our festival. In order to celebrate the festival, the school held the "June 1st" song and dance party.


The song and dance party was held in the newly completed music square in our school.The colorful flags on the square are fluttering, and the colorful lights add a festive atmosphere.The sunset in the sky gently pulled the curtain account for the party, and a "Children's Hearts in the World" brought us into a strong festive atmosphere.Immediately afterwards, the wonderful shows showed everyone.Among them, the show "Beauty" made me full of eyes.A young girl with an agile girl took a ball in hand, while making beautiful gymnastics, playing the ball with various skills.You obviously saw the ball in her left hand, just in your blink of your eyelids, and the ball rolled to her right hand.The ball suddenly left and right, and suddenly, it was really dazzling.


The show is not only "moving", but also "quiet".That is, my class Xu Mengdi and other classmates in the grade use the flute and violin ensemble "Fishing Boat Singing Evening". The wonderful music was introduced into my ear.I felt the excitement when the fishermen were going home.The music -like music echoed on the square ...

小学六一儿童节作文开头 篇6


Children's Day, children's festivals around the world are the festivals we are most looking forward to and a feast for children.We celebrate our own good times.I remember the Children's Day last year, I also spent a pleasant and beautiful day on campus.I still remember it so far.


In the morning, as soon as we entered the campus, we saw that the red flag flowers were very beautiful around the playground.


Our festival, let us enjoy joy!


The celebration began, the host embarked on the stage with great spirit, and the show performance began.The show is very exciting, some sang the songs of Youyou children's songs, and some danced with versatile and beautiful dances ... The students saw it intoxicated and listened to it, as if let us be in the artistic conception of singing and dancing,All the students' faces were overflowing with the joy of happiness.


Among them, I like my senior brother, and my elder sister is full of affectionate poems. Their recitations are affectionate and very infectious. I can hear all.


The wonderful programs on the stage continued, and the enthusiastic applause continued on the stage, continued until noon, and the celebration garden ended.We are still overwhelmed, and the laughter and laughter of our classmates are echoing on the campus.


Happy "June 1" is our unforgettable day.

六一儿童节作文好开头 篇7


What day is today?It's "Children's Day" Children's Day!Today is also my happiest day, and I will introduce to you.


Today, I got up early and came to school!Everything in school today is so beautiful. Those flowers seem to be smiling, trees are dancing, and even Xiao Cao sings a ballad.How beautiful this is!


At 9 o'clock, our game activities began.I rushed out of the classroom and looked for the game."Here is to grab a chair!" I don't know who shouted, I rushed to class five (2) and started the game of "grab the chair".


The classmates first announced the rules of the competition, and they had to recite ancient poems during the competition. "Hey, this is interesting!" The music has sounded and the game has begun. While I was carrying ancient poems, I watched the seats with the eyes. When the ancient poems were finished, I sat down. At this time, a classmate said to me, "The music hasn't stopped, don't sit!" I just overdue, stood up, and continued to carry ancient poems with the music. "Papa" music stopped, my eyes were fast, and I found a seat and sat down. Hey, avoid this level. The next game chairs are getting less and less, but the game is getting more and more intense and nervous. In the fourth round, I also made a joke, walked, and the music stopped. I grabbed a seat, but I was squeezed down by the girl next to it. I thought I lost. Player, at this time, I thought: No! A player should be down, why are there two now? Could there be another seat. I looked at it and there was another empty one. I complained about myself. This was invisible, hey! When I stepped forward, the choice also realized this and rushed forward. "咣" My ass is steadily sitting on the seat, but the player fell to the sky. I have been "passing the five levels, cutting six generals", to the "Three Entry and Two" finals. I started to be a little bit careless. I wanted to come over in the first few games anyway. This game would definitely win. But the ancient poems were halfway down, the music stopped suddenly, I was in a hurry, I couldn't find a seat (in fact, it was in front of my eyes), and I finally sat down but was squeezed down by a little fat man. I look down to look for the next game ...

下午,咱们还举办了一个“试吃大会”,吃着各种各样,五彩缤纷,美味 .cn 多姿的食品,心里真是满足,肚子也好满足!

In the afternoon, we also organized a "trial and eating conference", eating all kinds of foods, colorful, delicious .cn puppet foods.


When it is the happiest, the happiest is the "June 1" Children's Day today.