
时间:2022-11-02 12:54:47 | 来源:语文通



迎接国庆节作文 篇1迎接国庆节作文 篇2国庆节的作文 篇3十一国庆节作文 篇4迎接国庆节作文 篇5十一国庆节作文500字 篇6十一国庆节作文 篇7

迎接国庆节作文 篇1


Walking in the old street of Tongli, I have no sense of peace in the past. Today is the 71st birthday of my motherland mother. On the old street, lanterns and decorations are decorated, and visitors are beaming!


The town is opening its huge arms to embrace people from all over the world. Tourists are at a small stand by the river, eating dim sum and watching the bridge flowing water in Tongli. Look, this blond foreigner ordered a bowl of white and tender tofu flowers, ate them beautifully, and kept smacking his lips, as if praising the unique faint fragrance! Look, the tourist is buying local specialties: Gorgon Cake, Crispy Socks, Tuisi Cake... The big bag can't hold any more!


With its unique cultural atmosphere, the town attracts tourists to leave beautiful memories here. Beside the Third Bridge, an uncle in an ancient costume sat in a sedan chair with a yellow roof and a red curtain. Next to him, two rows of percussion bands played together. With the music, the four sedan bearers began to carry their uncle around the three bridges. The uncle opened the curtain with his hand and waved to the relatives standing on the bridge, smiling happily on his face. The relatives snapped the scene with their cameras. Some tourists have printed their photos in their lives. Look, there is a picture of a little girl coming here to play on this cup, and the words "Tongli Watertown Souvenir" are engraved on the bottom of the cup!


Tongli Town is immersed in the sea of joy. Listen, from time to time at the entrance of the alley, "authentic fried stinky tofu, come and buy it quickly!" "Look, this cake is soft, but it is made of good flour." "Hey, fresh gorgon cake for free!" "Authentic Lake Cartai pearl necklace, come and buy it quickly!" The small town tourism has brought innumerable business opportunities to the peddlers. Their hospitable cries keep rising, and this place has become a beautiful scenery! On the stage, the sleeves are floating, and the actors sing with Wu Nong's soft voice, performing an exquisite drama. Under the stage, people's cheers, cheers and applause were all heard. The square has become a sea of joy!


As the Olympic song says: "My door is always open, open arms and wait for you..." Tongli is opening the ancient door to warmly welcome friends from all over the world. She is also celebrating the 71st National Day for her motherland!

迎接国庆节作文 篇2


On this National Day, I returned to my hometown after a long separation due to unexpected circumstances.


A few days ago when I returned to my hometown, I seemed to have nothing to do. Suddenly one day, grandpa came back with a fish in his left hand, and said to grandma: "Old Chen is very powerful, and he caught three big fish in a few minutes..." Right! Go fishing if you are bored! How could I have never thought of it!


A man keeps his word. I immediately bought a folding amateur fishing rod at the fishing tackle shop. After paying the money, I hurried to the riverside to find a comfortable position, unfolded the twined fishing line and threw it into the river. Eh? Why doesn't the "buoy" of the fishing rod sink? Hey! Maybe the water level is not deep enough! I dragged the fishing line under the bridge. It is said that the water under the bridge is the deepest. After a long time, nothing happened. How could it happen? Strange! I lifted the fishing rod and there was no bait at all! Hi! I'm busy for nothing! I hooked the earthworm I just bought, and then threw the fishing line into the river, waiting patiently.


After a while, the "buoy" moved slightly. I knew that the fish began to eat, so I watched more carefully. After a while, the movement of the "buoy" became more active. I knew it was time to lift the line, so I carefully pulled it up as it swam. Wow, a big fish 3 feet long appears in front of us! I immediately put it into the bucket and put a little water in it. Looking at this big fish, I became more confident in fishing. After hanging the bait, I put it into the water. After less than a minute, the "buoy" began to swing from side to side. I could not pull up the fishing rod. yeah! It must be a big fish! I pulled the fishing rod out of my hand with a vengeance, and my pride just flew out of the sky. It turned out that what I caught was not a big fish, but a dirty rag! I had to throw this dirty rag into the trash can, and then I caught either water plants or garbage, which made me have no interest in fishing. Keep complaining: "How can people pollute water like this?" After a while, I had no interest in fishing. I put away my fishing rod, looked at the dying fish in the water, and resolutely put the fish back into the river.


I think we are the masters of the 21st century. Environmental protection awareness and low-carbon life are important symbols of modern people. Let's take practical actions to restore the youth of Mother Earth and make our life full of green, vitality and vitality.

国庆节的作文 篇3


10.1 National Day is a great day and a day for the whole country to celebrate! However, before this, the Shenzhou VII spaceship, a great feat in human history, had just come to an end.


On the evening of September 25, three astronauts, Zhai Zhigang, Liu Boming and Jing Haipeng, took the Shenzhou VII spaceship to the vast universe. On the evening of the 27th, Zhai Zhigang and others opened the hatch after getting ready and began to walk in space. Although he was just walking along the spaceship, it was still a great feat! Just like American astronauts


Armstrong said: This is a small step for me, but it is a big step for all mankind. But this sentence needs to be changed here. This is a small step for me, but it is a big step for China. Although it is only in China, it also shows our strength, because not every country can do extravehicular activities in space. At present, only Russia, the United States and China have this ability in the world, even Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Japan have not been able to achieve.


Now China is at an advanced level in the world. Not only in aerospace, but also in all aspects of life and science, such as textile industry, oil industry, etc. But recall the humiliation history of modern China. Under the governance of corrupt governments, there is no governance at all, only the share of being bullied by foreign powers. What is the world's advanced level? We just learned these contents in the second day of junior high, so I am particularly impressed by them.


It is such a backward old China that has suddenly become the new China, which has to be attributed to the patriots and revolutionaries. Without their hard work, there would be no National Day for us. Without their painstaking efforts, there would be no new China for us. Without their dedication, there would be no happy life for us today!

十一国庆节作文 篇4


At 2:25 p.m., we arrived at Huli Park. As soon as you enter the door, you will go to the "slide" game. At the ticket office of the "slide" game project, we bought tickets, walked in, sat on the "skateboard" and started a fierce game. A short distance ahead, we were pulled up by a rope to the top of the slope, but there was no rope. We slid down according to the method our uncle taught us (using a brake rod on the skateboard). The skateboard that broke away from the rope quickly slid down the slide from the top of the slope like an arrow leaving the string. The speed was very fast. I was about to touch the skateboard in front of us. I quickly pulled the brake rod back, and the skateboard stopped. When the skateboard in front of me slides far away, I start the skateboard. The speed is getting faster and faster, like a runaway steed heading for the destination. It was almost the end, I stopped the skateboard again, and then slowly reached the destination.


When the "slide" was over, we headed for the "maze adventure" again. After looking for half a park, we still couldn't find the "Labyrinth Adventure", so we found a place to rest for a while and then searched. Finally, I found it in the "Children's Paradise". The five of us bought tickets. We walked in slowly, hand in hand, with the flashlight on. We walked to the place where the lights were on. We met a lot of horrible monsters. Rao Xiaomei was the bravest. He walked first and always gave us information. There is a "mechanism" in one place. People do not know that if they step on the "mechanism", the wall next to it will fall down, but it will not hurt people. We walked and walked until we came to a "corpse", which was hung on the wall and swayed. I waited until all four of them passed by and ran past the "corpse" without looking. I just listened to them when I came out. Finally, we got out of the "maze". Everyone looked at me and I looked at you. All of us were sweating. Then, we walked to the "Golden Dragon Trolley", bought the tickets and got on the car. The car started very fast. It was terrible when it went up and down. Yafen and I sat together. When we met a dangerous place, she and I shouted loudly. After two turns, the car stopped. We ran to the "Magic Mirror Maze" again. As soon as we entered, we were blocked by a large number of mirrors. We had to walk by hand. I was the first one to walk. I met the mirror from time to time, which always caused their laughter. Walking around, I clearly saw the exit, but I couldn't get out. It's really "Kung Fu pays off". After our "hard work", we finally got out of the "Magic Mirror Maze".


This trip opened my eyes and made me realize a lot. For example, you should be more daring, think through, and not act blindly

迎接国庆节作文 篇5


In autumn October, osmanthus is fragrant. In this charming and poetic season, we ushered in a jubilant National Day - the 71st birthday of our mother.


Some of us went to Shantang Street to play, some went to Pingjiang Road to eat snacks, and some went to shops to buy things... Our whole family went to eat at our cousin's house, which was right next to Pingjiang Road.


We watched movies and drew pictures after dinner at our cousin's house. When we were bored, someone said, "Go to Pingjiang Road to play!" Everyone applauded. There are so many people on Pingjiang Road! There are so many people, one by one. There are Suzhou natives and many foreign tourists here. Listen to the guide sister nearby: "You will never understand Suzhou until you reach Pingjiang Road in Suzhou." There is the most charming flagstone road in Suzhou, and no one wants to miss it.


Pingjiang Road is a stone road along a small river. Because many people go to play, the flagstone road is bright and smooth. There are many bridges on the river. The walls of the house are very old, and sometimes you can see a twig drilling out of the yard!


Where is smoking? Is it on fire! No, they are roasting squid. I am so surprised! There was a smell of milk tea in the air. There was a milk tea shop. We bought milk tea and told you that it was in a milk bottle! Adults are sucking bottles like babies. We walked and ate while looking at all kinds of small shops. We were dazzled by the dazzling array of goods in the small shop. We read in a cafe. Don't start until you have strength. My favorite is the milk tea shop, because their milk tea is very delicious and their milk tea bottles are very interesting.


Back to our cousin's house, we were very tired and threw ourselves on the sofa. It's really fun outside and comfortable at home!


Autumn in October, sweet osmanthus fragrance, in this charming poetic season, everyone follow me into Pingjiang Road!

十一国庆节作文500字 篇6


On October 2, my mother and I came to the beautiful stone forest with the travel group.


The first thing I saw was Shilin Lake, also known as Enlai Lake. This is an artificial lake. Because Premier Zhou said that "where there are mountains, there must be water", the local government expanded the area of the artificial lake, allowing the lake water to enclose several natural stone mountains.


Walking down, we came to a huge rock named "Dapeng Spreading its Wings". Mother jokingly said, "It's really like a roc, but it's a little disabled. One wing is big, and the other is small." I laughed myself out of breath.


The "core stone" is a big stone hanging in the air, which seems to fall down at any time. It is said that if Brother Abai, who spends all his time drinking and does not do anything serious, walks down from below, the stone will fall down and kill him. But it has been hanging there for thousands of years and never fell down. It seems that all the people passing by are hardworking and kind-hearted.


The guide led us to the Lion Pavilion, the highest scenic spot in the Stone Forest. As it is the National Day, there are so many tourists in the pavilion. I managed to squeeze into the pavilion and looked forward. Wow, many huge stones were trampled under my feet. It was really "small mountains". I didn't allow myself to sigh carefully, but I was squeezed out again.


After the big stone forest, we came to the small stone forest. As I walked, I saw a stone statue of "Tang Monk Meditation". He was sitting cross legged on a big stone with his hands folded and his hat on. It's a combination of spirit and form.


Farewell to Tang Monk and we come to Ashima. She stood there silently, with one hand vertical and the other on her shoulder, carrying a large flower basket on her back. Many people took pictures with her. Mom and I are no exception.


The stone forest is beautiful, and the landscape of the motherland is beautiful.

十一国庆节作文 篇7


On the National Day night, I went to the river beach with my mother, grandfather and grandmother in an excited mood. Along the way, people rushed to the river beach like tide. The buildings near the river beach are flying with colorful flags. The neon lights on the street are colorful and flickering, which is a good festival atmosphere.


Entering the river beach, I was attracted by all kinds of fireworks. You can see that some fireworks are like flowers blossoming in the sky, some are like flares sent from the ground to the sky, some are like beautiful fairies throwing golden petals on the mountain, some are like constellations, and some are like coral. The people watching the fireworks exclaimed and jumped excitedly.


Then we came to the sea of lights. The first thing I saw was the Qilin Sacrifice Lantern. The four unicorns are alive and well. The white patterns on their bodies are made of tens of thousands of cocoons. What a wonderful work! Auspicious means auspicious, so the unicorn offers auspicious! The peacocks not far away are opening their screens. "Peacocks" are competing to open their screens and compete with each other. Walking through the sea of lanterns, I smelled a delicious smell, and the food square arrived. I really want to have a big meal here, but the square is too crowded to squeeze in. At this time, I found many people around the food square. What are they doing? Our family ran to see the water curtain movie. I watched curiously for more than ten minutes and couldn't bear to leave. Mom said, "There is something more wonderful. Let's move on." A few steps later, I saw a Yellow Crane Tower. I thought: Is it wrong to see the Yellow Crane Tower on the river beach? Did the Yellow Crane Tower move here? A closer look shows that the lamp is made by imitating the Yellow Crane Tower, which is really lifelike! When I turned around, it was a dragon and phoenix lantern made of porcelain spoons, cups, bowls, etc. It was curious how porcelain was connected together? Next to it stands Maitreya Buddha, which is very interesting. As long as you put a coin in its mouth, it will laugh.


The happy night passed so quickly that at half past nine, I reluctantly left. The river beach, next National Day I will come to play, I believe you will become more beautiful at that time.