In our childhood, there were many things that made us proud. Over time, some things were gradually forgotten, but one thing has been drifting on the lake where I remember.
在我七岁的那年,妈妈送给我了一只小猫咪,这只小猫咪毛茸茸的像一个惹人喜爱的小宝贝,所以我给他起名叫“贝贝”。贝贝长着一双有神的眼睛,圆圆的鼻子,小小的嘴巴,雪白的身体。看起 来非常可爱。
When I was seven years old, my mother gave me a kitten. The kitten was furry like a beloved little baby, so I named him "Beibei".Beibei has a pair of God's eyes, round nose, small mouth, and white body.Looks very cute.
看见贝贝我就想起马戏团的叔叔阿姨都把小动物训练成了“杂技演员”,我想我也要把贝贝训练成杂技演员。说干就干我拿了一条肉丝,我先教贝贝站立,我把肉丝拿到空中,让贝贝站着来吃肉丝 ,可贝贝一站起来,就摔倒了前几次都没成功,但我不灰心只要有空就让贝贝练习,贝贝慢慢掌握了平衡,就站起来了。
Seeing Beibei, I remembered that the uncle and aunt of the circus was trained into a "acrobat actor". I think I would also train Beibei into acrobatics.I took a piece of shredded pork when I said it. I taught Beibei to stand. I took the shredded pork into the air and let Babe stand to eat shredded pork.Nothing was successful, but I didn't get discouraged as long as I had time to let Beibei practice, Beibei slowly grasped the balance and stood up.
I am very proud, because I trained Beibei into a "acrobat actor"!
晚上写完了作业,一看楼下一个小朋友也没有,我闲的无聊,只好去看我的那一本魔术书,我看见了一个叫变鸡蛋的魔术,一看道具,感觉它不难做,我这么聪明,不用电的自动浇花器都能做出 来,这一个小道具还会难做吗?
After writing the homework at night, I didn't have a child downstairs. I was bored and I had to read my magic book. I saw a magic called the egg. When I saw the props, I felt that it was not difficult to make.I am so smart, can be made by automatic waterwing device without electricity. Will this small props still be difficult to make?
说干就干,我拿来一个鸡蛋,用针小心翼翼的戳了一个洞,让蛋清和蛋黄流出来,咦!怎么不出来,我抖了抖鸡蛋,只听“咔嚓”一声,鸡蛋碎了。唉!真是出师不利啊!不过这可难不倒我这 个男子汉。这一次,我想了想,把目光投向医用的针管,我用针管把蛋清和蛋黄吸出来,再把清水弄进去,把蛋洗干净。之后,我把一个透明的绳子把半厘米的铁丝拴上,再放进蛋里,然后找来一块布 ,给妈妈 表演 了一下。妈妈说“Very
Just do it, I brought an egg, and carefully poked a hole with a needle, let the egg white and the egg yolk flow out, alas!Why didn't I come out? I shook the eggs and only listened to the "click", and the eggs were broken.well!It's really unfavorable!But this is not my man.This time, I thought about it, and put my eyes into the medical needle tube. I sucked out the egg white and egg yolk with a needle tube, and then got the water and washed the eggs.After that, I tied a transparent rope to the half -centimeters of wire, put it in the egg, and then found a cloth to perform for my mother.Mom said "very
GOOD. I am very proud.
How about, how can I be as scientists!
I have a proud thing, let me tell you!
It is said that during my fifth grade summer vacation, I spent at my grandma's house. There, I had a good friend named Liu Chang, and she was two years younger than me.We got together and played very happy.
忽然有一天,奶奶住的院里来了个男孩,比我大一岁,但个头没我高。刘畅那时抱了个芭比娃娃,那个男孩看见了,想捉弄她一下,便把她的芭比娃娃夺走又用脚踩着,还说:“小朋友,你叫 我一声大爷我就还给你,怎么样?”正好被我看见了,看他那邪恶的笑脸,我气极了,立马冲上去,对他说:“你这小屁孩,快把东西还给人家,以大欺小,你就是个软柿子!”那男孩不害怕,就说:“ 有本事干一场,别在嘴上耽误工夫。”我气得拳头攥得紧紧的。只见他先冲过来,我一脚一个“大扫荡”,那个男孩就趴那儿了。这回该我上了,我一拳戳到他的肚子上,他疼得哇哇叫直喊妈。我说: “以后你在欺负人,我让人直接把你送医院!”说完,把芭比娃娃捡起来给刘畅,冲她潇洒地笑笑。站在一旁的刘畅都看傻了。
Suddenly one day, a boy in the courtyard where his grandma lived was one year older than me, but he was not taller.Liu Chang hugged a Barbie doll at that time. The boy saw it and wanted to tease her, so he took her Barbie doll and stepped on it with feet.How about it? "I just saw it by me. Looking at his evil smile, I was so angry that I rushed up immediately and said to him," You little fart, hurry up and return things to others.It's a soft persimmon! "The boy was not afraid, and said," Do you have a skill, don't delay your work on your mouth. "I was so angry that my fists were tight.I saw him rushing over first, and I was "sweeping", and the boy was lying down.This time I should be on, and I punch it on his stomach, and he was so painful that he called straight.I said, "You are bullying people in the future, I will let people send you directly to the hospital!" After that, I picked up Barbie dolls to Liu Chang and smiled at her chic.Liu Chang, who was standing aside, was stupid.
what!How heroic I am!What I am proud!
One of my most proud things is the first prize in the Chinese competition.
Before the game, my mood was very nervous, and it was not difficult to know the topic of the competition.
The exams were started. Some questions were in the class, some were extra -curricular, and some were test papers.I can't do some topics,
I didn't always think about it, but I did the following topic first, the following topics were done, and then I came back to think about the above topic.
After the papers, my tension was gone.No one knows how many prizes you can get.
As a result, I got the first prize, how happy my mood was!
This is what I am most proud.
Thinking of that matter, I was very proud of it. It was my masterpiece of my face.This incident really makes me remember and is proud!
那天下午是两节作文课。大家都在想:今天老师让写什么呢?同学们你看我,我看你,咱们班小茵的作文上报了。老师举着报纸骄傲的说。刷,同学们的眼光都集中在我的身上,当时还真有点不 好意思呢。想不想听?想!!同学们齐声说。我看……还是请小茵上台念吧!我抬起头念。秋姑娘,悄悄的走来……我沉浸在作文的情景中。在同学门的掌声中我回到座位,兴奋不已。今天可 真露脸。
That afternoon was two composition lessons.Everyone is thinking: What do the teacher make today?Classmates, look at me, I look at you, our Ban Xiaoyin's composition reported.The teacher said proudly holding the newspaper.Brush, the eyes of the students were concentrated on me, and it was a little embarrassed at the time.Do you want to listen?think!IntersectionThe classmates said in unison.I think ... let's ask Xiao Yin to go to the stage!I looked up.Girl Qiu came quietly ... I was immersed in the scene of the composition.I returned to my seat in the applause of my classmate's door and was excited.Today, it is really exposed.
1、作文:作文读音为zuò wén,是指1.撰写文章。 2.指学生的写作练习。作文 zuò wén词语解释:1.撰写文章。 2.指学生的写作练习。(1) [write a composition]∶撰写文章(2) [composition]∶学生的写作练习分词解释:学生:①在学校肄业或在其他教育、研究机构学习的人。②向老师或前辈学习的人。也用于弟子对老师或前辈的自称。写作:1.犹写成。指作诗文﹑绘画等。 2.书法和文章。 3.写文章;创作。文章:①单独成篇的文字作品:写文章。②文辞:文章尔雅,训辞深厚。③礼乐制度:考文章,改正朔。④花纹色彩:五色文章。⑤比喻隐含的意思:话中另有文章。⑥比喻可做的事;可用的办法:还有文章可做|抓住一点大做文章。练习:①反复学习,以求熟练:练习心算 ㄧ练习写文章。②为巩固学习效果而安排的作业等:练习题ㄧ练习本ㄧ做练习ㄧ交练习。...作文的近义词,作文的同义词是什么»
2、得意:得意读音为dé yì,是指①领会意旨:得意而忘言。②满意;称心:得意门生|十分得意。③骄傲自满;沾沾自喜:洋洋得意|自鸣得意。④得志:少年得意,一帆风顺。得意 dé yì词语解释:①领会意旨:得意而忘言。②满意;称心:得意门生|十分得意。③骄傲自满;沾沾自喜:洋洋得意|自鸣得意。④得志:少年得意,一帆风顺。分词解释:骄傲自满:看不起别人,满足于自己已有的成绩。一帆风顺:船挂着满帆顺风行驶。比喻非常顺利,没有任何阻碍。意旨:1.亦作“意指”。亦作“意恉”。 2.谓意之所在。多指尊者的意向。意而:1.传说中的古代贤人。 2.燕子的别名。...得意怎么造句,用得意造句»
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