
时间:2022-11-12 12:52:04 | 来源:语文通



大蒜生成观察日记 篇1日记作文400字 篇2日记作文400字 篇3日记作文400字 篇4日记作文400字 篇5大蒜生成观察日记 篇6大蒜生成观察日记 篇7

大蒜生成观察日记 篇1


I bought a garlic seed in the vegetable market. When I saw garlic for the first time, I couldn't believe my eyes. The garlic seedling was so slim, but its seed was so fat, like seven or eight fat dolls turning into a circle and playing games.


Garlic is white and fat. He also wears a thick coat and wraps himself up tightly, as if he is afraid of freezing himself!


I found a small plate, took some water, carefully broke the garlic one by one, and put it in the water to soak.


After a while, I went to look at the garlic and found that the garlic had not changed much, but I seemed to hear the sound of garlic drinking water. I'll go and have a look later, but garlic is still unchanged.


In the evening, I came to the side of garlic and found that the garlic had grown a small white stem, which was thin and small. It was hard to see it without looking carefully. The more white stems grow, the stronger garlic sprouts will grow. I looked carefully again. Some garlic was big and some garlic was small. The largest white garlic stem grew the most, and it absorbed the most nutrients. The smallest garlic white stem is the least, and it certainly absorbs the least nutrition.


I don't know what will happen to garlic next time. I really hope it will come soon tomorrow!

日记作文400字 篇2


The patter of rain outside the window makes me feel especially kind, especially the sound of rain hitting the glass at night. I like rain so much that I never take an umbrella in rainy days. I still remember the scene where we used to get wet with friends. At that time, we ran happily in the rain, and the water drops on our hair slowly fell from our faces. The whole person also looked crystal clear.


When it is raining, it is often a person walking quietly in the rain, or sitting on the concrete platform in a daze, occasionally lying on the grass to see the sky. In the rain, the skin can feel the delicacy of rain so sensitively. In the rain, I always stay away from my mother's sight, so that she won't worry and scold me. Hehe, I suddenly thought of the joy when I was in the rain at home. I jumped in the rain, and my mother scolded me lovingly. At that time, it seemed that I had returned to my childhood.


When it rained, a lot of thoughts flashed into the cells of the brain. Xiaojing said that I loved memories so much that I would be very tired. I still remember the scene of climbing on a rainy day. I knelt in front of the Buddha statue for the first time to worship the Buddha. The mountains in the south, the green grass, the wooden houses by the river... Those things that fascinate me once again let me recall.


Women, words that I often touch but cannot touch. My friend persuaded me to love, but I have no ability to give love.


Thinking of my mother again, I hereby tell her that she is healthy and can live happily every day!

日记作文400字 篇3


Today, the weather is overcast.


Mom went on a business trip, and Dad came to pick it up. It also rained. I sighed gently, looking at the back and umbrella, but I could not find the generous and warm figure.


Looking at the students who were picked up one after another, my heart became impatient. The hair was wet, the clothes were wet, and the intermittent spring rain directly fell on my heart.


Here we are, finally here we are... I saw him coming in a hurry. My father said, "Wait a minute. There is a traffic jam on the road. I can't walk at all". Without too much words, just pull me away. At that moment, I was a little unnatural. I was embarrassed and gently pulled away, pretending to be relaxed and put it into my coat pocket. The surface is very calm, but the heart is really surging.


I don't know when our relationship has gradually become estranged? There are frequent social gatherings every week, and the time at home is getting less and less. Sometimes I don't see your kind figure for two or three days in succession. My father's humor and wit are missing, and there is no boiling atmosphere at home. Only my mother and I are silent and quiet


There was a tear that wanted to flow down, and the rain filled my eyes. I didn't know in the end, did the tear fall down? You held my hand tightly again, and the warmth made me lift a smile that I didn't know when to hang.


You are a book, and I will spend my life reading you. I can feel that the warmth of the palm has conveyed the long lost father's love.


Father's love was never absent.

日记作文400字 篇4

2月29日 雷阵雨

Thunderstorm on February 29


These days, I am crazy about "cartoon". I always love it in and out of class, so I can imagine the result


Tonight, when I gave my mother a small exercise with a score of 65 to sign, her face suddenly sank, and she grabbed the bag and emptied the contents.


"If I give you some hobbies, you will never know who is lighter and who is heavier..." My mother said as she mercilessly tore the cartoon into pieces.


My heart ached violently with the sound of "hiss hiss", and tears of grievance also burst into my eyes.


"Cry, it's too late for you to cry now." Mother tore it even crazier.


I stood upright, watching my beloved things destroyed, but there was nothing I could do


, tears are pouring more and more

这些卡片,都是我精心积攒下来的,有的还是经过无数的“大战”从同学手里赢来的。可是现在,这些“蓝坛巨星” “卡通精灵” “历史英雄”,都成了一堆废纸……唉!我越想越伤心,越哭越想哭。外面的天空阴沉沉的,他似乎体会到了我的心情,在和我一起伤心。

These cards were carefully saved by me, and some of them were won from my classmates after countless "wars". But now, these "blue stars", "cartoon spirits" and "historical heroes" have become a pile of waste paper... Alas! The more I think about it, the more I feel sad, the more I cry, the more I want to cry. The sky outside is overcast. He seems to feel my mood and is sad with me.


Mom, Mom! How can you do that? After all, I have grown up and can distinguish right from wrong. I have realized the consequences of playing. Your actions can only add another barrier between you and me

日记作文400字 篇5


Chasing desperately is nothing but bruised! The whole world is laughing, but it feels like a redundant person. Try to integrate with them, and the final answer is that you are a dispensable person!


Every time I chat, I always like to talk about some interesting things. I deluded myself into thinking that those happy things would have their share. It has nothing to do with me, but I was forced into a relationship, thinking that happiness can be stolen by me. I'm a fool. Although I have never been subjected to cold violence, those happiness seems to have nothing to do with me.


People who usually say a few words less will be found, but this normal state seems not suitable for me. Am I really just a transparent person? But I can feel my temperature. Every time we should take the initiative, we will exhaust all our courage, but the final harvest is exhausted.


"Why are you here?" A light, seemingly ordinary word hit me like a heavy hammer. "I have no sense of existence." Who can tell how much sadness a joke hides? Sometimes I don't want to tell the truth, but no one can guarantee that what you say is true or risky.


In fact, people want to change, but they can't keep up with the reality. Full of joy is just a pot of cold water. Sometimes I often think about the meaning of people coming to this world. Just for "suffering"?


Later, if you think of something that is easy to change, it will be meaningless. If you can't change them, face them bravely. ok Turn off the lights and go to bed!

大蒜生成观察日记 篇6


On a leisurely Sunday afternoon, I moved a small stool to observe the garlic I planted in the jackfruit basin on the balcony. Looking at the tall garlic, I gave it a thumbs up in my heart. I exclaimed at its tenacious vitality. As long as there is water and sunshine, it will grow happily and vigorously; I applaud its wind like growth. Since it was young, it has exposed sharp corners and kept chasing after each other. It has a tall and straight green posture and wants to compete with jackfruit!


The lush and orderly garlic, together with the plants on the balcony, forms a green paradise. Suddenly, I heard the sound of plants. Jackfruit said, "garlic, why are you so short?" Garlic said, "I am not tall now, but I will grow as tall as you soon." The plants nearby expressed their opinions one after another, and a small grass took the lead in saying: "I think garlic can't grow as tall as jackfruit. If it can grow so tall, it can't grow so fast." A well-informed green apple nearby said, "I saw the owner once held a book in his hand, which said that garlic can grow fast." They argued endlessly, and finally they unanimously decided to vote. As a result, there were 20 votes for garlic to grow slowly and 28 votes for garlic to grow fast. They were democratic. I laughed in my beautiful reverie

大蒜生成观察日记 篇7


Today, as soon as I came home from school, I didn't even put my schoolbag down. I ran directly into my bedroom and couldn't wait to pick up my garlic to see if it had changed.


"Wow!" I shouted. When my mother heard this, she ran to me and asked me, "What's wrong?" I said, "Mom, you see, a small sharp point, white and yellow green, sprouted from the top of garlic! But why are there no small ones in the middle?" Mom said, "You can see the reason after careful observation."


I took the bowl, looked up and down, and carefully observed it. I found that some garlic stalks grow sparse short hairs. This is its root. Small buds have grown on their heads. However, there are several petals without long root beard in the middle, and there is no change on the head. "Mom, Mom, I know that garlic grows roots first and then sprouts. The garlic in the middle does not grow roots, so it does not sprout." I was very happy to find this unexpected surprise!


By the way, I also found that there was less water in the bowl, and the garlic was almost drunk. Hurry to feed more! Let them grow up quickly and grow a thick head of hair!