Dashan, in the tone of no sound, said prestige.The blue sky and white clouds are vast in the soundless.The river is magnificent in no sound.
People also laughed at the moonlight in the world without a sound, and the eyes of the heart were straightforward.
At the same time, the true feelings of no sound are worth collecting.
footprint!My memory guitar strings were turned.In the looming, I seemed to see under the street light again. On that endless snow road, my father's pair of footprints ...
At that time, I was still in middle school. One day, it was snowing. I looked at the white global branches outside, and on the ground, the wind was gently blowing the small snowflakes everywhere.Tianshan and mountains and clouds depict a winter picture of elegant, beautiful mood.But in a picture here, the only lack is the pair of footprints in the snowy days.I always feel that this pair of footprints seems to be the stain in this pair of paintings.I overlooking the footprint with footprints.There is a figure in the distance.The figure was shaking up and down, it was too cold.Sometimes he put his hands in his sleeves.Sometimes, he rubbed his hands or put them in front of his mouth in order to warm himself.Sitting in the classroom, I always feel so funny, so cold days, I will continue to stay there silly.
When the figure gradually moved forward,.I found that he was my father. When he saw his father, he couldn't stop crying, and he always looked forward to going to get out of class soon.But the watch calmly, walking rhythmic, dripping, dripping ...
The snow was still at the bottom of the autumn wind, and the gas was even more cold.Looking at it from a distance, Wandong's ground has become a global world of snow sculpture.Village wild barrenzuka and cold forest haysticks are covered with thick snow.
After school, I rushed down the stairs and I was shocked.A thin elderly person, hump back at the door, holding a bag."Father" I yelled and fluttered.The snow was still fluttering.On the eaves, the father's body was also covered with ice.I diligently suppress my tears.
"After class?" My father's throat was hoarse, but including everything for you."Um." I responded.I feel that love is so deep, and happiness is really uncomfortable.
"Cold and fever, wear more clothes and pants." After speaking, gave me a piece of clothes, and then hurried to leave.My father was only forty that year, his cheekbones, his eyes, dry wrinkled skin ... Suddenly, I thought my father had worked a lot for me.
He didn't wear a lot of clothes and pants. In the snowy days, he trembled coldly, and said to me straight, "Not hot." He gradually told me, and then he left without his head.
In the dark sky, the snow was still dancing, and I stared at the gradually widening footprints of those far away.In this line of footprints, the farther and farther, the end of the footprint, the father's figure is getting smaller and smaller ...
This is the footprint, always babbing on my heart.
Time is easy to pass, and the world is cold and cold.On the end of the road of life, I walked hard all the way. It was the courage and energy that my father gave me forward, and my father was the Xinhua of my life.
Sitting in the examination room, he skimmed out of the window, and saw the water droplets hanging on the leaves after the rain, sparkling.After the road leading to the school gate was infiltrated by Chunyu, he stepped on a clear footprint after a walk.Ah! Footprints! The strings I remember were fluctuated at once. In the hazy, I seemed to see the street light again. On the vast snow, my father left the footprint ...
That was two years ago, when I first went to junior high school.Because my mother died early, my father took our three children, and the difficulties of the family were conceivable.However, my father still looked at Jackie Chan and strongly supported me to study in middle schools in the district.
When you go to the district town from Shili Road, you need to bring your own meals.Without a mother, the father was wrapped in the cooking. His father always made noodle cakes and delivered it every Sunday because he was on the ground.
One day, when I snowed, I looked at the white world, but my heart was disturbed.Today is Sunday, the day of my father's meals.Every Sunday, I look forward to my father coming, even if he doesn't say anything, as long as we can sit silently for a while and look at the older father, I will feel warm.But today, when I think of my father's staggence on the snow, I hope he will not come today.I was anxious to finish studying, sandwiched among the students and walked towards the dormitory.As soon as I was about to step into the bedroom, I was stunned. A thin old man curled up beside the door and held a drum bag."Daddy!" I screamed in.The snow was still floating, and her father's coat under the eaves was also covered with white snow.I tried to restrain my tears and help let my father enter my dormitory.
"Self -study?" The father's voice was dull and weak but full of love."Um." I responded.I feel this kind of love, I really want to cry.
I took the noodle cake made by my father and asked him to rest for a while in my bed, but he didn't move, stood, took me some pocket money from his pocket, and was anxious to leave.His father was only in his forties, but the fifth lines of wrinkles have been recorded, and all his hard work has been recorded. His hair has become gray. Each hair records his hard work and bumps.
It seems that my father came when I just took a class and was afraid that I would affect my study.He didn't wear much clothes. In the snowy night, it was frozen and stunned, and said to me straight, "Not cold."
My father just took a few steps and came back again and told me that the top cake was covered with the dishes he fried that night. It was my favorite tomato fried eggs. It should be eaten quickly, and maybe it was hot.Then I left without looking back.
Under the dim light, the snow was still flying.I watched the footprints that gradually extended to the distance on the snow.This footprint, rather than being printed on the snow, it might as well be burned on my heart.This row of footprints is getting farther and farther. At the end of the footprints, my father's back is getting smaller and smaller ...
1、情亲:情亲读音为qíng qīn,是指1.亲人。 2.感情亲切。情亲 qíng qīn词语解释:1.亲人。 2.感情亲切。分词解释:亲人:1.亲近人;使人感到亲切可爱。 2.亲信。 3.亲近百姓。 4.指直系亲属或配偶。 5.指关系亲近者。感情:①对外界刺激的比较强烈的心理反应:动感情ㄧ感情流露。②对人或事物关切、喜爱的心情:联络感情ㄧ他对农村产生了深厚的感情。亲切:1.切近。 2.亲近;亲密。 3.贴切。 4.真切;确实。 5.引申为准确。 6.形容热情而关心。● 亲(親) qīn ㄑㄧㄣˉ◎ 有血统或夫妻关系的:亲属。亲人。亲缘。双亲(父母)。亲眷。◎ 婚姻:亲事。◎ 因婚姻联成的关系:亲戚。亲故。亲邻。亲朋。◎ 称呼同一地方的人:乡亲。◎ 本身,自己的:亲睹。亲聆。亲笔。◎ 感情好,关系密切:亲密。相亲。亲睦。亲疏。◎ 用嘴唇接触表示喜爱:亲吻。● 亲(親) qìng ㄑㄧㄥˋ◎ 〔亲家〕夫妻双方的父母彼此的关系或称呼(“家”读轻声)。● 情 qíng ㄑㄧㄥˊ◎ 外界事物所引起的喜、怒、爱、憎、哀、惧等心理状态:感情。情绪。情怀。情操。情谊。情义。情致。情趣。情韵。性情。情愫(真情实意)。情投意合。情景交融。◎ 专指男女相爱的心理状态及有关的事物:爱情。情人。情书。情侣。情诗。殉情。情窦初开(形容少女初懂爱情)。◎ 对异性的欲望,性欲:情欲。发情期。◎ 私意:情面。说情。◎ 状况:实情。事情。国情。情形。情势。情节。...
2、脚印:脚印读音为jiǎo yìn,是指(脚印儿)脚踏过的痕迹。脚印 jiǎo yìn词语解释:(脚印儿)脚踏过的痕迹。分词解释:痕迹:①物体留下的印儿:车轮的痕迹丨白衬衣上有墨水痕迹。②残存的迹象:这个山村,旧日的痕迹几乎完全消失了。● 脚 jiǎo ㄐㄧㄠˇ◎ 人和某些动物身体最下部接触地面的部分:脚心。脚掌。脚背。脚跟。脚步。脚印。脚法(指踢球、踢毽等的技巧)。脚镣。脚踏实地(形容做事实事求是,不浮夸)。◎ 最下部:脚注。山脚。墙脚。◎ 剩下的废料,渣滓:下脚料。◎ 〔脚本〕表演戏剧或拍摄影视所依据的底本。◎ 旧时指与体力搬运有关的:脚夫。脚行(háng )。脚钱。拉脚。● 印 yìn ㄧㄣˋ◎ 图章,戳记:印章。印玺。印记。印把子(亦喻政权)。◎ 痕迹:手印。指印。印子(a.痕迹;b.高利贷的一种,全称“印印钱”)。◎ 用油墨、染料之类把文字或图画留在纸、布、器皿等材料上:印刷。排印。印制。印发(fā)。◎ 彼此符合:印证。心心相印。◎ 外界事物反映在脑中所留下的形象:印象。◎ 姓。...脚印怎么造句,用脚印造句»
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