
时间:2022-10-13 13:20:12 | 来源:语文通



关于国庆的作文 篇1国庆节作文 篇2国庆节的优秀作文 篇3国庆节的优秀作文 篇4关于国庆的作文 篇5国庆节作文 篇6国庆节的优秀作文 篇7国庆节的优秀作文 篇8

关于国庆的作文 篇1


My brother and I have been looking forward to going to Happy Valley for a long time, because we always wanted to go, but we didn't have the opportunity to go. On the National Day, I thought my parents would take us there, but we wanted to know that my parents said, "I can't go there some other day. There will be more people coming to the store to buy things than usual, and I will take you there when I am free." I thought my parents would take us there, but their answers disappointed my brother and I. My brother's dream of going to Happy Valley was broken. My brother and I still helped in the shop obediently.


I said to my parents: "How about making me a boss for a day today.


Today was the first time I helped my parents sell things. After we finished our meal, the first young man came to buy film. He was tall and beautiful. I asked him what he needed? He said, "Help me take out the 200 degree Kodak film." I handed him the film, and he asked me which weather is better. I said, "The weather is better in Fuji than in Kodak." He said, "Then take Fuji." I said, "19 yuan." He gave me 50 yuan for change. I asked him if he had any change? He said fiercely, "Don't you want it?" I was angry with him. I thought to myself, why are you so fierce? What's the use of being so handsome? I said, "Take a walk for 31 yuan." He turned around and left without paying attention to me.


When I was about to go in for a drink, someone came again. This time it was a gentle sister. You can tell from her tone of voice. I asked her what she needed. She asked me what kind of film is good for the weather. I said, "The weather in Fuji is better than that in Kodak. She said," Then take Fuji. "I asked her if she needs batteries? She said no thanks. I said," 19 yuan. She took a 100 yuan note, I didn't know whether it was true or not, so I took it to my father to identify it. My father said, "Let her change it." I said to my sister, "Can you change it, "She said that I would ask him to bring the money up later. After she called someone up, the uncle took out his wallet and brought me a 50 dollar bill. He was about to change the money for him. Suddenly, there was a dog. When I came in, I saw the dog with big eyes. I liked dogs and was afraid of dogs. As soon as I jumped on the table, the man asked me why. I shivered and said that there was a dog. I didn't dare to come down to give her money until the sister came in and took the dog away When I sat in a chair after my sister left, it was funny to think about the talent.


I learned today that I should be careful and careful. I almost received a fake money today. I thought that the elder sister would not take the fake money. Later, I thought about it. I had to identify it. If I hadn't taken it to my father for identification, I would have been beaten today. Some of them were not as simple as we thought, and we had to guard against others.


I had a very happy National Day holiday because many interesting things happened, among which the most impressive one was watching movies.


On that day, my father said, "Yang Yang, go to the cinema today. You haven't been to the cinema to feel it!" "Good! Great!" I said excitedly. So my parents and I went straight to the New World Film City and chose an animated film called "The Jungle Strikes Back". We bought tickets to the scene, took our seats in the right place, and prepared to stop. The film was on time. A big brown bear suddenly appeared on the screen, and it seemed that the big brown bear would come straight to me. I was very scared, and curiosity prompted me to continue watching. The film is about a big brown bear who lives a carefree life in Jungle Town because of the care of its owner. He looks like an emperor. When he comes to the forest, he is weaker than a little rabbit. Even the little squirrel doesn't pay attention to him. The big brown bear is very sad. The reality made him clear that he could only rely on himself. Through his own efforts, he became the king of animals and lived happily with other animal friends.


I want to learn from the big brown bear, and learn to face difficulties bravely! When I grow up, I want to be a person who can help animals!

国庆节作文 篇2


The XX birthday of the motherland has arrived. On the occasion of this National Day, I would like to say to this selfless mother: "You have worked hard"!


On this golden October day, Putian City has also put on a festive costume to welcome the arrival of the motherland's birthday.


In the early morning, when the sun was rising, on the square in front of the Municipal People's Congress, colorful flags were flying, and hot air balloons were dancing happily in the breeze: sometimes, they shook back and forth; Sometimes, it swings from side to side... More than XX people gather in the square, waiting for the solemn moment there. With the beautiful and moving melody of "Singing to the Motherland", the PLA walked out of the flagpole with the bright red five-star red flag in both hands. In the solemn voice of the national anthem, the five-star red flag rose slowly. At that solemn moment, it reminded me of the lesson I had learned (the founding ceremony) when Grandpa Mao raised the first five-star red flag, and the scene of the busy time at that time.


The arrival of National Day broke the peace of Putian City in the past. There is a straight, spacious and clean street in the middle of the urban area, which runs from east to west and connects with the east-west street pedestrian street in a straight line, forming a "one" shape. The buildings on both sides of the streets and highways - shopping malls, clothing stores, fruit stores... neon lights are installed at the entrance of the stores: red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue, purple... colorful, dazzling and overwhelmed. The cars on the streets and highways are running like waves in the Yangtze River. On the pedestrian street, there are a lot of people, and people of all kinds come and go


The book city of Putian is no exception. There are many children sitting on the carpet quietly under the guidance of their parents, watching books attentively. That scene, if I had a camera at that time, I would definitely take a picture of this moving scene.


Dear friends, we are the rising sun of the motherland in the 21st century. A dazzling star on the motherland is the hope of the motherland and the pride of the nation. In order to make the future of the motherland better, we should work harder and make greater contributions to the motherland in the future.

国庆节的优秀作文 篇3


October 1 is a day for the people of the whole country to rejoice, because 66 years ago, on October 1, New China was founded, and people broke away from the abyss of suffering! Today is the 66th birthday of China. Now we live a happy life and have a happy family. How can it not be exciting?


Early in the morning, I got up from bed, perhaps because of excitement. After we enjoyed a delicious breakfast, we rode the battery car to Grandma Five's home. Of course, the National Day cannot be passed alone. We are happy to live with our relatives. As soon as we arrived, Grandma Wu began to get busy, washing rice, cooking, washing vegetables, cutting vegetables... After several hours of preparation, they were finally ready. The food at that table was full of color, flavor and taste, which made people feel very excited.


We sat around the table and tasted delicious food. Suddenly, I remembered a question. Adults always said that I had never experienced hardship. Now life is many times better than before. So, what was the life like before? As soon as the words were out, Grandpa Five took them on: "Don't believe it. You really haven't had a hard time. Just tell me that the table of dishes is now in the past. I can't even think about it. Don't say meat, there is no rice!" "Yes, the Fifth Daughter in law agreed. At that time, we didn't have the next meal. Not only did we not have enough food and clothing, but also the transportation was very underdeveloped. Today, when you came here, you walked on the main road and rode on the battery car, right? Who had seen these two things before? We went out on two legs and walked on the yellow mud road. Whoever had a bicycle was rich!" I was stunned. I always thought it was exaggerated. I can't question the fact. Compared with their childhood life, I was living in heaven. Grandma Wu also told me that when they were young, they lived in bungalows with mud walls and no windows. In winter, cold wind poured in through the cracks, leaving frostbite on their hands. When I think of the ordinary times, I think the building is too high now and it is troublesome to climb the stairs. However, my grandparents want to go up to the second floor, but they don't even have stairs.


After dinner, I still sat at the table, thinking about what my grandparents said just now, the rise of a nation appeared before my eyes, from poverty to prosperity, from backwardness to development, which is the efforts of our ancestors. We should cherish the present life, so that the motherland will be more prosperous.

国庆节的优秀作文 篇4


Today, I am very excited because I have arrived at my favorite little long holiday - National Day.


Just after school on Saturday, I felt happy. I thought: It's a holiday, it's a holiday... This National Day has eight days to go. I will play happily or study hard at home, which makes me hesitate to play.


On the first day of National Day, I went to my grandmother's house to play. After playing with my sister for a while, I began to write my homework. In the middle of my homework, I suddenly found that I had run out of stationery and wanted to buy it in Xinhua Bookstore. Then I took my father to the bookstore. When I entered the bookstore, the first thing I saw was rows of bookshelves, on which there were countless books. There are many young people of different ages on narrow corridors. They are reading the contents of the book with books in their hands. They are immersed in the sea of books. I think: in this small long vacation, everyone should be playing. But I was wrong. I was infected by their studious spirit. So I also took out a book and read it with great interest. My favorite is science books. Once I read a book, I would forget everything and travel in the sea of books heartily

所以,书籍是人类进步的阶梯, www..c www..cn n 也是我们的良师益友,我觉得像国庆这样的假期,也要好好学习,这样才能为祖国的将来做出贡献。

Therefore, books are the ladder of human progress, and WWW.. C WWW.. CN N is also our mentor and friend. I think we should study hard on holidays like National Day, so as to make contributions to the future of our motherland.

关于国庆的作文 篇5


Hey, wake up, wake up! Grandma shouted quietly and mysteriously outside the door. What's the matter? I turned over and wanted to continue my dream of spring and autumn. It seems that there is a thief at home, hiding by the balcony! Get up! what? My sleepy person was immediately driven to the clouds, and got up and joined the ranks of the thieves.


Dad, with a coat hanger in his hand, rushed in front; My mother followed me with a retired electric baton; Grandma is dead. So, a family of four, men, women, old and young, nervously approached the balcony. My heart jumped to my throat and I tightly covered my mouth to prevent my heart from beating. One step, two steps and three steps are getting closer and closer to the balcony. Suddenly, Grandma pointed to the curtain and said in horror, "Here, there, he is still moving!"! Mother stared at the curtain and said quietly: Come out by yourself! I don't know where I came from. I imitated the appearance of the special police on TV and shouted at the curtain: Don't move! Come out by yourself! Silence, or silence! There was no movement behind the curtain. My father suddenly pulled up the curtain. My God, the Jade Emperor of the East and the God of the West, what was presented to us - a turtle stretching its neck and trying to climb the wall!


Ah! The four of us looked at each other and couldn't help laughing. It seems that it is to escape the pursuit of tomorrow that it has come to the balcony to take refuge from thousands of miles, across mountains and rivers! Alas, the diligent thieves, let's also try our best!

国庆节作文 篇6


October 1 every year is the annual National Day holiday, but this year, unlike the past, is happy and happy!


That morning, facing the fresh wind, I went out to play in the east. Let's take the No. 11 bus first.


In the east, we found a good place to play near the bridge. We play here and there, rowing first, then bungee jumping. If you are tired of playing, play something else. Time passed quickly like flowing water. We are going to eat again. Where can we go Finally, we went to Xingyue. After dinner, we went shopping again. The price of things on the street has been greatly reduced, and we have bought a lot.


Finally, we went home happily!

国庆节的优秀作文 篇7


Today is the last day of the National Day holiday in 2020. During this holiday, I always wanted to write a diary about the National Day. Until the last day of the holiday, I can finally write.


The whole holiday was spent in a completely relaxed state. My father went out, my mother and I slept late at home, did our homework, went downstairs for a walk, played with the children, went out to eat, went to the supermarket to buy things, and called my grandmother back home. Hey hey, it has been five days since then.


Fortunately, Dad came back on the evening of the 5th, and the house became hot. The next day, my father took me to have a haircut and bought a new car. Everything was so happy. Although I sometimes argued with my father, it was still very interesting. What my father said was really reasonable. Sometimes it was really difficult for me to understand the meaning, alas! Take your time to understand.


This holiday is not only for my mother and me to spend peacefully at home, but also for my father to take me to ride a bike enthusiastically when he comes back. I think I have gained a lot. Goodbye, happy National Day 2020, we will meet again on National Day 2021.

国庆节的优秀作文 篇8


Sixty four years ago today, at three o'clock in the afternoon, the great Chairman Mao Zedong solemnly announced on the Tiananmen Gate tower: "The Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China is established today!"


As soon as the words ended, thousands of Chinese people on the square immediately became excited. Among them, there were students, teachers, workers, and farmers... They cheered and jumped. This great moment belongs to all Chinese people. This one is brilliant and worth our thinking. Because while celebrating this moment, the Chinese people will never forget how many people with lofty ideals shed their blood for today's realization. I will never forget that when Jiang Jie faced the cruel torture and death threat from the enemy, she was always unyielding and just. I will never forget the deeds of the five heroes of Langya Mountain who jumped down the cliff with determination rather than surrender in the face of the enemy's pursuit. I will never forget the solemn and stirring picture of Qiu Shaoyun burning to death in order not to expose the team. Never forget... These heroes, the most lovely people, are willing to sacrifice their precious lives for the interests of the country and the nation with such superhuman willpower.


Today's China has gone through a century of great changes. The Oriental Dragon has taken off. Our motherland has become stronger and richer than ever before, and our people have become more united and wiser than ever before. The "Sick Man of East Asia" has become as strong as a lion. Today's Olympic Games in China have overwhelmed the people.


The future of our motherland will be better!