
时间:2022-08-13 13:27:27 | 来源:语文通



"Xuan, get up, we are going to set off ..." Mom's voice kept in my ears like a alarm clock, until I sat up, lazyRubbing his eyes, the alarm stopped.I took the breath and asked, "Mom, can't you let me sleep more at noon? Mom stroked me in distress and said," I know you are tired at 6 o'clock in the morning, but I make an appointment to take you with youThe time to experience Jin Cang embroidery is almost coming. "As soon as I heard this, I suddenly seemed to be a chicken blood, changed my clothes, and couldn't wait to set off ...


We rushed to our destination quickly. This is a small building with a sign hanging at the door with a eye -catching four words: Aya Zhu embroidery.We knocked on the door and opened the door for me was an old grandma who was over the years. Grandma asked: "Are you two sisters who want to experience it?" We nodded, and grandma greeted us on the second floor to work on the second floor of work on the second floor.In the room, I learned from my mother on the way that this grandma is the inheritor of the Quanzhou Intangible Cultural Heritage, Mr. Chen Ke Ren.


The first thing to come to the studio is full of various embroidery products throughout the room.The bodhisattva map hanging in the middle is pearly and white, and the auspicious maps such as the dragon and the goldfish are all lifelike. They are brilliant, and the gorgeous clothes on the puppets are deeply attracted.Exquisite and delicate, I love it, and the embroidered teacher is too powerful!


Immediately after my mother's call, I came to another room. A male teacher with a small braid came over and said softly: Now I am here to teach you bead embroidery.So the teacher took two blank fans, divided me with me and my sister, and then taught us how to wear needles, how to choose the colors of beads.The two of us were slowly embroidered in the steps of the teacher, and the time passed one minute by minute. However, my sister and I were embroidered a little. The palm of my hand was already wet, and the forehead was covered with sweat.Grandma Chen saw that we were a little anxious, a little unable to sit still, were not patient, came over, and said with Yan Yue, "Child, don't worry, you just started to learn, it is great to be like this! Grandma embroidered you to see."I saw grandma's movements very skilled and fast, with stitches and lines, flipping up and down, thin needles, very delicate, very delicate.Then my grandmother told me her story, and I knew that my grandmother had taken needles since the age of 5. It has passed by decades. I still insisted on this craftsmanship. I was deeply moved and my eyes were moist.

到了5点多,天空阴沉沉的 ,好像要下暴雨似的 ,几滴豆大的雨点落了下来 ,一阵大风吹来 ,便唱起的一曲交响曲 ,"滴滴答答 、呼呼呼 、哗啦哗啦 ……"老师将我们还没绣好的扇子打包回家绣 ,还盖上了印章。通过这次体验,我明白了 :光鲜亮丽的外表 ,在背后要付出非常多的努力, 智慧和汗水 。这次体验让我感受到了非物质文化遗产的魅力 !

Well, wow ... "The teacher packed the fan that we had not embroidered home and embroidered.Through this experience, I understand: the bright and beautiful appearance, there must be a lot of effort, wisdom and sweat behind it behind me.This experience made me feel the charm of intangible cultural heritage!



1、体验:体验读音为tǐ yàn,是指亲自处于某种环境而产生认识:作家体验生活|演员对所饰的角色必须有所体验。体验 tǐ yàn词语解释:亲自处于某种环境而产生认识:作家体验生活|演员对所饰的角色必须有所体验。分词解释:环境:①周围的地方:环境优美 ㄧ环境卫生 。②周围的情况和条件:客观环境ㄧ工作环境。演员:戏剧、电影、音乐、舞蹈、曲艺、杂技等表演者的通称。产生:1.生育;分娩。 2.出产。 3.由已有的事物中生出新的事物;出现。 4.出生。必须:①表示事理上和情理上的必要;一定要:学习必须刻苦钻研。②加强命令语气:明天你必须来。‖‘必须’的否定是‘无须’、‘不须’或‘不必’。作家:1.治家,理家。 2.节俭。犹言做人家。 3.从事文学创作有成就的人。 4.佛教禅宗对善用机锋者之称。 5.行家;高手。...体验怎么造句,用体验造句»